Impact of Density Gradients on Net Sediment Transport into the

HANS BURCHARD Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemünde, Rostock,

GÖTZ FLÖSER GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, Germany

JOANNA V. STANEVA Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany

THOMAS H. BADEWIEN Institute of Physics, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany

ROLF RIETHMÜLLER GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, Germany

(Manuscript received 10 March 2007, in final form 26 June 2007)


This study tests the hypothesis that horizontal density gradients have the potential to significantly con- tribute to the accumulation of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Wadden Sea. It is shown by means of long-term observations at various positions in the Wadden Sea of the German Bight that the water in the inner regions of the Wadden Sea is typically about 0.5–1.0 kg mϪ3 less dense than the water. During winter this occurs mostly because of freshwater runoff and net precipitation; during summer it occurs mostly because of differential heating. It is demonstrated with idealized one-dimensional water column model simulations that the interaction of such small horizontal density gradients with tidal currents generates net onshore SPM fluxes. Major mechanisms for this are tidal straining, estuarine circulation, and tidal mixing asymmetries. Three-dimensional model simulations in a semienclosed Wadden Sea embayment ϭ Ϫ3 Ϫ1 with periodic tidal forcing show that SPM with sufficiently high settling velocity (ws 10 ms )is accumulating in the Wadden Sea Bight because of density gradients. This is proven through a comparative model simulation in which the dynamic effects of the density gradients are switched off, with the conse- quence of no SPM accumulation. These numerical model results motivate future targeted field studies in different Wadden Sea regions with the aim to further support the hypothesis.

1. Introduction but also because they absorb light (and thus hinder primary production). In areas of high SPM concentra- Wadden Sea as suspended matter sink tion like the Wadden Sea, pelagic primary production Interest in suspended particulate matter (SPM) has decreases with respect to the open sea due to high wa- increased during the last decades not only because con- ter turbidity (Van Beusekom et al. 2001). taminants like lead and organic pollutants [e.g., poly- For this reason, the SPM concentration in the Wad- chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) or tributyltin oxide (TBT)] den Sea, its variability, and its transport has been in- bind to SPM rather than dissolve in the water phase, vestigated in the past 50 yr with many experimental studies and modeling exercises. One of the most inter- esting features is that any SPM satellite scene (see, e.g., Corresponding author address: Hans Burchard, Baltic Sea Re- search Institute Warnemünde, Seestraße 15, D-18119 Rostock, Fig. 1) shows a high SPM concentration inside and a Germany. low concentration outside the Wadden Sea. This well- E-mail: [email protected] known feature alone should give rise to an outward-

DOI: 10.1175/2007JPO3796.1

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Fig. 1. Total suspended matter in the German Bight taken by the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on board the European Space Agency (ESA) satellite Envisat 12 Aug 2003.

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Fig 1 live 4/C 568 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 38 directed SPM flow due to turbulent dispersion. How- velocity, to a net export of fine-grained material. Thus ever, the Wadden Sea is more or less stable on a time one or more mechanisms must counterbalance or even scale of decades or even centuries. Measurements, on exceed the outward-directed turbulent dispersion of the other hand (Pejrup 1988a,b; Eisma 1993; Puls et al. SPM. 1997; Townend and Whitehead 2003), often show an For such a mechanism, several suggestions have been inward transport (resulting in a sea bottom rise of 0.07 made: to8mmyrϪ1) that may be altered by human influences 1) Settling lag (Postma 1954; Van Straaten and Kuenen like the construction of dikes, land reclamation, or coastal lagoon closure (Afsluitdijk in the 1958; Postma 1961; Bartholdy 2000): Sedimented separating the Lake Ijssel from the North Sea, and the material is taken into suspension by the flood cur- Hindenburg and Rømø dams closing the –Rømø rent at a certain critical water velocity and trans- Bight to the south and north, respectively; see Fig. 2). ported onshore. Once the velocity falls below the Observational evidence shows that suspended matter critical value (because of changing tide or decreas- deposition is inhomogeneous in time and in space in- ing current velocity toward the mainland), the par- side the Wadden Sea. Suspended matter is accumulated ticles do not settle immediately, but take some time in summer but eroded during winter or during severe to reach the ground, moving farther inward than a storms (e.g., Lumborg and Pejrup 2005). The deposi- symmetric water velocity pattern would allow. The tion rate may be high on tidal flats but low or negative basic assumption of the settling lag mechanism (and in the tidal channels (Dyer 1994; Pedersen and Bar- also the second mechanism) is a nonzero sinking tholdy 2006). Thus, averages like annual accumulation velocity for SPM and an inwardly decreasing water rates are difficult to estimate. Moreover, the annual velocity that introduces the asymmetry. sediment budget can be largely determined by extreme 2) Scour lag (Postma 1954; Van Straaten and Kuenen storm events (see Lumborg and Pejrup 2005). A very 1958; Postma 1961; Bartholdy 2000): During ebb, a effective method therefore derives deposition rates higher current speed is required to erode the par- from sediment cores by measuring activities of radio- ticles from the bottom than the current speed at active elements. However, not many areas are suited which the particles have settled during the flood be- for this purpose because the Wadden Sea sediment is fore. This is due to the fact that critical shear stresses often reworked in the upper 10 cm by benthic macro- above which sedimentation ceases are typically fauna (Andersen et al. 2000). lower than critical shear stresses above which ero- Eisma (1993) estimated that the Wadden Sea sedi- sion takes place. Bartholdy (2000) has shown for the ment growth, in general, keeps pace with sea level rise northern Danish Wadden Sea that the scour lag is and land subsidence; he reports sedimentation rates of much more important than the settling lag. 10–28 mm yrϪ1 for the Dollart, Jade Bay, and Leybucht 3) Asymmetric tidal water level curve and current veloc- in the German Bight. De Haas and Eisma (1993) re- ities (Groen 1967; Dronkers 1986a,b): Lumborg and ported 1–2mmyrϪ1 (with variations up to 8 mm yrϪ1) Windelin 2003 explain in a qualitative way the ef- in the Dollart. Postma (1981) estimates that the tide fects of asymmetric current profiles on the sediment entering the Wadden Sea leaves 3.5 ϫ 106 tyrϪ1 of transport, and two asymmetries are taken into ac- suspended matter behind, which amounts to an annual count. First, the change in current velocity during average growth of 0.27 mm (with 8500-km2 area for the high water is much slower than that during low wa- Wadden Sea and 1500 kg mϪ3 density for the SPM). ter. Therefore, the suspended sediment has more Pejrup (1997) measured with 210Pb dating an accumu- time to settle down on the tidal flats than at low tide lation rate in the Sylt–Rømø Bight of 58 000 t yrϪ1, where water is mainly in the deeper tidal channels. 63% of which are due to the water exchange with the Second, the current velocity is higher during flood North Sea. With an area of 400 km2 for the bight, this than during ebb; thus the sediment is carried farther amounts to only 0.06 mm yrϪ1. Andersen et al. (2000) inward. Even if the tidal wave has a symmetric shape and Andersen and Pejrup (2001) measured rates of outside the Wadden Sea, it may be distorted when 5–12 mm yrϪ1 for a specific site in the Sylt–Rømø Bight entering the tidal channels. Lumborg and Windelin demonstrating that the accretion rates can differ by two (2003) argue that the tidal wave once entering one orders of magnitude inside the same basin. of the Wadden Sea Bights is distorted because of However, there is also some evidence of sediment decreasing water depths, resulting in higher current export: Flemming and Nyandwi (1994) argue that the speed during flood than during ebb. Each of these combined influence of sea level rise and the construc- effects may lead to inward transport of suspended tion of dikes leads, by an increase in the mean tidal matter. However, Ridderinkhof (2000) found that,

