Soil Biology and Soil Management Soil Biology and Soil Management

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Soil Biology and Soil Management Soil Biology and Soil Management The Soil Management Series SoilSoil BiologyBiology andand SoilSoil ManagementManagement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—#F92,86/&3,6,*#3#6$&(9$8(6/&-(%&839%(086*&'()%&/(82: THE SOIL SCIENTIST —%#08#+/&$"#&/(82&/.8#6.#&9%86.892#/&$",$&,%#&839(%$,6$&&&&& &&&&&&& $(&9%(7).$8(6&,*%8.)2$)%#: YOUR FARM —"#29/&'()&,992'&+",$&'()&,%#&%#,786*&$(&'()%&(+6&-,%3: WHAT’S NEXT? —+%,9/&)9&$"#&.",9$#%&1'&"#2986*&'()&,//#//&'()%&(9#%,$8(6&,67&/(82: FURTHER RESOURCES —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oil Biology and Soil Management !"#$%&'()&*(+,&$(-.&"()+/&0(&1+(2)3%&0(-/&(4&"5'&(+&3(+-&4+(6&%53"&53+%&(4& $5-27&0(-/&(4&8530%+#57&4)-.#7&#-/%30/7&5-2&(0"%+&(+.5-#/6/&5+%&*(+,#-.&)-2%+9 In this .+()-27&65,#-.&45+6#-.&1(//#8$%:&;"%'&2%3(61(/%&(+.5-#3&6500%+&5-2&0+5-/4(+6& publication -)0+#%-0/&#-0(&4(+6/&'()+&3+(1/&35-&)/%:&;"%'&"%$1&8)#$2&.((2&/(#$&0#$0"7&%-"5-3%& 3+(1&.+(*0"7&5-2&3(-0+($&1%/0/: How do farming practices change soil !"#$%&'$(")$*+'+,-$./"0$*+--+/$0&'&1+0+'-$ life? of the soil biological community? 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