January 24, 2018 the Chronicle Section B – 16 Pages Condos, Zuckerman break for coffee in Coventry by Elizabeth Trail COVENTRY — If there’s one thing Coventry can do, it’s throw a party. On Saturday afternoon, most of the town’s officials, paid and elected, joined Secretary of State Jim Condos and Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman in Coventry’s community center gym for a voter information shindig planned by the town’s recreation director Martha Sylvester. “I had a lot of help from Deb and Amanda,” Ms. Sylvester said, referring to Town Clerk Deb Tanguay and administrator Amanda Carlson. “It was a team effort.” Whoever planned each detail, the freshly renovated community center gleamed. There were coffee and tea and cocoa, huge trays of doughnuts, and plates of home-baked cookies. Guests who wanted a place to sit could pull up a chair at a table, but most grabbed refreshments and mingled with the state and local politicians who were there ready to talk. Besides Mr. Condos, Mr. Zuckerman, and town officials, Senator Bobby Starr and Representative Gary Viens turned out to shake Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos (center) entertained Coventry residents and officials on Sunday hands and answer questions. And of course afternoon at a political information coffee planned by the town’s new recreation director Martha Sylvester. From left to right are select board member Scott Morley, board Chair and state Representative Mike Marcotte, Mr. Representative Mike Marcotte, who is also chair Condos, delinquent tax collector Kate Fletcher, and Sheila Morley. Photos by Elizabeth Trail of the select board, was there. There was also a voting booth, decked out in were voting on. floor, and Coventry now has spaces to host flags, set up as a reminder to people to register “I want to change that,” she said. almost any size gathering. to vote. The Coventry Community Center and town Selectman Scott Morley led a tour of the “I’ve already registered two voters,” Ms. offices look completely different today from how community center space, which in some ways is Sylvester said with excitement ten minutes into they looked a year ago. Upstairs, the warren of the physical expression of his three-year crusade the event. “My day is complete.” dark rooms where former Town Clerk and to overhaul Coventry’s town government. The idea behind the voter information day treasurer Cynthia Diaz once hid and fed stray The select board now has a key to the town was to foster “two-way transparency” in the cats is now a bright suite of office and meeting clerk’s upstairs storage space, which earned town, she said. rooms. some notoriety last year when Ms. Diaz refused At last year’s Town Meeting, she said, she The asbestos-laden tiles are gone from the the board access to the closet. realized that a lot of voters didn’t know their gym, replaced by gleaming wood-look flooring. When she finally turned over the key, late elected officials, or much about the issues they Add in the select board’s room on the ground last winter, the closet was nearly empty, save for some tattered decorations from Coventry Days past, and some old real estate records. Financial documents that auditor Jeff Graham believes were stored there at one time were nowhere to be found. Now the closet is full again, as town records found downstairs are sorted and labeled. “We’re looking into the laws on retention of records,” Mr. Morley said. “When we know what we need to keep and how long, we’re going to remodel the closet, put in modern shelving, and have everything organized so you can just walk to what you need and put your hands on it instantly.” The last items on the agenda are to turn the two small bathrooms into a single unisex room large enough to offer wheelchair access, and an elevator to make the upstairs accessible, Mr. Morley said. But beyond the physical transformation of the building, there’s a bigger change in the town offices. Town Clerk Deb Tanguay, Treasurer Adam Messier, Delinquent Tax Collector Kate Fletcher, and Town Administrator Amanda Carlson all exude energy and openness. They riff off each other’s references to old “Seinfeld” television episodes. “We work together really well as a team,” Ms. Fletcher said. “You have an awful lot of accountants in They say most parties end up in the kitchen and Saturday’s political meet and greet in Coventry was no here these days,” Mr. Condos said in his brief exception. On Sunday afternoon, Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman (left) chatted with Representative and address to the crowd. “That’s a good thing.” Select Board Chair Mike Marcotte and Secretary of State Jim Condos in the doorway to the kitchen in Coventry’s newly renovated community center. (Continued on page 9B.)


Ruminations There are only two kinds of people… by Georgia Young There are only two kinds of people in the world, my youngest son and I used to say. Those who like nuts in their fudge and those who don’t. He was of the don’t persuasion, and I was in favor. He even went so far as to do an extended family survey at one point and discovered it split pretty evenly. The original, “There are only two kinds of people in the world,” was a line from an old Bill Murray movie to explain why he and his wife had split up. Though his line was: “There are only two kinds of people in the world. Those who like Neil Diamond and those who don’t.” His wife being in the Neil Diamond faction. He apparently didn’t think the split had anything to do with the fact that he was totally nuts! So we frequently divided the world into two kinds of people. For instance, there are only two kinds of people in the world. Those who like Brussels sprouts and those who don’t. The don’ts obviously take that one (sorry, Nathan). Or there are only two kinds of people in the world. Those who like kale (which used to be a garden weed) and those who don’t. You get the idea. A few weeks before Christmas my grandson Gabe was visiting and wanted to make some fudge for his family. There was no question that both batches would contain nuts. The question was whether to go with walnuts or pecans. Then when his sister Brook was here at the end of the year, she wanted to make fudge for our little New It’s never too late to make Christmas fudge. Here are a couple batches cooked up by nieces Zoë and Maia in mid- January. Photo by Zoë Young Year’s Eve party. But she decided to make some with nuts and some without. That worked to my 3/4 of a 7.5 oz. jar of Marshmallow Fluff butter chips. Stir until melted. Stir in the nuts advantage since it turned out that our guests, her 2 cups Reese’s peanut butter chips (That’s a (if you’re one of those kind of people). Pour into great-uncle and cousins (first cousins, once full bag, plus another 1/3 cup.) buttered, foil-lined 8” square pan. Chill until removed), all wanted without, leaving me with a 3/4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans firm. If you want to go half and half, put half of half batch of nutty fudge all to myself. I am still the fudge into a 9”x5” loaf pan. Stir nuts into the working on it. Combine the sugar, milk and butter in a other half and put into a second loaf pan. Either way, here is our favorite fudge recipe. medium saucepan. Bring to a full boil. Lower This is actually a variation on the Never Fail heat to medium to medium-high and boil for five Chocolate Fudge recipe that appears on the Ben’s Famous Peanut Butter Fudge minutes (make sure the heat is high enough to Marshmallow Fluff jars. We created it when Ben keep the mixture boiling), stirring constantly. was a kid and every peanut butter fudge recipe 1-1/2 cups sugar Add fluff. Stir over low heat until the fluff is we tried failed to solidify. And it has become a 2/3 cup evaporated milk melted. Remove from heat and add peanut family favorite, right into the next generation. 1/4 cup butter

PROPOSED STATE RULES 24 Years in By law, public notice of proposed rules must be given by ACCEPTING business! sudoku NEW publication in newspapers of record. The purpose of these CUSTOMERS! notices is to give the public a chance to respond to the proposals. solution The public notices for administrative rules are now also available online at: The law requires an agency to hold a public hearing on a proposed rule, if requested to do so in writing by 25 persons or an association having at least 25 members. Transport & Home Delivery of To make special arrangements for individuals with disabilities or FUEL OIL • GASOLINE • DIESEL • KEROSENE special needs, please call or write the contact person listed below Burner Service Available as soon as possible. Phone: 802-744-2555 Toll free: 800-286-2750 • Fax: 802-744-2525 • E-mail: [email protected] To obtain further information concerning any scheduled P.O. Box 89, Troy, VT 05868 • Winter hours: Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-4 p.m. hearing(s), obtain copies of proposed rule(s), or submit comments regarding proposed rule(s), please call or write the contact person listed below. You may also submit comments in writing to the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, State House, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (802-828-2231). ———————————————————————————— Reach First / Reach Up Rules. Vermont Proposed Rule: 18P001 AGENCY: Dept. for Children and Families (DCF) GOODRIDGE LUMBER INC. CONCISE SUMMARY: This rule implements two changes to the Reach Up program required by Act 29 (2017): (1) increasing the resource limit from $2,000 to $9,000; and (2) excluding funds in retirement accounts and qualified child education savings accounts from consideration as resources. Additionally, this rule modifies provisions in the Reach First and Reach Up program CDL Class A Course rules related to interviews and orientation, Department of Labor (DOL) reporting requirements, the housing allowance, lump sum payments, matched savings accounts, and time limits. The Offered in Orleans proposed changes incorporate the concepts of behavioral White Cedar Log Homes science, as this field of study relates to how a program’s The Precision Driver Training School participants behave and make decisions, to make small, & Log Siding incremental changes designed to increase the effectiveness of Rough & Finished White Cedar Lumber is accepting applications for the program for participants and reduce administrative burden • Decking • T+V Groove • Shiplap for staff. classes that start March 5th. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Heidi Moreau, Agency • Square Edge of Human Services, Department for Children and Families, Perma-Chink Products for Log Homes Tuition: $4,900. Financial assistance Economic Services Division, 280 State Drive, HC 1 South H12502, Waterbury, VT 05671-1201. Tel.: 802-595-9639. Fax: 802-241-0460. Bailey-Hazen Road • Route 14 available for women, farmworkers, E-mail: [email protected]. Albany, Vermont URL: The Log Home Care & and low-income individuals. FOR COPIES: Danica Griffin, Agency of Human Services, Maintenance Authority™ Superior Cedar Products & Services Since 1974. Department for Children and Families, Economic Services Division, 802-755-6298 Call 802-754-2842, or visit the 280 State Drive, HC 1 South, Waterbury, VT 05671-1201. Tel.: 802- 241-0957. Fax: 802-241-0460. E-mail: [email protected]. website at: the Chronicle, January 24, 2018 Page 3B Nuts and bolts legislation

Agency of Natural Resources, who is a licensed sitting in a jury weighing evidence. The sum of engineer, from the DEC commissioner, and from the pieces is greater than the whole. her staff. Initially, our chair argued that the Before the testimony began, our committee Legislature needed a date certain. By what date chair, who has been in the Legislature likely longer could the work begin? Already, he warned, there than the ages of some DEC staff, laid down the was a bill circulating in the House that fixed the ground rules for our questions. It was all right to be date as of April 1. Without a date certain, he critical, even argumentative, with the Governor’s argued, government would be in free-fall. What appointees, like the secretary and the commissioner, did the committee want to do? he said. But be more restrained with their staff, Finally, by the end of the third week two who represent the state’s civil service. choices emerged. We could either do nothing and When a committee of legislators get into an area let the bill die, or we could continue working on that for the most part is outside their experience or the bill that, in addition to the year’s extension, expertise, they take what is often referred to as a promised to put on the deep dive, or going into the weeds. As a mechanical same timetable as , when it tool for reducing phosphate in the water, storm comes to managing storm water. water retrofitting is a highly technical issue. It In the weeks ahead, I suspect that bills deals with the impact of using different diameter dealing with the collection of hazardous waste sized pipes, variable water flows and a particular and the recycling of organic materials will also site’s location. come to occupy major portions of the committee’s The committee asked witnesses a range of time. Neither issue is one that is likely to come questions that might better reveal what happened up as lively conversational topics over beer and Yours from the Perimeter to cause the department to miss its deadline and get pizza. Nor are they apt to be in the forefront as so far behind. The short answer, and the one we campaign issues this summer. Which is to say: by Paul Lefebvre were left with, was that recent improvements in Politics is sexy; legislating, not so much. technology offered better results at a more There is still uncertainty over what will One of the first lessons I learned as a affordable price: No small consideration in light of happen to the storm water extension bill or Legislator is that for every issue that enjoys wide the estimate it would cost the owner — be it a whether a delay is warranted. The inclusion of range public recognition — such as requiring shopping center, a church or a mom and pop store Lake Memphremagog has me leaning toward Vermont teachers to negotiate as one group for — $50,000 an acre to install a storm water runoff supporting it. What I do know is that snowmelt health insurance — there are at least two-dozen system. and storm water runoffs were far more fun when more that fly under the radar. Math and science were not my strong subjects it was just a question of scooping together It’s not that the more obscure issues are not in school, but there are times when sitting in enough mud and sticks to make a dam and important, but rather are the kinds of issues that committee hearing testimony is comparable to impound their flow. hardly see the light of day during a political discussion either in a bar or outside the post office. As a second-term legislator and member of the House Natural Resources and Fish and Wildlife Committee, I have yet to meet anyone who is eager to engage in the issue that has been front and center of my committee discussions for nearly every day since the Legislature went back in session this month. Storm water. Or, better yet, storm water runoff. It sounds like a topic that only a town manager or a director of public works would consider, much less discuss over a dinner of meatloaf and mash potatoes with their families. My first introduction to storm water run-off occurred when I was a kid growing up on Mountain Street in Island Pond. Every spring we built mud dams in ditches that carried snow run- off and rain into an imposing iron grate set deep into a low spot next to a street. No one knew where the water went when it disappeared down the drain. Once, during a dry spell in the summer, I yelled into one of those drains, square like a big checkerboard with evenly spaced holes. I only recall I didn’t do it again, as I didn’t get much of an echo. And, until this year, storm water drains and runoffs were entirely missing from my field of vision. As a standing legislative committee, we have spent nearly three weeks taking testimony and discussing a bill concerning the most effective way for managing storm water from impervious surfaces, or surfaces like pavement and metal roofs that prevent water from seeping into the ground. As you may have already guessed, it’s really a political bill that deals with a deadline missed by a bureaucracy, a favorite whipping boy of nearly every politician, regardless of party affiliation. In the comprehensive clean water bill passed by the Legislature two years ago, the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) was required to implement a storm water run-off fix on existing impervious surfaces of more than three acres by January 1, 2018. By the time the Legislature resumed this year, the department had already missed its deadline and, in a bill sent to our committee, the Scott Administration requested a year’s extension. As the enforcement arm of the state’s environmental laws, DEC, over the years, has locked horns with many legislators, as well as many of their constituents. Along with my colleagues on the committee, I was not feeling very charitable when their request came into our room. In short order, we received testimony from the Secretary of the Page 4B the Chronicle, January 24, 2018 Obituaries Joyce A. Dutton Joyce A. Dutton, 79, of Newport, she loved so much. Irasburg, David Cook and his wife, died suddenly on January 16, 2018, She is survived by her husband, Laurie, of Irasburg, Donna in Newport. Fernand Tanguay, of Newport; by Langdeau of Essex Junction, Sandy She was born on July 19, 1938, her children: Gail Poutre and her Hodgson and her husband, Jim, of in Poughkeepsie, , to husband, Andre, of Irasburg, South Hero, Jean Gosselin and her Alvin and Velma (Herman) Cook. Rhonda Quirion and her husband, husband, Robert, of Florida; and by She married Robert Dutton on Luc, of Newport, and Donald Dutton her stepchildren: Mike Tanguay January 25, 1958, and they were and his wife, Susan, of Newport, and his fiancé, Deb Cogan, of married for 31 years before he New Hampshire; by her Newport, and Anita Perkins and her predeceased her on December 11, grandchildren: Robbie Poutre and husband, Tim, of Williston. She is 1989. On October 4, 2008, she his partner, Sasha, Andrea Poutre, also survived by her sister-in-law married Fernand Tanguay, who Heather Poutre and her partner, Pat Beck of California; and by survives her. Kyle, Jennifer Davis and her several nieces and nephews. Ms. Dutton graduated from husband, Jeremy, Michael Quirion She was predeceased by her O’Brien’s School of Cosmetology in and his wife, Moira, and Julia and mother-in-law Elizabeth Dutton; 1991, an accomplishment she was Alicia Dutton; by her great- brother-in-law Robert Langdeau; very proud to achieve after the grandchildren: Michaela Poginy, sister-in-law Jean Dutton; and niece passing of her husband, Robert. Christian Poutre, Alivia Poutre, Debra Levins. She had a strong faith in God and Jeran Prue, Myra Lee Davis, Kailey Funeral services were held on was an active member of the Albany Prue, Mitchell Davis, Gavin January 20 at the Albany Methodist Methodist Church and Bible study Quirion, and another soon to arrive; Church with the Reverend Nathan group. She was also a member of three step-grandchildren: Reanna Strong officiating. Spring interment Church, care of Glen Foster, 863 the Red Hat Ladies, enjoyed Simpson, Alan Tanguay, and Megen will be in the Irasburg Cemetery. Poginy Hill Road Newport Center, gardening, being in the outdoors, Perkins; by her siblings: Richard Should friends desire, Vermont 05857. and going on hikes. She will be Cook and his wife, June, of Rutland, contributions in her memory may be Online condolences can be dearly missed by her family, whom Ronald Cook and his wife, Lea, of made to the Albany Methodist shared at

