Maltreatment Report #: HL28659005M Compliance
Protecting, Maintaining and Improving the Health of All Minnesotans Office of Health Facility Complaints Investigative Public Report Maltreatment Report #: HL28659005M Date Concluded: May 31, 2019 Compliance #: HL28659006C Name, Address, and County of Licensee Name, Address, and County of Housing with Investigated: Services location: A‐1 Reliable Home Care A‐1 Reliable Home Care 2353 Rice Street Suite 107 5716 42nd Avenue North Saint Paul, MN 55113 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Ramsey County Ramsey County Facility Type: Home Care Provider Investigator’s Name: Earl F. Bakke, RN, MSOL, BSN, CEN Special Investigator Revised Date: July 30, 2019 Finding: Inconclusive Nature of Visit: An investigator from the Minnesota Department of Health investigated an allegation of maltreatment, in accordance with the Minnesota Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults Act, Minn. Stat. 626.557, and to evaluate compliance with applicable licensing standards for the provider type. Allegation(s): It is alleged that a client was exploited when the alleged perpetrator (AP) took money from the client’s account without permission. Investigative Findings and Conclusion: Financial exploitation was inconclusive. The AP billed a client to clean a carpet damaged due to the client urinating on the floor. The AP sent the invoice to the client’s representative payee, who paid the sum in monthly installments. The AP believed s/he had justification for billing the client for the damage under the rental agreement signed by the client. There is not a preponderance of evidence to conclude that the AP intended to financially exploit the client by billing the client for the repairs to damaged property. An equal opportunity employer.
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