arXiv:cond-mat/0208536v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 27 Aug 2002 pcrm(..gpe rgpes[] n ythe charge by and and order excitation topological gapless)[5], energy of or low absence gapped the or spon- of antiferromag- presence a (e.g. nature spin of the spectrum by absence (e.g. or symmetry netism), presence broken the taneously by characterized so here. insulating, arises are ambiguity no bosons such is which no there in lattice[4]; trapping optical limit by an non-interacting produced in interest- been atoms an neutral has recently bosonic However, Mott Bose insulator. sys- ing Mott the a of as thinking what start tem at should clear no one not strength is is ac- it interaction there limits, better two if these properties; between transition Mott insulating the limit while for interaction theory, counts band strong of basis the the in system on the understood interactions well strength be vanishing can of that such cases[3] limit , the familiar between in repulsion most the vary of continuously the theory, strength the in of can, many one electrons, In involving insulator. best Mott at only still are , understood. properties, to partially in- other response Mott child, the a any especially of to character understandable the is insulating sulator although the of properties; origin their of physical theory for band accounts the because successfully in- “simple” band be considers to generally sulators are electrons one that Nevertheless, fact the inter- fermions. from quantum arise In subtle which by effects semi- produced ference familiar statistics.) state all a any[1] is including of conductors, suppressed. insulator[2], particles band are nature a to next contrast in accessible the classical essentially so to thus (and site is motion insulator one the Mott from involving The particle fluctuations particles a that two site of between crystalline same repulsion a the of large site on a ground-state each such classical on and particle a one lattice with is simplest system there repul- the a which strong in is flow; the this their which of impedes in cartoon particles system between a level, simple is sion a condensed insulator At of Mott decades. two focuses a past central the of the physics of matter one constitutes tors otsae,i diint en nuaig a be can insulating, being to addition in states, Mott a of definition the concerning debate even is There insula- Mott doped and insulators Mott of study The xssacoeaaoybtenteetotpso otinsula Mott of types l two the chem these superconductors. increases between II critical this analogy symmetry, close a long-r broken a above of exists a continuously has presence state the in insulating se In go “micro-phase charges exhibiting phase. state insulators doped inhomogeneous an the insulators to to Mott leads undoped I the Type from potential, chemical increasing With hr r w lse fMt nuaosi aue distingu nature, in insulators Mott of classes two are There ( c ) ( hsc eatetUiest fClfri,LsAngeles Los California, of Department,University Physics a ( ) b eateto hsc,nvriyo aiona Berkeley California, of Physics,University of Department ) etrfrAvne td,Tigu nvriy ejn 10 Beijing University, Tsinghua Study, Advanced for Center ugHiLee Dung-Hai h ye fMt insulator Mott of types The a,b n tvnA Kivelson A. Steven and aln ytm tioae ainl“cuainnum- crys- “occupation in rational occur isolated insulators) bers,” at Mott systems and talline band both cludes doping. categories to two response “type” into their a insulators on add Mott depending we list, classifies this that To index 9]. 8, 7, fractionalization[6, assteocpto ubrt hf wyfrom away shift to number which process occupation a mean the we “doping” causes By cell. unit chemical otsaecnb hw ohv oboe symmetries the broken which no have for to systems shown for bosonic be can model state 8] Mott 7, [6, mention ubrfrfrin)1,1] o ntne electronic instance, For with insulators 11]. Mott fermions)[10, occupation has for integral cell even unit number (or new number the that occupation so integral broken spontaneously is try ν ea vnitgr nuaigsae a loocrwhen occur also can states Insulating ν integer. even an be etdt ekyitrcigbn-nuao sthat is band-insulator interacting necessary weakly a con- a adiabatically to that be nected to The is system electronic statement electrons). an for latter condition (e.g. this fermions of 1/2 significance spin an and for above, integer described even cartoon classical simple the with hnltietasainsmer sntspontaneously not is broken, symmetry translation lattice When ei `e ogrneodr hc obe h ntcell effective unit an the to doubles leading which order, N`eel long-range netic fMt nuaost ih oig(i.e. doping light to insulators Mott of which behavior.) found exotic been this has exhibits unambiguously system laboratory no (Currently, scniuu,adpdTp IMt nuao a be may insulator Mott II insulator Type band doped a a of continuous, doping criti- Since is a above potential. continuously chemical in cal II go Type “forbidden charges a of insulator, In range Mott coexistence. a two-phase is and discon- density,” there occur charge undoped words, changes other an that In so from tinuously. state transition charge-rich a phase to order potential state chemical first increasing a an insulator In induces II). Mott Type I and Type I in- a Type Mott as of to types referred two (henceforth are sulators there that is observation central ∗ ∗ eeal paig ttswt hregp ti in- (this gaps charge with states speaking, Generally h ups fti ae st drs h response the address to is paper this of purpose The .Uulywe hthpes rnltoa symme- translational happens, that when Usually ). safato frfrin hsicue odd-integer includes this fermions (for fraction a is ν ∗ ν 1 = aain”I otat nTp IMott II Type in contrast, In paration.” se yterrsosst ekdoping. weak to responses their by ished klho hti ilb yeI There I. Type be will it that ikelihood ν osadtefmla yeIadType and I Type familiar the and tors neg rtodrpaetransition phase order first a undergo clptnil eso hti the if that show We potential. ical = ∗ / stpclya nee o oos consistent bosons, for integer an typically is ν ,adfrincssesi which in systems fermionic and 2, ∗ neCuobitrcin,this interactions, Coulomb ange where , A90594 USA 90095-9547 CA , A970 USA 94720, CA , c ν 04 China 0084, ∗ ν ν eff fe xii antiferromag- exhibit often 1 = ∗ stenme fprilsper particles of number the is .Nvrhls,w will we Nevertheless, 2. = ν → ν ∗ − ν δ ∗ .Our ). 1. = ν ν ∗ ∗ . 2 adiabatically connected to a band insulator, but a doped have antiferromagnetic order when undoped, there ex- Type I Mott insulator is a thermodynamically distinct ists considerable evidence that doping induces spa- . tial inhomogeneity[20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. Conversely, In the presence of long-range Coulomb forces macro- Sr1−xLaxTiO3, which is also an antiferromagnet when scopic charge inhomogeneity is impossible. However, so undoped[25], is generally believed[26] to be Type II on long as the long-range forces are not too strong, there can the basis of the observation of conventional Fermi exist a range of low doping in which the doped charges behavior[27] for doping as low as x = 5%, with an effec- tend to cluster[12]. We still refer to this kind of system tive mass that shows a tendency to diverge with decreas- as a Type I Mott insulator[13]. For instance, if a low ing x; taken at face value[28], this evidence of a quantum density of doped charges form puddles or stripes[14], we critical precursor to a continuous metal-insulator transi- consider this a form of charge clustering, while a Wigner tion indeed suggests that this material is Type II. crystal of doped charges is deemed homogeneous. Another purpose of this paper is to elucidate the What is the situation in real materials? That simple analogy between Type I and Type II Mott insulators can be continuously doped, and hence and the familiar types of superconductors. In partic- are Type II, is well known, although it is not clear they ular, when the constituent particles are bosons there are profitably thought of as Mott insulators, even when exists a mathematically precise mapping, the so-called correlation effects significantly renormalize the gap mag- “duality transformation”[10, 29], that relates the zero- nitude. There are many materials in which the insulating temperature properties of the doped Mott insulator in state is also antiferromagnetically ordered. It has been two spatial dimensions, D=2, to the finite-temperature argued[15, 16, 17] that doping of this class of Mott insu- response of a 3D superconductor to a magnetic field. Ta- lators generically[18] leads to phase separation, i.e. that ble I summarizes the correspondence between the two. they are Type I. We will show below that the presence of This same mapping was exploited previously by Balents, a broken symmetry always increases the tendency of an Fisher, and Nayak[30] in the context of a theory of a insulator to be Type I, although the conjectured strict proposed “nodal liquid” Mott insulating state; in this re- connection has neither been proven[19] nor disproved. gards, the present paper simply underlines the generality For the cuprates and manganates, both of which of the analogy.