Euclide Joseph Roberts Euclide Joseph Roberts, 89, of Rene Roberts, Andre Roberts and grandson Nicholas Miller; and his Barton, died peacefully on January his wife, Diane, Diane Royer and brother-in-law Marcel Gonyaw. 17, 2018, in Barton. her husband, Stephen, Dennis A Mass was celbrated on He was born on October 5, 1928, Roberts, and Carole Hodgdon and January 20 at St. Edward’s Catholic in Waterloo, , to Leon and her husband, Paul; by many Church in Derby Line, officiated by Rosa (Vallier) Roberts. grandchildren and great- the Reverend Timothy Naples. He married Jeannine Bedard, grandchildren; by his siblings: Spring interment will take place in who predeceased him October 29, Georgette Gonyaw and Rita Aries; St. Edward’s Catholic Cemetery. 2002. by his daughter-in-law Annette Contributions in his memory Mr. Roberts farmed in Enosburg Roberts; his companion, Theresa may be made to the Mary Wright Falls, Stowe, East Calais, and East Goddard; and several nieces and Halo Foundation, 1073 Upper Albany. Even after being told that, nephews. Quarry Road, Newport, Vermont with a family of seven children, he He was predeceased by his sons: 05855; or to American Parkinson would not make a go of it, he farmed Michael and Gilles Roberts; his Disease Association, Vermont there for 22 years. He enjoyed siblings: Romeo, Rosair, Roberta, Chapter, 1 South Prospect Street, playing cards, going to senior meals, Germaine, Noella, and Yvette; his Burlington, Vermont 05401. square dancing, and visiting with stepfather Alphonse Royer; his Online condolences can be people. daughter-in-law Connie Roberts; his shared at He is survived by his children: grandson Jason Roberts; his great-

Bruce Norman Boisvert In loving memory of Bruce Norman Boisvert, 64, of Brownington, died suddenly on January Richard LeBlanc 3, 2018, at his home. July 30, 1954 ~ January 26, 2017 He was born on June 17, 1953, to Norman • LOCKOUTS We know you are in a place where the fish and Stella (Herd) Boisvert. He entered the UNDERCOATING: • LUBE OIL are always biting, naps are a daily occurence, United States Army and served his country SNOW • BRAKES during the Vietnam War. T IRES! Cars $100 • EXHAUST and the berry bushes bear fruit year-round. • BATTERIES But we still miss you every day, and wish you His love in life was his family and riding Trucks $125 • PICK-UP were here. We hold you close in our hearts. motorcycles. • DELIVERY He is survived by his fiancé, Wendy Smith, of From Dad & Mom, and the whole gang 319 Main St., Newport, VT • (802) 334-7790 Brownington; and by his siblings: Edward Boisvert of Chicopee, Massachusetts, Cheryl Boisvert of Wilmington, North Carolina, and Suzanne Memoriams Mistarka of West Hatfield, Massachusetts. & Cards of Services will be held at the convenience of the Richard G. LeBlanc family. Online condolences can be shared at Thanks 1954~2017 are $10.75 per Scott & Lori Bianchi, Owners column inch. (An ad In LovingThe Memory Day You Wentof Away this size is $21.50) They say that time’s a healer, 802-334-2314 But as the time goes on, Birthdays & I seem to find it just as hard, Card Showers To face the fact you’ve gone. are $13.25 per And today it’s the Anniversary column inch. (An ad Of the day that you went away, this size is $26.50) And I’m standing here at your graveside, Deadline is • MONUMENTS • LETTERING • CLEANING • REPAIRS • LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS • GRANITE COUNTERTOPS And believe me when I say, Monday at noon. BIANCHI MEMORIALS cares about our customers and it shows You’ll never be forgotten, • Monuments • Cremation the in every granite monument and countertop we create. We take • Lettering Memorials And every year I’ll shed a tear, customer satisfaction and quality seriously. Come in and visit • Cleaning • Granite & Chronicle our display in DERBY and experience firsthand the attention • Restoration Quartz But it’s only because I love you, Countertops 802-525-3531 to detail and care that goes into every design. • Granite Benches And wish you were still here. 515 Union St., Newport,VT ads@barton Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-5. Any time by appointment. • Rudy & Linda Bianchi, Owners

Susie the Chronicle, January 24, 2018 Page 5B Obituaries Nellie M. Allen It is with great sadness that the housecleaning jobs. As an adult, Pauline Langevin. She will be family of Nellie M. Allen, 63, she worked at North Country lovingly remembered by: Margo announces her death on January 17, Hospital, Orleans Manufacturing (St.Onge) Hansen of North Troy; 2018, after a courageous, seven-year Co., B.F. Moore/Slalom Skiwear, Naida (St.Onge) and Donald Beer, of battle with cancer. Bogner of America, and MSA Gallet, Lyndonville, Linda (St. Onge) Smith She was born on October 28, and partnered with her husband to of Newport Center, Eugene Jr. and 1954, the seventh child of Eugene create D & N Racing as well as Ellie St.Onge, of Pennsylvania, and Viola (Santaw) St.Onge. As a Diamond Rubbish Removal. Her Lorraine (Allen) and Val Whipple, of child, she happily spent her time days of employment were halted Derby, Marilyn (Allen) and Jim with her numerous friends in North only by the severity of her disease. Crowe, of Derby, Douglas and Susan Troy, enjoying outdoor games, board Domestically, Ms. Allen favored Allen, of South Burlington, games, card games, as well as cooking sumptuous meals for her Kathleen (Allen) and David Magee, exploring the fields and woods. much-loved family. Every holiday, of South Burlington; and several During her high school years she every gathering, presented her with nieces, nephews, friends and co- excelled with her studies and was a chance to create a meal, which workers. proud to have been voted “Miss was a labor of love and commitment; She was predeceased by her Congeniality,” as a participant of a delicious way to say “I love you” to parents, Eugene and Viola St.Onge; the Miss Vermont Pageant of 1972. her family. her siblings: Mary (St.Onge) Morse, On January 20, 1973, she She enjoyed bingo games, casino and Maurice St.Onge; her in-laws: married her beloved David L. Allen. gambling, snowmachine riding, and Lawrence and Betty Allen; as well Please join the family, by She relished her life as a wife and spending time with her extended as brothers-in-law, aunts, uncles, donning one of Ms. Allen’s favorite mother, embracing her chance to family. However, she favored “her and cousins. colors, yellow or purple, for each create a loving home for her family. own family days,” family The family will receive friends service. She was a devoted mother to adventures, and reminiscing with and relatives for calling hours on Those who so desire may make Christopher M. Allen, and cherished the many photo albums she lovingly Friday, January 26, from 6 to 8 memorial donations in memory of her grandsons: Jaden and Xander created for her boys. p.m., at the Curtis-Britch-Converse- Ms. Allen to: The American Cancer Allen, who affectionately called her Ms. Allen is survived by her Rushford Funeral Home, located at Society, Hope Lodge, 237 East “Mammie.” husband, David L. Allen; her son 4670 Darling Hill Road in Newport. Avenue, Burlington, Vermont With a strong work ethic, she Christopher M. Allen and his fiancé, A celebration of Ms. Allen’s life will 05401. began working as a young girl and Liza Leonard; her grandsons: Jaden be held on Saturday, January 27, at Online condolences can be became proficient at babysitting and and Xander Allen, and their mother, 11 a.m. at the funeral home. shared at

Tracey M. Dennis Brandon Colby LaMadeleine Tracey M. Dennis, 47, of Derby, Brandon Colby LaMadeleine, 29, died on January 16, 2018, at her of Glover, died suddenly on January home. 16, 2018, at his home. She was born on April 10, 1970, He was born on January 2, in Newport, to James Driver and 1989, in Newport, to Faith Chaffee the late Suzette Dubois Driver. She Prescott and Darryl LaMadeleine. married Keith Dennis, who survives He graduated from Lake Region her. Union High School. He was a Ms. Dennis was a member of the computer technician. He was also Cornerstone Evangelical Free an amazing artist and made Church in Derby. She enjoyed beautiful drawings. He enjoyed playing music at church and was playing video games, tinkering on very interested in her children’s electronic devices, writing stories, activities. She also played guitar at and spending time with his friends. the hospital for patients. Keenan; and her baby sister Alisha. He is survived by his daughter She is survived by her husband, Funeral services were held on Madison LaMadeleine of Lowell; by Keith Dennis, of Derby; by her January 22 at the Curtis-Britch- his mother Faith Prescott and her children: Kamden, Kaden, and Converse-Rushford Funeral Home husband, Quint, of Glover; and by Koyle Dennis, all of Derby; by her in Newport with the Reverend Glen his father, Darryl LaMadeleine, and father, James Driver, of Derby; her Saaman officiating. Spring his wife, Debbie, of West Glover. Patricia LaMadeleine. aunts: Mary Green and Lorraine interment will be in West Village He is also survived by his Should friends desire, Monahan; by her uncles: Everett Cemetery in West Charleston. brothers: Nicholas and Devon contributions in his memory may be Driver, Albert Driver, and Marcel Should friends desire, Prescott; his maternal grandparents made to the Vermont Suicide Dubois; by her great-aunt Gilberthe contributions in her memory may be Lloyd and Georgianna Chaffee of Prevention Center, 28 Vernon Dubois; and numerous cousins. She made to the memorial fund for her Glover; and by several aunts, Street, Suite 319, Brattleboro, is also survived by her special boys at Passumpsic Savings Bank, 1 uncles, and numerous cousins. Vermont 05301. friend, Pam Coffin, and her Gardner Road, Newport, Vermont He was predeceased by his Online condolences can be daughter Cassie Coffin. 05855. paternal grandparents: Leo and shared at She was predeceased by her Online condolences can be daughter Keisha; by her son shared at

Linda Gene Hill Linda Gene Hill, 74, of Lowell, Agri-Mark as a secretary. She loved wife, Helen, and Julia Guillette; her Should friends desire, died peacefully on January 15, 2018, flowers and working in the garden. sisters-in-law Lena Murphy, contributions in her memory may be at her home. She is survived by her husband, Claudette Hill, and Diane Hill; and made to the Mary Wright Halo She was born on October 22, Gilbert Hill, of Lowell; by her by many nieces and nephews. Foundation, 1073 Upper Quarry 1943, in Lowell, to Henry Sr. and children: Lisa Pion and Erin She was predeceased by her Road, Newport, Vermont 05855; or Bessie (Weed) Murphy. On March Oeschger; by her grandchildren: daughter Mary Ruggieri in July to the Orleans-Essex V.N.A. and 3, 1962, she married Gilbert Hill, Adam, Emily, Travis and his wife, 2014; by her brothers: Henry Jr., Hospice, Inc, 46 Lakemont Road, who survives her. Johanna, Logan, Drew, Morgan and Arthur, Bernard, and Ralph; and by Newport, Vermont 05855. Mrs. Hill was employed by the her husband, Dale, and Ryan; by her sister Mary Bonneau. Online condolences can be Tree Corners Nursery for ten years eight great-grandchildren; by her Services will be held at the shared at and also worked for many years at siblings: William Murphy and his convenience of the family. Page 6B the Chronicle, January 24, 2018 Obituaries Edward W. Rushlow Edward W. Rushlow, Punkin and Precious and his dog his siblings: Howard Rushlow, Judy 71, of Newport, died Mia. He especially loved spending Schnupp and her husband, John, peacefully on January time with his children, and Veronica Griggs; by his 15, 2018, at his home with his family grandchildren, and great- brothers- and sisters-in-law: Robert at his side, after a long illness. grandchildren. and Mary Rivard, Richard Rivard, He was born on January 24, He is survived by his wife, and Larry Kilborn; and by several 1946, in Newport, to Walter and Rosalie Rushlow; by his children: nieces and nephews. Blanche (Norway) Rushlow. On Dawn Stewart and her husband, He was predeceased by his January 28, 1967, he married Keith, Todd Rushlow and his wife, brother Robert Rushlow; and his Rosalie Rivard, who survives him. Katie, and Amber Rushlow and her sisters: Patricia Kilborn and Anita He graduated from Newport fiancé, Jim Corr; by his Sawyer. High School, joined the United grandchildren: Nicole Columbia, Funeral services were held on States Air Force as a first class Erica Columbia, Courtney January 20 at the Curtis-Britch- lineman, and worked for Seward Columbia, Brandon Columbia, Toni Converse-Rushford Funeral Home Construction of Maine and the Rushlow, Todd Rushlow Jr., Taylor in Newport with the Reverend Newport Citizens Co. Labbee, Mercedes Labbee, Kadia Dwight Baker officiating. Spring He held membership with the Labbee; by his step-grandchildren: interment with full military honors Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #798 Eli and Noah Bonning, Madeline will take place in St. Mary’s Acres, Newport, Vermont 05855; or of Newport. Borneman, Jacob Bonning; and by Cemetery. to the Orleans-Essex V.N.A. and Among his many hobbies, he his grandchildren: Colby Pothier, Should friends desire, Hospice Inc., 46 Lakemont Road, enjoyed going to hunting camp in Bryce Pothier, Acea Cole, Emmitt contributions in his memory may be Newport, Vermont 05855. Island Pond and Winlock Crossing. Columbia, Easton Kearse, and Addy made to the Pope Memorial Frontier Online condolences can be He loved his animals: his cats Naramore. He is also survived by Animal Shelter, 502 Strawberry shared at

Connie L. Mills Connie L. Mills, 58, of Barton, Jerry Bosley Jr. and his wife, Cindy, in-law, Colleen Mills, of Enosburg; died on January 20, 2018, in of Derby, Cindy Longe and her sister-in-law Loretta Byers and her Lebanon, New Hampshire. husband, Shane, of Jay, and Crystal husband, Mike, of Richford; She was born on May 12, 1959, Royea and fiancé, Mikel Walker, of brothers-in-law: Larry Bosley and in St. Albans, to Raymond and Derby; and by her grandchildren: his wife, Etta, of Richford and Priscilla (St. Francis) Mills. Hayley, Jailyn, Blayer, Elizabeth, Raymond Bergeron Sr. of Enosburg; Among her many hobbies, she Hannah, Connor, David, Rebecca, by her mother-in-law Joyce Bosley enjoyed playing poker, bingo, Alexis, Timothy, Tyler, Tabitha, of South Carolina; and by numerous camping, spending time with her Trent, Mykayla, Hayden, Harley, nieces and nephews. partner, Jerry, and her family, and Riley, Devin, and Audrey. She is She was predeceased by her she loved her dogs and cats. Most of also survived by her great- parents Raymond and Priscilla all she enjoyed spending time with grandchildren: Caidance, Carson, Mills; and by her sister-in-law Vicki her grandchildren. She loved the Ryder, Isabella, and Lila; by her Bergeron. New England Patriots. siblings: Ruth Dobbs of Texas, Friends may call from 9 to 11 She is survived by her lifelong Anne Paquette of Florida, Priscilla a.m. on Saturday, January 27, at partner, Jerry Bosley Sr. of Barton; Mills of St. Albans, Raymond Mills the Curtis-Britch-Converse- by her children: Michael Mills of Jr. of Barton, and Leo Mills and his Rushford Funeral Home, located at Barton, Shawn Clark of Barton, wife, Diane, of Montgomery. She is 12 Elm Street in Barton. Online Stephen Bosley and his wife, Janice, also survived by a special niece, condolences can be shared at curtis- of Brownington, Joni Bosley and her Tiffany Mills; and special great- fiancé, Mark Wood, of Derby Line, niece, Farrah Gills; a special sister-

REAL ESTATE and YOU by Jim Campbell, Principal Broker Why a Realtor? Some buyers and sellers ask themselves this question and want to know why they should pay someone to handle something they’re perfectly capable of doing “Ask us about themselves. The answers are many and varied, but it comes down to a few central issues and before a buyer or seller decides our VAST trail to go it alone, they need to make sure they’re clear. Do you know the market? As a buyer, you may have read some things in a paper or online, but a Realtor is properties.” trained to keep up with these things on a daily basis. Mortgage rates, the best type of loan for your needs, where the absolute best deal is for the house of your dreams. The ability to handle all the little details that they’ve trained for can make a world of difference. Juddy’s Septic Tank Service Knowledge is power and a Realtor has that knowledge. As a seller, you want to know that your potential & Portable Toilet Rentals buyer is the best possible choice. Most Realtor’s offices 14th Year in Business screen these buyers before you ever even see them, SEPTIC & PORTABLE TOILETS

making sure that they are qualified, legitimate buyers. We now accept: A Realtor who knows their job, knows that listing a house doesn’t just mean signing some papers and BOTH SERVICES BY ® RENT THE EQUIPMENT.KEEP THE ADVICE. ® sticking a sign in the yard. A Realtor is someone who RENT THE EQUIPMENT.KEEP THE ADVICE. understands what your needs are and the best way to THE SAME COMPANY meet those needs. Having been licensed for 42 years it is Brian Judd, Owner in your interest and ours to help you find the right home. P.O. Box 226 COVERS ALL For some solid advice on buying and selling real CORNERS OF Morgan, VT 05853 NEK. estate, consult me at Jim Campbell Real Estate. Please THE call 802-334-3400 or visit my office at 601 East Main 802-895-4445 LARGER Aerial Lifts • Power Washers • Excavators • Backhoes • Tractors • Lawn & Garden Street in Newport, VT. Visit us on line at Pager: 742-1696 • 24-Hour Service WEDDING UNITS Compaction • Air Compressors • Concrete Breakers & Saws • Skidsteer Loaders MONTHLY & WEEKEND RENTALS AVAILABLE Generators • Bounce Houses • Welders & Supplies • Log Splitters • & Much More!

• COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • GREASE TRAPS 802-766-2714 3262 U.S. Rt. 5 • Derby, VT 05829 “Real Estate Services with a Personal Touch!” the Chronicle, January 24, 2018 Page 7B

“SPECIAL CABIN FEVER” ANTIQUE AUCTION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2018 • 10 AM Auctions & (preview Sat., February 3, 2018 • 10 a.m.–2 p.m.) North Troy American Legion, 254 Dominion Ave., North Troy 05859 We are pleased to be selling wonderful antiques from a longtime collector which will include over 400 items including: choice country smalls, good furniture from every era including: Hudson oak icebox, barrister bookcase, pineapple finial rope bed, Real Estate great country cupboards, mirrors, advertising and signs including: 1937/38 St. Albans, Vt. adv. plaque, Kendall milk, Chesterfield, Pepsi, Pea & Bean Co. grain bag, lighting including: Bradley & Hubbard, Miller plus industrial, fun vintage toys by Chein, BIG BEAR REAL ESTATE Wyndotte, 1881 CockRobin story blocks, games, architectural including: 5’ round wheels, ephemera, photography incl. tin types, photo albums, fountain pens, Route 100, Troy, VT 05868 • 744-6844 • Fax: 744-6659 • 1-800-479-6844 campaign buttons, military buttons, pottery including: Fulper, Weller, Thames, large • Tina Leblond, Principal Broker, 598-1458 • Sharon Faust, Realtor, 274-2072 drugstore mortar & pestle, Special: fireman’s ladder & firetruck bell, NYRR • Larry Faust, Realtor, 274-0921 • Joanne Guyette-Worth, Realtor, 673-8676 conductor’s hat, old corbels, early style accordion wall telephone, early catcher’s Michelle McManus, Realtor, 673-4487 face mask, antique hardware, and you name it!!!!! Surely, a mid-winter auction to lift your spirits and not to be missed! Check us out on the Internet at Come enjoy Vermont’s Favorite Country Auctioneer: Richard Degre Put the Power of the Big Bear Team to Work for You! Food by Legion members. Check-out: #6916 (lots of pictures) • E-mail:[email protected] 802-744-2427 • Richard: 673-5840 • Jan: 673-5841 Real Estate & Insurance Terms: Cash, check, credit card. 13% buyer’s premium with 3% discount for cash or check. leyCount We do phone & absentee bids. on ry 179 Main Street, Derby, VT 05829 Thank you, we appreciate your business. C [email protected] R e ea c 766-2401 • 766-2656 • 800-243-2401 l Es uran Ser tat Ins 7! Fax: 766-4731 ving e & 195 the Community Since Derby Office Burke Office 5043 U.S. Rte. 5 234 VT Rte. 114 Derby Rd. P.O. Box 400 P.O. Box 331 East Burke, VT 05832 Just in time for sugar season! Derby, VT 05829-0331 802-626-4222 800-273-5371/802-334-1200 Fax: 802-626-1171 A 10.2 acre operational sugarbush within Newport [email protected] City limits! 700 taps at present, could be more. Sugarhouse with 3’x10’ wood-fired evaporator including under-mount draft Your Dreams Are Our Job! blower, two 18”x24” finishing pans, three-year-old filter press, 800 gallon holding tank, 225 gallon plastic tank, vacuum pump with 2 sap releases. Presently sells sap for $3,000±. Sugar this spring and build your dream home on this beautiful lot with city water and spectacular views of the lake and mountains. Possible financing to the qualified buyer. Access in the back via a right-of-way at the end of Topper Drive. All for $110,000. NEWPORT Lovely home on city’s edge, 1.6A, apple trees, ALBANY 2,800 sf, 3 BR/1.5 BA, finished basement & attic. Bright open living, gas fireplace, high ceiling, 3 BR, $174,500. 2 BA, full walk-out to expand, 3.7A, great views. Jim Campbell, Principal Broker Dave K. #4672820 $229,900. Residence: (802) 334-2321 • Cell: (802) 999-7781 Nick. #4672832 Kerry Wevurski, Broker/Realtor Residence: (802) 334-5491 • Cell: (802) 673-6656 Ryan Pronto, Broker/Realtor & Commercial Rentals Cell: (802) 274-9149 Craig Crawford, Realtor/Rental Manager Cell: (802) 249-5200 Jaime Lague, Realtor • Cell: (802) 323-9990 601 East Main Street Nicky Patenaude, Realtor • Cell: (802) 274-8198 Newport, VT 05855 Mark English, Broker at Jay Days: 334-3400 Office: (802) 988-4000 • Cell: (802) 323-9908 Contact us on the net! Our location is BURKE BROWNINGTON Cozy 2 BR/2 BA cabin, gas fireplace, walk-out level Mini-farm on 9.8A, great garden soils, fenced with family/bunkroom, bike from home, near ski lifts. pasture, outbuildings, 2 BR home, updated kitchen. $162,500. $88,800. Andrea. #4673296 Howard. #4672689

JCR 5432 ~ North Troy: Extremely well JCR 5428 ~ Newport Town: Thoughtfully maintained with a gorgeous “great room” & designed 4 BR, 3 BA home! End-of-the road large brick fireplace. View of the mountains NORTON DERBY privacy on 8.1 acres with views & deeded & 3 car attached heated garage. MLS 4672893. Ideal recreational getaway near lakes, VAST trails, Established business with real estate. 2,772 sf, access to Lake Memphremagog. MLS 4672150. $179,900. hunting, fishing. 2 BR/2 BA, big barn, pond, 15.3A. office, 3 garage bays, level lot, high traffic count. $325,000. NOW $104,000. NOW $299,000. Emma/Annette. #4613280 Dave C. #4630400

BURKE – 31.96A, woods, Roundy Brook, private, DERBY – 36.5A ready to build on, open, wooded, fronts road & R.O.W. $29,000. dug well, power, septic. $125,000. Andrea. #4672226 Bruno. #4612766

MONTGOMERY – 10A, mainly cleared, power NEWARK – 135A, woods, stream, potential roadside, mountain views. $59,000. building lots, opposite Center Pond. $150,000. Micheline. #4673238 Dan. #4438872.

JCR J-169 ~ Jay: A unique piece of land with JCR 4837 ~ Newport: Immaculately Need more info? Stop by our offices in Derby and 18 acres comprised of 5 separate lots, 879’ of maintained 4 BR, 2.5 BA with spacious open stream frontage & abuts all sorts of trails for floor plan, hardwood floors & an insulated & East Burke, or visit online at summer or winter enjoyment. MLS 4672662. heated 2+ car attached garage. MLS 4483147. $84,500. $229,000. Not ready to buy? Click on our Rentals tab to see what Remember Us For Commercial, Residential & Vacation Rental Properties. we have available throughout the Northeast Kingdom. Page 8B the Chronicle, January 24, 2018

Engagement Local artists Meunier – Shattuck share collection DeAnn Meunier of Newport Center, with the memory of her husband, Rob, and Bonnie and Brad Shattuck of Derby, announce the engagement of their children: for new exhibit Katelyn Ali Meunier and Justin Bradley Shattuck. Ms. A new exhibit coming to The 99 Gallery on Meunier, a graduate of North Country Union High School Street in Newport will feature art from School and Champlain College, is employed as a the Thurston-Kramer collection. “People: radiologic technologist at North Country Hospital. Mr. Portraits, Poses. Gestures and Dreams,” will Shattuck, a graduate of North Country Union High be on display Friday, January 26 through School and Community College of Vermont, is March 23. employed at Shattuck Motors. Their wedding will take place in Morgan on July 14. Photo courtesy of Kate Lowell residents Marjorie Kramer and Meunier Sam Thurston have a great eye for art. Like many artists, the married painter and painter- sculptor, have collected a lot of art over their lifetimes. They bought a few, but most come from trades and gifts. This show of diverse artists and media all feature the human form from among the works they have carefully assembled over the years. The exhibit will include works by Lawrence Faden, Susan Daykin, Isser Aronovici, and Anthony Santouso, among others. There will be an opening reception on Friday, January 26, from 5 to 7 p.m. — from The 99 Gallery. Building Trades SPECIALIZING IN REMODELING, ADDITIONS & FINISH WORK ody Home Repair & Remodeling RICHARD McALLISTER NC. 673-8156 CONCRETE Specializing in Foundations, VANASSE BUILDERS I onyaw • New Construction Barnyards, Bunkers, Slabs • Custom Built Homes J • Vinyl Siding & Windows 1165 VT Rte. 100, Newport • Standing Seam Steel Roofing G 30+ years experience in all phases of building. 334-8497 • FREE ESTIMATES. • Vinyl Siding FULLY INSURED 37 Years of Experience! HARVEY Russell Bowen AUTHORIZED Fully Licensed & Insured DEALER. Classic Vinyl, Insulating Dan Vanasse • 525-3878 & Replacement Windows Jon Vanasse • 754-9489

Professional Electrical Service Master Electrician, VT & NH 15GENERATORS! Taylor St., Suite 4, Newport, VT (802) 673-0407 “For the woman’s touch.” E-mail: [email protected]• SALES Jack Degré OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Web:Home standby & PTO • SERVICE Contractor Inc. generator dealer. • INSTALLATION Your full-service builder for all your home improvement plans since 1980. J.B.L. Hauling & Excavating No job too big or too small. PONDS • New Homes • Vinyl Siding Jason A. Lefebvre ROADS • Replacement Doors & Windows Owner/Operator • Roofing • Remodeling • Masonry STONE WALLS • Chimney Cleaning • Kitchens • Baths 1588 Five Mile Sq. Road SITE CLEARING • Porches & Decks • Sunrooms Island Pond, VT 05846 FOUNDATIONS SEPTIC FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED BIANCHI MEMORIALS Sean Bianchi, Granite Specialist (802) 766-9254 Call: 802-673-4428 SYSTEMS Office: 802-334-5180 3212 U.S. Route 5 802-723-6367 Cell: 802-673-9742 [email protected] Derby, VT 05829 148 Jackson St., P.O. Box 821, Newport City, VT [email protected] GRANITE •MARBLE •QUARTZ •COUNTERTOPS

You can advertise with an ad this size for just $56.64 per week with our quick payer discount.

Call 525-3531 for more information. the Chronicle, January 24, 2018 Page 9B

Officials praise town’s efforts Bridge clubs (Continued from page 1B.) He’s also produced a free booklet, A Citizen’s He praised Coventry’s efforts to turn the town Guide to Political Activism, that’s free for the report results around. asking from his office. Mr. Zuckerman was accompanied to the Mr. Zuckerman applauded the town’s efforts There were 28 players at the Gourmet meeting by his volunteer driver, Martha Abbott. to create more citizen involvement. Bridge Club on January 20, at the East Side The energetic Lieutenant Governor has That’s been one of his hallmark efforts as Restaurant for lunch and five rounds of several drivers, Ms. Abbott said. Having a driver Lieutenant Governor. In addition to his schedule contract bridge. Director Faith Olsen reported gives him a chance to relax, catch up with work of public appearances and ribbon-cutting duties, the top scores were: Lillian Kelley, 5790; or calls on the road, or even to nap. any and all Vermonters are invited to Mr. Brian Robinson, 4970; Anne Seadale, 4930; “In the summertime he farms eight or ten Zuckerman’s office in the State House for coffee Marvalene Richards, 4900; and Don Hunt, hours a day,” she said. “And he also travels all every Friday morning from 8:30 to 10 a.m. On 4860. The club meets next on February 17. over the state to public events. If he didn’t have Wednesdays at noon, he holds a live lunchtime On January 15 in Orleans winners in a driver, I don’t know when he’d have a chance to town hall on his Facebook page. duplicate bridge were Sheila Long and Karen sleep.” He hosts a monthly progressive film series in Kristiansen, Barbara Varney and Eric the State House, and puts out a monthly McMann, Russell Blais and John Ward, and contact Elizabeth Trail at newsletter with a calendar of events around the Diane Holman and Ken Grimes. [email protected] state that gives people a chance to learn and Winning pairs in Newport on January 17 participate. were Carolyn and Denny Lyster, Eric McCann and John Ward, Pat Hunt and Lillian Kelley, and Don Hunt and Alan Ward. — submitted by Pat Hunt. Building Trades Tracy Degre • ROOFING • NEW CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE CONTRACTOR, INC. • REMODELING • SIDING • MASONRY • REPLACEMENT DOORS & WINDOWS Specializing in all 802-754-2629 types of concrete work. • Foundations • Floors • Sidewalks • Retaining Walls & Barnyards • Manure Pits • Driveways • Concrete Stamping An ad this size is just • Concrete Form Rentals (802) 766-5389 $ FREE Estimates On... 1336 Beebe Road, Newport, VT 05855 • Clean-up Projects 25.17 • Renovations per week with our • Construction Jobs • Demolitions quickpay discount. TANGUAY HOMES.COM Call CASELLA First! Call 525-3531 1-800-639-3083 for more information. 802-888-3627 Construction • 3D computer drawn plans • Custom-built homes, garages, additions & sunrooms • Owens-Corning lifetime architectural shingle roofs • Standing seam roofs with 40 year paint warranty • Municipal & Residential Sewer/Water • Custom designed • Road Building • Site Work kitchens & baths • Land Clearing • Concrete Slabs Tony Menard 802-525-3071 Barton, VT Cell: 673-6120 100% Guarantee on our estimates. 802-334-2314 BERNARD WHITE No hidden charges. GRANITE BUILDERS No going over budget. & QUARTZ We Can Handle All Your Building Needs! • NEW HOMES • REMODELING We guarantee our workmenship for three full years! Scott & Lori Bianchi, Owners COUNTERTOPS • ROOFING • VINYL SIDING 515 Union Street, Newport, VT 05855 Backed by 25+ years of service to the community. Open Mon.-Fri. 9-5. • CEMENT • CHIMNEYS Any time by appointment. • WORK • PORCHES & Visit our website today at: • PAINTING • DECKS • FREE ESTIMATES • [email protected] BERNARD JR. • 525-4022 802-334-1384 Page 10B the Chronicle, January 24, 2018

