SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan Contents
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Cotherstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment & Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report December 2020 Contents SCREENING SUMMARY . SCREENING SUMMARY 1 REGION 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. LEGISLATIVE 5 BACKGROUND 3. SEA SCREENING 7 4. HRA SCREENING 13 5. CONCLUSION AND 23 RECOMMENDATIONS SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan Contents SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan Screening Summary Table 1 Summary of Neighbourhood Plan Details of Neighbourhood Plan Name of Neighbourhood Plan Cotherstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2035 Geographic Coverage of the Plan Cotherstone Parish ( approx 3,260 hectares) Key topics / scope of Plan Protection of rural character and setting. Protection and enhancement of heritage assets, green spaces and valued views. Supporting appropriate business and employment development and the establishment of design standards, codes and guidance. Table 2 Summary of SEA Screening Opinion Local Authority Details Name and job title of officer undertaking Nadia Wetherell - Sustainability and Climate Change screening opinion Officer Date of assessment December 2020 Conclusion of assessment SEA is not required Reason for conclusion Cotherstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan does not allocate land for development and its policies seek to provide protection of rural character and setting, local green spaces, valued views and non-designated heritage assets along with ensuring that the design of new development contributes positively toward local character, and that appropriate business and employment development is supported. Therefore, the Neighbourhood Plan is not considered likely to have a significant adverse effect on the environment. Name and job title of officer approving Stephen McDonald - Principal Low Carbon Economy screening opinion Officer Date of approval December 2020 Date of final screening document To be determined following feedback from statutory consultees Table 3 Summary of HRA Screening Opinion Local Authority Details Name and job title of officer undertaking Nadia Wetherell - Sustainability and Climate Change screening opinion Officer Date of assessment December 2020 SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan 1 SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan Local Authority Details Conclusion of assessment The Neighbourhood Plan will not incur likely significant effects to Natura 2000 Sites. Appropriate Assessment is not required. However, additional wording should be added to policy CNP6 (Business and Employment ) to recognise and safeguard Natura 2000 sites. Reason for conclusion The policies within the Plan set development limits and criteria for testing proposals only Name and job title of officer approving Tammara Morris Hale - Senior Ecologist screening opinion Date of approval December 2020 Date of final screening document To be determined following feedback from statutory consultees Table 4 Summary of Consultation Statutory Consultee Summary of Comments Historic England To be added following consultation Environment Agency To be added following consultation Natural England Screening Request - HRA To be added following consultation Screening Request - SEA To be added following consultation 2 SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan 1 Introduction This screening report is designed to determine whether the Cotherstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan requires a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in accordance with the European Directive 2001/42/EC and associated Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004. 1.1 This report will also determine whether the Neighbourhood Plan requires an Appropriate Assessment as part of a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) in accordance with the Habitats Directive, Birds Directive and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2018 (as amended). An Appropriate Assessment is required when likely significant effects to European protected wildlife sites, known as Natura 2000 sites are predicted to occur as a result of implementing a plan or project either on its own or in combination with other plans, projects or existing activities. 1.2 Section 2 of this report provides further detail on the legislative background. Section 3 provides the screening opinion for SEA and section 4 provides the screening opinion for appropriate assessment as part of HRA. Background to Cotherstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan 1.3 The Cotherstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan Area replicates the Parish boundary and is situated approximately 1km to the north west of Barnard Castle at its closest point, covering an area of approximately 3,260 hectares. The main centre of population is the village of Cotherstone itself, with the rest of the Parish extending west up to the Cumbrian border to include the south side of Baldersdale and the hamlets of East and West Briscoe. The B6277 is the main transport link serving the parish, providing connections to Barnard Castle in the south and Middleton-in-Teesdale to the north. With the exception of the built up area of Cotherstone village, the area is rural in nature, consisting predominantly of open moorland, sparsely populated by isolated farmsteads and dwellings. 1.4 The Neighbourhood Plan Area is also environmentally and historically important, comprising: 1 national landscape designation - the open moorland within the parish forms part of the North Pennine's Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designation 2 internationally designated Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), namely the North Pennine Moors SAC and North Pennine Dales Meadows SAC - designated for rare or important habitat 1 internationally designated Special Protection Area (SPA), namely the North Pennine Moors SPA - designated for rare or important bird species 3 national sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), namely Hunder Beck Juniper SSSI, Cotherstone Moor SSSI and Mere Beck Meadows SSSI 2 local wildlife sites, namely Blackton Reservoir and Waskey Wood 11 ancient woodlands River Tees and River Balder to eastern and northern boundary respectively. Three reservoirs and numerous watercourses. 2 Conservation Areas - Cotherstone CA and part of Lartington CA 1 Grade II* Listed structure - Balder bridge SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan 3 SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan 28 Grade II Listed buildings 3 Scheduled Monuments 1.5 The Neighbourhood Plan area is predominantly situated within National Character Area 10: North Pennines, key characteristics of which include: Distinctive upland landscape of upland plateaux divided by broad pastoral dales Strong landform of summits capped by Millstone Grit Igneous intrusions of dolerite forming Whin Sill, with striking crag outcrops and waterfalls Remote and extensive moorlands of blanket bog, heathland and acidic grassland, managed for sheep and grouse. Significant grassland habitats, including limestone grasslands, upland hay meadows, and calamarian grasslands on mining spoil, along with extensive acid grasslands Area of high rainfall, with many fast-flowing streams and several major rivers flowing outwards from the hills, down the wide dales. A very tranquil landscape, with a sense of remoteness. A low population, little light pollution, a slow rate of change, extensive open moorlands with panoramic views and a unique sense of wildness. The use of local sandstone and gritstone, with stone or slate for roofs, gives a strong vernacular character and unity to the villages, farmsteads and field barns. 1.6 The objectives of the Cotherstone Parish Neighbourhood Plan are: To support development of an appropriate scale, type and location which contributes to a thriving community, whilst respecting the essential character, rural setting and identity of the village and wider Parish To identify, protect and enhance the diverse heritage assets of the Parish for present and future generations to better understand and enjoy To identify, protect and enhance valuable green spaces within the village of Cotherstone and safeguard its attractive rural setting To promote a vibrant local economy by supporting home working, self-employment and other rural-based businesses (including tourism) which respect their setting and the nature of neighbouring uses To carefully manage the design of new housing, building conversions or other development to help maintain and reinforce those elements which make up the essential character and identity of the village and wider Parish 4 SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan SEA and HRA Screening Opinion of Cotherstone's Neighbourhood Plan 2 Legislative Background Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) 2.1 SEA is required for plans and programmes which are likely to have significant environmental effects by the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. This Directive is transposed into English legislation by the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (SEA Regulations). These regulations will remain effective in the short-mid term following Brexit by the provisions made in the European Union Withdrawal Bill and associated EU Exit Regulations 2019. SEA is a systematic process for evaluating the environmental consequences of plans and programmes and aims to: Provide for a high level of protection of the