The Mia Urnca
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The Mia urnca 40TH VOAR, NO. 10 UMVEBSITY OK MIAMI. COBAI. GABLE*. KI.ORIUA, \UMMIIIK 2(1, 1"-(>1 Game, Dance Headline Homecoming Week Pep Rally Slated Tonight Zentner, Price To Perform Before UM-Vanderbilt Tilt For UM Queen Judy White A prc-gamc pep rally at thc Orange Bowl and the Home Two top bands, presentation of the Homecoming Queen coming tilt between Miami and Vanderbilt are the events and court, and introduction of the newly-tapped honorary slated tonight as part of the 38th annual Hurricane festivities. members will headline the 38th annual Homecoming Dance, The pep rally will begin at* Miami Reach Convention Hall, tomorrow, 9 p.m. 7:30 p.m. and the game will fol Si Zentner and his orchestra low immediately. Iron Arrow, billed as "recognizing the need Hurricane Howl, UM Alumni C.I..-I.S.S (;<H'MI!\T for dance music that is truly Association picnic, will provide a danceable"- and the Lloyd Price barbeque and dancing tomorrow ODK Choose band lead by the holder of five night. 7 p.m., at Tahiti Beach. USG Ok's Plan gold records, will perform the 47 Members "Battle of thc Bands." Final judging for house dec Tin Undergraduate Student orations will take place tomor Iron Arrow, UM's highest men's Government Council passed two The Homecoming Queen and row and the winners will be honorary, tapped 15 students, two "major" pieces of legislation Mon her court — consisting of a announced at the Homecoming professors, and two alumni in a day freshman, a sophomore, a jun Dance. colorful processional ceremony A controversial "Class Govern ior and a senior princess — yesterday. will he presented during the Phata ky torn Kleiman ment Amendment" to the USG Displays are judged on theme The alumni include Robert intermission in a "Queen's pro ODK PRF.SIDF.NT JAMIK BARKIN Wednesday carried out the constitution was passed unani •ad appearance in three divi King High, Mayor nf Miami, cessional." Both hands will annual tradition of hell-ringing which kicked off the official mously on the second reading sions — fraternity, sorority and and Maurice Ferre, a long-time play as the five girls are pre beginning of Homecoming events. independent. contributor to the School of Monday and will go into effect sented by University President The three judges, Jack Mitch Engineering. at the USG election in the spring. Henry King Stanford. ell, Neil Amdur and Rocky Pal- Students included are Jack Aff- I M STj DENTS Under the new amendment, merents, did preliminary judg- | lebach, Tim Anagnost, Jamie representation in USG will lie Omega. Omicron Delta Kappa, ing on the 21 displays Tuesday. \ Barkin. Stu Brenner, Mark by classes — freshman, sopho Iron Arrow. Archontcs and Or- Clasby, Tom Cass, Lee Clifford. more, junior and senior — ra University President Henry John DuPont. Thomas Ford, Ken Lead 100 MPH. Chase ther than the present system King Stanford's car led the j Hunt, Don Klein. Julius Lee, Thanksgiving is a week away, but three UM students gave of representative hy schools. Homecoming parade consisting Ramon Poo, Dave Wike, and Josh Tirkets for the Homecom of some 73 floats, bands, ran thanks Tuesday night as the red light of a Metro deputy's car The amendment also provides ing Dance will he sold in Vernaglia. —tand the burning wreckage of I for representative seats on the mil dignitaries Thursday the Student Activities Office night. Dr. Stojan Bayitch of the Law their own vehicle lighted the end USG Council for Student Religi School and Dr. William Deich- of their joyride. ous Association, Mens Residence for $4 until noon today. The entourage wound from | man. head of pharmacology in the NDEA Money Jerome O'Connell, Dan Mi- Hall Association, Associated Wo All tickets sold after that North Campus through Coral Medical School, were the two chalcCi and John Kane, all 19 men Students. Interfraternity lime or at the door will be Gables to the judges stand in faculty members honored. Still There — years of age, were spotted speed Council, and Panhellenic Council $5 per couple. front of City Hall. ing down Old Cutler Road in Under the amendment as orig Parade winners were an- j I Renewal on NDEA loan appli O'Connell's 1958 Chevy about 2 in.illy introduced more than a cations should be made im nouneed at a pep rallv immedi- j Omega, and Wig and Robe will month ago, these organizations angc Key will present their new fr 8 m M n mediately in Ashe 238, according The three residents of Brun- atelv following in the pep arena. I »»P °™ * »" "°° «£•*• would have lost their seats in ly-selected members to the stu to Edna Pederson. office of Stu stelter House, seeing they were The rallv featured the "Sing- A luncheon