Eltham Unreported As Stolen and End Eltham Have Resulted in the Police Have Called a fi Rearms up in the Hands of Criminals

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Eltham Unreported As Stolen and End Eltham Have Resulted in the Police Have Called a fi Rearms up in the Hands of Criminals Vol. 23 No. 7 April 25, 2013 www.opunakecoastalnews.co.nz Published every Thursday Fortnight Phone and Fax 761-7016 A/H 761-8206 for Advertising and Editorial ISSN 1171-0624 Inside... Quarry proposal has locals up in arms A proposal to site a quarry area (Block 2) will be near in the vicinity of the small the bank of the Kaipokonui township of Kaipokonui has River. It will contain a feed local residents up in arms. hopper, vibrating screens, Resource Consent is be- conveyor systems, two-jaw ing sought from the South crushers, a secondary crusher, Taranaki District Council washing plant, a fuel storage (STDC) for a quarry on the tank and utility shed, as well western side of Lower Glenn as a staff amenity building. Road (Landers and PKW Ninety fi ve, still Vehicles involved would farming, ex war veteran land) by RA Wallis Ltd. include two front-end load- looks back. Page 5 There are several reasons ers, two digger excavators why residents don’t want the and water carts (number quarry in their proximity, but unspecifi ed). excessive noise is cited as the The plant would have about main concern, with added 200 operational days per year danger caused by turning and is expected to produce or slowing trucks. There is 50,000 to 80,000 cubic me- expected to be 67 truck move- tres of aggregate per annum. ments per day. The plant would be opera- The area proposed is con- tional 7am to 7pm Monday siderable and divided into in to Friday, Saturdays 8am three Blocks, although only to 5pm and Sundays 8am High tech security ex- six hectares will be quar- to 3pm. There would be no plained by ex-Opunake ried at any one time, starting excavation/processing/crush- cop page 7. with Block 2. The processing ing on public holidays or Dec Priscilla Luke and Bruce McDonald point out where the proposed quarry will be sited. 27-31. “We bought this for its ers – not the members were Two residents Priscilla peacefulness”, explained consulted”, says Bruce. Luke and Bruce McDonald Bruce. Their solace was shat- Another resident, Wendy were living in Christchurch tered when they received a Carrington, is also upset until the last major earth- letter (dated December 20, about what she sees as “a lack quake caused their house to 2012) informing them of the of consultation”. be condemned (Red Zone). quarry proposal. The letter She also is concerned about Finally accepting a pay-out was signed by Cam Twig- health implications. “I’m much less than the value they ley, Environmental Planner, asthmatic”. Will dust be an Are rates fair? Cr placed on their house they BTW Company and Gary issue? “I guarantee it will”, Ian Armstrong com- came to Taranaki eighteen Wallis of RA Wallis Ltd. she declares. What she de- ments page 4. months ago and bought their The couple claim the con- scribes as “visual pollution” Kaipokonui home in what sultation process is flawed also upsets her. “From the they thought was a tranquil and mention iwi approval as setting. an example. “Just the lead- Continued page 3 Firearms amnesty call – no questions asked The Opunake and Eltham unreported as stolen and end Eltham have resulted in the police have called a fi rearms up in the hands of criminals. court appearances of a 17 and amnesty following the Recent burglaries in Fraud is fraud, says Continued page 3 Member of Parliament recovery of high powered as Government get Site of the proposed quarry. fi rearms taken in burglaries tough page 8 in the Eltham and Opunake areas. They are appealing for the removal of these and 191 Broadway - Stratford other illegal arms from the Ph 0800 765 533 community. Of great concern, according www.pennialljordan.co.nz to the police, is that four recently recovered fi rearms were of unknown origin, while one was known to have been taken in an earlier Opunake burglary. Five stolen fi rearms are known to be still ‘out there’ Constable David Lindsay of Eltham said “We need to get these unsafe, unmonitored fi rearms out of the community and out of harms way”. *Hobson HT Priced at only $1090 “As you can see in the SAVE $480 what a great saving!! news, offenders are using *All other fires $250 off or free fi rearms more these days and upgrade colour on Wegj people are being injured and killed. A lot of them are the guns that drop off the radar, See us online at www.opunakecoastalnews.co.nz For advertising or editorial please phone/fax (06) 761-7016 10 NEWS Thursday, APRIL 25 2013 OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Active Intentions Sylvia Hudson Active