Elena A. Korchak. The long-term dynamics of the social space… 100 UDC 316.42(985)(045) DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2020.38.121 The Arctic territories of Russia: long-term dynamics of the social space © Elena A. KORCHAK, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), senior researcher E-mail:
[email protected] Luzin Institute for Economic Studies, Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Apatity, Russia Abstract. The Arctic territories of Russia were explored and populated rigorously and purposefully during the Soviet period. The settling pattern was then based on the industrial capabilities of the Arctic areas (mineral deposits), considering the need to develop relevant transport infrastructure. The incentive com- ponent of the Soviet propaganda of Arctic development was aimed at mobilizing the skilled workforce. The market transformation in the late 20th century caused a rapid deterioration in the social and economic sit- uation nation-wide: the state abandoned protectionism of the Arctic territories so that state-provided pref- erences were significantly reduced. Such transformations eventually entailed the reduction of social and economic services and a large-scale migration outflow in the Arctic territories. The current social and eco- nomic situation in the Arctic is still characterized by a negative migration balance, which determines a de- cline in the level of labor force participation. The negative migration balance is attributable to the lower economic attractiveness of the region, which again brings about the issue of unemployment in the Arctic. Destructive processes in the social and economic development of the Arctic territories of Russia shape mul- ti-faceted threats to its stable evolution.