Index to Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)
WESTERN AUSTRALIA __________ INDEX TO PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL and LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY __________ INDEX TO SUBJECTS __________ FORTIETH PARLIAMENT FIRST SESSION 12 FEBRUARY 2019 TO 10 DECEMBER 2019 __________ 68° ELIZABETH II __________ 2019 INDEX TO SUBJECTS ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS Assembly Aboriginal art, 1030; g. 3528 Aboriginal economic development taskforce, goldfields, 2977 Aboriginal heritage tourism, 2816–2818, g. 1690 Aboriginal Heritage Act, reforms, 1124 Aboriginal Legal Service, funding, 5277 Albert, Stephen “Baamba”, tribute, ms. 8894 Broome Aboriginal short-stay accommodation, ms. 2239 family safety summit, ms. 608 Farmer, Graham “Polly”, tribute, ms. 5664 health and mental health services, 1617, 3456, 6885, 8115 Indigenous Players Alliance, ms. 8040 Kimberley suicides g. 8334 prevention round table, ms. 1948 Lawford-Wolf, Ningali, tribute, ms. 5664 NAIDOC Male Elder of the Year, Greg Little, ms. 5663 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day 2019, ms. 5133 Njamal people, Indigenous Services, p. 7897 Ochre Ribbon Day, Aboriginal survivors of family and domestic violence, ms. 62 police, 5290, 5291, 7054 remote communities and housing, 3389, 8751 “Don’t Walk Away” advertising campaign, 1041 drinking water, ms. 1682 south west native title settlement, p. 8790 state budget 2019–20 5018 Water Corporation, Aboriginal reconciliation action plan, ms. 1683 Yamatji people mental health services and suicide prevention, 7939, 7940; g. 9577 native title claim, Geraldton, 8782, 9972 Council Aboriginal male healing centre, 1664 Broome Aboriginal short-stay accommodation, 7102 Carnarvon lock hospitals, commemoration, s. 52 department Aboriginal heritage section, 8693 organisational structure, 8555 Farmer, Graham “Polly”, tribute, s. 5642 heritage site, Mobile Concreting Solutions, 9913 Indigenous ranger program, 1523 justice agreements and sentencing, 6213, 7734 Kimberley suicides coroner’s report government response, 3161, 3504 s.
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