Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII (2001) 1074.pdf VOYAGER IMAGES REVISITED: NEW VIEWS OF THE SATELLITES OF SATURN AND URANUS. P. J. Stooke1, 1Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2;
[email protected]; Introduction: Voyager images of Saturn and its near the sub-Uranus point. At top near the planetshine moons are 20 years old, and images of the Uranian sys- terminator, the sinuous graben complex Kachina Chas- tem are 15 years old. Although much was learned from mata extends far into the northern hemisphere, possibly them, more may still be done using recent image proc- to the far limb. Additional details may be revealed by essing methods. Here I present results of a program of better noise removal. Unfortunately, few other Uranus reprocessing of images of the icy satellites of these two satellite images show useful details in planetshine. planets. Highlights include the identification of fea- Either the satellite is too far from the planet, and so tures illuminated by planetshine on the northern hemi- more weakly illuminated, or the ‘dark’ side is seen only sphere of Ariel, enigmatic markings on Enceladus and very obliquely in low phase angle views. the identification of new features on Rhea and Umbriel. This program will result in new maps of the Saturnian satellites in time for Cassini’s arrival. Images and Processing: This study makes use of all available images from the PDS Ring Node archive. An interesting observation, which this program will rectify, is that the USGS maps of all these satellites do not make full use of the image sets.