“And they were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them…” Mark 10:32 Perhaps doing traveling drama ministry makes us notice how many biblical stories are stories from the the road: of refugees seeking asylum, of soldiers chasing (or being chased by) their enemies, of merchants seeking a George Fox profit, of exiles marching into slavery. Then there are the others – of prophets and priests, kings and nobodies – University Players who risk everything to follow a promise. Christ was no stranger to the road, nor are his For booking and available dates, followers. The entrance to his road is unobtrusive, and visit georgefox.edu/players its guideposts are perceived by faith. Its milestones are hard-won, and its stories ... well, its stories are worth or contact the student tour group coordinator listening to. 503-554-2133 |
[email protected] University Players invites you to share the road as we meditate on our life’s journey together, asking, “Where are we from?” “Where are we headed?” “What stories has the Road told so far?” Mark Allen Eaton Director Mark Allen Eaton has taught acting, play- writing and theatre ministry at George Fox University since 2007. An award-winning playwright, his titles include Pilate (winner of the 1999 Christians In Theatre Arts award), King Saul, The Hour of Night, Jeremy’s Gift, and numerous sketches and 10-minute plays. Mark holds bachelor’s degrees in biblical literature (Multnomah University) and theater arts (Portland State University); he earned his MFA in script and screenwrit- ing at Regent University, where he studied under Gillette Elvgren.