for new Wig and Robe the Council and would not have dent body during, the dance. dent Aids. about to be apprehended, de had a vote in student govern ing Hurricanes" and the usual ! members will be held this after- The forms are due prior to cided lo "outrun the cops." Accordant to ODK President group of cheerleaders and band I n°°n a< ihe University Inn. ment. Instead, they would be rep Thanksgiving. They started a 100 mile-an- resented in the cabinet of the Jamie Barkin, the Overall Home members. I • Also due before Thanks hour chase which arresting of USG president. coming Trophy will lie awarded Three luncheons, two break Omicron Delta Kappa, na giving are renewal applications ficers described as the "wildest sometime during the evening fasts and one tea were held by After initial passage of the tional men's leadership honor for IT. S. Cuban I-oan Program trip ever made by auto alont; various groups during thc amendment despite heavy opi>o It is awarded on the basis of ary, collared new members on benefits. Old Cutler Road" week. sition, Ron Salxi, author of the the total number of points earned Wednesday. Tuition loans available for After running the stop sign at bill, introduced an amendment to j for participation and merit in The 20 undergraduate men Old Cutler Road and South Al- Omicron Delta Kappa. Iron January, 1965 include the fol- it which assured those organiza- j various Homecoming events. Arrow and Wig and Robe all I chosen arc Rick Barry, Tom Cass. lowing: lapattah Road, the car hit a lions teats and votes on the bump, causing O'Connell to lose Kappa Alpha Mu will take pic hosted their new members dur ! Stu Brenner, Alan D i n s m o r e, 1, NDEA (National Defense Council. ing luncheons on Wednesday. Roller Fendrirh. Dick Gray, Ken Education Act) loans for majors control of the auto which rolled tures during the dance which neth Lamb, Julius Lee. Miguel into a corner yard "1 feel tlie passage of this will be available in color Continual on Pave ~ in education, science, mathe amendment shows the Council is j Gonzalez. Bruce Packman, Thomas Careening through the yard, matics, engineering, and modern taking action to organize the Dress for the dance is semi- Parrott, Eric Plet, David Powers. they hit another hump and the languages are available The Continued on Past - formal. i Armando Pena, Raymond Robert. loans, for students with 1.5 over car became airborne, sailed § Election Analysis Mclvill Rubin. Ronald Sabo. Jack all averages, are repayable over into the next yard and landed f Simms. and Gary Smallridge. a 10-year period. on the roof of Raymond Tur United States Congress Law School students honored ner's parked 1957 Mercury. Pocket-pinning' Won't Go— Graduate or undergraduate man Claude Pepper will pre hy ODK are Thomas Ford, Wil From that vantage point, it students with a 1.7 or better sent an analysis of the 1961 liam Miner. Gary Laser, Barn* was only • short piggy back rid' Kenn Kerr. UM advisor to "This is absolutely wrong,'' said average may apply under the Presidential election Mon Semet. and John Young. to the porch roof of Marguerite fraternities, this week issued a Kerr. He explained that no man same repayment terms. Loan day, 7:30 p.m.. Brock way ODK also honored Dr. Ivan Bullard's house at 1123,50 Cutlet •tern warning to freshmen who at UM is considered a pledge or value is $300 per semester. lecture Hall. Hov. Dr Ralph Price, and Dr. Road. may have been "duped" by fast- may pledge a fraternity until he He is sponsored hy the William Shea of the UM faculty. 2. Engineering students with Finally, bouncing off the roof, talking fraternity men this se registered with the Interfra Young Democratic Club on one vear's legal residence in and landing upside down in the mester ternity Council, and received an the University of Miami Florida, sophomore level with a Billiard yard, the car burst into official bid. campus. Fwnch Singers 1.2 overall average, may bring flames. "It has come to our attention grade sheets for consideration that some freshman men this "No man should enter into Pepper served in World Kane and Mirhalec managed Two celebrated French folk under the United Students Aid uho are ineligible to pledge a i'ny such illegal contract with War I. He received his A.B. to scramble from the wreckage, lingers, Marc and Andre will pre- i Funds, Inc., program. Loans are fraternity at the present time fraternities, either in the form from the University of Ala but the driver, O'Connell, was sent a concert for UM and Pal- ' available to $500 per semester, are heing pocket-pinned," Kerr of pocket-pinning or under- bama and was graduated pinned under the wheel and metto Senior High School French j repayable after graduation.