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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 385 3rd International Conference on Education, Economics and Management Research (ICEEMR 2019) Cultural Awareness in the Teaching of Shanghainese in Shanghai Kindergartens Yan-Yan Li Human Resources Department, Tianhua College Shanghai Normal University Shanghai, China Abstract—The purpose of this study is to examine Shanghai Cultural awareness is the foundation of communication and cultural awareness activities in the teaching of Shanghainese in it involves the ability to stand back from ourselves and become Shanghai kindergartens in China and to share recommendations aware of our cultural values, beliefs and perceptions. for further promoting cultural awareness activities, in efforts to maintain and develop minority languages or Chinese dialects in In Wales, the “Curriculum Cymreig” (the Welsh Cultural China. This study used the case study approach and Curriculum) was developed to foster cultural awareness. Kindergarten Q was identified to be the case. The results suggest Curriculum Cymreig endeavors to reflect the whole range of that cultural awareness activities should play a significant role in historical, social, economic, cultural, political and promoting the teaching of minority languages or Chinese dialects environmental influences that have shaped contemporary at schools. However, there is much more that needs to be done by Wales. This involves giving students a sense of place and schools in enhancing cultural awareness activities, such as heritage, of belonging to the local and wider community with increasing, developing and cultivating more cultural awareness its own traditions, a strong Welsh identity, access to the activities. literature of Wales, differences and traditions in use of the Welsh and English languages in Wales, and the distinctive Keywords—Cultural Awareness; Dialect; Teaching of nature of Welsh music, arts, crafts, technology, religious Shanghainese; Kindergarten beliefs and practices [4].
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