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FIG. 2. German Bight and the positions of the measuring devices in the Wadden Sea. The German Bight image was taken by MERIS on board the ESA satellite Envisat. The insets are taken from Google Earth satellite scenes. On the right inset, the dams connecting the islands of Sylt and Rømø with the mainland can be clearly seen.

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in the -Dollard estuary, the velocity profiles are the mechanisms leading to net SPM transports down opposite to the ones reported from the western the salinity gradient (section 4). Three-dimensional Dutch and northern Wadden Seas; that is, the ebb model simulations of a semienclosed tidal embayment current velocities are stronger than the flood veloc- with freshwater runoff are then used to show the effect ities. Moreover, the change in current velocity is of density gradients on the SPM accumulation in the faster during flood tide than during ebb. Thus, the Wadden Sea (section 5). A discussion of the results inward transport mechanism caused by these kinds including suggestions for further testing of the hypoth- of asymmetry is not likely to play a major role. esis is presented in section 6. 4) Flocculation (Pejrup 1988a; Dyer 1994): Higher sus- pended sediment concentration in the inner parts of 2. Density gradients in the Wadden Sea the Wadden Sea leads to coagulation into sediment a. Materials and methods flocs with higher settling velocity. Thus, these par- ticles settle faster than those near the tidal inlets Time series of hydrographic parameters were mea- with a lower SPM concentration, yielding a net in- sured by GKSS (i) at two locations in the northern ward transport. In this mechanism, the basic as- (Rømø Dyb) and the southern (Lister Ley) tidal chan- sumption is an increasing suspended matter concen- nels of the Sylt–Rømø Bight during 1996–97, (ii) at a tration toward the mainland, which may have been location on the outer reach of the Accumersieler Balje, established by one of the other mechanisms dis- the tidal inlet between the East Lan- cussed here. Thus flocculation may have the poten- geoog and , in the months of May to November tial to amplify other mechanisms. since 2000, and (iii) at a location in the inner parts of 5) Stokes drift (Dyer 1988, 1994; Stanev et al. 2007), a the Hörnum Deep between the islands Sylt and Föhr in second-order effect of the tidal wave: The tidal wave the North Frisian Wadden Sea since 2002 (see Fig. 2). is distorted because of decreasing water depth on its The setup of these measuring stations was as follows: way toward the inner part of the Wadden Sea. The An iron pile with a diameter of 0.40 m was fastened Stokes drift tends to carry water into the tidal-wave- several meters into the ground close to the 3-m low- traveling direction; in order to maintain continuity, water line. Underwater probes for conductivity, water horizontal residual circulation cells may develop. temperature, optical transmission, current velocity, Dyer (1994) reports that Stokes drift can cause in- gauge level, and wave height as well as a meteorological ward as well as outward net transport in estuaries station measuring air temperature, air and pressure, depending on the relationship between the cross- wind speed and direction, global irradiation, and pre- sectional bathymetry and the tidal water level eleva- cipitation were mounted onto these piles. The under- tion. water sensors were installed 1 to 1.5 m above the sea- floor. The instrument specifications are given in Table No quantitative study has hitherto established a 1. Power supply was granted by two solar modules. ranking of all of these effects in the Wadden Sea. Fur- Ten-minute averages of 2-Hz time series were collected thermore, none of these net SPM transport mechanisms at the pile station and transmitted to a mainland station has considered horizontal density differences in the where the data were stored. Every hour they were fur- Wadden Sea as potential driving force for suspended ther transmitted to GKSS via phone connection. Salin- matter transport. ity was calculated from conductivity and temperature In this paper, we investigate the hypothesis that hori- using the United Nations Educational, Scientific and zontal density gradients can contribute to net SPM ac- Cultural Organization (UNESCO) formula of Rathlev cumulation in the Wadden Sea. First, we describe moni- (1980). Data from all four GKSS pile stations are avail- toring pile stations in the Wadden Sea (section 2a) and able online at http://tsdata.gkss.de. discuss time series observations of salinity, tempera- Different from the GKSS piles, the pile ture, and density recorded by instruments mounted on (built by the University of Oldenburg) is a permanent these piles (section 2b). Afterward, density-gradient- time series station that was set up in summer 2002 at the related mechanisms potentially driving net SPM trans- tidal inlet between the two East Frisian islands Lan- port are discussed in section 2c. Numerical modeling geoog and Spiekeroog (see Fig. 2) at an average water tools used for a quantitative analysis are introduced in depth of 13 m. Its construction withstands ice thick- section 3, including a turbulence closure model (section nesses of up to 50 cm. The mechanical structure consists 3a) and a coastal dynamics model (section 3b). One- of a pile having 35.5-m length and a diameter of 1.6 m, dimensional model experiments with a prescribed hori- driven to 10-m depth into the sediment. The station zontal salinity gradient are then used for demonstrating provides continuous data on temperature and conduc-

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TABLE 1. Instrument specifications of the GKSS (, Rømø Deep, Lister Ley, Ho¨ rnum Deep) and the University of Oldenburg (Spiekeroog) pile stations.

