. 472 (28-02-90) (28-02-90) 472 . TESI DOCTORAL Privada. Rgtre. Fund. Generalitat de Catalunya núm Catalunya de Generalitat Fund. Rgtre. Privada. Títol Aspects of algorithms and dynamics of cellular paradigms Realitzada per Giovanni E. Pazienza en el Centre Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle C.I.F. G: 59069740 Universitat Ramon Lull Fundació Lull Ramon Universitat 59069740 G: C.I.F. i en el Departament Electrónica y Comunicaciones Dirigida per Xavier Vilasís Cardona C. Claravall, 1-3 08022 Barcelona Tel. 936 022 200 Fax 936 022 249 E-mail:
[email protected] www.url.es Aspects of algorithms and dynamics of cellular paradigms Giovanni E. Pazienza Ph.D. dissertation Supervisor: Dr. Xavier Vilas´ıs-Cardona Universitat Ramon Llull, December 2008 to Pedro, who is fighting for life Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Cellular paradigms 5 2.1 Cellular Neural Networks . 5 2.2 CNN Universal Machine . 8 2.3 Cellular wave computer . 9 2.4 Cellular automata . 11 2.5 A glimpse of physical implementations of cellular paradigms . 17 2.5.1 Chips and emulations on reconfigurable devices . 18 2.5.2 Simulation on Graphics Processing Units . 19 3 Alternative proof for the universality of the CNN-UM 21 3.1 Turing machines, universality, and computability . 21 3.2 Universal CNN models . 23 3.3 GP+IM machine: an example of universal Turing machine . 24 3.4 Equivalent ways of describing CNN-UM functions . 26 3.4.1 Universal Machine on Flows diagrams . 27 3.4.2 Strings and binary trees . 28 3.4.3 Directed Acyclic Graphs .