Slide Title: Title/Get Name Storyboard Number: A1 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Functionality ▪ This is the title slide ▪ Text and image should slide onto the screen at the same time (Text from the left and image from the right) and remain on the screen ▪ Start button at the bottom links to slide A2: Objectives

Colors ▪ Left rectangle behind text should be Gray BFC9CA – Slide Background Color How to Improve Your ▪ Title UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Emotional Intelligence ▪ Start Button: Background white, text and button outline – Aqua R34, G116, B100 Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 ▪ Leave white background behind image

Graphics Image A1 ▪ Use Image A1

Font ▪ Heading and Button: Segoe UI (Bold) ▪ Directions: Segoe UI Segoe UI Bold dark Aqua START Gray BFC9CA Slide Title: Objectives Storyboard Number: A2 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Functionality ▪ This is the objectives slide Course Objectives ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA all times (no animation) ▪ Image should slide onto the screen from the Tahoma dark Gray Background remains white right and remain on the screen ▪ Define emotional intelligence and 3 benefits ▪ Next button at the bottom links to next slide ▪ Identify the 4 competencies of emotional intelligence A3: Directions ▪ Learn characteristics of the self awareness competency ▪ Identify strategies to improve self awareness Colors ▪ Learn characteristics of the self management competency ▪ Rectangle behind Course Objectives should be Gray BFC9CA ▪ Identify strategies to improve self management ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 ▪ Body Text - Tahoma ▪ NEXT Button: Background white, text and button outline ▪ Leave white background behind image and text below

Graphics ▪ Use Image A2

Font ▪ Heading and Button: Segoe UI (Bold) Image A2 ▪ On Screen Text: Tahoma Button: Segoe UI Bold Aqua NEXT Slide Title: Directions Storyboard Number: A3 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Functionality Directions ▪ This is the Directions slide Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at Gray BFC9CA all times (no animation) Tahoma Dark Gray ▪ Next button at the bottom links to next slide Click the checkmark at the bottom of the slide once you’ve –A4 read the first 3 items. Colors ▪ Rectangle behind Slide Title should be Gray 1. Be sure you’ve taken the EI test and entered your scores in your Emotional BFC9CA Intelligence 2.0 book on page 5 ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 ▪ Body Text – Tahoma Gray 2. Click the Next button below to learn more about Emotional Intelligence and ▪ NEXT Button: Background white, text and its benefits button outline – Aqua ▪ Leave white background behind image and 3. Learn more about the four competencies of Emotional Intelligence text below

4. Focus on the self awareness competency Graphics ▪ None 5. Read through the strategies you need to focus on to improve self awareness 6. Complete the knowledge check on self awareness Segoe UI Bold Aqua BACK NEXT Slide Title: What is EQ? Storyboard Number: A4 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Gray BFC9CA Functionality What is Emotional Intelligence or EQ? ▪ This is the What is EQ slide Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all times ▪ Buttons should slide onto the screen from Background remains white opposite sides and remain on the screen Your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships. Tahoma Dark Gray Colors ▪ Rectangle behind Slide Title should be Gray EQ is independent of your IQ or intellect. IQ is fixed, EQ can be improved over time. BFC9CA Tahoma Dark Gray Click here to read more… ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 ▪ Buttons: Background white, text and button Tahoma Dark Gray outline - #FFC300 Everything we smell, taste, see, passes ▪ Leave white background behind text through our limbic (where our emotions are produced) before the signals Button Commands travel to be processed rationally. ▪ Next Button – jump to slide A6 The communication between your ▪ Back button– jump to slide A4 emotional and rational “brains” is the ▪ Click here to read more.. – reveals the text physical source of emotional intelligence. below

Image A5 Only 36% of the people tested are able Graphics to accurately identify their emotions as they ▪ Use Image A5 happen. Buttons: Segoe UI Buttons: Segoe UI Aqua BACK Aqua NEXT Slide Title: Benefits of Emotional Intelligence Storyboard Number: A5 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Functionality ▪ This is the Benefits of Emotional Intelligence Benefits of Emotional Intelligence slide Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all times Background remains white Tahoma Gray ▪ Buttons at the bottom should slide onto the EQ is the foundation for a host of critical skills – it impacts most everything screen from opposite sides and remain on the you say and do each day. screen

EQ is so critical to success that it accounts for 58% of performance Colors in all types of jobs. ▪ Rectangle behind Slide Title should be Gray BFC9CA ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Click here to find out how much EQ can increase earnings… ▪ Body Text - Tahoma ▪ Buttons: Background white, text and button The link between EQ and earnings is so direct that every point outline - #FFC300 ▪ Leave white background behind text increase in EQ adds $1300 to an annual salary.