Institute Instrument Range Precision Resolution GKSS Pressure 0–100 dbar 0.025 dbar Conductivity 0–60 mS cmϪ1 0.1 mS cmϪ1 0.02 mS cmϪ1 Water temperature Ϫ2°–32°C 0.05°C 0.01°C University of Oldenburg Pressure 0–30 dbar 0.05 dbar 0.001 dbar Conductivity 1–65 mS cmϪ1 0.1 mS cmϪ1 0.001 mS cmϪ1 Water temperature Ϫ2°–35°C 0.02°C 0.001°C tivity all year-round taken from five different depths psu salinity, an increase of 2°C results in a density de- (1.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.5, and 9 m above the seafloor) through- crease by 0.35 kg mϪ3, whereas a decrease of 2 psu out the water column as well as pressure at 1.5 m above leads to a density decrease of 1.6 kg mϪ3. On the one the seafloor. The instrument specifications are given in hand, precipitation has a larger impact in the Wadden Table 1. The sensors in the pile are located in specific Sea than in other areas because of the region’s shallow- tubes with a horizontal orientation along the main tidal ness; for example, a rainfall event of 20 mm adds, in an current direction, thus providing a continuous flow of area with only 2-m average water depth, as much as 1% seawater along the sensors. Meteorological data in- to the total water mass and decreases salinity accord- clude temperature, pressure, wind speed and direction, ingly. This effect is intensified by the fact that the water air humidity, downwelling irradiance, as well as sky and depth is not uniform in the Wadden Sea. When precipi- water leaving irradiance. In addition, spectral light tation occurs at low tide, fresh rainwater falls on the dry transmission, nutrients, oxygen, yellow substance, and tidal flats and produces a water body of very low salin- methane are measured below the sea surface. A bot- ity. Because of the strong currents, vertical mixing is tom-mounted ADCP is located close to the station. very effective and results in a horizontal salinity gradi- Power supply is granted by a wind energy converter and ent from the tidal inlets toward the shore. This gradient solar panels. A 10-min average of the data is sent to a is subsequently reduced by shear dispersion between receiving station on Spiekeroog island where the data the Wadden Sea water body and the North Sea within are fed via telephone network to the University of Ol- a few days. denburg five times a day. Additionally, the Wadden Sea receives freshwater For quality assurance, depth profiling measurements from sluice gates to the mainland draining the low-lying using precise CTD probes are either carried out on the areas behind the dikes. Thus, even if there is no per- station or aboard an anchored research vessel. The sen- manent freshwater source, the Wadden Sea water usu- sors are calibrated by the manufacturer and checked in ally has a lower salinity than the adjoining North Sea the laboratory directly before deployment at the time water body. This is demonstrated in the upper panel of series station. Salinity is calculated based on the equa- Fig. 4. In the East Frisian Wadden Sea, salinity differ- tion of the state (Fofonoff and Millard 1983). Details on ences between high and low water drop from Ͼ1.6 psu the time series station can be found in Reuter et al. in winter and spring months to Ͻ0.5 psu in summer; in (2007, manuscript submitted to Meas. Sci. Technol.). the Hörnum Deep, the change is from approximately The real-time data are available on the Internet at 0.5 to Ͻ0.1 psu. The Spiekeroog data show the entire http://las.physik.uni-oldenburg.de/wattstation. seasonal cycle and vary from 0.8 psu in January to The data coverage of all five pile stations is shown in about 0 in August. Although these two piles are situ- Fig. 3. For the Langeoog and Hörnum Deep piles, the ated in a very similar environment, the salinity differ- salinity and temperature data have been averaged over ences of the Langeoog pile are much larger, which is one month using all available data from 2000 to 2006. probably due to the difference in its location. The data The error bars in Fig. 4 have been calculated using the from the Sylt–Rømø Bight fall in between the range bootstrapping method. defined by Langeoog and Spiekeroog values with a similar seasonal behavior. The seasonal variation re- b. Long-term observations in the Wadden Sea flects the variability in rainfall and evaporation. The idea that the Wadden Sea water may be lighter Using both freshwater inflow from precipitation and than adjacent North Sea water arises from salinity and sluices and the salinity difference, mean water ex- temperature observations, salinity having a much larger change time scales can be calculated. Assuming an an- impact on density than temperature. At 10°C and 31- nual rainfall of 800 mm (as is average for northern Ger-

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FIG. 3. Periods of measurement of the five piles in the German Wadden Sea. The numbers indicate quarters of the respective years. many), an area of 90 km2 for the Wadden Sea Bight den Sea. The potential impact of this is discussed in the between Langeoog, Baltrum, and the mainland, an area next section. of 140 and 75 km2 for the catchment areas of the sluices c. Potential dynamic impact of density gradients Accumersiel and Bensersiel, respectively, and further assuming that 50% of the precipitation on land is lost The processes discussed in the previous section have by evaporation, we estimate an average freshwater in- the consequence that coastal waters in regions of fresh- flow of 433 000 m3 dayϪ1. This amounts to 2.76 ppt of water influence (ROFIs; see e.g., Sharples and Simpson the water volume at the mean tidal level, thus reducing 1995) are substantially less dense than the offshore wa- the mean salinity of roughly 31 psu by about 0.085 psu ters. Where tides are present in such regions, coastal dayϪ1. If, furthermore, we consider an average salinity transports may be dominated by a nonlinear interaction difference of 0.4 psu between the North Sea and the between the tidal currents and the horizontal density Wadden Sea waters, we estimate that the mean adjust- gradients. Simpson et al. (1990) were the first to sys- ment time is about 4.7 days. The average flushing time, tematically investigate these effects. During ebb tide that is, the ratio of the tidal prism to the inflow is, less dense coastal waters are sheared over denser off- however, much longer and amounts to about several shore waters, creating a tendency to statically stabilize months. Of course, these time scales are strongly modi- the water column. Depending on the ratio between the fied by storms as well as by the spring–neap cycle, but stratifying shear and the shear-generated turbulence, they are valuable as rough estimates. the water column may become stratified or not. This The second process that alters the Wadden Sea water interaction of forces is called tidal straining (see Simp- density is temperature. As can be seen in the middle son et al. 1990). During flood, the opposite happens: panel of Fig. 4, Wadden Sea water is warmer than denser offshore waters are sheared over less dense on- North Sea water from March to August (with a maxi- shore water, increasing the potential energy of the wa- mum difference of about 2 K). The reason for the tem- ter column, which is then released into turbulent kinetic perature difference oscillation may be the varying day energy (TKE), subsequently leading to enhanced ver- length: from March to September, the days are longer tical mixing. Thus, during flood the water column has than the nights, so that the warming of shallow water the tendency to become more mixed. When a certain and tidal flats during daytime dominates over the cool- balance between the tidal force and the horizontal pres- ing during the night. From the end of September to sure gradient is given, the water column may be strati- March, the opposite effect (longer nights) leads to a fied after ebb and well-mixed after flood. This so-called stronger cooling in the Wadden Sea and thus to an strain-induced periodic stratification (SIPS) has been inverse temperature gradient. intensively studied in Liverpool Bay by Simpson et al. Both influences on the water density can be com- (1990), Sharples and Simpson (1995), Rippeth et al. bined to calculate mean density differences between (2001), and Simpson et al. (2002). high water and low water (lower panel of Fig. 4). All In tidal estuaries where horizontal salinity gradients pile measurements demonstrate that the Wadden Sea and tides interact, processes similar to SIPS are present. water is usually lighter than the North Sea water by Although it may be that an estuary is permanently about 0.4 kg mϪ3. The pile at Langeoog shows this stratified, SIPS may act near the bed, leading to near- influence more clearly than the other ones because of bed destabilization during flood and to near-bed stabi- the position of the pile, which is ideal for the detection lization during ebb. As Jay and Musiak (1994) pointed of Wadden Sea as well as North Sea waters. This gen- out, the systematic change of increased turbulence dur- eral property of an onshore to offshore density gradient ing flood and suppressed turbulence during ebb leads to may give rise to additional tidal asymmetries, which a tidal asymmetry also in eddy viscosity. Stronger mix- must be taken into account when considering the ing during flood transports more momentum toward mechanisms carrying suspended matter into the Wad- the bed, leading to a transport asymmetry that results in

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FIG. 4. Monthly averaged (top) salinity, (middle) temperature, and (bottom) density differences between high water and low for the five pile positions shown in Fig. 2.

