Attack Trends Elias Levy,
[email protected] Ivan Arce,
[email protected] Criminals Become Tech Savvy n this installment of Attack Trends, I’ll look at the growing 2003 alone. Fraud schemes are usu- ELIAS LEVY ally peddled by individuals who Symantec convergence of technically savvy computer crackers with spam potential victims (www. financially motivated criminals. Historically, most com- html), such as the Nigerian, or 419, scam (see the 419 Coalition’s Web puter crime on the Internet has not been financially moti- site at I 419coal/). But as the number of vated: it was the result of either curious or malicious technical fraud cases has increased, so has the public’s awareness of them; fraudsters attackers, called crackers. This changed Increasingly on the defensive, are increasingly forced to resort to as the Internet became more com- spammers are fighting back by be- more intricate schemes. mercialized and more of the public has coming more sophisticated, generat- We’re now seeing the practice of gone online. Financially motivated ing unique messages, and finding new “phishing” gaining popularity with actors in the fauna of the Internet’s open proxies or SMTP relays to send fraudsters. Using this scheme, crimi- seedy underbelly—spammers and messages and hide their true sources. nals create email messages with re- fraudsters—soon joined crackers to turn addresses, links, and branding exploit this new potential goldmine. Fraud that seem to come from trusted, Internet fraud has also become a se- well-known organizations; the hope Spam rious problem.