Intentions New Plymouth, South Taranaki Counselling Hawera. [email protected] For all your counselling needs - counselling that makes a difference. Survive and Thrive Choose Life - Book contains survival tips for life. www.sylvia-huitson-activeintentions.co.nz CONTACT - 06 751 1483 - 06 278 8288 or 027 600 0302 PetfoodPetfoodPetfood Mince MinceMince Bags of 4 Rolls for $12 $12$12 bag bag of of 5 5 xx 500g500g rolls Buy 10 Bags get one bag free! BuyBuy 10, 10, get get ONE ONE bagbag FREE!FREE! All meat;All Allmeat; meat: animals animals animals love love love it, it, itno no- no preservatives preservatives preservatives or or additives additivesadditives NAKINAKI DOGDOG LOGLOG $6 NAKI2.6 kg approx, DOG Guaranteed LOG 60% meat products$6 2.6 2.6KGkg approx, APPROX, Guaranteed GUARANTEED 60%60% MEAT meat PRODUCTS products 1 KG1 kg MINCED minced CHICKENchicken $3 $3 OPEN:OPEN:1 kg Mon-Fri Mon-Fri minced 8am 8am-6pm, - chicken6pm, Sat Sat 10am-2pm 10am-2pm $3 OPEN: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 10am-2pm TARANAKITARANAKI PETPETFOODS FOODS LTD LTD TARANAKI (06)06PET 751 751-2779 2779 FOODS LTD 6767 HURFORD Hurford (06) 751-2779 Road, ROAD, Omata OMATA ENQUIREENQUIRE67 Hurford FOR FOR BULK BULK Road, MEAT MEAT ORDERSOmata ORDERS ENQUIRE FOR BULK MEAT ORDERS FORKLIFT CONSTRUCTION RENTAL EQUIPMENT . SERVICE PARTS . .SERVICE .SALES .PARTS .SALES diggers, rollers, chippers & underborers NOW AGENTS FOR DOOSAN & BOBCAT! AB EQUIPMENT 34 Hurlstone Drive, New Plymouth - Manager Mike Robinson Ph (06) 757 5197 or 0800 30 30 90 www.abequipment.co.nz OPUNAKE & COASTAL NEWS Thursday, April 25, 2013 NEWS 3 Quarry proposal has locals up in arms Eltham Barbers Continued from page 1 cially the bird life”. Bruce thinks recreational fi shing 9.00am to 5.00pm backdoor I’ll be looking at it will be adversely affected Monday to Friday all the time”, she says. if the proposal goes ahead. Mens and Ladies She concludes, “They make Rather bitterly he concludes, No appointment needed their money then leave”. “Is this what South Taranaki Finally, she challenges, is all about? Is this what you do to your neighbours?” “Would they live here?” 38 Bridge Street, Eltham Another resident, Maska A petition has been circulat- 027 282 6322 Humphries sums up his at- ing which has gathered over titude simply, “It’s a pretty 200 signatures “and rising”. dumb idea.” His concern is The preamble states: This about, “Just all the noise re- petition is against a pro- ally”. A relative of his, Peg- posed quarry for RA Wallis gy Preston has lived in her Ltd – Lower Glenn Road house for about 24 years and (Landers/PKW Land) on the is fi rmly against the quarry west side of Lower Glenn proposal. Road and against Ngati Tu The quarry house. Priscilla had fears for the leadership. Priscilla wel- “Come and see me,” she re- Kaupokonui. Her phone fauna in the area, “Espe- comes more signatures. quests at 1810 South Road, number is 027 55876 12. ALL A AUTOGLASSLL AUTOGLASS REPAIR REPAIR & & REPLACEMENT Firearms amnesty call – no questions asked • MOBILE MOBILE SERVICE SERVICE • TARANAKITARANAKI WIDE WIDE Continued from page 1 rity guidelines and lock up some strange means, then Nigel Day ( 06 7626050), these arms in the approved this is your opportunity to be or the Eltham Police, David • INSURANCE 0800 &10 PRIVATE 35 35 WORK cabinets. Keys should be rid of it. The same goes for Lindsay (067648055/ 027 22 year old, and a 14 year old in a discrete location, with ammunition or other weap- 451 6905 – leave a message. •OPEN CARS, OVER TRUCKS, THE HOLIDAY BUSES. PERIOD is being processed through ammunition and bolts also ons that you’re not comfort- and we’ll get back to you. NOW AT the youth justice system. separated and secured away able about having at home. Arrangements can be made One of the adult defendants from the fi rearms. You won’t be in any trouble; for you to drop them off, or is pleading guilty to the bur- The Firearms Amnesty we just want these fi rearms we can come and get them. 0800 10 35 35 glary charges. means if you have posses- made safe The amnesty will run for a The local police also want sion of a fi rearm illegally, If you have one or more of couple of weeks, so please 70 Hurlstone Drive, New Plymouth to remind those storing guns be it because you never had these fi rearms then please help us to help you and keep www.novus.co.nz of the need to follow secu- a licence, or obtained it by contact the Opunake Police, your families safe. AND AUTOMOTIVEPh: 06 758 SERVICE 7978 & REPAIR Where is Boris? 70 HURLSTONE DR NEW PLYMOUTH 06 758 7978 Boris is a ten-year-old distance away? Burmese cat, the much kitchens beloved pet of Ian and He has been missing now Pauline Turpie of 5 Julian for about a fortnight.
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