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Clifford Called to Washington Conference With LBJ Lcc Clifford goes to the White "I have a great interest in fied on Monday. He's in some Johnson. Among the speakers "I think we'll really learn House again this weekend—but the young leaders who are thing of a state — "Naturally I will be Secretary of Defense something at this meeting," says this time as the guest of Presi emerging in our colleges, and am honored—well, what I really Robert S. McNamara, Secretary Lee Clifford. "We don't know yet dent Johnson instead of at his old would like to get to know them am is floored. I think that it is a of Labor Willard Wirtz. and am what the President has in mind summer job in the Senate cham and their thinking as much as wonderful thing for the students bassador Aiilai Stevenson, as well —what he is going to talk to us of this nation to be given an op as LBJ himself. bers. I ran. With this in mind, I am about — but I gather it will be portunity to be represented be Later there will be a buffet meaningful, since the meeting inviting to the White House a Dr. Stanford received a letter fore the President himself." supper and entertainment, with was called on such short notice. from LBJ Sunday, requesting group of student leaders from Saturday evening he and the Lynda Bird Johnson as hostess. The students at the meeting will that he select an outstanding stu representative colleges and other students chosen — no fig The letter did stipulate that also profit from the chance to ex universities throughout the dent leader to represent the Uni ures are available on how many the funds to transport Clifford change ideas—and the opportuni versity of Miami in an informal country." said President John students will attend the confer to Washington would have to ty to talk to such men as Willard conference of student leaders son in his letter. ence—will be guests at a recep be provided by University or Wirtz and Robert McNamara is from all over the nation. Clifford was chosen and noti tion with President and Mrs. personal funds. quite a privilege." Student European Placement Service k Schools Crowded rage 3 The Mia urncane Page 5 • 40TH YEAR, NO. 3 UNIVERSITY OK MIAMI. CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA, OCTOBER 2. 1964 TELETUONE.MO 1-2511, EXT. 2581 Honor Ends When Friends Spirit Week Festivities Begin Tuesday Enter Test Including Skits, Elections, University of Miami stu dents are "split almost down the middle"1 in their agree Slaves, Queens And Pep ment on the UM Honor Code, By CONNIE COYNE but according to a Hurricane Harncaaa Na*i later poll conducted this week 87% Spirit Week — set aside by submitt three entries for the con- of the 200 students question USG to ceneratc school en- ,est t0 the USG omco hv 5 Pm • ed would not report cheating. thUlium — begins to howl Tuesday^ Entrants must be in Three questions were included I —. , i , , good social and academic stand- Tuesday, rumbles through the ing with ^ University. in the poll: California game Saturday . «^._.. .. - .... • Are you in favor of UMs . , r / Judging for the five skits to be Honor Code? night and booms at a pep rally presented at Thursday night's • Would you cheat on an un- skit and queen contests on Pep Rally will take place 4 p.m., proctored exam? Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday, Pep Arena. Each • Would you report a friend if Tryouts for USG Hostesses, student organization may submit you knew he was cheating? who greet football players nt the a three to five minute skit for Some 40% of the students airport, usher at USG programs the judging favored the code, while 53% re and staff the USG office, will be Freshman elect representa ported that they disliked it and 3 p.m.. Tuesday, Great Lounge of tives to University College that it was ineffective. The other 730 East Dormitory. government and USG Thurs 7% answered they did not know. Finalists for the Spirit Week day and Friday in the area of When asked if they would the I r.iinni;' and Instructional cheat were a proctor not present, Queen will be chosen B:30 p.m.. Wednesday, also in the Great Research building. 