Nigerian Exchange Student Offers Cross-Cultural Observations Ime L

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Nigerian Exchange Student Offers Cross-Cultural Observations Ime L ^^TZSJS^^»5^^^^S^S5C^^^^^MS^^^3 ODIMR^RNAL Thursday, May 28,1987 • ^i&*X:Ze:- Nigerian exchange student offers cross-cultural observations By Pat Shaw damental differences, lb accommodate the size is politely critical of American teenagers. Most movie or occasionally does homework. For all McQuaid Jesuit High School of its student body, the school is partitioned of all he observes a lack of cultural unity of Andrew's cultural differences, his social ac­ The other day, something resembling a tie- into three houses similar to college fraternities. among teenagers here. From his standpoint, tivities seem to be a common bond he shares dyed shirt, in a swarm of surrounding ties, . A sense of competitiveness exists among them, there is no firm set of customs in America. The with his American contemporaries. caught iny eye. This was when I first noticed but, as Andrew says, "You have to see the good lackadaisical attitude that Americans display Because South Africa is the subject of con­ our Nigerian exchange student. Although his side of it" toward each other — and particularly to their siderable criticism regarding its policy of apart­ native clothes stood out, he seemed vtxjy«- Andrew's schedule would discourage even elders — contrasts sharply with the uncondi­ heid, Andrew is very aware politically. He feels served; but upon talking to him, I found tlat the most academic American student, yet he tional deference and respect practiced in his the effects of- apartheid indirectly, but that is he opened up, fascinating me with his views describes his school as academically difficult homeland. enough to make him firmly object to it on on Americans and his cultural observations. during end-of-the year finals but "casual" "People (in Nigeria) don't give each other moral grounds. "It affects me only directly be­ His views came from a totally different per­ throughout the rest of the year. He goes to regards!' Andrew observes of the informality cause of where I live, but I don't want people spective. school in the morning from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., with which Americans greet each other. In his to think it doesn't reach me!' he insists. Andrew Tekulah, 18, is from Benin City, Ni­ and in the afternoon from 1:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. culture, children greet their parents formally Andrew would like to see Africans take con­ geria, in the midwestern region of the African — a rather long school day by any standard. every morning, with more than "just a hello!' trol of.the situation by taking decisive action. continent. Andrew is Nigeria's first exchange But he is hardly a "regular" student, according Rather than being a mere set of rules, Andrew's "It's not a question of whether (apartheid is) student. At home, he has 10 brothers and sis­ to the standard of the American work ethic. customs add up to his cultural identity. wrong!' he says, "it's more (a matter of) what ters. His father works for the government in Andrew has trouble accepting the fact that a Andrew also views materialism as a preva­ can you do about it. We have to educate our the civil service department. His native tongue lot of students here hold jobs and go to school. lent characteristic of our society. He contrasts people and make them aware!' is Afriama, and he speaks English almost flaw­ "It is very unusual (in Nigeria) for a student the American obsession with clothes to the lessly. to have a job" he comments.' "You either go simplicity of Africa. "Here I see girls wearing Andrew sees governments — and partic­ In Nigeria, he also attends a Catholic school. to school as a student or work. It's one or the miniskirts!' he comments. "At home, we call ularly that of the United States — as ineffec­ However, it is much larger than McQuaid — other!' those people 'lost children!" Such materialism tive deterrents to apartheid. The reason for 2,000 students to our 800—and has some fun­ Although he is not at all cynical, Andrew might well be rubbing off on him, however. this, in his view, is American naivete concern­ "Here I have a Walkman!' Andrew admits. ing the issue. "It's not black and white alone!' "Before I came over ... nothing like that!' says Andrew. "We're talking about tribal After the third song, singer/guitarist things. Michael Sweet sat down and said, "I With the exception of these cultural differ­ don't know if everyone realizes this, but ences, he seems to be enjoying himself in the For Andrew, America's inaction and failure this band is devoted to Jesus Christ!" United States, although a few things — fast to understand the plight of African blacks The crowd went wild, and a