Department of Higher Education and Training List of Approved South African Journals (January 2021) JOURNAL TITLE Open Access ISSN (Print) ISSN (Online) FREQUENCY EDITOR'S DETAILS PUBLISHER'S DETAILS DATE OF LAST REVIEW (Previous title if applicable) (when available) OR ACCREDITATION Acta Academica Yes 0587-2405 Bi-annually Prof H Melber, The Dag Hammarskjold PUBLISHER ADDRESS Reviewed 2009 URL: Foundation Uppsala, Sweden, Email: Sun Media Bloemfontein
[email protected] 55 Brill St classic.html Westdene Postnet Suite 214 Private Bag X01 Brandhof 9324 Tel : +27-(0)51-430-0459 Fax : 086-545-4491 E-mail :
[email protected] Acta Theologica Yes URL: 1015-8758 Biannually Dr L Hoffman
[email protected] Sun Media Bloemfontein Tel: + 27 51 430 0459 Reviewed 2010 Prof HC van Zyl Fax: +27 86 545 4491 nals.aspx?journal=5 Faculty of Theology E-mail:
[email protected] URL: PO Box 339, Bloemfontein,9300 Physical address: 59 Brill Street script=sci_serial&pid=1015- Westdene 8758&lng=en&nrm=iso BLOEMFONTEIN African Journal of Disability YES, URL: 2223-9170 2226-7220 Continuous Online Dr Leslie Swartz AOSIS, Postnet Suite #110, Private Bag X19, Added in 2014 Email:
[email protected] Durbanville, South Africa, 7551 Tel: 086 1000 381 Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: 086 5004 974 African Human Rights Law 1609-073X Biannually Prof Frans Viljoen The Juta Law PO Box Reviewed 2011 Journal Editor: Centre for Human Right 24299