STRICTHEDEADLINE FOR EVENTS: MONDAYINGDOM AT NOON. We reserve the right to reject or edit events. We do not takeALENDAR events over the phone. E-mail events to [email protected] T K C NEWPORT CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE – 115 Elm Street, Newport. Pastor Paul Prince. GLOVER & WEST GLOVER ______You are welcome to join us for Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. (for all ages). Worship Schedules GLOVER COMMUNITY CHURCH & WEST GLOVER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH – Part of the Worship Service begins at 11 a.m. Sunday evening service at 6 p.m. Lake Region Parish. The Rev. Evelyn Coupe. 525-3607. Sundays in January: 11 Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 7 p.m. Please call the church at 334-2628 for a.m. Union Service at Barton United Church. further information. We care about you! ALBANY______HARDWICK ______NEWPORT CHURCH OF CHRIST – Corner of Sias Avenue and Prouty Drive, Newport. ALBANY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH – “Amen Corner.” Rev. Nathan Strong, 754-2790. Sunday Bible Class at 10 a.m.; Worship Service at 11 a.m.; Wednesday Bible Sunday Worship Service at 10 a.m. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH – 39 West Church Street, Hardwick. 802- Study at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome. Church office phone: 334-2028. ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS CHURCH – Creek Road, East Albany. Watch for events. 472-5979. Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Child care available. Coffee hour following the service. Home to the Hardwick Area Food Pantry & winter THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS – Eric Pingree, Branch President; clothing donations. Marston Cubit, First Counselor; David Croteau, Second Counselor. Sacrament BARTON ______meeting at 9 a.m. with Sunday School at 10:15 a.m.; Priesthood and Relief BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH – 1859 Glover Road, Barton – 802-525-3624. Pastor ST. NORBERT CHURCH – Saturday Vigil Mass 4 p.m. and Sunday 8:30 a.m. Parish Society at 11:10 p.m. The chapel is located at 3417 Darling Hill Road in Derby. Ralph Fryman. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Sunday morning service at 11 a.m. Administrator Fr. Claverlito S. Migraino, 193 S. Main St., P.O. Box 496, 334-5700 or 334-5339. Evening service at 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible study at 7 p.m. Hardwick, VT 05843. Phone 472-5544. Confession at 3:15 p.m. each Saturday before Mass or by appointment. FAITH LIGHTHOUSE ASSEMBLY OF GOD – 51 Alderbrook Road, Newport. Pastor Sam BARTON UNITED CHURCH, United Church of Christ & United Methodist Church. Part of the Gunn. Wednesday study at 6 p.m. Thursday evening prayer at 6 p.m. Sunday Lake Region Parish. The Rev. Evelyn Coupe. 525-3607. Sundays in January: 11 a.m. Union UNITED CHURCH OF HARDWICK – South Main St., Hardwick. Parsonage: 472-6353. morning Bible school at 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m. Service & Sunday School. Church: 472-6800. Sunday evening youth group at 6 p.m. (802) 624-3008, e-mail: [email protected] NORTHEAST KINGDOM QUAKER MEETING – Meets at 10 a.m. on Sundays at the Barton HOLLAND ______Public Library. For more info, call 525-6638 or 754-2029. ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH – 44 Second Street, Newport. 334-7365. Rev. Jane HOLLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH – Pastor John Genco, 766-2901. Sunday Worship at Butterfield, interim priest. Sunday Services: Holy Eucharist & Sunday School, SOLID ROCK ASSEMBLY OF GOD – Church Street, Barton. 525-3888. Interim Pastor Larry 10 a.m. Wednesday evening Bible study at 6:30 p.m. Communion first 9:30 a.m. Handicapped accessible. Food shelf is open Mondays from 11:20 Rohm & his wife, Rose. Sunday Services: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., all ages; Worship Sunday of every month. Handicapped accessible. Please join us! a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Service, 10:35 a.m. IRASBURG ______ST. MARY, STAR OF THE SEA – Saturday at 4 p.m., (Sunday and Holy Day Vigil). Sunday & ST. PAUL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH – 85 St. Paul’s Lane, Barton. No current weekend Holy Day masses at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Weekday masses are Monday and Thursday at Masses. or 525-3711. GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH OF IRASBURG – Pastor Scott M. Libby. 754-2363. 5:15 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8 a.m., Saturday at 7:30 a.m. Wednesdays, devotional & prayer meeting in Newport at 7 p.m. Sundays, morning Reconciliation anytime by appointment as well as Saturday 3-4 p.m. Fr. Patrick I. BROWNINGTON ______worship at 10 a.m. with discussion and application of sermon at 11:35 a.m. Nwachukwu, S.D.V. 802-334-5066. NEW HOPE BIBLE CHURCH OF BROWNINGTON – (Formerly Brownington Center Church.) ST. JOHN VIANNEY CATHOLIC CHURCH – 85 Creek Rd., Irasburg. No current weekend SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH – 37 Concord Ave., Newport. Pastor Cornell Preda, 487- Pastor Dan Prue Jr., 334-9991. Sunday Worship and Children’s Church at 10 a.m. with Masses. or 525-3711. 4632 or 334-3096. Saturday Sabbath School at 9:30 a.m. Saturday Worship Service at 11 fellowship following. Evening service at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to visit and be a part a.m. Tune in to 96.1 FM (WJSY-LP) for quality Christian radio broadcasting 24/7 or visit us UNITED CHURCH OF IRASBURG – Irasburg. Rick Shover, Pastor. (802) 754-8448. Service of our church family. Handicapped accessible. Teens and youth ministries weekly. online at is at 9:30 a.m. Communion is first Sunday of every month. All are welcome. BROWNINGTON VILLAGE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH U.C.C. – Organist Mark Violette. Guest Handicapped accessible. Children’s story hour/childcare available during service. NEWPORT BAPTIST CHURCH – 306 East Main Street. The Rev. David Lisner, Pastor. 334-5554. preacher is Rev. Carol Ann Barker on Sun., Jan. 28th. Sunday Worship from 11 a.m.–noon. Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:15 a.m. Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30 TRINITY FAMILY CHURCH – Bible Worship at the Irasburg Grange Hall, Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Coffee fellowship following the service. The church is handicapped accessible and hearing a.m. Children’s Church with nursery available. Handicapped accessible. Wednesday night Bible enhancement is available. Everyone is welcome, and parents are encouraged to bring children. NEW HOPE BIBLE CHURCH OF IRASBURG – at the River of Life. Sunday school for all ages Study/Prayer Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Kid’s Club begins on Friday nights with a light meal at 6 p.m. at 9 a.m. Sunday Worship at 10 a.m. Pastor George Lawson, 754-2423 and For more information, call Nancy at 766-5094. Our church services are broadcast on the PEG BURKE ______Pastor Dan Prue Jr., 334-9991. Channel 17 on Fridays at 4 p.m. and again on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Our services are also online EAST BURKE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UCC – The Rev. Judi Horgan. All are welcome through our website at here! “God is still speaking!” Worship Service and Sunday School at 8:45 a.m. UNITED CHURCH OF NEWPORT – 63 Third Street. 334-6033. Pastor James Merriam. 10 a.m. Holy Communion the first Sunday of each month. Please send Sunday Worship Service with nursery for ages 5 years and under. We are a combined WEST BURKE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH – The Rev. Danielle Rodrigues, 467-3466. United Church of Christ and United Methodist congregation with a tradition of lively Sunday church service at 10 a.m. Holy Communion first Sunday of each month. worship updates to music, open-minded exploration, and strong community service. Come and join us to find out how you can serve others while deepening your walk with God. Other activities [email protected] include choirs, handbells, food shelf, youth group, community lunch, women’s fellowship, prayer partners, Bible study, book club, and more! EAST CRAFTSBURY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH – East Craftsbury Rd., Craftsbury, VT. 802-586- by noon on Mondays. 7707. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: Rev. Deborah McKinley, Pastor, and John Rowell, Organist. SUNDAYS: Adult Bible Study at 10 NEWPORT CENTER ______a.m. Worship at 11 a.m. with Children’s Sunday School during worship. Sun., Jan. 28th, NEWPORT CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH – An Evangelical Bible Based Congregation Annual Meeting and a Fellowship Dinner following morning worship. Mon., Jan. 29th, the and Member of the Conservative Confession Methodist Movement. Sunday morning worship Saplings will hold a community dinner at the church from 6 to 7 p.m. All are welcome. at 9:30 a.m. with childcare provided. Coffee Fellowship & Communion first Sunday of the OUR LADY OF FATIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH – Saturday evening Mass at 6 p.m. from Memorial month. Christian Women’s Group first Saturday of the month. TLC “The Lord’s Choir” Handbells Day to Columbus Day weekend. Our Lady of Fatima is part of the Mary Queen of All practices weekly. Other activities announced. “In the tradition of the Reformation.” Saints Parish in Hardwick. Rev. Claverlito Migriño, administrator. 802-472-5544 UNITED CHURCH OF CRAFTSBURY – an Open and Affirming Congregation; affiliated with the NORTH TROY & TROY ______United Church of Christ. Sunday services at 10 a.m. Sunday School offered during worship. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH – 14 Main Street, North Troy. Services on the last Sunday Handicapped accessible. No matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual of every month at 4 p.m. with Pastor Rick Shover. journey, you are welcome. Church phone: 586-8028. Find us on Facebook, or e-mail [email protected]. Westmore Community Church ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH – 18 North Pleasant St., North Troy. No current weekend Masses. or 988-2608. DERBY & DERBY LINE ______ISLAND POND ______SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH – 130 South Pleasant St., Troy. Masses held Saturdays at 6 p.m. and Sundays at 8 a.m. or 988-2608. BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH – 183 Elm St., Derby Line. Pastor Richard Daniels. Sunday School FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF BRIGHTON, ISLAND POND – The Rev. Alan Magoon, for all ages at 10 a.m. Sunday Service (nursery available) at 11 a.m. PM service, call for Pastor. Church & parsonage phone: 723-5037. Sunday Worship, 10 a.m., information. Wednesday Bible Study at 7 p.m. For more info, call 873-3258. Sunday School,11:15 a.m. Prayer Meeting Thursdays at 6:30 p.m., Bible Study ORLEANS ______Thursday at 7 p.m. Handicapped accessible (chair lift). “A friendly church in a CHURCH OF GOD – Crawford Road, Derby. Morning Worship 9 a.m., Evening Worship, friendly community welcomes you!” ORLEANS FEDERATED CHURCH – Rev. Alyssa May. Sunday Worship Services at 9 a.m. 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m. For more information call 334-5916. Pastor Community food shelf hours are 8:30–10:30 a.m. the 2nd and 4th Mondays of Laurence Wall. BRIGHTON BAPTIST CHURCH – Sunday service at 11 a.m., and 6 p.m. Sunday School, each month. 10 a.m. For more information, call (802) 723-4800. CORNERSTONE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH – Quarry Road, past McDonald’s. Pastor Glenn ST. THERESA’S CATHOLIC CHURCH – 44 East St., Orleans. Masses on Saturdays at 4 p.m. Saaman, 334-5282. Sunday School at 9 a.m. and worship at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. GREEN MOUNTAIN BIBLE CHURCH – Route 105, 1 mile west of the village of Island and Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 525-3711. Pond. Sunday service at 10 a.m. and Wednesday service at 7 p.m. First ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR – Saturday at 6 p.m. in the church (Sunday and Holy Day Wednesday: Hymn Sing. Pastor Neal Perry, 754-2396. ORLEANS COUNTY______Vigil). Sunday & Holy Day masses at 8:30 a.m. in the church. Weekday masses are Monday and Thursday at 8:30 a.m. in the chapel, Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the chapel, ST. JAMES THE GREATER CHURCH – Sunday & Holy Day Masses at 10:10 a.m. NORTHEAST KINGDOM QUAKER MEETING – Meets at 10 a.m. on Sundays at 115 Scott Lane, Friday at 6 p.m. in the church. Reconciliation anytime by appointment as well as Weekday Mass on Wednesday at 5:15 p.m. and Saturday at 4 p.m. (Sunday Barton, VT 05822 (just off Burton Hill Rd.) For more info, call 525-6638 or 754-2029. Saturday 5:30-6 p.m. Fr. Patrick I. Nwachukwu, S.D.V. 802-334-5066. and Holy Day Vigil). Reconciliation anytime by appointment as well as Saturday from 3:30-4 p.m. Fr. Patrick I. Nwachukwu, S.D.V. 802-334-5066. SHEFFIELD ______FIRST UNIVERSALIST PARISH (UU), DERBY LINE – 112 Main Street, Derby Line. Services each SHEFFIELD FEDERATED CHURCH – Berry Hill Road. Sean Quinn, Pastor. 802-873- Sunday at 10 a.m. Potluck social hour following service. Handicapped accessible. We are a CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH – 9 a.m. Sunday Services. E-mail: [email protected] welcoming congregation. Church phone 873-3563. Church e-mail: [email protected]. 4558. Sunday Worship Services 10:30 a.m. Church website: January 28th – Speaker Allen Yale on The Legacy of LOWELL ______Lawrence Renihan. SUTTON ______LOWELL BIBLE CHURCH – Pastor David DiZazzo (673-9459): Sunday Worship & DERBY COMMUNITY CHURCH SUTTON FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH – The Rev. Mark Heinrichs, supply pastor, 525- – 3064 U.S. Route 5, Derby. Pastor Mike Haddad. 9:15 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. with coffee hour following service. Wednesday night 4214, or church 467-8585. Church services: 9 a.m., Adult Bible Study, Sunday Sunday School for preschool through adults. 10:30 a.m. Worship Service. Care provided Bible study at 7 p.m. in Lowell. Thursday night Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. in School. 10:15 a.m., Morning Worship. Fridays at 7 p.m., music practice. for children through five years of age. Call 766-5500 for information about Bible Study, Newport. Please call for information & directions. Teen Youth Group, Women’s Bible Study, Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, and other Fellowship hour after church. opportunities waiting for you! ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA CATHOLIC CHURCH – 151 Hazen Notch Rd., Lowell. No current weekend Masses. or 988-2608. WESTFIELD ______EAST & WEST CHARLESTON ______WESTFIELD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH – Main Street (Route 100) in Westfield. We welcome EAST CHARLESTON CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE – Sunday morning worship service at 11 MORGAN ______all to worship services and music commencing at 10 a.m. on Sundays. Refreshments and fellowship following services. For questions, call Pastor John Klar at 673-4852. a.m. For more information or directions, call the church at 723-4824. MORGAN CHURCH – Pastor Mike DeSena. Traditional Service Sundays at 9 a.m. with Sunday School and Nursery available during the service. Contemporary Service FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH – West Charleston. Scott Cianciolo, Pastor. 802-895-4643. WESTMORE ______Sunday morning worship at 9 a.m. with Sunday School for all ages from 10:45 to 11:30 Saturdays at 6 p.m. with a potluck supper the third Saturday of each month. Several a.m. Wednesday evening choir practice and potluck fellowship from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., small group Bible studies both evening & morning during the week. Please call 895-4526 WESTMORE COMMUNITY CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL UCC – Grounded in Christ, open to all, followed by adult prayer, Bible study, and youth activities from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. All are or visit our website at for more information. on the shores of Willoughby Lake with thoughtful worship, lovely music and choir with welcome. Please call for more info. Mark Violette, organist, on Sundays at 9 a.m. Coffee, refreshments, and fellowship follow the service. Church is handicapped accessible. PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, EAST CHARLESTON – Guest Pastors. Worship NEWPORT ______service and Sunday school at 10 a.m. Ramp and elevator available. NEWPORT ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH – 128 Vance Hill Rd., Newport Center. Sunday morning worship services begin at 9:45. Sunday school classes for all ages begin at 11 a.m. Bible study WHEELOCK ______ST. BENEDICT LABRE – Sunday & Holy Day masses at 11:30 a.m. Weekday mass is on & prayer time held Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Various fellowship times include THE ROCK – “A Holy Spirit empowered church” meeting at the Wheelock Town Hall on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Reconciliation anytime by appointment as well as breakfasts, dinners, and game nights, etc. Pastor Chris Barton. Everyone is welcome. Thursday and Sunday nights at 6 p.m. Pastor: Butch Ainsworth. 1-877-868-7625. Wednesday from 6:30–7 p.m. Fr. Patrick I. Nwachukwu, S.D.V. 802-334-5066. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY – 362 East Main Street, Newport. Church services on GREENSBORO ______Sundays at 10 a.m. at the church. Wednesday evening meetings (5:30 p.m.) will be Skype through May 1. Anyone who wants to join in on Skype, please call 334-5840 ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH – Mass on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Parish Administrator Fr. or 334-2051 to be added to the group. All are welcome. Claverlito S. Migraino, phone 472-5544. LIFE IN CHRIST FELLOWSHIP – 81 Weaver St., Newport. Apostolic Church. Senior Need to make a change? GREENSBORO UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST – 165 Wilson Street. 533-2223. Office hours: Pastor: Janet Bishop. Associate Pastor: Allan Bishop. Sunday morning Tues.-Thurs. 10-12 & 1:30-4:30. Weekly 10 a.m. Sunday services. Communion Service worship, 10 a.m. Phone 334-7220 for information. All are welcome! Please e-mail worship changes to first Sunday of month. Reverend Rona Kinsley, Interim Pastor. Hal Parker, Music Director. Coffee hour following service. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation. All are [email protected] by noon on Mondays. welcome. Website: Events and worship schedules can be e-mailed to [email protected], faxed to 525-3200, or mailed to the Chronicle, P.O. Box 660, Barton, VT 05822. Deadline is noon on Mondays for all Worship Schedules and Kingdom Calendar submissions. the Chronicle, January 24, 2018 Page 11B

