BALDNESS : Causes and Treatment. See Page 196.
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BALDNESS : Causes and Treatment. See Page 196. The Food Reforni THE BEST Restaurant CURE FOR C t, 2, & 3 Furnival Street, Holborn, E.C. CATARRH tOpposite Grays Inn Road, next door to Ranee, Ltd.) is the GLOBE HAND NEBULIZED. The Largest Vegetarian Restaurant in London Kills Disease Germs Luncheons and Late Dinners. Gives Instant Relief Special Value in Teas from 3.30. An opportunity to apply scien- Open from 9 to 8. tific methods in the home treat- Saturdays to 7 in Winter, 3 in Summer. ment of a very common malady. The .possession of this outfit will enable you to Four rooms seating 100 each; one 60; one 12; to let for afternoon or evening meetings. Check a Cold at the Start, and ro avoid the numerous complications and danger in infecting the whole family. This is the Rational Method of Curing a Cold. one's stomach for ,n,Ids, catarrh, and roughs is II Seaside home trra.iettal. Conducted on hood Reform principles. Delightful location, near the chines, pleasure gardens, and town. The outfit consists of a Hand Nebulizer, Highest recommendations. Accommodations exceptional, including facilities for strong, simple, and easily cleaned, the Per- the electric-light bath, Russian and shower cussion Douche made of hard rubber with soft connecting tube, a bottle of Thyoleum, baths. Telephone 976. the finest balsam known to science, and a Charges—moderate. wicket of Alkasaline Tablets, with complete instructions. Write for terms, mentioning "(food Health," Further particulars and prices sent on Mrs. Hume, Lotightonhurst, application to West Cliff Gardens, Bournemouth. GOOD HEALTH SUPPLY DEPARTMENT, Stanborough Park, Watford, Harts. NON-ALCOHOLIC WELCH'S STERILIZED INVALID WINE Or Concentrated Grape Juice is the very cream of the most luscious grapes grown. No safer tonic or restorative can be given to wounded soldiers ,P) sailors because entirely free from Alcohol. NOTHING ADDED. NOTHING LOSE. IT IS NATURE'S MEDICINE—invaluable for invalids and all cases where nutriment is required; a body-builder and appetizer. Those suffering from anaania and wasting diseases are especially advised to try it. Every pint of Welch's Invalid Wine represents the juice of upwards of 51b. of the finest grapes, and is guaranteed to be free from alcohol, sugar, water, colour, or flavouring matter. Used and highly recommended by the Caterham Sanitarium and other institutions. SAMPLE PINT BOTTLE oi.(f TimtIreeHcb,eocnurece pt • • • HOUSE, SNOW HILL, The Welch Grape Juice Co., Ltd SARACENLONDON, E.0 4111111E111111111152E121011 In answering advertisements kindly mention "Good Health." An Illustrated Monthly Magazine Devoted to Hygiene and the Principles of Healthful Living. VOL. 14. JULY, 1916. NO. 7. Editorial Chat. Length of THE average length of underlying healthful living but let them Human Life. human life in the Dark also by their practice show the public the Ages has been estimated at less than twenty better way. years. While the death rate was very 0 * high the birth-rate too was high, yet Soldiers and THE free use of tobacco nevertheless Europe was very sparsely Tobacco. settled. Modern urban life as we know and especially of cigarettes it to day would have been quite impos- among the soldiers whether in training or sible a few centuries back when the people at the front must be deprecated by all lived in an age of pestilence and plague. thinking men and women. We have Now the average length of human life learned that alcoholic beverages are abso- in the United Kingdom is something like lutely worthless as far as health and forty years, or double what it was. This efficiency are concerned, and there is a doubling of human life is due not so much general consensus of public opinion that to the increase of vigour and vitality of sailors, soldiers, and civilians generally the human race but rather to a very are better off without drink. But what is marked improvement in hygiene and es- true of alcohol is also to a very large pecially in matters pertaining to public extent true of tobacco. Both are drugs health. Modern sanitation has made and both have an injurious effect upon the London not only the largest but also one body, and particularly upon the nerves, of the most healthy cities in the world. Com- the difference being one of degree rather than of kind. pared with the death-rate of even the rural 0 0 districts in the Dark Ages London may be Athletes and looked upon as a health resort of high THE harmfulness of to- repute. Tobacco. bacco is recognized by many athletes and physical trainers. Mr. Moral Obligation THE medical profes- Charles S. Dooin, manager of the Phila- of Doctors. sion is generally delphia Club of the National