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/27/21 04:03 PM UTC 574 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 38 a near-bed residual upstream transport. Since SPM mean flow in buoyancy-driven coastal flow dynamics. concentrations increase toward the bed because of the These statistical models, which use one dynamic equa- interaction between settling and vertical mixing, a net tion for the TKE and one other related to the integral upstream transport of suspended matter typically re- length scale of turbulence, are based on statistical treat- sults. The upstream end of this transport is given by the ment of the Navier–Stokes equations, and do thus con- limit of the salt intrusion, such that suspended matter is tain a number of empirical parameters. Those param- accumulating there as an often clearly visible estuarine eters have physical meanings and are thus adjustable by turbidity maximum (ETM). The ETM formation is ac- means of laboratory and model [direct numerical simu- tually supported by a number of other processes, such lation (DNS)] experiments. For more details of the pa- as, for example, the estuarine circulation (dense water rameter determination, see Umlauf and Burchard tongue creeping upstream against the mean flow; see (2003). In the closure approach we apply here, second- Postma and Kalle 1955; Festa and Hansen 1978; Dyer moment dynamics are reduced to algebraic relations, a 1988), or the fact that suspended matter is mixed higher simplification that makes such closures suitable for up into the water column during flood, due to increased implementation into three-dimensional models; for de- vertical mixing (see Geyer 1993). Burchard and tails, see Burchard and Bolding (2001). In several ap- Baumert (1998) have compared the efficiencies of these plications, these models have proven to agree quanti- three mechanisms with the aid of an idealized numeri- tatively well with turbulence observations in coastal cal model study and found that the tidal asymmetry and limnic waters; see, for example, the investigations suggested by Jay and Musiak (1994) was the most effi- by Burchard et al. (2002), Simpson et al. (2002), and cient. It should be noted that a number of other ETM Stips et al. (2002, 2005). mechanisms not related to density differences have The closure model that is applied in the present study been identified, such as barotropic tidal asymmetries is the k–␧ model with transport equations for the TKE, (see, e.g., Allen et al. 1980) or topographic features k, and the turbulence dissipation rate, ␧. From k and ␧, such as bends, headlands, or sills (see, e.g., Fischer et al. the integral length scale can be calculated by assuming 1979), leading at times to multiple ETMs (see Rolinski equilibrium turbulence spectra. As second-moment clo- 1999). sure, we apply the model suggested by Cheng et al. Postma (1954) and Zimmerman (1976) discuss in de- (2002). tail vertical and horizontal salinity distributions in the The turbulence closure schemes described above Marsdiep, a tidal channel connecting the western Dutch have been implemented into the public domain water Wadden Sea with the southern North Sea. Because of column model GOTM (General Ocean Turbulence substantial freshwater supply from Lake Ijssel, high to Model; see http://www.gotm.net and Umlauf et al. low water salinity differences are typically of the order 2005), which is used here for the one-dimensional stud- of 2 psu, and thus higher than in the East and North ies described in section 4b. Frisian Wadden Sea (see Fig. 4). Since the vertical sa- b. Coastal dynamics model linity profiles are well mixed, Postma (1954) concluded that gravitational circulation does not play a significant The dynamics of bathymetry-guided near-bed pro- role in the Marsdiep. The other density-related poten- cesses such as they occur in the Wadden Sea are best tial driving mechanisms for residual SPM transport as reproduced by numerical models with bottom-fol- described by Geyer (1993) and Jay and Musiak (1994) lowing coordinates. The major advantage of such have not yet been discussed for the Wadden Sea. model architecture as compared to geopotential coor- The question that is investigated in the present work dinates with steplike bottom approximation is that for is whether the superposition of strong tides with small bottom-following flows, the advective fluxes across ver- horizontal density gradients, as is typical for the Wad- tical coordinates, and thus the associated discretization den Sea (see section 2), has the potential to generate errors, are minimized (see Ezer and Mellor 2004; Ezer significant net transports of suspended matter by means 2005). Furthermore, bottom-following coordinates al- of the density-related mechanisms discussed above. low high near-bed resolution also in domains with large depth variations (see Umlauf and Lemmin 2005). Com- 3. Modeling tools pared to these advantages, the pressure gradient dis- cretization error due to isopycnals crossing sloping co- a. Turbulence closure model ordinates (see, e.g., Haney 1991; Kliem and Pietrzak During the last decades, two-equation turbulence 1999), an error typically associated with bottom-fol- closure models have proven to be most suitable for lowing coordinates, is of minor importance for the en- reproducing the interaction between turbulence and ergetic Wadden Sea.

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The three-dimensional General Estuarine Transport ␳ Ϫ ␳ ϭϪ 0 ͑ ͒ b g ␳ 1 Model (GETM; see Burchard and Bolding 2002; Bur- 0 chard et al. 2004), which has been used for the present numerical study, combines the advantages of bottom- and neglecting earth’s rotation, the momentum equa- following coordinates with the turbulence module of tion is then of the form GOTM (see section 3a). A numerical feature that sup- Ѩ u Ϫ Ѩ ͑␷ Ѩ u͒ ϭϪzѨ b Ϫ p ͑t͒, ͑2͒ ports high numerical resolution computations are high- t z t z x g order advection schemes, as described by Pietrzak where the first term on the right-hand side represents

