The Alp in Queensland
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Contents VOLUME 48 NUMBER 12 NEWS 3 Possible Federal Censure of Qld Govt; Eviction of State Opposition Leader from Parlt; Black Australians and The Future; Press Coverage ofWomen's Rights Rally. THE ALP IN QUEENSLAND A Special Report on Labor's electoral failures in Qld including an inside T.He Ar »CANI02)E£-MR93JI look at current moves to reform the Party. FEATURES WED. 9 AUGUST Major narcotics abuse problem looming; The morality of Punk; an JO JO ZEP & THE FALCONS interview .with the woman behind Women's Weekly. RAZAR $3(4zzzSUBS$2) SAT. 12 AUGUST BRISBANE'S LIVING GUIDE 25 JO JO ZEP & THE FALCONS FULLER BANKS & THE DEBENTURES The one and only complete guide to what's on-forget any pale $3(4zzzSUBS$2) imitations. WED. 16 AUGUST SAT. 19 AUGUST SIDEWINDER SIDEWINDER THE NUMBERS THE SURVIVORS REVIEW SECTION 17 $3(4zzzSUBS$2) $2.50(4zzzSUBS$2) Records, Films (including El Topo), Theatre and Food (multinationals, chemicals and the road to vegetarianism). THE QUEENS HOTEL, CNR CREEK & CHARLOTTE STS, CITY to help them get over the On the 28th July, 49 of Uiuveisity of Queensland report favourable to" the, shock. We are in the process days after lodging a change investigators. examining govenunent, this is MESSIANIC of setting up such a service, of enrohnent form for morale in Australian schools incidental to his methods. CONFUSION with the help of second semester, I received only a couple of years ago. If S.Z. can produce proof sympathetic GPs and a letter from the Registrar On the basis of a survey of of this coercion, then fme, Who the dkkens is this ministers of reli^on etc. proclaiming the 'relevant teacheis in all States, I will join him in condem "Weird Lemmmg?" (Semper Some of the pec^le in facts'. I think it very sad lavishly funded by a Federal ning those responsible for it. Volume 48, No II). If- our group are over sixty, that the 'relevant facts' did grant, these experts then But again I make the he is God, fltoi what does SEX CHANGE and have accepted the fact not add that a student is found that teachers had point, this has ho bearing PROBLEMS that they are too old for not to be informed of "never had it so good!" on Mancuso's research diat make me? If you surgery, but wish to have the student charges and Now, after more surveys, methods which are what diink for one minute that I am a member of a hormone treatment, so they accumulating late fees made they have discovered that must be examined, in any I wifl stand back and group of people who are will at least be partly against him. "teaching's tough and attempt to justify the claims let this youii^ city whippe^ female. law-ebidii^ citizens who If the edict appears at getting tougher". made. snapper pinch the job that We have read many wish to live the way we page 4 of the little book I wish they'd make up -H. PERKINS ri^dy bdongs to me, dien editions of "Semper" and called "Enrolment Guide their bloody minds.' want, but society won't Ferny Grove. ray goodness, you are sadly congratulate you on such a 1978" is valid, it is also, -DAN O'DONNELL mistaken. And don't think let us! We are people with fine production. Would it be in my submission, an evil Stafford Heights I don't smdi Canberra in- the minds of females possible to arrange for a and penucious exercise of vdved eiUier, trapped in male bodies. monthly column to be power. But they have not beaten TTiere are very few ways printed about the problems I invite any student who MORE ON MANCUSO BAD COMPANY me yet, and they won't of us living in peace because of Transvestites and Trans has fallen foul of the beat me now. By gosh, of the way the police and sexuals? University's fines, charges, I would like to answer they won't! And neither ' some of the commuiuty -NARELLE CHRISTINE and late fees, and who feels I was the tiniest bit will the reds! 1 run a tight harass us. We believe it is WILLIAMS aggrieved by their im the reply (Semper, No. 9) to stirprtsed to discover that ship here, that's why people the right of every human Zillmere. position, to contact me at ray letter on '^e" my pearls of wisdom were flock to Queensland like to be able to live as he or 2/96 Thorn Street, radioactive levels-die work being cast before the readers bees round a hive. she wishes, as long as they Kangaroo Point, 4169, or. of Prof. T. Mancuso. of the centre of Semper. don't break the law. Do you think I wiU EXAM RESULTS (in urgent cases) by ringing It was interesting to read Could I suggest Uiat in There is an organisation 221 6499. S. Zabbrowski's strange let my labours be lost? WITHHELD