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GET THIS RI AD NTURE . ' NEVER MISS AN OPTION. New prestige classes New feats New spells ·New items Canadian: tt -- 1 year $43.95 US 2 years $77,95 US •otter good for the first 2000 su bscribe rs European: f'· 1 year $66.95 US Call +44-18-58-41-4713 To subscribe email: kay.palmer@tnsofres .com SampleCall: 1-800-395-7760 file Email: [email protected] Online: ~~~ Gemof the Flanacss:Clcrkburg .... o ............... ◄ By Erik Mona More tales of crookedprofes sors and schemings tudents th.isi ssue. as wedelve further into the district known as Clerkburg.Grab a stack o'f scrolls and your best set of armor-w hetherstu dyingfor exams or Volume1. Number 5 workingoff a criminalse ntencein the Free City won't want to be caught unprepared. Spring.591 CY July 2001 '-· Zcif: Rock of the Wcst•.••..... , •••••••••••••••••••••••10 Editor By Fred Weining Erik Mona Explore the far reachesof the Sultinate of Zeifwith one of the Art Director co-authors of the LivingCreyhawk Ga zetteer!For mor,ethan a thousand Robc:rtR aper years. Zeif has stood as the largest successor state of the once-great BaklunishEmpire. Controlled by a crafty sultan ne/d ill checlcby his GraphicDesigner cabinetand manipulative mother. the nation actr;s an anchorto the Wendy Beth Johnson Baklunish West inpolitics. trade.and religion. Production Donna Woodcock WorldwideRPGA Man.ager David Wise The ·Lost .. Issue............................................. 2 Publisher Wizards of the Coast. Inc. By Stephen Radney-MacF arland On the Cover Liwng Greyhawks Campa~n Director explains wherethe campaign bas A A brazen gladiator squares off against a chuul beenso far. and whereits going. ... imported from distant Hepmonaland in Scott Fischer's rendition of a day in the life of the Eachiridioaof the Ficnd-Sagc ...................... 22 newly refurbished Free Cit y Arena. By SeanK Reynolds Map111ustrations A magic-resistant humanoidfrom the V,esve Eorest poses a challenge Rob Lazzaretti, Sean Glenn (Zeif} this month to the elusioe~nd-Saje of Rel Astra, See his missive to Lord Drax discussingthe creature. as wella s three other recent The World of Greyhawk created by E. Gary Gygax discoveries in our regularmonster column. Dispatchcs........................ ..................~ .•.. 18 News from aroundthe Flanaess. Contact List.. ..............•...•..•..•............•..•..••:Ji Contact informationSamplefor your homeregion and the world. file LiviagCrc yluwk"° JOl;lriul(1bc olfic.UI m13UfK of lk-lo~C..: ~iu,o,,· Nct1f'OJ'kiLivU!g Crcytw-1:: ump,i.iga i ass-Ji,&d hi· .....,. by Waur4Jof r1wC.0-.. lac.{Wo,C) PO Box707. R catoa. WA9S051-0707 . Pboee fJ)0/32-1-6196.fa.c ◄ZS/687-8281. £ [email protected]:OISI.We~ ••• .rpguocn. U.,_, ~I m,ag,itata,1s so 1hc coat m y ,re madepri<w 10 pobliutioa.. m.i1cruh dbm.1111:dfor p!'Wiatioa • Li•'III C..:1Mk )on..J ,re KC.Cptcd»kly oa 1lw:~11ioa dut 1hcmucml may he c.d,rcdad pobli.dKditi L ., Cicyh.rwkJo-rwl Wo rC a.d 1bc RPCA Nctin:wkduUIIIUtaoorlrla -.=,of ~ •ctukHias WotCDd the n1bo,or mdtc.1111:r iatoa w,,uc- ,,,~ rcg.udu,gQC. Vib1Cgu•1s111 1bon 1 ~~¥$1\tngh110• capyrigh1cdau1cm.hol WorC1..1sabmdSiou10 \Vo.C.Ao.ui 1hor. bowc,l:r.WII ~ .c, ,ipt iopabliH Of pcred IOGICoaeockrdu Woreto~ a •hiru.uJC» dut iKl-.dc:slllf ..topyriptcd DUlcriJb of WotCY1thou1 (ust obuioiag wrim.• pcrmissio. to do ,o. Lcnen iiddrcsscd10 the RPGA Nmrork or WorC.loc. ..,JI bc«,01idc:rc-ds.Ml..1$$10af a4 /fNY bt ~• wl • ~ o, .. pei'tal tic disnc1... ol lK cdi!Dl'•~IK scAflc,,pc&fic.Jt, fQf~tsotl)tJw · ,- ~rifi.,.:_'011icwotbcr-.1.1Csta ted. the op,aioat «prc,Kd i1 Liviag Ctt:yhzorkJociruJ uc 1hoscof 1hc 1adJvidul 111hors.DD! aec:wuily 1hcopi.11oes of Wo1C. IK.. tb.c IPCANc1W'Ori.0t "91WI.St.ududO~ For-. W,iK:u-~Su--io~~Scntrio R~r or.... p.~dilpForm,..ndChihf orrnsarc1\'ll14bk:from1b.c:RPCANc1w-ork11•••· «-ad...,~ wlkftl'l:M-dlrv W-tu:r.ol 11.;Cout. lac. All RipJSlca:rw,d. Otlio ~• aa.mpiJC mdcmuks owlltd by rbt c~ic:s pd:ilislu•g 1bo,c produus. U..::of, produc1·s iwnc: Ytlbc.1 ffKDltOI of tndein:uh shot.