TSTRICTHEDEADLINE FOR KEVENTS: MONDAYINGDOM AT NOON. We reserve the right to reject or edit events.C We do not takeALENDAR events over the phone. E-mail events to [email protected] **SEND US YOUR EVENTS! It’s free for events that are a benefit, MATTING WORKSHOP AT MAC CENTER nonprofit, or free to attend. Events are also listed online at There will be a matting workshop with artist Mary Brenner on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Saturday, January 27, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at MAC Center for the Arts on Main Street in Newport for ages 16 and up. Registration requested. Cost VFW AUXILIARY ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BREAKFAST is $10 (to cover supplies). For more information and to register, visit VFW Auxiliary Post 798 will hold it’s monthly all-you-can-eat breakfast WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 or call 334-1966. on Sunday, February 4, from 8 to 11 a.m. at the post home in Newport. Open to the public. Cost is $7 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. COMMUNITY SEED EXCHANGE IN BARTON Breakfasts are held the first Sunday of every month. The Community Seed Exchange (CSE), formerly called the Orleans SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 County Seed Library, is opening for the 2018 gardening season on TEMPEST TRIO TO PERFORM IN ST. JOHNSBURY February 24, at the Barton Public Library. A variety of open-pollinated and MUSIC JAM SESSION IN DERBY LINE The Tempest Trio will perform on Sunday, February 4, at 3 p.m. at the heirloom seeds are available for home gardeners and homesteaders. The There will be a Music Jam Session on Sunday, January 28, at the United Community Church South in St. Johnsbury. Presented by the CSE is free and open to the public, and is open during library hours: Derby Line Village Hall from 1 to 4 p.m. with doors opening at noon. Northeast Kingdom Classical Series. Visit for Monday 1 to 7 p.m., Wednesday 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 7 p.m., Friday 1 to Admission is by donation. All levels of musicians and singers welcome. more information. 7 p.m., and Saturday mornings in the summer. For more information, visit Free refreshments. For more information, call 766-2730. To benefit music, the Facebook page or e-mail [email protected]. auto tech, and welding scholarships for students from Lake Region and North Country Union high schools. REGISTRATION REQUESTED

THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 ANNUAL PLANT SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 30 Orleans County Conservation District is having its annual Plant Sale. FAMILY LITERACY NIGHT AT BARTON SCHOOL Visit for the full online The first Family Literacy Night at the Barton Academy and Graded SOUPER LUNCH AT ST. MARK’S catalog and order form. Orders are due by March 31 with pickup on School will be held on Thursday, January 25, from 5 to 8 p.m. in the St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Second Street in Newport will hold Saturday, May 5, in front of the USDA office in Newport. For more school’s cafeteria. There will be authors reading from their books, stories, it’s monthly Souper Lunch on Tuesday, January 30, at noon. Free and all information or to have a catalog mailed, call Sarah Damsell at 334-6090, coloring, crafts, and the Scholastic Book Fair Blizzard will be open, and are welcome. Always held the last Tuesday of every month. extension 7008, or e-mail [email protected]. raffle tickets for baskets of books will be sold. There will also be prizes, and a free book exchange for adults and children. Everyone is welcome to bring KINGDOM GAMES RETURNS TO NEWPORT one gently used book to trade for a different book. Families can chill with a WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31 The Kingdom Games, a series of competitive athletic events for all good book, friends, and refreshments. Soups and sandwiches made by ages and skill levels, returns to Newport starting February 10th. The events Parson’s Corner, popcorn, beverages, and desserts will be served. This FULL MOON SNOWSHOE IN CRAFTSBURY take place on the ice and in the water of Lake Memphremagog. This year’s event is free and open to the public. For more information, e-mail the There will be a Full Moon Snowshoe on Wednesday, January 31, winter Kingdom Games include the Memphremagog Women’s Pond Barton Parents Club at [email protected]. from 5:30 to 7 p.m. from Craftsbury Village to WonderArts Greenspace. Hockey Tournament on February 10-11; the Memphremagog Winter Swim Park and meet at the Town Garage. A bonfire and hot cocoa will be held at Festival on February 24-25; and the Memphremagog Ice Skating Festival the end. Bring snowshoes or reserve some for $5 through the Craftsbury on March 3-4. Wintertime events are hosted by EastSide Restaurant and SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 Outdoor Center. To RSVP, visit Newport City Inn and Suites. For more information, visit For more CBD WORKSHOP SERIES IN LYNDONVILLE information, visit or call 533-9370. What’s all the hype about CBD? This triple workshop series takes AARP TAX AIDE PROGRAM place at The Grindstone Café on Depot Street in Lyndonville on Saturday, Free tax returns prepared for taxpayers with low to moderate income, January 27, at 9 a.m.; on Saturday, February 3, at 11 a.m., and Saturday, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 with special attention to those 50 and older, every Wednesday beginning February 17, at 12:30 p.m. Suggested donation is $10. For more February 7 from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Goodrich Memorial Library information or to register, call Michele Wildflower at 624-6540 or e-mail INDOOR YARD SALE & SILENT AUCTION FUNDRAISER in Newport. Call Chris at 279-0442 for an appointment. Taxes prepared [email protected]. The North Country Union Junior High School band and chorus will be every Friday in Derby at the Dailey Memorial Library from 9 a.m. to 12:45 holding an indoor yard sale and silent auction on Saturday, February 3, in p.m. beginning February 2. Call the library at 766-5063 for an appointment. DANCE AT AMERICAN LEGION IN NEWPORT the NCUJHS cafeteria from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help students raise money The American Legion Post 21 in Newport will have a dance on for their end-of-year trip. For more information, e-mail peter Storrings, Saturday, January 27, from 7 to 11 p.m. with music provided by The NCUJHS band director, at [email protected]. ONGOING EVENTS Echoes. Cost is $7 per person. Kitchen opens at 5 p.m. BREAD BAKING WORKSHOP IN HARDWICK **PLEASE SUBMIT CORRECTIONS OR DELETIONS IF YOUR LISTING PUERTO RICO BENEFIT AT STERLING COLLEGE Grow Your Own will host a bread baking workshop on Saturday, NEEDS UPDATING TO [email protected] There will be a dinner and live music dance party to benefit Puerto February 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. led by Charlie Emers of Rico on Saturday, January 27, at Sterling College in Craftsbury Common. Patchwork Bakery. This session will be a fun, hands-on event followed by a ADULT LEARNING CENTER FREE SERVICES Dinner is at 5:30 p.m. and music starts at 6 p.m. in Dunbar Hall. Both shared meal and will be held at the Center for an Agricultural Economy in Northeast Kingdom Learning Services Community Education Center dinner and dance party are sliding scale donation starting at $10 for dinner. Hardwick. Children are welcome but pre-registration is mandatory. Call on 1 Main Street in Newport offers GED preparation and GED testing, High Call to reserve dinner tickets, donations for the dance party at the door. For 472-5940 by January 31 to reserve a place. School Completion Plans for teens (16 years and older) and adults, more information, contact Kris Coville at [email protected] or preparation for standardized tests such as the AccuPlacer for CCV or the 586-8022. FISHING DERBY ON LAKE SEYMOUR ParaPro for public school teaching; basic computer skills instruction; The Derby Line Fireman’s Association’s annual ice fishing derby will academic skills assessment in reading, writing and math; and instructions NICHOLAS GAGE POKER RUN be held Saturday and Sunday, February 3 and 4, on Lake Seymour in in most academic disciplines. All adult education services are free of The 23rd annual Nicholas Gage Poker Run will be held Saturday, Morgan. Derby starts at 12 a.m. on Saturday morning and ends at 3 p.m. charge to the student. The tutorial program offers tutoring services at an January 27, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., sponsored by the Orleans on Sunday. Grand prize is a Jiffy gas powered ice auger. Other prizes hourly rate for grades K-12. The adult learning center is open Monday Snowstormers Snowmobile Club. First prize is $500 cash. Stops include include a pop-up ice shanty, four tip-ups, and two $100 cash prizes. See through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; tutorial services K-12 are Bob’s Quick Stop in Irasburg, Sweet Harmony in Irasburg, Orleans Village any local Derby Line firefighter for raffle tickets or call Rob Joyal for more scheduled by appointment. For more information, call 334-2839. Pizza, the Orleans Snowstormers’ groomer building in Orleans, and The information at 873-3414. Gap Pub & Grill in Westmore. Cost is $5 per entry and all hands must be ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS turned in at The Gap Pub and Grill by 5 p.m. for more information, see the OSTEOPOROSIS EDUCATION GROUP AA meetings are held in Newport, St. Johnsbury, and most towns in ad in this week’s Chronicle or call Gloria at 334-6179 or e-mail Join Better Bones of the Northeast Kingdom as they welcome Bone the Northeast Kingdom. For detailed information call AA at 334-1213 or toll [email protected]. Come by snowmobile or any other means of Builder’s instructor Maureen McGuire as their guest speaker on Saturday, free at (877) 334-1213, or visit and click on “District 3.” Also transportation. February 3, at 1 p.m. in the Community Room of the Community National visit and click on “District 3” for a comprehensive schedule. Bank in Derby. Following a presentation about Bone Builders, Maureen will BORDERLINE PLAYERS TO HOLD AUDITIONS FOR SPRING COMEDY lead the group in bone building exercises. All are welcome to attend this AL-ANON MEETING IN CRAFTSBURY COMMON Auditions for Borderline Players’ premier production, Fuddy Meers, free event, but registration is required as seating is limited. To register or for Thursdays at 6 p.m., at the United Church in Craftsbury Common. will take place on Saturday, January 27, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the First more information, visit or contact Mary King at Discussion. Universalist Parish Hall in Derby Line. Performances are scheduled for May 535-2011. 4 through 6 and 11 through 13 at the Haskell Opera House. No AL-ANON MEETING IN DERBY appointments are necessary for auditions and scripts will be available at HOUGHTONANNY AND POTLUCK AT THE MUSIC BOX Saturdays from 6 to 7 p.m., at Newport Church of God, Crawford the hall. For more information, contact Kim Prangley at Call it a sing-along, or a song circle, or a Hootenanny, or even a Road in Derby. If your life is affected because someone you love has an [email protected]. For more information about the Borderline Houghtonanny — they’re all the same. Why a Houghtonanny? It will be led addiction, Al-Anon can help. Offering understanding, support, and a Players, e-mail [email protected] or visit by Don Houghton on Saturday, February 3, at 6 p.m. at The Music Box in community that understands how you feel. Craftsbury. Bring your singing voice and/or musical instruments. This is also a potluck so please bring a dish to share. The Music Box will have AL-ANON MEETING IN NEWPORT FINAL COMMUNITY CAFÉ EVENT IN ISLAND POND coffee, tea, cider, cookies, cheese and crackers. Free of charge but Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church parish house on Celebrate Island Pond on Saturday, January 27, at the Island Pond donations are always accepted. For more information, call 586-7533. Second Street in Newport. Discussion meeting is open to anyone whose Post of the American Legion with dinner, music, dancing and conversation life is affected by someone’s addictions. Newcomers welcome. starting at 5 p.m. The final event in the Community Café series funded by BITTERSWEET WOMEN’S WEEKEND PRESENTED BY COLAVITA the Robert Wood Johnson Action Acceleration Grant for the community of The founders of the Rasputitsa epic gravel bike challenge have Brighton will be free for local residents and is intended to promote created BitterSweet, a fun and exciting all women’s weekend hosted at community connection and fun. This is a substance free event that is NorthWoods Stewardship Center in East Charleston with small group appropriate for people of all ages and welcoming to families. For more guided events and rich conversations. The weekend will take place information, e-mail [email protected]. Saturday, February 3, at 8 a.m. through Sunday, February 4, at noon, and will be full of outdoor activities including options to Nordic ski, snowshoe, STAR ORIGAMI BOOKS CLASS IN CRAFTSBURY fatbike, skimo, yoga and more. Meals included. Registration is limited. For There will be a Star Origami Books Class with Nancy VanWinkle at more information, e-mail [email protected]. 23rd AnnuAl the Craftsbury Town Hall on Saturday, January 27, from 1 to 3 p.m. These classes are family friendly, with parents encouraged to accompany young nicholAs GAGe Poker run children. All materials are included. Class fee is $20 ($15 for students and sAt., JAn. 27 seniors). To register, visit For more Sponsored by Orleans Snowstormers, Inc., an Orleans County Snowmobile Club. information, visit or call 533-9370. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • $5 per entry All hands must be turned in at The Gap Pub & Grill by 5 p.m. Good Food. Great Spirits. 1st Prize: $500 Cash, and more prizes to be posted at The Gap Pub & Grill. “Beyond the Red Gate” JOIN US FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH & All hands in by 5 p.m. Winners to be announced at 6 p.m. Main Street DINNER, 7 DAYS A WEEK! Other stops include Bob’s Quick Stop, Irasburg; Orleans Village Pizza, Orleans; Open 7 days Newport, VT Dine in or take out. Sweet Harmony, Irasburg; OSSC Groomer Building, Orleans, The Gap Pub & a week at 11 a.m. Grill, Westmore. Extra Card available at Evansville Trading Post.

YOUR FAVORITE HIT SONGS FROM THE 70s, 334-2224 • HOMEMADE PIZZA Music with WILD CARD, 7-10 p.m. 80s, 90s AND NOW! Restaurant & • BURGERS • PASTA SEE AD IN THIS WEEK’S PAPER FOR MORE DETAILS! Gathering • J.R.’S FAMOUS RIBS Restaurant open! Kitchen hours: 802-988-2306 • FRESH SEAFOOD Thurs.–Sat. noon–8 p.m., Sun. noon-5 p.m. JASPER’S 1078 Rte. 242 • HAND-CUT STEAKS Downtown Jay, VT AILY PECIALS Guest Rooms: • D S TAVERN 802-988-2306 Something for every palate! Friday, January 26th: DEEZ DJ Direct access to the VAST trail! LODGING AVAILABLE! Saturday, January 27th: GOOD TIME MUSIC Page 12B the Chronicle, January 24, 2018