future authors be consulted For over a decade, Qld'ers set up in Queensland for The words of a very reply since he or she tended before edited versions of trans-sexuals, but they are to ignore tho main point have been looking to me for By now most of you kind and helpful lady in their lectures are published guidance', as' a sort of. using antiquated rules to Enrolments (or was it of my letter. No matter in your paper? Some decide who can change sex will have been notified how well intentioned or beacon, but heavens, never of your first semester Examinations summarise authors might be uncom a red one have they sought. and who can't. In my own the situation: "There are so experienced a peison may fortable if judged by the case, the psychiatrist con-, examination results. In my be, if his methods are in Ever since that Sunday - many rules and fines that company they keep, since vihea I went up to Mt. cemed told me I didn't case, and pcriiaps in the accurate then all the hard all Queensianders know that nobody knows..." Tambourine and was fit in with their "standard case of others, the result work has gone to waste and guilt-by-association is State lecehred, Ikhew my way set-, of rules", yet in the stands at R.W. That means -ANDREW ABAZA respect gives way to dis dogma. same breath he told me appointment. was a chosen one. Result Withheld, but it also Kangaroo Point -ROGER SCOTT I was eccentric! But gracioTis, where was' means ''correspondence" in my. letter I named Dept of Government, Qld. Our group has the belief 1? Ah yes. if Uiis "Wild and long telephone conver a publication by Dr. L.A. University. • that if a person is turned Sagan M,D.-"Low Level Lemon" wants a fiasco; sations with Examinations, well, I am no rookie at. down for sex change, they Enrolments, Information, CONTRADICTION OF Radioation effects; the should have the ri^t to Marcuso Study" which that. Heaven knows I'm- Accounts, Admissions, Ex TEACHING demand sex change, on the shows up Mancuso's in not. clusions, and failing 377 Both the Department of -JJP.B. condition that they meet accuracies. Government and the United nil, a short chat with The article "Teaching's Elba the full 'costs involved, and I'm Sony it exists, but Nations. Association, which tough and getting tougher" that they sign a release do Safety and Security. there you are. And really, established the ' Byth > EDITORS: Jten/eCo////w ; cument clearing the medical It also means that you has struck a raw nerve S.Z., your bit about com Lecture, were notified well and Bruce Dickson. profession any damages etc. make appointments with (Semper, 19 July). puters shows how desperate in advance of Semper's in- PfilNTF.R:SunsMna Coast At present, the system is thie Registrar,'do, not receive ;. the author. Dr. Grassie, your argument has become. tendon' to reprint the. Newspaper Co., Aerodrome • . thaitwhen a person is turned conririnatioh, aiid find he'is who is currently. DeanVdf. As for the claim ihat lectitre.., :'•• •"•//'. Rd„ Maroochydore.^ • • • the Faculty of Education, Contenti of Samper ara^ down, '. there is no in Canberra on the Mancuso was told by his copyright 1978. ". counselling service available appointed day. , was a member ot the team superiors to produce' a -EDfTOKS 2 S SBtAKjR ^Au9uM E;<rg?83 Opposition Leader Evicted From Parliament Further Moves by Premier to Kill 'Representative' Democracy TTie eviction oi the Opposition Leader's spot research initiatives office from the Parliament House building be possible nor immediate response to unexpected without warning or consultation on the eve government tactics. There of the new parliamentary session is to date will be a complete down the most cynical illustration of Premier grading of operational Bjelke-Petersen's contempt for parliamentary efficiency. democracy. ITie (Jueensland Legis lative Assembly, as well as Under his Premiership the Westminster system being the Parliament that has been rendered more irrelevant than ever before sits the least number of in Queensland history. Not only is his banning of days (38 Ist year) for all peaceful political processmg stifling the extra- westem legislatures, wili par! iamentaiy opposition but it also appears that he also be the one where the will stop at nothing to emasculate the offlcial in4iouse opposition leader has no opposition. staff facilities. The decision is a brutal denial of the comment by Carmel Lister special role played by the office of Leader of the Qld Govt to be The eviction aiso means Opposition Leader Tom Opposition in so-called that the Leader of the Bums from his research Pariiamentary democracies.