For Immediate Release: October 6th, 2009

Contact: Jess McIntosh [email protected] 202.725.6787

Franken's Proposal To Guarantee Sexual Assault Victims Their Day In Court Passes

By 68 - 30, Amendment Offered in Honor of former KBR employee Jamie Leigh Jones Passes the Senate

WASHINGTON, DC [10/6/09] - Today, the amendment offered by U.S. Sen. (D-Minn.) to stop funding defense contractors who deny assault victims their day in court passed the United States Senate by a vote of 68 - 30.

Last Thursday, Sen. Franken introduced an amendment (S.2588) to the FY2010 Defense Appropriations Bill that would restrict funding to defense contractors who commit employees to mandatory binding arbitration in the case of sexual assault. The legislation, endorsed by 61 women's, labor and public interest groups, was inspired by the story of Jamie Leigh Jones, who watched the vote from the Senate gallery today.

Jones was a 19-yr-old employee of defense contractor KBR (formerly a subsidiary) stationed in Iraq who was gang raped by her co-workers and imprisoned in a shipping container when she tried to report the crime. Her father and U.S. Rep. (R-Tex.), worked together to secure her safe return to the United States, but once she was home, she learned a fine-print clause in her KBR contract banned her from taking her case to court, instead forcing her into an "arbitration" process that would be run by KBR itself. Just today, Halliburton filed a petition for a rehearing en banc in the 5th Circuit Court, which means that Jamie's fight is far from over.

"I'm proud of what we accomplished today," said Sen. Franken. "Victims of sexual assault deserve their day in court and no corporation should be able to deny them that right. Jamie's courage in telling her story will help women all over this country and I'm honored to have been a part of that."

"I am highly honored that Senator Franken and his wife have created this amendment to ensure that others do not have to endure the suffering that I have," said Jones. "This amendment makes all the hard times that I have gone through, when going public with such a personal tragedy, worth every tear shed from telling and retelling my horrific experience. I know this amendment will save

Page 1 of 4 so many in the future."

Specifically, Sen. Franken's amendment:

• Does not require contractors to change or modify existing employment contracts. It only bars funds to contractors who continue to use these mandatory arbitration clauses in their employment contracts.

• Narrowly targets the most egregious violations and applies to defense contracts, many of which are administered abroad, where women are the most vulnerable and least likely to have support resources. The amendment will apply to many contractors that have already demonstrated their incompetence in efficiently carrying out defense contracts, and have further demonstrated their unwillingness and their inability to protect women from sexual assault.

• Applies to claims arising out of sexual assault, like assault & battery (including rape), intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligent hiring, retention, and supervision, as well as Title VII civil rights claims, which were specifically designed to protect vulnerable groups in the workplace.

Leading Minnesota and national organizations who have endorsed Sen. Franken's amendment include the Minnesota Women Lawyers, the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault, the Sexual Violence Center, Minnesota NOW, Advocates for Human Rights, the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, the National Women's Law Center, the National Partnership for Women and Families, the American Association of University Women, the National Council of La Raza, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and the Consumer Federation of America. A full list of the 61 endorsing organizations is attached.

"Sexual violence is about a person trying to exercise power and control over another person through unwanted sexual contact and violence," said Pam Zeller, Executive Director of the Sexual Violence Center. "In arbitration the intent is to arrive at an agreement. This agreement does not have to be equitable in order to be resolved. It is also not intended to resolve a criminal matter. Sexual harassment and sexual violence inherently have an imbalance of power. Submitting a victim of sexual harassment, or sexual assault, to a process of arbitration is a revictimization of the victim, and minimizes the seriousness of the crime of sexual assault. The proposed amendment by Senator Franken will protect victims of sexual harassment and sexual violence from being revictimized through the arbitration process."

"This amendment reflects a critically important step in safeguarding the rights of those who have experienced discrimination in the form of sexual violence,

Page 2 of 4 harassment, and stalking," said Donna Dunn, Executive Director of the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault. "We know that justice for victims of violence often seems elusive. It is very important that each person have the right to assess and choose the options that they believe best fit their needs. This amendment is a giant step in that direction."

"No survivor of sexual assault should be denied the ability to seek justice," said Terri Poore, Policy Chair of the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence. "Asking a victim to enter into arbitration with someone who raped her or a company that wouldn't protect her is outrageous and sends a clear message that such violence is simply not taken seriously."

Minnesota Organizations Endorsing the Franken Amendment (SA 2588)

Advocates for Human Rights Breaking Free Casa de Esperanza Mid Minnesota Legal Assistance Minnesota Coalition against Sexual Assault Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center Minnesota Indian Women's Sexual Assault Coalition Minnesota National Organization for Women Minnesota Women Lawyers Sexual Violence Center National Organizations Endorsing the Franken Amendment (SA 2588) AFL-CIO Alliance for Justice American Association for Justice American Association of University Women American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO Americans for Democratic Action Break the Cycle Campaign for Contract Agriculture Reform Consumer Action Consumer Federation of America Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety Consumers Union Equal Justice Society Family Violence Prevention Fund Feminist Majority Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings HomeOwners for Better Building Human Rights Campaign International Brotherhood of Teamsters Jamie Leigh Foundation Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Legal Momentum National Alliance to End Sexual Assault National Alliance to End Sexual Violence National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum National Association of Consumer Advocates

Page 3 of 4 National Center for Transgender Equality National Center for Victims of Crime National Coalition Against Domestic Violence National Council of La Raza National Council of Women's Organizations National Employment Law Project National Employment Lawyers Association National Health Law Program National Network to End Domestic Violence National Organization for Women National Partnership for Women and Families National Research Center for Women & Families National Senior Citizens Law Center National Women's Law Center NCCNHR: The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care Public Citizen Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Stop Family Violence Take Back Your Rights PAC U.S. PIRG Wider Opportunities for Women Women's Research and Education Institute


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