TSTRICTHEDEADLINE FOR KEVENTS: MONDAYINGDOM AT NOON. We reserve the right to reject or edit events.C We do not takeALENDAR events over the phone. E-mail events to [email protected] ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP COUNTRY ACOUSTIC JAM IN BURKE NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS MEETING IN NEWPORT Monthly Caregivers Support Group meeting for those dealing with There will be a Country Acoustic Jam held every third Sunday of the Narcotics Anonymous meetings are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 family members or friends diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other related month from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Burke Community Building. Everyone with p.m. On Tuesday the location is North Country Hospital located at 189 dementia. Informal gathering. All welcome. special musical or singing talents are encouraged to participate. Come to Proutry Drive in Newport in the surgery waiting room on the main floor of NEWPORT – Caregivers support group meets every fourth Tuesday listen or join in on the fun. $3 donation at the door. Door prizes and 50/50 the hospital. On Thursday the location is The Church of God at 295 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at North Country Hospital in Newport, 2nd floor waiting raffle. All proceeds benefit the Burke Senior Meal Site. Snacks and Crawford Road in Derby. Enter through the main front doors of the church. room (Room 221). For further information, call (800) 272-3900 or e-mail beverages available. For more information, call Therese Stone at 525-3412 For more information, call 895-4757. [email protected]. or the Senior Meal Site at 467-3423 or the Town Office at 467-3717. ST. JOHNSBURY – Caregivers support group meets last Monday of NEWPORT AREA COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA each month at the Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital, room 244, in CRAFTSBURY COMMUNITY SUPPERS The Newport Area Community Orchestra has openings for violin, St. Johnsbury. For further information, call Pam at the NEK Council on Members of the United Church of Craftsbury in Craftsbury Common cello, clarinet, oboe, French horn, and trombone. We are a growing and Aging at 748-5182, or 1-800-642-5119. will offer free evening suppers on the third Wednesday of each month at 6 well-established community orchestra located in the NEK of Vermont. The p.m. Open to all. Donations appreciated but not required. For more orchestra plays two concerts each year, one in the fall and one in the AMERICAN LEGION BARTON POST #76 MEETINGS information, call 586-8028. spring. For more information, please contact us at 766-3021 or First Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m., at the Legion Hall in the Rehearsals are on Tuesday Barton Memorial Building. DANCE AT BEEBE TOWN HALL evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the First Universalist Parish in Derby Come dance with us at the Beebe Town Hall in Beebe, Quebec, Line. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY MEETINGS every Saturday from 7 to 11 p.m. Country western band. Also square Second Wednesday of every month at 4 p.m., at the Legion Hall in dancing. Light refreshments and door prizes. For more information, call NORTH COUNTRY QUILTERS the Barton Memorial Building. For more information, call Patsy Tompkins at (819) 876-2021. Regular monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month 525-6565. at 6:30 p.m., at the Church of God on Crawford Road in Derby. New DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP MEETING members are welcome. AMERICAN LEGION NEWPORT POOL TOURNAMENT The Diabetes Support Group will meet on the third Thursday of every The American Legion in Newport is holding an 8 Ball Pool month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the meeting room at North Country Hospital in NORTHEAST KINGDOM COMMUNITY ACTION ASSISTANCE Tournament on Mondays. 6 p.m. practice, 7 p.m. play. Double elimination, Newport. For more information or to confirm your presence, call Barbara Available to help with forms, photocopies, faxes, phone assistance, BCA rules. 8 players or less, pay two places; 9 players or more, pay three Grant at 334-4155. fuel/electrical assistance, food shelf and commodities, Farm to Family places. For more information, call 334-2374. coupons, holiday meals, seed packets, housing, temporary shelter, housing DO DROP IN MEAL SITE IN NEWPORT CENTER advocacy, and 3Squares applications. BARTON AREA SENIOR SERVICES, INC. (BASSI) The Do Drop In Meal Site at the Newport Center Fire Department on NEWPORT: 70 Main St., Newport, VT 05855. 334-7316. Hours: Located downstairs at the Barton Memorial Building. Meals will be Cross Road is open on Mondays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Games played Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. served on Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon. Closed if schools are closed. before lunch, lunch at noon, bingo played after. For more information or ISLAND POND: 70 Cross St., Island Pond, VT 05846. 723-6425. Suggested donation of $5 for people under 60 and $4 for seniors, but no reservations, call 334-6443. Hours: Tuesday 10 a.m. to noon. one is required to pay. Come early for coffee, cards, and conversation. ST. JOHNSBURY: 115 Lincoln St., St. Johnsbury, VT 05819. 748- EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION 6040. Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. BINGO IN LOWELL The EAA meets every first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Bingo is held every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the St. Ignatius Hall on Caledonia County Airport in Lyndonville. All are welcome to attend. All that OSTEOPOROSIS EDUCATION & SUPPORT GROUP Hazen Notch Road in Lowell. Sponsored by the Troy and Area Lions Club. you need is an interest in aviation. Each meeting begins with a short The National Osteoporosis Foundation Better Bones of the Northeast Progressive jackpot starting at $500. Dinner available. business session where we discuss the minutes and reports from our Kingdom group meets on the first Saturday of most months, at 1 p.m., in chapter’s previous meeting, plus our past and future events. We then move the Community Room at the Community National Bank in Derby (accessed BOBBIN MILL PLAYERS MUSIC JAM SESSIONS on to something educational, such as aircraft maintenance, safety, from Crawford Road). Free and open to the public. All welcome. The Bobbin Mill Players will hold music jam sessions every members’ projects, or speakers and documentary movies from EAA Refreshments. Learn from a variety of guest speakers and medical Wednesday morning from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Lowell St. Ignatius Parish Headquarters in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. specialists. To register or for more information, contact Mary King, RN, Hall. Other music events include: First Friday evening of the month at the BSN, at 535-2011 or [email protected], or visit Lowell Fire Station from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Second Friday evening of the GRANDPARENTS ’N’ KIN RAISING “GRAND” KIDS month at Lowell Church Hall from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Second Sunday Meets second Wednesday of the month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at afternoon at the Glover Town Hall from 1 to 4 p.m.; Third Friday evening at North Country Career Center, 209 Veterans Avenue, room 380, in Newport. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS MEETING the Charleston Elementary School from 6 to 9 p.m., Fourth Friday evening For more information and to notify of your attendance, contact group leader Overeaters Anonymous (OA) offers a 12-step program of recovery for at the Derby Line Town Hall from 6:30 to 10 p.m.; Fifth Friday evening Angela Blais at Head Start/Early Head Start by leaving a message at 525- the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of compulsive eating. Derby (when there is a fifth Friday) at the Barton Memorial Building from 7 to 10 3362, extension 201. Dinner provided. Childcare provided upon request. meeting Saturdays from 10 to 11 a.m., at Derby Community National Bank p.m. For more information, call Millie at 334-2598 or Lyle and Amy at 334- training center on Crawford Road (behind the bank). Big Book study 2419. “GROW YOUR OWN” GATHERINGS IN HARDWICK meeting follows from 11:15 a.m. to noon. For more information, call 673- Grow Your Own (GYO) gatherings will be held at the Center for an 5621. BONE BUILDERS BALANCING & STRENGTHENING CLASS Agricultural Economy (CAE) in Hardwick from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Bone Builders Derby is from 2 to 3 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays the first Saturday of each month and will include a shared meal. For more PRO BONO (FREE) LEGAL CLINIC IN NEWPORT at the Church of God on Crawford Road. Bone Builders Newport is from 10 information and to reserve a spot, contact Ms. Dale-Brown at 472-5940 or Pro bono (free) legal clinic monthly at Orleans County Restorative to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Municipal Building. Bone e-mail [email protected], or Bethany Dunbar at 472-5362, Justice Center, usually the first Wednesday of each month. Free consults Builders Greensboro is from 10 to 11 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays at extension 214, or [email protected]. with lawyer. Best for landlord-tenant, housing, probate, elder law, custody, the United Community Church. There is also a class in Craftsbury from 10 family law, etc. issues. No criminal law. Advance appointments only by to 11:30 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays at the Craftsbury Community IMMUNIZATION CLINIC IN NEWPORT calling (802) 487-9293. $10 fee for people living outside Orleans County. Care Center. For more information about Bone Builders classes, call the Fourth Tuesday of every month from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Department Mediation services are also available. For more information, visit Northeast Kingdom Council on Aging at (802) 751-0431. of Health in Emory Hebard State Office Building at 100 Main Street, Suite 220, in Newport. Free. Walk in or call for an appointment at 334-4386. All BRIDGE LEAGUES IN ORLEANS & NEWPORT childhood vaccinations are offered. Adult immunizations included are: RSVP BONE BUILDING & STRENGTHENING CLASSES ORLEANS: Meets Mondays at 12:30 p.m. at the Orleans Federated Hepatitis A and B, Pneumococcal, TDaP, Tetanus, and Measles. Offered twice a week: at the Jay Community Center on Tuesdays Church on School Street. Come with a partner. from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and at the Westfield Community Center on NEWPORT: Meets Wednesdays at 1 p.m. at the Gateway Center. JAY COMMUNITY RECREATIONAL CENTRE Thursdays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. A free exercise class to prevent or Everyone must come with a partner. Learner’s Group continues Located on Cross Road in Jay. Open to all area residents and visitors for reverse osteoporosis. Classes consist of a variety of exercises to improve Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. at the library in Newport, and all are free cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and hiking in the winter, and mountain balance and increase strength. Participants start out using very light welcome to drop in. For more information, or to find a partner, call Eric biking, hiking, and walking in the summer. Link to site map at weights which are gradually increased as strength develops. Weights McCann at 988-4773. and under discover/map. Site maps available locally in Jay and at provided. For more information, contact Maureen Mcguire at 334-7746 or Jay Town Clerk’s Office. User guidelines: Please leave no trace in this special [email protected]. CCV JOB HUNT HELPER TO OFFER CAREER SERVICES place. Pack it in, pack it out. Leash your dog, bury dog waste away from trails. Community College of Vermont (CCV) Job Hunt Helper is available at Respect other users. No motorized vehicles. No fires of any kind. As this is a SENIOR DINING AT DERBY ELKS CLUB the Goodrich Memorial Library in Newport for six hours a week to offer big hunting area, it is advisable to wear orange. Enjoy at your own risk! Derby Senior Meals are held at noon every second Thursday at the career services to library patrons and job seekers. Find employment Elks Lodge #2155 on the Newport-Derby Road in Derby. By donation. For opportunities in the area, write a resumé and cover letter, apply for jobs JOURNEY TO RECOVERY COMMUNITY CENTER more information, call the Northeast Kingdom Council on Aging’s nutrition online, assess skills and interests, use the Internet to explore career Located at 58 Third Street in Newport. Making Recovery Easier coordinators Jenny Patoine or Lallie Mambourg at 748-5182. opportunities, and learn about education and training programs. Available meets Tuesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Art Group meets Tuesdays from on Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 12 to 3 p.m., 2:30 to 4 p.m. All Recovery meets Thursdays from 2 to 3 p.m. For more SENIOR DINING IN GLOVER January 9 through May 22. For more information, call 334-7902. information, e-mail Kathlene Douglass at Lunch is served at noon on Mondays and Tuesdays on the lower [email protected]. level of the Glover Town Hall, 3018 Glover Street. Suggested donation by COMMUNITY MEAL IN NEWPORT seniors is $3.50; for those younger than 60, $5. For more information, call A free Community Meal will be held the third Thursday of every month LINE DANCING IN WEST BURKE the NEK Council on Aging’s Nutrition Coordinator Lallie Mambourg at 1- at noon, at the United Church of Newport on Third Street. All welcome. Line dancing is held in West Burke at the meal site on the first and 800-642-5119. third Wednesdays of each month from 1 to 3 p.m. Everyone welcome. $3 COMMUNITY SEED EXCHANGE IN BARTON donation. For more information, call Therese Stone at 525-3412. SOUPER LUNCH AT ST. MARK’S IN NEWPORT The Community Seed Exchange (CSE), formerly called the Orleans St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Second Street in Newport holds a County Seed Library, is opening for the 2018 gardening season on LINE DANCING IN DERBY free community Souper Lunch from noon to 1 p.m. on the last Tuesday of February 24, at the Barton Public Library. A variety of open-pollinated and Maureen Profera will be teaching line dancing classes at the Dailey every month. All are welcome. heirloom seeds are available for home gardeners and homesteaders. The Memorial Library in Derby on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Classes are free and CSE if free and open to the public, and is open during library hours: open to the public. Please call the library at 766-5063 to register. SQUARE DANCING IN BARTON Monday 1 to 7 p.m., Wednesday 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 7 p.m., Friday 1 to Square dancing will be held every Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m. at the 7 p.m., and Saturday mornings in the summer. For more information, visit LINE DANCING IN TROY Barton Senior Center. Judy Clifford will be the caller/instructor. Call 525- the Facebook page or e-mail [email protected]. Line dancing classes for exercise and enjoyment are held every 4400 for more information. Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Catholic Church Parish Hall, 130 South CORNUCOPIA COMMUNITY/SENIOR MEAL IN NEWPORT Pleasant Street, in North Troy. No partner needed and all levels of STAMP CLUB IN NEWPORT Cornucopia Community/Senior Meal will be served every Friday from experience are welcome. If you can count to four, you can line dance! $5 The Memphremagog Stamp Club meets on the second and fourth noon to 1 p.m. at Cornucopia, 125 Main Street, #3 (rear door entrance off per person. For more information, call Pat Sanders at 988-4193. Wednesday of every month from 7 to 9 p.m. at CALLICO, 326 Bluff Road, parking lot between Coventry and Center Streets). Come at 11 a.m. for Newport. All stamp collecting interests are welcome. For more information, cards, board games, or just to socialize and make new friends. Community NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS MEETING IN HARDWICK call 334-6001. members of all ages are invited to enjoy a warm, well balanced meal Every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. at Saint John the Baptist Episcopal prepared by Cornucopia Culinary Trainees. For more information, contact Church on West Church Street in Hardwick. All are welcome. NA is for people SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE SUPPORT GROUP Cornucopia at 487-9380. who wish to try our program of complete abstinence from all drugs. This includes Third Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Nevermore Bookstore on alcohol on an equal status with opiates or cocaine. The disease is addiction, not 100 East Main Street in Newport. A support group for those who have lost specific to any one particular drug. For more information, call 535-5042. someone to suicide and wish to have a safe place to talk, share, and spend a little time with others who have had a similar experience. For more information, call Mary Butler at 744-6284. A real Under new ownership! country store! HOUSE OF FUll The American Legion Post #21, in DElI Groceries Newport, VT , will have a DANCE All Gas Wine DAY! Beer Saturday, January 27 Eat in or Gifts Since 1979 takeout. PIZZA 7-11 p.m. 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER! New owners: Julie Jacobs-Seguin & Libby Jacobs 287 Portland St., St. Johnsbury, VT • 748-5144 • 748-5145 Music by The Echoes. OPEN: Mon.-Wed. 6 a.m.-8 p.m., Thurs.-Sat. 6 a.m.-9 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. 93 Main St., Lyndonville, VT • 626-4500 • 626-5315 $7 per person. Kitchen opens at 5 p.m. 8411 VT RTE. 111, MORGAN, VT • (802) 895-2726 the Chronicle, January 24, 2018 Page 13B