~ 001 bccomtrocd u, ch.l.l~ to Slltbstuld... downside to that success is that it gen erated 500 person-hours of slow and tedious work in order to process results from all those tables. Still. I am happy to say that it got done, with as few snags as humanly possible. I thank everyone for your patience and understanding while weathering The Fright at Tristor. We arc re-releasing the adventure in the near future, and in that re-release, the DM will be given the tools he or she needs to distribute rewards to characters. so if you have not played Tristor yet. I am happy to stay that in this next incarnation you'll receive your experience points and goodies in a fraction of the time it took your friends to get theirs. We also weathered major rules changes, as we moved forward with the Adventure Certificates. Though I BY STEPHEN RADNEY-MACFARLAND know the changes are not popular with some, and I have to apologize at the Scarcely a year and a half ago I got Evil events. but even more fell valiant speed in which they were released. my first real taste of the LIVING ly in whatever games occurred at their their implementation was necessary to GREYHAWK campaign. It was my first weekly events. LIVING GREYHAWK has the continued growth and well being day of work at Wizards of the Coast. outstripped everyone's expectations. It of the campaign. There will be changes My computer had not arrived, and my took LIVING CITY years to grow to to these rules along the way. such as new boss, David Wise, was not sure similar numbers. and the momentum the recent changes that put the original where my cube was going to be. I of LIVING GREYHAWK shows no sign rules for using magic item creation remember that Erik Mona, then the of slowing any time soon. feats much closer to the core D&D LIVING GREYHAWK campaign director. With growth comes pain and rules. but it remains the campaign was poring over the last printer proofs learning. Due to the ambitiousness of staff's goal to introduce as few of TheFright at Tristor, and finishing the LIVING GREYHAWK project. we "house" rules as possible for LIVING the first issue of this magazine. He have experienced a lot of both in the GREYHAWK play. I am a strong believer needed immediate help with another last year and a half. in one of the original tenants of the LIVING GREYHAWK issue-the small I'm sure that you know that this campaign-any player should be able to stack of regional adventures that had special issue of LIVING GREYHAWK join the campaign with only the grown since GEN CON 2000. In an fournal is the last stand-alone version Player'sHandbook and the current abandoned corner cube, using Robert of the magazine. If you didn't know, character creation guide. While rules Wiese's spare laptop. I began work on this magazine now dwells in the larger from other D&D sources are the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign. and whole that is Dragon Magazine. It constantly added to the campaign. have never really stopped. seems a pity when the offerings of our those two documents are all a player And when I say small stack. I mean favorite fantasy world are affected by needs to start. small stack-you could count them on the economic reality of the real world. Making sure that the campaign is one hand. That stack was the molehill but it happens. Still. having LIVING viable and fun to new and old players that turned into a mountain. Since that GREYHAWK Journal in Dragon has a alike is an extreme challenge for any day. the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign great upside-it lets other D&D and organized play program. and extremely has brought fun to more than 10,000 LIVING GREYHAWK fans know about difficult for a long-term worldwide players. We've produced almost 250 this campaign. which will drive even rolc:playing game campaign. New adventures, hundreds of interactive more folks to RPGA Network events. players are overwhelmed by new events worldwide, and a path of fun Ah. Tristor! No conversation about sources. while seasoned players are Sampleand carnage that starts at the far the growing pains of this campaign reinvigoratedfile by their added options. reaches of the Udgru Forest and would be complete without bringing Most supplementary product produced travels to the bustling docks of up The Fright at Tristor at-home play for the D&D game assumes that an Oakenheart. The campaign has been adventure. The great news is that individual Dungeon Master is being the death of hundreds of characters: Tris tor was an overwhelming success, very picky with what she allows in her many falling in both of the special generating play from a third of all campaign. but even in a home campaign Return to the Temple of Elemental LIVING GREYHAWKplayers. The with six or so players, a DM can easily £ivi25'5reyh&Wh cfournal feel overwhelmed with the number of Wego forward with these plans with I understand that's a tall order. and variables involved. Planning goes out a restructured Circle. The current it's going to be tough to fulfill. Still. - the window, as the players pull Circle. which will be fully in place by you can bet when hundreds of RPGA something unexpected out of their this year ·s Origins, administers five DM s start talking to one another.