STENBURY FEDERATION Interim Executive Headteacher: Mr M Snow Chair of Governors: Mrs D Barker
[email protected] Chillerton & Rookley Primary Godshill Primary Main Road, Chillerton School Road, Godshill Isle of Wight, PO30 3EP Isle of Wight, PO38 3HJ Tel. 01983 721207 Tel. 01983 840246
[email protected] [email protected] Wednesday 14th July 2021 Re: Godshill Class Structure for September 2021 Dear Parents and Carers, We are really looking forward to the end of term and a well-earned rest. Many of you will be wanting to know which classes and teachers your children will be having. The class structure for September will be: Class Class Name Teacher / Lead Support Staff Entrance to School Nursery Bembridge Windmill Marie Seaman Jim Palmer Nursery Gate Kate McKenzie Alana Monroe Reception Calbourne Mill Mrs Polly Smith Dawn Sargent Reception Gate – Lizzie Burden Car park Year 1/2 Osbourne House Miss Kirsty Hart Wendy Whitewood Main Entrance Year 2/3 The Needles Mr Conner Knight Lisa Young Main Entrance Brogan Bodman Year 4/5 Carisbrooke Castle Mrs Westhorpe and Jodie Wendes Car park side Mrs Tombleson entrance Year 5 Yarmouth Castle Mr Tim Smith Chantelle De’ath Steps side of school Lauren Shaw-Yates Year 6 St Catherine’s Mrs Boakes Danny Chapman Steps side of school Oratory Any pupils that are in the mixed class of Year 1/2 or 4/5 that are in Year 2 or 5 will be contacted individually by the school. School will start at 8:45am for all pupils. School finishes for all pupils at 3:00pm, except for Reception, who will finish at 2:55pm.