TSTRICTHEDEADLINE FOR KEVENTS: MONDAYINGDOM AT NOON. We reserve the right to reject or edit events.C We do not takeALENDAR events over the phone. E-mail events to [email protected] TAI CHI CLASSES (FREE) DAILEY MEMORIAL LIBRARY HITCHCOCK MEMORIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Free one-hour Tai Chi classes held throughout the Northeast 101 Junior High Drive, Derby Center. Hours: Tuesdays and Fridays 1252 VT Route 100, Westfield. 744-2484. Visit the Hitchcock Kingdom taught by RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) Volunteers from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Museum/Library page at and on Facebook at Town of through the NEK Council on Aging: and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Story Time is Tuesday mornings from Westfield, Vermont for up-to-date activity listings. Fall Prevention Tai Chi – Dailey Memorial Library in Derby on 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Trustee meetings last Wednesday of the month at 6 Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m.; Poulin Building in North Troy on Wednesdays p.m. Tai Chi classes Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. Line Dancing Classes with ISLAND POND PUBLIC LIBRARY at 10:30 a.m.; Sunrise Manor in Island Pond on Fridays at 10 a.m. Maureen Profera on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Free and open to the public. Main Street. Hours: Tuesday, 10 a.m.–7 p.m.; Wednesday, 2–6 p.m., Golden Ball Tai Chi – St. Johnsbury House on Mondays and Call the library to register. For more information, call the library at 766- Thursday, 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m.–2 Thursdays at 8:30 a.m.; First Congregational Church of Lyndonville on 5063, visit or check Facebook page. p.m. Story Time every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. For further information, call Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:30 a.m.; Danville Methodist Church on 723-6134 or look on Facebook. Wednesdays at 10 a.m. GLOVER PUBLIC LIBRARY For more information and to register, call Karen Budde at (802) 751- 51 Bean Hill Road, Glover. 525-4365. Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday JEUDEVINE MEMORIAL LIBRARY 0431. 1-6 p.m., Saturdays (December-April) 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Tuesday Play Group and 93 North Main Street; P.O. Box 536, Hardwick. 472-5948. Story Time (Fall, Winter, Spring) 9:30-11 a.m. at the Glover Town Hall. Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 1–7 TAI CHI IN BARTON p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 1–5 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; and Leader Brenda Lowther is teaching Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls GOODRICH MEMORIAL LIBRARY Saturday, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.; closed Sunday. All programs are free and open Prevention at the Barton Senior Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 202 Main Street, Newport. 334-7902. Hours: to the public. For more information, please call the library at 472-5948 or a.m. The Arthritis Foundation Thai Chi Program, developed by Dr. Paul Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. visit Lam, uses gentle Sun-style Tai Chi routines that are safe, easy to learn, Board of Trustees meeting monthly, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Book discussion and suitable for every fitness level. For more information, call 525-4400. group held third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. Job Hunt/Computer JOHN WOODRUFF SIMPSON MEMORIAL LIBRARY Help with CCV student on Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and 1972 East Craftsbury Road, East Craftsbury. 586-9692. Open TOPS MEETING AT IN BARTON Saturdays, 12 to 3 p.m. from January 9 to May 22. Story Time: Tuesday Sunday, noon–1 p.m.; Wednesday and Saturday, 9 a.m.–noon, 2–5 p.m. TOPS VT #82 Barton meets every Monday at Mountain View mornings at 11 a.m. Apartments Community Room. A fun, informative way to learn how to take JONES MEMORIAL LIBRARY off pounds sensibly. Weigh-ins, 5 to 5:45 p.m.; meetings, 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. GREENSBORO FREE LIBRARY 1 Water Street, Orleans. 754-6660. Hours: Monday, 10 a.m.– 8 p.m.; First meeting is free! For further information, call 525-3173. 53 Wilson Street, Greensboro. 533-2531. [email protected], Wednesday, Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; Closed Sunday, Tuesday, Librarian Mary Metcalf. Hours: Sundays 11:30 and Thursday. Handicapped accessible. Story Time: Mondays at 11 a.m. TOPS MEETING AT ISLAND POND PUBLIC LIBRARY a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; closed Mondays; Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; closed and 5 p.m. Board Meetings: 3:30 p.m. on the second Monday of every TOPS VT #135 Island Pond meets every Monday at Island Pond Wednesdays; Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays month. Public Library. Weigh-ins from 4:30 to 4:45 p.m.; meeting from 4:45 to 5:30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Story Hour for Children: at Four Seasons Learning, p.m. For further information, call Bev at 723-5907 or e-mail Fridays at 10 a.m.; Story Time for ages 0-6 every Thursday at 10 a.m.; and for LEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY [email protected]. ages 6-12 every Tuesday at 10 a.m. Irasburg. 754-2526. Hours: Monday, 3–8 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday, 3–6 p.m.; and Saturday 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Story Hour for children VAN SERVICE FROM WESTMORE TO BARTON HASKELL FREE LIBRARY on Fridays at 10 a.m. (October 6–May 31 when school is in session). Every first and third Tuesday of each month there will be van service 93 Caswell Avenue, Derby Line. Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and from Westmore to Barton. 10:30 a.m. pickup at the old Town Clerk’s office; Friday from 9-5, Thursday 9-6, and Saturday 9-2. Board of Trustees meets RAND MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1:30 p.m. return trip to Westmore. Free to residents age 60 or older. For the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Toddler Time on Thursdays 160 Railroad Street, North Troy. Hours: Monday & Wednesday 5-8 more information, call Mary at 525-4128 or the Area Agency on Aging at and Fridays at 9:45 a.m. For more information, call Nancy at 873-3022, p.m., Thursday & Friday 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Story Time on Fridays at 10 a.m. 334-2190. extension 201, or check the website at, or find them on Facebook. VAN SERVICE TO SENIOR MEALS IN BARTON Every Thursday there is van service to senior meals in Barton. The pickup schedule is as follows: 11:25 a.m., Mountain View Apartments; 11:30 a.m., Congress Court; 11:35 a.m., Monitor Manor; 11:40 a.m., Stay inside when it’sit’s bitterly cold. Hillcrest; 11:45 a.m., Memorial Building; 11:50 a.m., Park Street trailer park. Bears enjoy long winter naps! For more information, call Brenda Sargent at 525-4400. Kids: color stuffstuff in! WESTFIELD COMMUNITY MEAL SITE Every Thursday at noon at the Westfield Community Center (North FuFun!n! eadingclubfun.comwspaperwspaper Annimills LLC © 2018 V15-2 Hill Road/School St.). Suggested donation $4 with the 2nd Thursday of the month free. Following lunch, join the fun and play Bingo! Sponsored by the Troy and Area Lions Club. For more information, call 744-2484. I’m staying snug as a bug WhereWhere Do Animals Go in Winter? in my burrburrow.ow. I go out mormoree Wii BOWLING IN WEST BURKE in the daylight hours, when it Winter can be a harhardd time for animals. Wii Bowling is held in West Burke at the The Meal Site on the second What do I hate is warmer, to look for food. and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 1 to 3 p.m. Everyone The temperaturtemperaturee drdrops,ops, ponds freezefreeze and they do? Out the cold! welcome. By donation. For more information, call Therese Stone at 525- snow covers the grground.ound. ThereThere is very In 3412 or 467-3423. little food to be found. What do they do? 7. I use sticks, branches Read about what each 6. I live in the land 1. I snuggle with When you are done, a word will show and mud to build my home. animal does in winterwinter,, then and carry my home LIBRARY ACTIVITIES dozens of my below the arrow that means the deep The entrance is in the water, fill in the crcrosswordossword with on my back. I friends in the winter sleep of some animals squeeze myself into so I can go for a swim **PLEASE SUBMIT CORRECTIONS OR DELETIONS IF YOUR LISTING eacheach animal’animal’ss name: ound. grground.ound. (and, I think, of some people, too!). cracks in rocks or even if the pond is covered NEEDS UPDATING TO [email protected] into the earth. I pull with ice. into my shell, seal the 8. I put on my white ALBANY TOWN LIBRARY 2. I have an underundergroundground home. Located on Route 14 in the back of Albany Town Hall on Main Street. I storstoree seeds and nuts for snacks, opening and go to coat when winter comes. 1 E A O Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 to 4:30 p.m. For more information, but sleep during the coldest days. sleep all winter. It is hard to see me 2 I U hopping in the snow as call 755-6107. 3. I eat and eat in the fall. My new I U I look for weeds, buds layer of fat takes carcaree of me 3 E A or bark to eat. BARTON PUBLIC LIBRARY while I sleep the winter away 4 E E 100 Church Street, Barton. 525-6524. Open Mondays from 1-7 p.m., 9. A lot of us fly south. in a hollow trtreeee or in a cave. 5 E E Wednesdays from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-7 p.m., Fridays 1-7 p.m., Winter 5 E E Some of us will stay if Friday Afternoon Classic Movies, Friday Night Movies, Friday Evening 4. WeWe buzz and work harhardd while 6 A I we can find enough the flowers araree in bloom to make Potlucks. Scrabble Players meet 1st and 3rd Wednesdays year-round. 7 E A E food to eat all winter. Book Discussions are January through May. Wednesday After-School and storestore food. WWee nibble 8 A I Programs: Fall, Winter, Spring. Call for programs and events for children. and nap during the winterwinter.. A I 10. I go to the bottom of the pond. 9 I I dig deeply into the mud and do 5. WWee gather in herherdsds in the woods. 10 O not come out until the spring. COBLEIGH PUBLIC LIBRARY WWee stay busy in the winterwinter,, eating 10 O 70 Depot Street, Lyndonville. Hours: Monday, noon–5 p.m.; Tuesday bark and twigs. Males in our herherdsds 11 A E and Thursday, noon–7 p.m.; Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; 11. I will use an old animal hole, stone lose their antlers at the end of winterwinter,, Saturday, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. For further information and programs, call the wall, fallen tree or rocky cave to crawl library at 626-5475. but grgrowow new ones in the spring. into for my long, deep, winter sleep. CRAFTSBURY PUBLIC LIBRARY Winter In winterwinter,, the entrance to a beaver’beaver’ss den is in the water under Footprints in the Snow! Church Lane, Craftsbury Common. 586-9683. Food the ice. A beaver builds a storage place for food (bark, stems) at [email protected]. Hours: Storage the bottom of the path. Can you help this beaver get to his food? Some animals areare very active during Tuesday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m.–noon; Thursday, 2–6 p.m.; the cold winter months. What threethree Friday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m.–noon; and Sunday, 11 a.m.–1 Getting hungry! animals visited this place, leaving p.m. Friday Story Time: 10 a.m., up to age 6. Friday Lego Club for these footprints for us to see? children 5 to 12 years old, 3–4:30 p.m. Story Hour: for children birth to 5 foreforefor years and families on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. 1 hind

foreefor 2 hind Hint: CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWER forforee = frfrontont hind = back

3 1. __b ______v __ __ r foreefor 2. __s __ q ______r __r __ __l

3. __r __ __ b __b __ __t hind

8 ? ? TToo sleep deeplydeeply,, or not to sleep deeply: Pop Quiz! 20182018©

? © 201 that is the question! Do Bears TrulyTruly Hibernate?nate?Hiber Quiz!

Scientists and others have been discussing for years whether bears araree “true hiberhibernators.”nators.” If an animal hiberhibernatesnates during the winter months it means it goes into a deep sleep all winter long. A bear sleeps most of the time during the winterwinter,, but may wake up for short periods of time. A sleeping bear’bear’ss heartrate drops,drops, but its body temperaturtemperaturee stays within about 1212°° F of its normal temperaturtemperature.e.

Quiz! 1. Bears eat berries, nuts, fish and honey.honey. T F eated by Annimills LLC Pop Quiz! 2. Bears eat a lot in the fall and gain weight. T F ! Cr

Read each statement. 3. Most bears hiberhibernatenate frfromom June to OctoberOctober.. T F Fun CircleCircle “T” if it is true. 4. In the winterwinter,, bears sleep in empty birbirdd nests or mailboxes. T F CircleCircle “F” if it is false. 5.5. Their thick fur and storstoreded fat helps to keep them warm. T F

Newspaper Fun by! Created Annimills LLC Page 14B the Chronicle, January 24, 2018

TSTRICTHEDEADLINE FOR KEVENTS: MONDAYINGDOM AT NOON. We reserve the right to reject or edit events.C We do not takeALENDAR events over the phone. E-mail events to [email protected] ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM GRACE GALLERY PARKER PIE GALLERY 1171 Main Street, St. Johnsbury. 748-8291. Old Firehouse, 59 Mill Street, downtown Hardwick. 472-6857. West Glover Village. Exhibiting works by local artists. Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.–4 Story Time (Acorn Club): Fridays at 10:30 a.m., ages 0 to 6, children’s p.m. Community Workshops are held weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, PARSON’S CORNER Library. First Wednesday Series. Scrabble Club: First Saturday of each and Thursday, and are open to all community members. Parson’s Corner Restaurant in Barton exhibits artwork by local artists. month from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Readings in the Gallery. Changes monthly. Open every day until 2 p.m. except Tuesdays. GREENSBORO HISTORICAL SOCIETY WEST BURKE PUBLIC LIBRARY 29 Breezy Avenue, Greensboro (building next to Willey’s Store), 533- 135 Main Street (5A), next to the park. Hours: Saturday 1-4 p.m. For PEACHAM CORNER GUILD 2457. Check out our powerful new The Peacham Corner Guild is open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed further information, call (201) 519-3633. tool for researching Greensboro families stored in our archives! Tuesdays. The guild features small antiques, fine handcrafted gifts and or on Facebook at Permanent Hill Homestead: The Story of Greensboro: Faces of Our Town has specialty foods. Located at 643 Bayley Hazen Road in Peacham. 802-592- Exhibit: been updated and displays tools and ledgers, kitchen gadgets, and farm 3332 implements, and parlor furniture from the 19th century. PLEASANT VALLEY ART GALLERY ART GALLERIES, HISTORICAL HIGHLAND CENTER FOR THE ARTS 146 White Road, Irasburg. 754-2000. Open Saturdays and Sundays 2875 Hardwick St., Greensboro. 533-9075 or from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m or call for an appointment anytime. SOCIETIES & MUSEUMS 64 works by Elizabeth Nelson inspired by the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, on display through February 18. ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM GALLERY **PLEASE SUBMIT CORRECTIONS OR DELETIONS IF YOUR LISTING 1171 Main Street, St. Johnsbury. 748-8291. NEEDS UPDATING TO [email protected] JANE’S CAFÉ AND GALLERY Open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. 43 Main St. (Rte. 5), Derby Line. Open Wednesday through Sunday, The Art Gallery at the Athenaeum contains one of America’s unique ALBANY HISTORICAL SOCIETY & MUSEUM 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. featuring comfort food and artists of the Northeast collections of 19th century American paintings. Admission fees: $8 for The Albany Historical Society is located in the old village school on Kingdom. The paintings of Jan Ghiringhelli; oils and pastels, plein air and adults; free for age 12 and under, St. Johnsbury residents, and nonresident Route 14 across from the Methodist Church, and is open by appointment. studio paintings. patrons. Second floor gallery features exhibits by local artists. Contact Jim Oliver at [email protected], or Paul Daniels at the Diamond Heart Farm in East Albany for an appointment. LOOKING GLASS MUSEUM AT CLAN OF THE HAWK THE 99 GALLERY AND CENTER The Looking Glass Museum is located on the grounds of the Clan of The 99 Gallery and Center on School Street behind 316 Main Street ARTFUL EYE the Hawk off Route 58 in Evansville. Free admittance. This is a museum in downtown Newport. Work by Northeast Kingdom artists, free classes, A unique St. Johnsbury Gallery. 443 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury. dedicated to the local Native American groups. For more information, call movies and community events. Open most afternoons till 5 p.m. 323-7759. 424-1414. Open Monday through Saturday, 10 754-2817 or e-mail [email protected]. Whimsical sculptures and drawings by Newport’s Manfred Rieder now on a.m.–6 p.m. Open Sunday by chance. Come explore 4,500 sq. ft. of locally display. crafted fine art and artisan craft. MAC CENTER FOR THE ARTS 158 Main Street, Newport. 334-1966. Hours: Monday through THE THIRD FLOOR GALLERY BREAD AND PUPPET MUSEUM Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Over 45 Vermont visual artists and Hardwick Inn, 4 South Main Street, Hardwick. Call 472-9933 for One of the largest collections of some of the biggest puppets and handcrafters offer their work in the 2,000+ square foot gallery. MAC Center information. Paintings by Ben Barns on display through March. masks in the world is located at 753 Heights Rd. (Route 122) in Glover (off for the Arts also offers special events, exhibits, musical performances, and Route 16 and I-91 exits 24/25), and is open by appointment. Visit classes/workshops for adults and children. Visit THE MUSEUM OF EVERYDAY LIFE or call (802) 525-3031 or 6972 for more 3482 Dry Pond Road (Route 16) in Glover (short distance south of information. Shadow Lake Road). Clare Dolan: 626-4409. MEMPHREMAGOG HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEWPORT New Exhibit: “Bells and Whistles” on BROWN LIBRARY GALLERY Second floor of Emory Hebard State Office Building, Main Street, display now. Admission by donation. Self-service museum, open every day At Sterling College, Craftsbury Common. 586-7711, extension 129. Open Newport. Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Showcasing from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Exhibit Plowing Old Ground. For more Newport’s forever changing history and landmarks. FIRST SHOWCASE information, visit or call 586-2200. EXHIBIT: “Keeping the Memphre Legacy Alive in the Years Yet to Be.” THE VIEUX FORGERON ART GALLERY SECOND SHOWCASE EXHIBIT: “Celebrating 100 Years of Remembering 240a Dufferin St., Stanstead, Quebec. All are welcome! Hours: CATAMOUNT ARTS CENTER ‘The Lady of the Lake’s’ Last Days – (1917-2017) here at Steamboat Wharf Thurs.–Sun. 11 a.m.–6 p.m. 115 Eastern Avenue, St. Johnsbury. Masonic Temple building. 748- in Newport.” 2600. Open Monday through Friday, 1–6 p.m. and WHITE WATER GALLERY before and after each movie screening. Gallery is always open to the public MILLER’S THUMB GALLERY 5 River Street by the bridge, East Hardwick Village. Open Sundays free of charge. Artists wanted for Juried show. Selected works will be on 14 Breezy Ave., Greensboro. 533-2045 or from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. or by appointment. Call Watergate at 563-2037. display until February 16. Visit for more info. [email protected].

CHARLESTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY NATIVE AMERICAN MUSEUM (NATIVE CULTURAL SOCIETY, INC.) WONDERARTS (ART HOUSE GALLERY AND WONDER & WISDOM) For information, call 723-6024 or 895-2901. 56 Church Street in Newport Center. 334-6770. Open from 11 a.m.– The Art House Gallery and Wonder & Wisdom have merged to create 6:30 p.m., closed Mondays. No admission fee. WonderArts. Office located at the UCC, 165 Wilson St., Greensboro and CHUCK GUEST GALLERY programs are held at the Wonder & Wisdom program space, Community Featuring over 130 paintings of abstract imagery. Located at 205 NEWPORT NATURAL CAFÉ GALLERY Greenspace in Craftsbury, Craftsbury Town Hall, local schools, Craftsbury Vermont Route 114 in East Burke. Open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 194 Main Street, Newport. 334-2626. Monday through Saturday, 8 Masonic Hall, and in partnership with other community organizations. For 5 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call 626- a.m.–8 p.m., and Sundays from 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Paintings by Seattle artist more information, call 533-9370 or visit 9011 or visit Donald Peel (1921-2010) will be on view and for sale through January, with all proceeds from the sale going to the Newport Wireless Mesh Project, a WOODEN HORSE ARTS GUILD (WHAG) COLBY CURTIS MUSEUM & STANSTEAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY nonprofit which will provide community supported wireless mesh Internet P.O. Box 502, North Troy 05859. 988-4300. 535 Dufferin Street, Stanstead, Quebec. 1-819-876-7322. Two access to Newport’s low income residents. Wooden Horse Arts Guild is a 501c3 exhibitions: Remembering our Soldiers of the Great War and Rural charitable organization composed of artists, crafters, writers, Medicine in Stanstead County. NORTHEAST KINGDOM ARTISANS GUILD (BACKROOM GALLERY) photographers, and musicians who live and work throughout Vermont and 430 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury. 748-0158. beyond. They support and encourage artistic excellence in the literary, CRAFTSBURY COMMUNITY CARE CENTER GALLERY Hours: Open Monday through Saturday, 10:30 visual, and performing arts. Their virtual gallery gives members an 1784 East Craftsbury Road, East Craftsbury. 586-2414. a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Enigmatic Art of Charles Trotsky on display in the individual web page on To read the news of The work of fine artist Elsie Back Room Gallery until February 24. members and arts around the area, visit Andreas is on display until the end of February. and Like them on Facebook. President: Peggy Loux, 343-5687. Past OLD STONE HOUSE MUSEUM (ORLEANS COUNTY HISTORICAL President: Camilla Mead, 988-4300. E-mail: [email protected]. CRAFTSBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY) Babcock House Museum, Craftsbury Common. Open Wednesdays 109 Old Stone House Road, Brownington. 754-2022. YE OLD BLACKSMITH ART GALLERY and Saturdays from 10 a.m.–noon. [email protected]. 240 A Dufferin, Stanstead, Quebec. (819) 876-2282. Open Thursday Museum is open closed for the season. The Alexander Twilight Visitors’ through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. In the heart of Rock Island in the CRYSTAL LAKE FALLS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION & BARTON Center and gift shop are open year-round, Wednesday–Sunday, 11 a.m.– 5 historical Ye Olde Blacksmith overlooking the Tomifobia River. This MUSEUM p.m. Closed Monday and Tuesday. Craft Circles (all welcome!): Quilter’s historical blacksmith shop is now a cozy gallery featuring a variety of works Located at the Pierce House on Water Street in Barton, open late Circle meets the fourth Wednesday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. from numerous local artists. spring through fall. Brick Kingdom Park open daylight hours year-round.

