Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 354 2nd International Conference on Applied Science and Technology 2019 - Social Sciences Track (iCASTSS 2019) Business Plan of Abon Cakalang “Bless” in North Minahasa Regency Ovni Taroreh Nancy Mandey Business Management Department Marketing Management Politeknik Negeri Manado Politeknik Negeri Manado Manado, Indonesia Manado, Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—Business plan of abon cakalang “Bless” is said to Abon cakalang is a type of processed food fish that is be feasible to run because it is supported by marketing aspects, given seasoning, processed by steaming and frying. The organizational and management aspects, production aspects, resulting product has a savory texture, good taste and and financial aspects. The marketing aspect helps to see distinctive odor and has a relatively long-lasting power. market segments, target markets, market demand, Among the many fish in Indonesia, there is one fish that can competitors, and marketing strategies. Organizational and be made for abon, that is skipjack tuna. In addition to good management aspects help to see the company's organizational taste, it also proves that the nutritional value and protein of structure, licensing, preoperative activities, office equipment skipjack tuna is very high. Abon cakalang product is one of and supplies. Production aspects help to see product design, the efforts to meet the tastes of the people in consuming production processes, production capacity, land and