smile came food, riding a bus to school and Rochester's summarizes the cultural gap between our two over Sweet's face. anvthing-but-tropical weather — make him un­ continents. He does concede, however, that derstandably homesick. At home, he has many "there is no perfect nation!' While this may be By Michael Fleming "I guess we all agree on that," he said. interests, including soccer and track at school, At the end of the show, members of an understatement, it's nevertheless a quiet Cardinal Mooney High School truth. It seems as though the term "rock 'n' the band threw Bibles into the audience. and judo on the weekends. roll" has almost become extinct. The The fans snatched them up as fast as they By explaining one of his typical weekends, I think we all have something positive to gain reason for this is that it has been divided could. Andrew gave me a better understanding of from Andrew. His simple ideals and customs, into so many categories. There's pop, The point of this article is not to give a what it would be like, to be a teenager in Africa. make him. a very interesting addition to heavy metal, thrash, punk and new wave, conceit review, but to introduce a band I On Saturday, he goes to the stadium to prac­ McQuaid. His criticisms of America are not among others, and each of these truly admire to anyone who doesn't tice judo. After that, he goes to. a special • voiced in a morally superior tone, but simply categories has its respective sub­ gathering spot called "the stream" — a nick­ as an outsider's view of our society. know of them yet. name for the beach. "We do anything there!' categories. Personally, I think the whole issue of "Maybe it's just me, but I don't think any­ he says, "listen to reggae, play cards, chat — one is better than anyone else," Andrew con­ The "new kid on the block" is a type "Satan in rock n' roll" is a load of anything." of music commonly referred to as garbage. I don't think the members of cluded, as we discussed apartheid. Taken out "Christian Metal." You might be think­ Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and On Sundays, he goes to church in the morn­ of context, that comment seems to be an ac­ ing that religion and rock don't mix. Metallica are devil worshippers. Yet a lot ing. In the afternoon, he sometimes goes to a curate reflection of his character. However,, Uie^mjembers^Mi^gra^migbt., of people insist on blaifiing triese groups for teenage crime, suicidelahd sexual Notre Dame HigfrSchool ^%fc¥aifranrJ"' ''RoMrf^Sweet'.'" Tim immorality. Should the networks allow the advertise­ Gaines and Oz Fox, the members of The fact is that no one will ever accuse ment of birth control on TV? SCryper, are all born-again Christians. Stryper of having a negative influence on They also happen to be one of the hottest their audience — which means that ime acts in the country. Hailing from they're shedding a positive light on rock AL BORIA, senior THERESA SWEENEY, senior Florida, Stryper has released three music. This can only be a step in the right Yes, we should be aware of the various No, because that is approval of its use. albums: "The Yellow and Black At­ direction. devices to prevent unwanted pregnancies It goes against Catholic teaching. They tack," "Soldiers Under Command," Many older people are just beginning and sexually transmitted diseases. Also, also don't report all of the side effects and and most recently, "To Hell with the to realize that because a .guy wants to Devil." All of these albums are hard rock companies that produce and sell these bad results. If girls want to use it, they grow his hair long, play an electric guitar products have as much right to advertise should consult their parents, physician or (bordering on heavy metal), but they all' and join a band, he's not necessarily consist of songs praising God and Christ their merchandise on TV as toy compa­ a family planning group. holding Satanic rituals in his basement. nies do. and condemning Satan and drug abuse. I think it's about time that a band like Recently I was fortunate enough to see Stryper be well-received because they're SARA HYLAND, senior TAHIR CHAUDRY, senior , a Stryper concert-. What I saw simply giving the kids something different — No, networks should not allow the ad­ I think network TV should allow ad­ amazed me. It was by far the best concert something clearly positive. vertisement of contraceptives, because vertisements for birth control. If they al­ that I've ever seen. It comprised more A lot of you hard-rock fans may still viewing these ads just encourages people low illicit sex scenes, they should have no than an hour and a half of non-stop be skeptical, and I'll admit that I was, to engage in sexual activity without think­ trouble in presenting the possible neces­ energy and excitement.
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