SYNTHESIS0039-78811437-210X © Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York 2018, 50, 3749–3786 review 3749 en Syn thesis I. Cheng-Sánchez, F. Sarabia Review Recent Advances in Total Synthesis via Metathesis Reactions Iván Cheng-Sánchez Francisco Sarabia* Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Málaga, Campus de Teatinos s/n. 29071- Málaga, Spain
[email protected] Received: 16.04.2018 ly explained by the emergence, design, and development of Accepted after revision: 30.05.2018 powerful catalysts that are capable of promoting striking Published online: 18.07.2018 DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1610206; Art ID: ss-2018-z0262-r transformations in highly efficient and selective fashions. In fact, the ability of many of them to forge C–C bonds be- Abstract The metathesis reactions, in their various versions, have be- tween or within highly functionalized and sensitive com- come a powerful and extremely valuable tool for the formation of car- pounds has allowed for the preparation of complex frame- bon–carbon bonds in organic synthesis. The plethora of available cata- lysts to perform these reactions, combined with the various works, whose access were previously hampered by the lim- transformations that can be accomplished, have positioned the me- itations of conventional synthetic methods. Among the tathesis processes as one of the most important reactions of this centu- myriad of recent catalysts, those developed and designed to ry. In this review, we highlight the most relevant synthetic contributions promote metathesis reactions have had a profound impact published between 2012 and early 2018 in the field of total synthesis, reflecting the state of the art of this chemistry and demonstrating the and created a real revolution in the field of total synthesis, significant synthetic potential of these methodologies.