T =0 properties of 2D Bose Mott insulators T > 0 properties of 3D Superconductors Doping Applying magnetic field Chemical potential µ Applied magnetic field H Induced particle density ρ Magnetic induction B World line of doped particles Flux tubes Quantum delocalization of doped particles Thermal meandering of flux tubes Type I Mott insulator Type I superconductor Mott gap Hc Effective attraction between doped particles Positive N-S interface energy Type II Mott insulator Type II superconductor Effective repulsion between doped particles Negative N-S interface energy

Mott gap Hc1 Wigner crystal of doped particles Abrikosov flux lattice Superfluid state Entangled vortex fluid

Critical µ at which Wigner crystal melts Hc2

I. DOPING A TRANSLATIONALLY experiments in Ref.[4]. Consider the following Hamilto- INVARIANT BOSE MOTT INSULATOR nian

To begin with, we avoid the interesting complications which arise from spontaneous symmetry breaking or from t + U + + H = − (a aj + h.c.)+ (a ai)(a ai − 1) the fermionic character of electrons by focusing on the 2 i 2 i i X Xi simplest kind of Mott insulators formed by spin zero 1 point bosons on a lattice at ν = 1. This is not a purely + V a+a a+a − µ a+a , (1) 2 ij i i j j i i academic exercise[31], as it applies rather directly to the Xi,j Xi 3 where i, j label the lattice sites on a D-dimensional hy- N is the total number of lattice sites.) For Jz < Jxy + percubic lattice, and ai creates a boson at site i. The (i.e.V

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