(1998). The basic concept behind these schemes is to the effect of the internal pressure gradient, and pg is a apply well-tested monotone [total variation diminishing nondimensional periodic external pressure gradient (TVD)] one-dimensional methods in a directional split function with period T chosen such that mode. The scheme used here is a third-order monotone 1 0 t ULTIMATE QUICKEST method; see Leonard (1991) ͑ ͒ ϭ ͵ ͑ ͒ ϭ ͩ ␲ ͪ ͑ ͒ U t u z, t dz umax cos 2 , 3 and Pietrzak (1998) and for numerical tests as well as H ϪH T Burchard and Bolding (2002). The major advantage of these schemes is that they retain frontal features with- with the vertical mean velocity amplitude umax. This out creating spurious oscillations and negative concen- construction guarantees that the vertically and tidally ͐T trations. Furthermore, high spatial resolution is ob- integrated transport 0 U(t) dt is zero (see Burchard tained by the possibility of running GETM on parallel 1999 for details). In (1), g denotes the gravitational ac- celeration and ␳ the constant reference density, and in computers. 0 (2), ␷ denotes the eddy diffusivity. The effect of earth’s Simulations of scenarios with occurrence of intertidal t rotation can be neglected for this idealized one- flats are supported because of a dynamic drying and dimensional study, since the external Rossby radius is flooding algorithm. In contrast to many other models, much larger than the dimensions of the study area and GETM is not explicitly shutting off transports out of stratification is weak. grid boxes in which the water depth falls below a critical The transport equation for salinity is given as depth. Instead, the dynamics are retained in such a way that it gradually reduces to a balance between external Ϫ S0 S Ѩ S ϩ uѨ S Ϫ Ѩ ͑␷ЈѨ S͒ ϭ , ͑4͒ pressure gradient and friction. For details, see Burchard t x z t z T et al. (2004). GETM has been successfully applied to several where the term on the right-hand side is a relaxation coastal, shelf sea, and limnic scenarios [see, e.g., Stanev term. Without this term, salinity would run away be- et al. (2003a,b) for turbulent flows in the Wadden Sea, cause of residual horizontal buoyancy transport. In real Stips et al. (2004) for dynamics in the North Sea, Bur- estuaries, this relaxation to a certain tidal mean buoy- chard et al. (2005, 2007) for studies of dense bottom ancy is given by complex three-dimensional mixing pro- currents in the western Baltic Sea, Banas and Hickey cesses that are missing here. Thus the relaxation term (2005) for estimating exchange and residence times in can be considered as a parameterization for these lat- ␷Ј Willapa Bay in Washington State, and Umlauf and eral processes. In (4), t denotes the eddy diffusivity. Lemmin (2005) for a basin-exchange study in the Lake The density ␳ (and thus the buoyancy b) is then calcu- of Geneva]. lated by a linear equation of state; see Eq. (13). The horizontal salinity gradient is prescribed such that the ץ buoyancy gradient xb (see above) can be calculated. 4. One-dimensional analysis A simple but general suspended matter equation is given by a. One-dimensional dynamic equations Ѩ Ϫ Ѩ ͑␷ЈѨ ϩ ͒ ϭ ͑ ͒ tC z t zC wsC 0, 5 Let us consider a water column of depth H with the upward-directed coordinate z, representing the vertical with the nondimensional suspended matter concentra- structure of a water body of horizontally infinite size. tion C and the positive constant settling velocity ws. An external pressure gradient force is oscillating peri- There are no fluxes of suspended matter through the odically with period T, superimposed on a constant bottom and the surface, that is, at low near-bed turbu- ␳ ץ horizontal density gradient x aligned with the direc- lence; suspended matter is accumulating near the bed tion of the external pressure gradient. With the buoy- as a kind of fluff layer and is mixed up into the water ancy column when the near-bed turbulence is increasing

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FIG. 5. Time series of salinity during one tidal cycle in periodical steady state, simulated with the one-dimensional model. (left) Bottom and surface salinity; (right) bottom Ϫ surface salinity difference. The vertical full line marks slack tide after flood; the vertical dotted lines mark the tidal phases at which the flood and ebb profiles for Figs. 6 and 7 have been extracted.

again. Furthermore, only low-concentration, noncohe- H ϭ ͑ ͒ sive sediments with no feedback to the buoyancy of the Si , 7 Tumax flow are considered here, such that a nondimensional view with constant settling velocity is fully sufficient and the horizontal Richardson number (see Monismith here. et al. 1996), As turbulence model, a two-equation k-␧ model is Ѩ 2 xbH R ϭ . ͑8͒ chosen here. The TKE equation is here of the form x ͑ ͒2 umax ␷ t An increase in depth or a decrease of tidal velocity Ѩ k Ϫ Ѩ ͩ Ѩ kͪ ϭ ␷ ͑Ѩ u͒2 Ϫ ␷ЈѨ b Ϫ ␧, ͑6͒ t z ␴ z t z t z amplitude would specifically lead to an increased Rx, k and with this to a more pronounced tidal asymmetry. with the TKE k, the dimensionless turbulent Schmidt ␴ ␧ b. One-dimensional process study number k, and the turbulent dissipation rate , for which an empirical equation of a form similar to (6) is For a one-dimensional model study, we choose speci- used (see, e.g., Burchard 2002). The terms on the right- fications that are typical for tidal channels in the Wad- hand side of (6) represent shear production, buoyancy den Sea: a water depth of H ϭ 20 m, a vertical mean ϭ Ϫ1 production, and dissipation. velocity amplitude of umax 1ms , a tidal period of ϭ The three potential, density gradient related, driving T 44 714 s (in accordance with the M2 constituent), ϭϪ ϫ Ϫ4 ץ mechanisms for residual SPM transport discussed in and a horizontal salinity gradient of xS 1.4 10 section 2c are included in this one-dimensional model. psu mϪ1 such that the x coordinate increases in onshore Gravitational circulation is included by the combina- direction. Salinity is relaxed to 30 psu, with a relaxation tion of the internal and external pressure gradient on constant equal to the tidal period. Sea level variations the right-hand side of (2). SIPS is considered because of are not considered here. The simulation is initialized the combination of salinity advection in (4) and the from some neutral conditions (such as zero velocity, stratification effects included in the turbulence model minimum turbulence, constant salinity) and is carried [e.g., the buoyancy production term in (6)] and thus it is out for 10 tidal periods, of which the last 5 ones turned included in the eddy viscosity and diffusivity in (2) and out to be in periodically steady state. Results are shown (4). Finally, the tidal mixing asymmetry (Geyer 1993) is for the last tidal period only. The high tide to low tide included in (5) via the stratification dependence of the differences in salinity (see Fig. 5) are about 2 psu and eddy coefficient for SPM. thus do agree well with typical winter Wadden Sea con- It should be noted that in this idealized case, the ditions (see Fig. 4). system of hydrodynamic and turbulence equations de- The SIPS mechanism is clearly seen in the right panel pends on only two nondimensional parameters, which of Fig. 5: at full flood, the surface salinity exceeds the are the inverse Strouhal number (see Baumert and bottom salinity because of stronger positive salt advec- Radach 1992), tion near the surface. This is an unstable state, which

