Flashdance"What a Feeling" from "Flashdance" Giorgio Moroder arr: LorenzoBocci Flashdance "What a Feeling" from "Flashdance" Giorgio Moroder Lorenzo Bocci Art.nr: 013261050 Difficulty: C Duration: 3:41 Concert Band Recorded on: Sway (311115720) Movie and Musical i Score Colofon in - M Full ScoreM Molenaar Edition BV - i Industrieweg23 01.3261.05 n NL1521 ND Wormerveer e i theNetherlands r M S Phone:+31 (0)75 - 628 68 59 o in c Fax:+31 (0)75 - 621 49 91 Publication,c Uitgave, Verlag, Editioni o Email:
[email protected] S S Website:www.molenaar.com MO LENAARi EDITIOco N er © Molenaar EditionBV- Wormerveer- theNetherlands r Copyright Molenaar Edition BV,n Wormerveer,i the Netherlandse - Copyingof sheetmusicfromthisbookletisillegal. MNo Part of thisbook may be produced in any form of print,M fotoprint,microfilm or any other M meanswithout written permissionof the publisher. Lending- ore hiringr prohibitedocSi ni N 'Flashdance...WhatA Feeling'is eennummeruitde film Flashdanceuit1983,gezongendoorIreneCara. FlashdanceishetverhaalvandeachttienjarigeAlexdi e overdagalslasserin eenstaalfabriekwerkten’s nachts Flashdance"What a Feeling" danstin eenbar.In haardromenis zeal eengevierdeballerina.Via auditiesprobeertzetoegelatentewordentot from "Flashdance" eenprofessioneledansschool. Giorgio Moroder arr: LorenzoBocci 01.3261.05 E Flashdance…Whatafeeling'is a hit from the1983filmFlashdance,sungby IreneCara.Flashdanceisthestory of 18 yearold Alexwho worksby dayasa welderin a steelmill, andasa dancerin a baratnight.Shedreamsof becominganacclaimedballerinabutdespitealack