League realizing the moral obligation resting upon (U.S.A.), condemns cigarettes in the fol- its members with regard to instructing the lowing terms :— public in matters pertaining to health and Cigarettes I regard as injurious, and hygiene. The people are beginning to they are absolutely tabooed on our team." look to the doctors not only to cure dis- The President of the National League ease but, which is far more important, to made the following statement of Mr. Mack prevent disease, and that is indeed their and his world. champion base ball club :-- proper function at the present time. We " His success is largely due to the fact ought to recognize far more than we do that he can put in the field a team of nine that prevention as regards sickness and men who have not tasted liquor. Of that disease is far in advance of cure. Let the wonderful nine of his, none ever tasted doctors not only preach the principles liquor, and but one ever uses tobacco. 194 GOOD HEALTH. July, Connie Mack's success is substantial; a large amount of resistance to cold, to every move he makes is with a definite germs, to sickness, and untoward circum- purpose." stances and conditions of all kinds. But when that resistance has been lowered he " Home Run Baker" THE star batter of naturally succumbs to sickness and disease on Smoking. t h e Philadelphia more easily. Confinement in close, over- Athletics, known as " Home Run Baker," heated rooms, whether at home or on makes the following statement with re- business premises, is one of the most com- gard to alcohol and tobacco:— mon means of lowering physical resist- " I never did drink nor smoke. If any ance and thus rendering one more suscep- youngster wants advice from one who tible to colds, influenza, and other dis- doesn't mean to preach, here it is : leave orders. Carelessness with regard to foot cigarettes and tobacco alone, and don't covering is another important factor. touch booze' now or at any time. Mine is Cold, wet feet materially reduce the re- the total-abstinence platform for both sistive powers of the body and often ren- liquor and tobacco." der one liable to infection. The same results from sitting in cold, damp, and foul halls, churches, chapels, and theatres, The Drug ON account of the serious the ventilation of which is usually con- Famine. shortage in drugs the people spicuous by its absence. of the Uaited States have been warned to * * " keep well." Seventy five per cent of American ACCORDING to the statistics the drug supply of the States is obtained Indians. from Europe and now on account of the for 1915 there were 333 010 war most of this supply will not be avail- Indians in the United States. Of this able. This is only one of the minor bene- number 101,521, or a little less than one- fits of the war for it is bound to teach the third, are classified as civilized. Until people that it is just as well not to depend very recently the Indians have been dying upon drugs for the cure of disease. out, but the death rate has been gradually reduced until last year it was 30 5 per thousand living and the birth-rate 35 25 Increased Use IT is estimated that thus showing a slight increase in number. of Cosmetics. America spent fifty mil- Tuberculosis remains the greatest enemy lion dollars (110 000 000) last year for of the Indian and last year accounted for face powders, rouge, freckle lotions, and 35 08 per cent of all deaths or something other " beautifiers." According to these more than one out of three. The United statistics the use of cosmetics has more States Government has taken pains to than doubled in the past ten years while instruct the Indians in sanitation and the increase in population has been less hygiene, and this doubtless accounts for than twenty five per cent. What useless the slight increase in population instead of waste ! We should like to know how the usual decrease which has been wit- much money is thrown away in this coun- nessed for so many years in the past. try on unnecessary and worthless, yes, But infant mortality among the Indians is and sometimes harmful toilet prepara: still high, and, like that of far more civi- tions. Undoubtedly hundreds of thou• lized people, much higher than it ought to sands of pounds are wasted annually. be. Water and soap are the best cosmetics and are all that are required. " Eat Less WE are still urged by the * * Meat." Government to eat less meat Prevention IT is a well-known fact that and if people only realized the benefit in of Influenza. influenza is a contagious health, strength, and vitality that would and infectious disease and there is plenty ensue by cutting down animal flesh to the of evidence forthcoming to show tnat minimum there would be no danger of a influenza "carriers" ale common.