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FIG. 6. Profiles of viscosity and current velocity during one tidal cycle in periodical steady state, simulated with the one-dimensional model. (left) Eddy viscosity shortly after full flood (bold, at t/T ϭ 0.3) and shortly after full ebb (dashed, at t/T ϭ 0.8); (middle) absolute value of current velocity shortly after full flood (bold, at t/T ϭ 0.3) and shortly after full ebb (dashed, at t/T ϭ 0.8); (right) tidal mean velocity profile; positive values represent onshore transports. lasts until the end of flood. An interesting feature dur- u ϭ ͗u͘, u˜ ϭ u Ϫ u, C ϭ ͗C͘, and C˜ ϭ C Ϫ C, ing ebb is the stratification maximum during early ebb ͑ ͒ (t/T ϭ 0.65), which is explained by the time lag between 10 the stratifying shear and the destratifying shear-gen- we obtain erated vertical mixing. This has the consequence that ͗uC͘ ϭ u C ϩ ͗u˜C˜ ͘. ͑11͒ the eddy viscosity is substantially smaller during full Tidal mean SPM transport profiles ͗uC͘ (see the right ebb than during full flood (see the left panel in Fig. 6 panels of Figs. 7 and 8) are directed landward near the where we show profiles shortly after full flood and full bed and seaward near the surface, with a landward- ebb) in order to allow the flow to adjust to the flow oriented residual. For the fast-settling SPM, about half conditions. During flood the flow velocity is thus more of this transport is due to the overlay of tidally averaged homogeneous in the bulk of the water column, with velocity and SPM profiles uC, and the other 50% are higher speeds near the bottom and lower speeds near due to an on-average positive correlation of ebb cur- the surface, when compared to the ebb flow (see Fig. 6, rents with low SPM concentrations and flood currents middle panel). This has the consequence that near-bed with high SPM concentrations. For the slow-settling tidal mean flows are directed toward the coast (see Fig. SPM, most of the tidally averaged SPM transport is 6, right panel). explained by an overlay of averaged velocity and SPM For SPM, two different settling velocities are consid- ϭ Ϫ3 Ϫ1 ϭ profiles, except near the surface. ered, with values of ws 10 ms (fast) and ws Ϫ Ϫ The tidally and vertically integrated suspended mat- 10 4 ms 1 (slow). The left panels of Figs. 7 and 8 show ter transport, SPM profiles shortly after full flood and shortly after T 0 full ebb. One can clearly see that during flood (because ϭ ͵ ͵ ͑ ͒ Cint Cu dz dt, 12 of high turbulence) the profiles are more homogeneous 0 ϪH than during ebb (see left panels of Figs. 7 and 8). ϭ 2 ϭ is Cint 6235 m for the fast-sinking SPM and Cint The tidally averaged SPM transport can be decom- 945 m2 for the slowly sinking SPM. Although these are posed into two contributions. By introducing the tidal still small fractions of the total suspended matter trans- averaging operator port, which are moved onshore and offshore during 1 T each flood and ebb tide (about 2.2% for the fast and ͗u͘ ϭ ͵ u dt ͑9͒ T 0.33% for the slow SPM), this shows that there is a 0 buoyancy-related net transport mechanism for a wide and denoting the averages and fluctuations of velocity range of SPM classes. and SPM profiles, As discussed in section 2c, these processes are well

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FIG. 7. Suspended matter profiles during one tidal cycle in periodical steady state, simulated with the one- dimensional model using a settling velocity of 10Ϫ3 msϪ1. (left) Suspended matter profiles shortly after full flood (bold, at t/T ϭ 0.3) and shortly after full ebb (dashed, at t/T ϭ 0.8); (right) profile of tidal mean suspended matter transport, and the contribution of a direct overlay of tidal mean velocity and SPM profiles, as defined in Eqs. (9)–(11). known for estuaries and river plumes. However, for tidal basin, we therefore apply a three-dimensional nu- Wadden Sea dynamics they have so far not been con- merical model for an idealized situation to the Sylt– sidered. As shown in this section, they may nonetheless Rømø Bight in the Wadden Sea area in the vicinity of considerably contribute to a net onshore transport of the Danish–German border. We chose this specific area SPM also in Wadden Sea regions. because artificial dams in the south and north of the domain create a semienclosed tidal embayment with 5. Three-dimensional model studies only one entrance (see the right inset in Fig. 2). Because of these idealized conditions, many numerical model The tidal asymmetries in stratification and current studies have been carried out in this domain (see, e.g., shear are so small that it is difficult to detect them by Dick 1987; Burchard 1998; Schneggenburger et al. 2000; means of field observations. In order to study the po- Lumborg and Windelin 2003; Lumborg and Pejrup tential effect of horizontal density differences in a real 2005; Villarreal et al. 2005).

Ϫ Ϫ FIG. 8. Same as in Fig. 7, but with a settling velocity of 10 4 ms 1.

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FIG. 9. (left) Model topography of the Sylt–Rømø Bight. The red dots show the locations for the Brede Å and the Vida Å river runoff. (right) Areas covered by the budget boxes I and II. The section between boxes I and II along which simulation results will be extracted (see Fig. 14) is indicated as a bold black line, the location for the salinity time series (position P, see Fig. 10) is indicated as a red star. In both panels, the 0-, 10-, and 20-m isobaths are drawn. a. Model setup The model is initialized with zero surface elevation ␩ (however, ␩ ϭϪH ϩ h for intertidal flats, where H For the three-dimensional simulations in the Sylt– min is the depth below zero and h ϭ 0.05 m is the mini- Rømø Bight, GETM (see section 3b) is used in baro- min clinic mode. The model is forced through prescribed mum water depth), zero velocities, and minimum val- surface elevations at the open boundaries in the north, ues for the turbulence quantities. Salinity is initialized west, and south (see Fig. 9). These surface elevations with 28 psu at the mouth of the Vida Å, increases lin- have been composed on the basis of harmonic analysis early with distance from there to 32 psu at a distance of 26 km, and has a constant value of 32 psu at distances of the dominant M2 tide as computed by the opera- tional model of the German Federal Maritime and larger than 26 km from the mouth of the Vida Å. SPM Hydrographic Agency (BSH) with a period of T ϭ is initialized to unity in the entire domain after 45 tidal 44 714 s. Other tidal constituents have not been consid- periods of model spinup. River runoff has zero salinity ered in order to obtain a period model simulation (Bur- and SPM concentration as well as the precipitation. chard 1995). Freshwater flux from river runoff is speci- At the open boundaries, salinity is relaxed to 33 psu ␶ ϭ⌬ fied at two locations at the eastern and northeastern during inflow with a relaxation time scale of x/un, end of the Sylt–Rømø Bight at constant rates of 10 where ⌬x ϭ⌬y ϭ 200 m is the horizontal resolution of 3 Ϫ1 m s for each of the two small rivers Brede Å and the model grid and un is the vertically averaged normal Vida Å (see Fig. 9). Together with a constant precipi- component of the velocity at the boundary. At the open tation rate of P ϭ 0.1 m monthϪ1 this results in a total boundaries, SPM is relaxed to unity with the same time freshwater flux of 36 m3 sϪ1 into the inner Sylt–Rømø scale. Using fixed boundary values for salt and SPM Bight. These freshwater flux values are typical for a also under inflow conditions instead (equivalent to winter month. The inner Sylt–Rømø Bight is defined zero-relaxation time scale) would lead to the propaga- here as the area composed of budget boxes I (south) tion of unrealistically sharp fronts into the domain. and II (north) as indicated in Fig. 9. Heat fluxes are not The water column is resolved with 20 equidistant ␴ considered here, such that the simulation is carried out layers, such that the vertical model resolution varies with constant temperature. Surface momentum fluxes between about 1.5 m at the deepest point (29.1 m) and are also set to zero, such that wind and surface wave 0.0025 m over tidal flats. Each tidal period is resolved effects are not considered in this idealized simulation. with 104 barotropic and 103 baroclinic time steps.