57% of the replies were nega lounge. tive, and 43% of the students The Queen of Spirit week will be announced at a Pep Rally admitted they would probably Each women's organization may cheat. Thursday night when the skits will be presented. A slave sale Reporting cheating they ob will also be held during the rally served seemed against the codes Frosh Petitions when one woman from each so of most of the students as 87% rority will be auctioned off to do of the polled replied they would Due Today For menial labor. not turn in a friend. A minority of 13rr said they would report USG, UCC Offices Trophies will be awarded to any cheating. those organizations who generate Deadline for completed peti the most spirit during the week Of the many explanatory com tions of Undergraduate Student Points toward the trophy are ments some of the most interest Government and University Col given for wearing buttons, wav ing were: lege Confereance freshman can TEAM OF JOY and "sisterly hugs" were the order of Ihe afternoon last Saturday as UM ing banners and all manner of • "It does nothing here. We didates is 2 p.m., today, Student other activities. Winners of the should have an honor system, not coeds picked up their bids for sororities. Fraternity bid acceptance will he held tomorrow Activities Office. from 10 a.m. to noon in Beaumont li-iiinr Hall. skit contests and the queen con just words." Candidates will be briefed hy tests also rake in points for their • "It sounds nice, but it doesn't the election board during a 3 organizations. pm. meeting in Eaton Hall north turn me on." Judges for the various con • "I wouldn't turn anyone in." lounge. Student Aids Members of the election board tests will include representa • "I would be in favor of are Dr. Thurston Adams, student tives from the offices of the something better . something activities director; Jamie Barkin, Deans of men and women, the stronger." Small Loans Open To Students chairman; Jerry Duckor, assist-, Interfraternity Council. Men's • "It's a good idea, but I'm ant chairman; Lee Clifford, ex Residenee Had Association and sure it doesn't work." officio member. I.ee Clifford, President of USG. "Petty cash" up to $15 credit if the loans are promptly and parents' occupation. Any al The board will meet daily dur Chairman of the Spirit Week activities is Jack Morton, USG might be considered small repaid. lowance from parents must be ing election week to consider listed as income. campaign problems and com cabinet member. 9 change to the Office of Stu- Students wishing to apply for plaints. "We hope that spirit week will Family Topic loans must supply the following The Student Aids Office is in , Campaigning will begin at mean more this year to the stu i dent Aids, but to the many information: student identifica the Ashe Building and is open noon, Oct. 4, and continue until dents than waving banners and Of First USG UM students they extend tion card, name, home address, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. voting on Oct. 8 and 9. singing songs," Morton explained. loans it might mean the differ Lecture Series ence between eating or diet Drs. David and Vera Mace ing. will be the guest lecturers in We 're In Good Shape Ihe first presentation of the Under the small loans service, One sailboat Undergraduates Student Gov full time students with passing ernment Lecture Series Two rowboati Wednesday, Oct. 7. grades may qualify for short- Four canoes "The Society Family" will term loans up to $100, according lour pool tables be Ihe topic of this first pres to Edna Pederson, acting direc Six ping pong tables entation, which will begin at tor of Student Aids. 4:30 p.m. in the Great lounge Numerous tennis rackets Loan periods are usually two A multitude of quiet games of the 730 Dorm. 1 Dr. David Mace is Joint weeks and are repaid with no And a partridge in a . (oops!) Executive Director of the interest charges. Funds are made And Ihe key to this wonderland is one student identification American Association of Mar , available through contributions riage Counselors. i by various local civic groups. card. USG and the University ad During the last academic year, In addition, the temporary student union, set up in Eaton ministration are both contrib ! $12,000 in small loans was circu Hall, is the scene of Friday night dances when fraternities uting $3,000 toward the tex lated through the program. Men. aren't sponsoring them elsewhere on campus, and, weather FUN IN THE SUN ture series this year. Said j according to the director, are thepermitting , Sunday night movies — both without charge. can be found in temporary Union facultie -while we wait. Clifford. This should enable 1 most frequent borrowers. One Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., the union also has football, us to obtain almost any male student has contracted speaker we could want to loans 22 times in four years. basketball and baseball equipment for students to check out Thursday night, pep rallies. speak at the University." Records kept of the loans are without charge.