COLD MAN OF EUROPE 2015 UPDATE October 2015 Westgate House 2a Prebend Street London N1 8PT 020 7359 8000
[email protected] The Cold Man of Europe – 2015 How the UK’s housing performs against comparable European countries in terms of fuel poverty and energy efficiency. Written by Pedro Guertler, Jack Carrington and Antonia Jansz Summary This briefing compares the state of the UK housing stock and fuel poverty levels with 15 other European countries. It concludes that no other country of the 16 assessed performed as poorly overall as the UK across the range of indicators. The UK has among the highest rates of fuel poverty and one of the most energy inefficient housing stocks in Europe. Despite the fact that it has amongst the lowest energy prices, the UK ranks very poorly in terms of the affordability of space heating and fuel poverty, ranking 14th out of 16 on both indicators. It is the poor state of our housing stock that is the main cause of these problems. In terms of households reporting that their home is in a poor state of repair, the UK ranks 12th out of 16. In terms of energy efficiency, out of 11 countries for which data is available, the UK’s walls are ranked 7th, roofs are ranked 8th, floors are ranked 10th and windows are ranked 11th. The key results are shown in Table 1 below. The latest official European data are used for this briefing, and the UK’s performance compared to a previous assessment two years ago1. 1 Association for the Conservation of Energy | briefing