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FIG. 10. Time series of salinity at position P (see Fig. 9) during the 55th tidal cycle, simulated with the three- dimensional model under consideration of density differences. (left) Bottom and surface salinity; (right) bottom– surface salinity difference.

Advection terms for salt, momentum, and SPM are Two types of simulations have been carried out, one discretized with the positive-definite ULTIMATE with consideration of density differences and one with- QUICKEST scheme (see section 3b). For the vertical out. Potential density ␳ is calculated from salinity S by advection, a time-split scheme is additionally used in means of the following linear equation of state: order to guarantee numerical stability. The settling ve- locity of SPM is linearly reduced to zero between the ␳ ϭ ␳ ϩ ␤͑ Ϫ ͒ ͑ ͒ ϭ 0 S S0 , 13 critical water depth hcrit 0.2 m, and the minimum ϭ water depth hmin 0.05 m, in order to avoid too many ␳ץϭ ␤ iterations of the vertical advection scheme in tidal flat where the haline expansion coefficient S has the regions. following values:

0.78 kg mϪ3 psuϪ1 for consideration of density gradients, ␤ ϭ ͭ ͑14͒ 0 for no consideration of density gradients. b. Simulation results plained by a water exchange time of the inner Sylt– Rømø Bight of about 265 days, which results from di- Both simulations with and without consideration of vision of its average volume by the freshwater fluxes density gradients were first spun up from initial condi- and which is much longer than the duration of 45 tidal tions for 45 tidal periods without calculation of SPM. periods (about 23 days). However, the density gradients Between the two budget boxes in the inner bight, a are basically in periodic state after 45 tidal periods, as west–east section is defined, starting from the north- can be seen from Fig. 10. western tip of the island of Sylt and cutting through the Strong horizontal salinity gradients are built up in the southern branch of the tidal channel (see Fig. 9). At the regions of the river runoff locations (see Fig. 11), spe- deepest point of this section with a water depth of 25 m, cifically in the fairly narrow northern Sylt–Rømø Bight. position P, time series data are extracted. This is supported by the net precipitation, which also It can be seen from Fig. 10, which shows time series generates very low salinities on the sandbanks south- of surface and bottom salinity at position P, that during west of the island of Rømø. flood unstable stratification is dominant, and during The significant differences between ebb and flood ebb stable stratification is dominant. The salinity am- currents are shown in Fig. 12 for the area northeast of plitude at position P is about 2 psu, with values oscil- the island of Sylt. The instants of flood and ebb are lating around 30 psu. This is similar to the results of the defined such that for ebb flow the instant of maximum one-dimensional simulations (see Fig. 5). The time se- current speed along the west–east section (see Fig. 9) is ries for salt at position P also shows that a quasi- chosen, and for flood an instant shortly after maximum periodic state was reached after 55 tidal periods, with a flood is chosen that has a similar maximum velocity as small trend in salinity remaining. The latter can be ex- the maximum ebb along this section. This is done in

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FIG. 11. Surface salinity at (left) high water and (right) low water for the 55th tidal period for the simulation with consideration of density differences. High and low water are defined as highest and lowest surface elevation at the northeastern end of the island of Sylt. The red dots indicate the locations for the river runoff. The results are extracted from the simulation with density effect. order to provide better intercomparison of ebb and T ͑ ͒ flood results for this section. The curved flows around ͵ U, V dt ͑ ␷ ͒ ϭ 0 ͑ ͒ the northeastern end of Sylt are subject to inertial ef- ur, r T , 15 fects, such that flood currents generate a lee zone south ͵ Ddt of the northeastern end and ebb currents generate a lee 0 zone north of it. These tidal asymmetries are more with the vertically integrated transport vector (U, V) clearly visible in the tidal residual velocities, defined as and the water depth D (see Fig. 13).

FIG. 12. Vertically averaged velocity at (left) flood and (right) ebb for the 55th tidal period (for definitions of time instants for flood and ebb, see section 5b). For clarity, results are only shown for the region between the islands, and only every second arrow is shown in each direction. The results are extracted from the simulation with density effect.

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FIG. 13. Tidal residual velocity for the 55th tidal period. For clarity, results are only shown for the region between the islands, and only every second arrow is shown in each direction. The results are extracted from the simulation with density effect.

This can also be clearly seen in Fig. 14 where the ebb SPM for the fast-settling fraction is slowly increasing in current has its maximum near the land to the west comparison to the water volume, indicating an SPM whereas the flood current maximum is deflected farther accumulation in the inner Sylt–Rømø Bight. This is to the east. The fact that ebb and flow current show only the case for the simulation considering density gra- different regional preferences makes it impossible to dients. The accumulation is smaller for the northern evaluate the Wadden Sea physics by only analyzing budget box II, the volume of which is much smaller point measurements. Figure 14, however, shows the sig- than of the southern box I. If density gradients are nificant dynamic ebb–flood differences along the con- neglected, an accumulation of the fast-settling SPM sidered section. During flood, stratification is mostly cannot be observed. For the slowly settling SPM, an unstable and eddy diffusivity is thus enhanced with the accumulation in the inner Sylt–Rømø Bight is not vis- result that the fast-settling SPM is strongly mixed. Dur- ible for the simulation considering density gradients. ing ebb the opposite happens: stratification is stable, For the simulation without density gradients, SPM is eddy diffusivity is reduced, and SPM is much less even slightly washed out of the inner bight, which can mixed. Furthermore, during flood the current speed in be explained by the net volume outflow due to the the upper half of the water column is much more ho- freshwater surplus. mogeneous during flood than during ebb. These dy- Figure 16 finally shows the spatial pattern of the SPM namics compare well to the one-dimensional model re- accumulation. If density gradients are considered, SPM sults shown in Figs. 6 and 7. is significantly accumulating in the northeastern corner Figure 15 shows the accumulation of SPM in the bud- of the bight and in the southwestern part. Clear pat- get boxes I and II of the inner Sylt–Rømø Bight, which terns of accumulation and depletion are also visible in is done by comparing integrated SPM with total water the waters outside the bight, probably due to nonlinear volume in these budget boxes. When SPM is initialized interaction with the boundary conditions. When density to unity after 45 tidal periods, both values are identical. gradients are not dynamically considered, hardly any During the course of 10 further tidal periods, the total SPM accumulation is visible, but some depletion is gen-

