OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION (Affiliated to AIBOC) SIBOA Centre, Mission Quarters, -1, Website:, Mob: 9387100334 ======CIRCULAR No. 10/2020-22 (TO MEMBERS ONLY) Dated: 14th April 2021

Dear Comrades,

It is with a heavy heart saddened by anguish and pain that we are penning these lines. The sad, untimely and tragic death of Com.K S Swapna, our Comrade from Canara Bank has hit us so badly that we are moved beyond words. Bankers in general, and Officers in particular, can readily identify with the circumstances that moved her to do the unthinkable and we, as an organization, will be failing in our duty to the cadre, if we do not acknowledge the fact that those are the kind of thoughts that have crossed the minds of many Bank Officers at one point or another. It’s high time that we turn around and address the real issues behind such unfortunate incidents, rather than hide behind the statistics.

From being purely service sector post nationalization, Banks have moved to an era where every decision is taken with the investor only in mind, where, even the regulators and the authorities are fast becoming mere spectators. The employees, who, obviously are the biggest stake holders are pushed out of the picture but end up taking the brunt for the mismanagement and absurd policies. The enormous changes in organizational structure across the Banks have reshaped the working conditions to such an extent that there is huge increase in the psycho-social disorders of employees. The imposition of unachievable targets and the mindless insistence of higher ups to achieve them through any means expose the Officers to such inhuman working conditions that are unheard of in any organised sector. We, trade unions also, have been taking comfort in being “responsible supervisory cadre organizations” but are forced to open our eyes to the harsh reality that is unfolding.

Comrades, we must at least do justice to the term ‘camaraderie‘ and start looking at each other in a different light. We implore you all to look out for the slightest hints of irrational behaviour that could be the result of work related stress mounting up and we must step in and confront such brethren to share their concerns. If need be, we must also encourage them to seek professional help. But before all that, we must take a vow that we will not bear with unnecessary and unjustifiable pressure from the higher ups and we will insist for dignity of labour, more than anything else. Please feel absolutely free to contact any of your elected representatives when you feel you are being unnecessarily exposed to

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SOUTH INDIAN BANK OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION (Affiliated to AIBOC) SIBOA Centre, Mission Quarters, Thrissur-1, Website:, Mob: 9387100334 ======intolerable conditions. Let’s not forget that our loyalty shall always be to the institution and not to individuals. Let’s not forget the instances when abuse has been showered by certain executives under the pretext of business review and hereafter, we shall definitely expose such persons. We shall fight any attempt at destabilising our HR related systems and procedures that have stood the test of time and we will fight together as a unit, as we have always done.

SIBOA pays homage to Com.Swapna and urges upon the conscience of all concerned that let this be the last of such incidents.

Yours comradely,

(Praveen.R) General Secretary

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