FAIRBANKS MUSEUM 1302 Main Street, St. Johnsbury. 748-2372. Open seven days, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

GLOVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM Bean Hill Road in Glover, second floor in Municipal Building. Open by appointment only: Call Joan at 525-6212 or Randy or Betsy at 525-4051. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Let The News PLEASE SEND A ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO: Come To You!! IF THIS IS A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION, An annual subscription to Name: ______PLEASE FILL OUT THIS SECTION: the Chronicle costs: Address: ______Giver’s Name: ______$27 — In Vermont City: ______State: ______Zip: ______$40 — Out of State $33.50 — Half in Vermont/ Is this a q new subscription or a q renewal? q I’ve enclosed an additional $10 for online access. Address: ______$30.50 — Half Out of State Bundle it! My e-mail address to set up online access is:______City: ______Add $10 for one year access q I, the payer, am 65 years or older and am eligible to deduct a $2 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT to online edition with from the above amount for a 1-year subscription. State: ______Zip: ______purchase of regular Date subscription should start: ______/ ______/ ______. subscription (see form to Would you like a gift card sent to this the right). q Check enclosed for $______. q Please bill my credit card. q MasterCard q Visa person? q Yes q No Cut out the form at right Account # ______Exp. Date: ____/____ Sec. Code: ______and send to: If yes, how would you like us to sign it? the Chronicle Signature: ______Your phone number: ______P.O. Box 660 Barton, VT 05822 the Chronicle, January 24, 2018 Page 15B

the Chronicle

ClassifiedsDeadline is 12 noon on Mondays • 802-525-3531 • E-mail: [email protected] SERVICES MUSIC/ART

MOVING?- Need a delivery? We can help. 30+ years GUITAR/CELTIC HARP- lessons in Derby/Morgan. All the Chronicle DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT of moving experience. Let our small box truck & ages welcome, all styles taught. Gift certificates trailer work for you. Local & regional. 802-334-1863, available. Harp therapy lessons. Harps for rent or 802-673-6282. Ex. 3/14 sale. [email protected]. 802-895-4341. 12 NOON Ex. 1/17 Classifieds SENIOR CARE- provider seeking assignment. 10 $ for each classified listing, 25 words or less, years experience with Alzheimer’s/Dementia. 3 Companionship, light housekeeping, personal care, REAL ESTATE $ to add a photo. respite care. Hourly, daily, overnights. 802-715- 3 1000. Live in Lowell. Ex. 2/28 2017 REDMAN DOUBLEWIDE- 3 bedroom, 2 bath AND, FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE, ALL PREPAID CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALSO LISTED ON OUR WEBSITE! with fireplace on 12 acres. 1 car garage, to be CIRCLE THE CATEGORY: STILLWATER TIMBER- A one-man, low-impact finished. Between Orleans & Irasburg on Rte. 58. operation specializing in selective timber harvesting. 754-2833. Ex. 2/28 Alternative Health/Healing, Antiques & Collectibles, Automotive Equipment, Builders, Building Materials, Business Hardwood, softwood, cedar wanted!! Top prices paid. Opportunities, Camping, Clothing, Craft Shows & Bazaars, Drywall & Painting, Electronics, Farm Equipment, Financial 525-6659, 673-3451. Ex. 2/14 Services, Firewood/Pellets, Furniture & Household, Hay/Sawdust/Feed, Health & Beauty, Heavy Equipment, Help RENTAL PROPERTIES Wanted, Home Maintenance & Repair, Horses & Livestock, Knitting & Spinning, Land for Sale, Lawn & Landscape, FACE PAINTING SERVICES- available for parties & Lodging & Vacation Rentals, Lost & Found*, Maple Products, Miscellaneous, Music, Motorcycles/Boats/RVs, Pets, events by professional artist. Text 624-1339 or e- NEWPORT APARTMENTS Plumbers, Plowing, Pools & Spas, Produce & Nursery, Real Estate, Real Estate or Rental Wanted, Rental Properties, mail [email protected] for rates. Facebook: Snowmobiles, Services, Specialty Shops, Sporting Goods, Storage, Tools & Equipment, Vacation & Travel, Vehicles, Colorful Faces by Brianne. > FOR RENT- Large, beautiful, secure and Wanted, Wood Products, Yard & Moving Sales. TOTAL SECURITY- Keys, locks & safes. Free newly renovated. Very Ad text (25 words or less):______nice 1 and 2 bedroom estimates. Ken or Adam Johnson at 754-8417. ______E-mail [email protected], website: units available. Heat included! Highlands of Ex. 12/21/18 Newport. 802-487-4401. Ex. 1/31 ______LOSE SOMETHING METAL?- Metal detector man will find it for you. Call 525-3944. > FOR RENT- Small 1-2 bedroom house in Albany ______Village. Security & first month’s rent due in advance. ______$500/month. 802-755-6265. Ex. 1/31 PLOWING/SANDING Your name, address & phone (required): ______FOR RENT- Beautiful, 1,000 sq. ft., one bedroom apartment on Lake Memphremagog. Includes ______PLOWING & SANDING- Roof shoveling, snow q everything: heat, electric, cable, internet, plowing, No photo blowing, walkways. 802-766-8847, cell 802-324- garbage removal. $950 per month. View pix on q Payment for ad, $3 x ____ week(s) = $______7573. Ex. 3/14 Craigslist. Call 673-9909. Ex. 2/28 Photo enclosed q Photo e-mailed Payment for words over 25, 12¢ ea. x ____ week(s) = $______ORLEANS- newly renovated, large 2 bedroom Photos mailed will not be Payment for photo, $3 x ____ week(s) = $______HOME MAINTENANCE & REPAIR apartment. Includes heat, rubbish removal, utilities. returned. Photos can be e-mailed Dishwasher, washer/dryer hookup. Nonsmoking, no Total enclosed $______BATH TUB RESCUE- Specializing in removal of hard pets, good references, deposit. $875. 334-2889. Ex. Prepayment is required, non refundable. *Found ads are listed free of charge. water scale & stains, $150. Satisfaction guaranteed. 2/14 802-624-6721. Ex. 2/14 Please mail this form with your payment to: FOR RENT- 2 bedroom unit, second floor in Derby on PROFESSIONAL PAINTING- Interior/exterior painting. paved road. Heat, hot water, attached garage stall. the Chronicle, P.O. Box 660, Barton, VT 05822 Residential or commercial. Over 25 years Deposit, lease. No pets, please. $675 monthly. experience. Varnish, paint or stain. Jobs of all sizes. Available now. 766-8833. Ex. 1/24 POPE MEMORIAL- Frontier Animal Shelter has lots HAY/SAWDUST/FEED For information or to set up free estimates, call 802- of wonderful cats, kittens, dogs & puppies ready for 673-7178 or 802-323-6235. Ex. 2/28 adoption. Adoption fee includes shots, worming, 500 FIRST CUT- round bales, $30 each. 802-755- AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT spay/neuter, complete vet health check & leukemia 6208. Ex. 2/14 YOUNG’S GENERAL MAINTENANCE- Apartments, testing. Call 754-2228 or visit homes & camps. Experience in masonry, carpentry & SNOW TIRES- 4 Winter Force 195/60R15. Good painting. No job too small. Phone anytime, 525- treads. Asking $175 for the set. Leave a message, FIREWOOD/PELLETS PET PORTRAITS by Brianne Nichols. Abstract or 3960. > 673-9147. Ex. 1/24 faux painting styles. $40-$65. Great gift idea! or R&T FIREWOOD- custom cut and split GREEN firewood. 14” $225, 16”-24” $200. Loads are HEATING/PLUMBING, or e-mail FARM EQUIPMENT/MATERIALS [email protected]. > stacked for guaranteed cord accuracy. 525-1087 or 673-5854. Ex. 4/11 PELLET HOT WATER BOILER- 135,000 300 GALLON- milk tank, complete. Organic feed: Buyers is never a good idea to send BTU, ideal for 3-4 bedroom, hot water, round bales 4x56”, first & second. Third cut grass, money orders or to wire money to unknown FOR SALE- good, quality hardwood firewood. Cut, plus garage. Complete with pumps and second crop in bag. 802-334-6426. Ex. 2/14 sources that ask for deposits or prepayment for split, & delivered for $185 per cord. $160 blocks. controls. Only used 3 months. 802- pets or any other products sight unseen. 754-2359, 323-9254. Ex. 1/31 988-4750. Ex. 1/24 WANTED

FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD & WOODLOTS WANTED- large or small lots for clean, selective cutting. Hardwood, softwood, cedar. One APPLIANCES man, one small machine only! Let your land pay the taxes. 525-6659 or 673-3451. Ex. 2/14 SAVE ELECTRICITY- Sturdy clothes drying racks. Go Solar With Free standing, old-fashioned style, though stronger, foldable. Handcrafted by the Cook family. 802-754- HELP WANTED 8412. Ex. 1/31 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED- to clean my home once a week. Must be reliable and pay attention to details. SEWING/KNITTING/SPINNING Call between 3:00-6:00, Monday-Friday. 802-487- 9211. Ex. 2/21 CUSTOM SEWING- and alterations. Curtains, CARPENTERS WANTED- We are looking for a crew specialty clothing, doll of individuals with at least 1 to 2 years experience. clothes, nightgowns & Competitive wages. Please contact Nate at 802-624- PJs, fleece pants, etc. Zippers for your winter or 0229. Start time immediately! Ex. 2/7 • Established, local, small business • High-quality work • Excellent hunting gear! You have an idea, I can probably customer service • Design, installation, and support from start to make it a reality. Call Barb, 802-525-3557. finish with our skilled, friendly crew • Grid-tie and off-grid systems Barton. Ex. 5/9 PETS

ADOPT A PUG- Go to or call 626- WANTED- mending to do in my home in Glover. Call 8280 for information. Find us on Facebook: Green Sheila Atherton, 525-3240. Ex. 12/19 Mtn. Pug Rescue. 802-467-3500 Page 16B the Chronicle, January 24, 2018

Property transfers City of Newport — January 2017 to June 2017 Recorded Acres Description Sold for Grand list Seller Buyer 1/3/17 0.65 Prim res $129,000 $87,100 Brock Columbia, Orleans Cheryl-Lynn Galipeau, Newport 1/6/17 0.25 Commercial $275,000 $372,900 T.M.L. Commercial LLC, St. Albans 138 Main Street LLC, Newport 1/9/17 0.9 Single fam $96,900 $51,400 Jonathan Bouchard, Newport Robert & Mary Higginson, Newport 2/6/17 0.22 Comm./Res. $135,000 $174,400 Miriam Koehn estate, Spruce Grove, Alberta Robert Jr. & Meredith Norton, Newport 2/6/17 0.21 Investment $230,000 $176,800 Northern Views LLC, Newport Cedrus Bolton, Newport 2/15/17 0.01 Easement $500 N/A Cyrus the Protector LLC, Newport Jacques & Annette Deziel, Newport 2/21/17 0.94 Single fam $181,000 $139,300 Spates Family LLC, Newport Mark & Samantha Fortin, Newport 2/27/17 0.66 Single fam $107,000 $68,500 Denis & Mireille Gavin, Stanstead, Quebec Jessica Therrien & Chelsey Meunier, Newport 3/3/17 0.14 Rental $42,500 $48,200 JP Morgan Chase Bank N.S., Columbus, OH Spates Family LLC, Newport 3/17/17 0.25 Mobile home $35,000 $21,600 Tanguay Homes Inc., Newport Jason & Annie Brueck, East Charleston 3/22/17 0.3 Prim res $93,800 $88,800 June Wheeler & Janice Lamoureux, Derby Diane McHeffey, trustee, Stuart, FL 3/27/17 0.2 Prim res $90,000 $82,400 Connie Hartshorn, Warren & six others Gwyn Moulton & Eric Ramsdell, Newport 4/7/17 0.25 Prim res $106,000 $148,100 James Harty Rev. Trust, Newport Rosemary Bachelor, trustee, Newport 4/12/17 12.5 Prim res $275,000 $276,500 Karen McMichael, trustee, Newport Martin & Elizabeth Marleau, Newport 4/13/17 0.6 Investment-sub $25,000 $221,300 Pine Bluff Estates Partnership, Barton Spates Family LLC, Newport 4/13/17 0.6 Investment $238,000 $221,300 Spates Family LLC, Newport McMichael Living Trust, Newport 4/17/17 0 Boat slip $15,800 $18,100 Kelly Devaney, Arroyo Grande, CA David & Cheryl Kerr, trustees, St. Johnsbury 4/20/17 0.32 Prim res $217,000 $156,200 Lysanne Ouimet, Newport Griselle Ayala, Humacao, PR 4/24/17 0.72 Prim res $124,000 $125,900 Becky Erdman, Piedmont, SC Robert & Khloe Wainwright, Newport 5/3/17 0.42 Secondary res $144,500 $125,700 Richard & Lyn Hoffman, White River Jct. George & Judith Thompson, Newport 5/8/17 0.2 Prim res $60,000 $53,200 B. Farrar, Derby Line & J. Messier, Newport Christopher & Vicky Duncan, Newport Center 5/9/17 1.6 Prim res $165,000 $144,100 Andrew Wood, Island Pond Benjamin & Emily Scherer, Newport 5/22/17 1.26 Investment $45,000 $40,500 Jeanne Bransford, Middleburg, FL Peter & Catherine McMahon, Hudson, MA 6/2/17 0 Boat slip $12,500 $10,000 Karen Adams, Phillipston, MA Timothy & Beverly Hamblett, Newport 6/2/17 0.21 Investment $107,000 $72,600 Tanguay Homes Inc., Newport Ronda Brewster, Newport 6/15/17 0.26 Investment $25,000 $53,200 Andre & Ruby Ann Degre, Newport Center Jonathan & Chantelle Bouchard, Newport 6/19/17 0 Boathouse $24,000 $20,000 Michael & Cheyenne Hatin, Newport Ancelary Group Solo 401K Trust, Montpelier 6/26/17 0.53 Prim res $115,000 $69,200 Deborah Gebbie, Glover and 3 others Charles Drown, Newport 6/26/17 4.27 Industrial $525,000 $753,900 Passumpsic Savings Bank, St. Johnsbury Spates Family LLC, Newport 6/29/17 0.39 Prim res $161,000 $127,000 Tony Lane, Port Charlotte, FL Panadda Saengsiri & Jintana Thananusak, Newport 6/29/17 0.58 Prim res $92,000 $75,700 William & Karoljeanne Schroeder, Houston TX Alex & Nicole Gratton, Newport * “sub” indicates property was subdivided, so town appraisal does not reflect current value of property.

the Chronicle’s annual Weddin & Valentin Supplemen is coming out on February 7th! To advertise in this supplement, please contact your ad rep or our office at 525-3531 or e-mail [email protected]. Deadline is Tuesday, January 30th, at noon. And don’t forget to send us your wedding photos and free Valentine messages! (See below for details!)

the Chronicle SEND US YOUR Valentine are WEDDING essages FREE!! TellM that special someone how great they really are! PHOTOS! Send us your FREE Valentine message and the Chronicle will publish it in Send in your wedding photos for the our February 7, 2018 WEDDING & VALENTINE SUPPLEMENT issue. WEDDING & VALENTINE SUPPLEMENT All FREE Valentines MUST BE on this original form and either mailed to: the Chronicle, ATTN: Valentines, P.O. Box 660, Barton, coming out on February 7, 2018. Deadline for photographs VT 05822 or dropped off at our office on Water Street is Tuesday, January 30th. Please include names and captions in Barton. You may e-mail your valentine, but only ONE VALENTINE PER E-MAIL ADDRESS for photos and a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want will be accepted. E-mail them to your photo returned. Photos will be used on a [email protected] space-available basis and priority is given to photos of couples by Tuesday, who haven’t run in past years. One photo per couple, please. January Older pictures or nontraditional photos are encouraged! Please limit messages 30th. Call 525-3531 if you have questions. to 25 words or less and send on the original DEADLINE FOR PHOTOS IS form below!! TUESDAY, JANUARY 30TH! Please publish my FREE Valentine: You can drop photos and/or stories off at our office on Water Street in Barton or mail to: ______the Chronicle ______Attn: Wedding Supplement P.O. Box 660 ______Barton, VT 05822 [email protected] ______You can also e-mail photos to: DEADLINE: Tuesday, January 30th We reserve the right to reject Valentines due to graphic content, so please be kind and keep it clean! Please write clearly to ensure your Valentine is accurate. Thank you!