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Fig 13 live 4/C MARCH 2008 BURCHARD ET AL. 583

FIG. 14. Simulation results along the cross section indicated in Fig. 9 during flood and ebb of the 55th tidal period (for definitions of time instants for flood and ebb, see section 5b). Shown are results for the (top) current speed, (second row) the buoyancy frequency ϭ Ϫ3 Ϫ1 squared, (third row) the eddy diffusivity, and (bottom) the SPM concentration for a settling velocity of wc 10 ms . erated in the vicinity of the river runoff and on the ing summer they are mainly due to temperature differ- sands due to net precipitation. ences (see Fig. 4). This is due to differential effects of buoyancy fluxes (river runoff, net precipitation, surface warming), resulting in vertically averaged densities that 6. Discussion are smaller for shallow water than for deep water. In this paper, we have shown that in general the wa- Based on this characteristic feature, we have devel- ter in the inner Wadden Sea is less dense than the outer oped the hypothesis that density differences in the water, with typical tidal density amplitudes of 0.5–1.0 Wadden Sea contribute dynamically to the net SPM kg mϪ3 (see Fig. 4). During winter, these density dif- accumulation in the Wadden Sea. As mechanisms for ferences are mainly due to salinity differences, and dur- this, we suggest the same ones as for the estuarine tur-

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FIG. 15. Time series of total water volume and SPM content integrated over budget boxes I and II for (top) ϭ Ϫ3 Ϫ1 ϭ Ϫ3 Ϫ1 wc 10 ms and (middle) SPM flux into budget boxes I and II and their sum for wc 10 ms and for ϭ Ϫ4 (bottom) wc 10 m for the simulation (left) with density differences and (right) without density differences. The simulations show the tidal periods 46–55, where the SPM concentration has been initialized at unity after tidal period 45. bidity maxima that are typical for tidal estuaries (see quantified with our model since they are not included in section 2c). These mechanisms are based on small dif- the idealized SPM dynamics resolved here. ferences between ebb and flood that are difficult to If the settling velocity of SPM is too small, accumu- quantify by means of field observations. However, be- lation is not seen in the model results also when density cause of the overlay of the permanent tidal activity with gradients are dynamically considered. The reason for ϭ the generally existing along-current density gradients this is that SPM with a settling velocity of only wc these small differences may result in long-term net on- 10Ϫ4 msϪ1 sinks by only about 2 m during half a tidal shore SPM fluxes. cycle such that it is almost well mixed (see Fig. 8). Since mass-conserving numerical models with good The three-dimensional model results are in good process resolution have the capability to reproduce agreement with the one-dimensional results. The one- these long-term net fluxes, we rely on model simula- dimensional model predicts for the fast-settling SPM tions to challenge our hypothesis. The idealized three- per tidal cycle a net onshore transport of 2.2% of the dimensional simulations for the Sylt–Rømø Bight do SPM transport amplitude. The three-dimensional indeed show a significant SPM accumulation in the in- model predicts about 10% net transport during 10 tidal ner bight if density gradients are considered and the cycles (see Fig. 15), which is less than for the one- settling velocity is fast enough. Without dynamic con- dimensional model but of the same order of magnitude. sideration of density differences no SPM accumulation The differences may be explained by the on average is seen. This means that we did not find any evidence of smaller water depth and the net outflow in the three- net transport effects of settling lag, Stokes drift and dimensional model. For slowly settling SPM, the one- other barotropic mechanisms relying on tidal asymme- dimensional model predicts a net transport of 0.33%, tries (see section 1), although we resolve these pro- whereas the three-dimensional model with dynamic cesses with the numerical model. Other possible pro- density differences predicts a zero net transport (see cesses such as scour lag and flocculation could not be Fig. 15). Given that the net volume outflow out of the

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FIG. 16. Decadal logarithm of vertically averaged SPM concentration at high water for the simulation with (left) consideration of ϭ Ϫ3 Ϫ1 density gradients and (right) without density gradients for the 55th tidal period for a settling velocity of wc 10 ms . The zero SPM isoline is shown in bold. High water is defined as highest surface elevation at the northeastern end of the island of Sylt. The red dots indicate the locations for the river runoff. inner Sylt–Rømø Bight per tidal period is 0.1% of the of fairly coarse horizontal resolution (200 m), detailed mean volume and that again the mean water depth is SPM dynamics on small spatial scales cannot be repro- less for the three-dimensional model, the SPM reten- duced. However, this numerical study strongly supports tion may result from a balance of a small net onshore our hypothesis that dynamic effects of density gradients transport and the net volume outflow. This supported in the Wadden Sea significantly contribute to SPM ac- by the decrease of SPM content in the inner bight by cumulation. This is actually not in contrast to the gen- 0.2% per tidal period if density differences are not con- eral assumption that the Wadden Sea is vertically well sidered (see Fig. 15). mixed, since typical surface to bottom salinity differ- It is not only that we see a net onshore SPM transport ences are less than 0.1 psu (see Fig. 10). into the inner bight for fast-settling SPM when dynamic From existing long-term observations these small effects of density gradients are considered, but that we vertical salinity gradients and the resulting small differ- also see the mechanisms directly acting when studying ences in ebb and flood salinity profiles cannot be sig- the dynamics along a cross section leading into the in- nificantly detected for various reasons. The piles in- ner bight (see Fig. 14). During flood, stratification is stalled in the Wadden Sea (see section 2a) are not in- unstable, thus increasing turbulent mixing with the con- stalled in the deepest parts of the tidal channels in order sequence that velocity profiles are more homogeneous to be outside of the shipping routes. The maximum in the upper half of the water column and that SPM vertical distance between salinity observations is 7.5 m profiles are more mixed. During ebb, the opposite is for the Spiekeroog pile, which according to the numeri- seen. cal modeling results would amount to salinity differ- The clearest signal of SPM accumulation is seen in ences of a few 1/100 psu. This is below the absolute the northern part of the inner bight (see Fig. 16). This accuracy of the CTD sensors used here (about 0.1 psu is the location in the inner bight closest to an estuary: it for the high-resolution measurements at the Spieker- is fairly narrow and shallow, with substantial freshwater oog pile) such that the discussed process cannot be as- supply, such that significant horizontal salinity gradi- sessed with this instrumentation. Even more substantial ents are resulting (see Fig. 11). problems are present for the observation of current ve- Of course, because of the idealized character of the locity profiles, where differences of about 3% between simulations carried out here (no wind, no waves, peri- ebb and flood are typically overlaid by barotropic ebb odic conditions, no SPM flux into sediment, no density to flood differences as shown in Fig. 12. differences due to SPM, no flocculation), and because To further prove our hypothesis, targeted process ob-

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