People with high EQs make more money – an average of Button Commands ▪ $29,000 more per year than people with low EQs. Baxk button– jump to slide A4 ▪ Next– jump to slide A7

BACK Buttons: Segoe UI Aqua NEXT Slide Title: EQ Breakdown Storyboard Number: A6 Functionality ▪ This is the EQ Breakdown slide NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all times ▪ 4 competence buttons - should slide onto the EQ Breakdown screen from opposite sides and remain on the Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA screen – brief description will appear and a aqua checkmark will appear in the box to show Background remains white it has been read There are 4 emotional intelligence skills that pair under two primary competencies: Tahoma gray Colors Click on each competency for a brief description! ▪ Rectangle behind EQ Breakdown should be Gray BFC9CA Personal Competence Social Competence ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Tahoma Bold gray Tahoma Bold gray ▪ Leave white background behind text

Self Awareness Social Awareness Button Commands –Click to reveal Black Segoe UI Black Segoe UI ▪ Self Awareness Button – Disable ▪ Self Management Button– Disable ▪ Social Awareness Button – Disable Self Management Relationship Management ▪ Relationship Management Button – Disable Black Segoe UI ▪ Menu button – change to BACK button – jump Black Segoe UI to slide A6 ▪ Add a NEXT button to link to NEXT slide Brief description will appear here for each competency – see next slide for content BACK NEXT Segoe UI Bold Aqua Your ability to accurately Your ability to accurately pick up on perceive your own emotions in emotions in other people and the moment and understand your understand what is really going on tendencies across situations. with them.

Your ability to use your awareness of Your ability to use your awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and your own emotions and those of direct your behavior positively, which others to manage interactions means managing your emotional successfully. It is the bond you build reactions to situations and people. with others over time. Slide Title: Personal Competence Storyboard Number: A7 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product

Personal Competence Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA

Let’s start by focusing on personal competence which includes self- awareness and self-management. Personal competence is your ability to stay aware of your emotions and manage your behavior and tendencies.

You are going to learn about the strategies you can use to improve each competency.

Choose which competency to explore first.

Self Awareness Self Management

BACK Slide Title: Self Awareness Video Intro Storyboard Number: B1 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product

High or Low Self Awareness? Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA

Is the man in this video demonstrating high self awareness or low self awareness? Click below.

High Self Awareness

Low Self Awareness State Change when Low Self Awareness is selected

You got it! He was demonstrating low self- awareness. His attitude, rude language and agitation over something as small as the names of coffee sizes are all traits of low self- awareness. He is not managing his emotions but instead letting them the people around him.

State Change when High Self Awareness is selected

Not quite. He was demonstrating low self- awareness. His attitude, rude language and agitation over something as small as the names of coffee sizes are all traits of low self awareness. He is not managing his emotions but instead letting them impact the people around him. Slide Title: Self Awareness Functionality Storyboard Number: B2 ▪ This is the Self Awareness slide ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product times ▪ Buttons should already be on screen (no animation) Self Awareness ▪ Check marks will appear once a button is Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 clicked on Gray BFC9CA Tahoma dark gray Background remains white Colors Self Awareness is a foundational skill that makes the other EI ▪ Rectangle behind Self Awareness should be skills much easier to use. Just thinking about it helps you improve it! Gray BFC9CA ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Click each button to learn more! Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 ▪ Body Text - Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 ▪ Buttons – Black Segoe UI High Self Awareness Low Self Awareness People with ▪ Leave white background behind text Example Example High SA Button Commands Button - Black Segoe UI Button - Black Segoe UI Button - Black Segoe UI ▪ High SA Example Button – image change to View 1 (see next Slide for details) ▪ Low SA Example Button – image change to View 2 (see next Slide for details) ▪ People w High SA Button – image change to View 3 (see next Slide for details) ▪ Back Button – jump to slide A7 Image B1 ▪ NEXT button– jump to slide B1.1 View 1 View 2 Graphics View 3 ▪ Image B1, View 1, View 2, View 3 (see next slide for details) BACK NEXT ▪ https:// Buttons: Segoe UI aqua anger-angry-2979107/ Slide Title: Self Awareness Storyboard Number: B1 Kathryn – Account Manager Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Self Awareness Score – 90 When the High SA Button below is pressed, I What people who work with her say: want Image B1 to change to the View 1 ▪ Always remains calm, cool and collected ▪ Knows how to be firm and kind at the same time High Self Awareness ▪ Open and authentic – people trust her ▪ Aware of her tone and demeanor Example View 1 Black Segoe UI

Tim – Marketing Manager Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 Self Awareness Score – 68 When the Low SA Button below is pressed, I want Image B1 to change to the View 2 What people who work with him say: ▪ His stress and sense of urgency is pushed on others ▪ Comes off as aggressive and defensive Low Self Awareness ▪ Very demanding and unaware of how he comes off Example View 2 ▪ Needs to learn to read himself Black Segoe UI

Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 83% of people with high SA are top performers!

People with high Self Awareness can: When the People w High SA Button below is ▪ Accurately perceive their emotions as they occur pressed, I want Image B1 to change to the View 3 ▪ Control their reactions to various situations and people ▪ Understand why certain things cause a specific reaction People with ▪ Identify what they do well and what motivates & High SA View 3 satisfies them Black Segoe UI Slide Title: Knowledge Check Functionality Storyboard Number: B3 ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product times ▪ Buttons at the bottom should slide onto the screen from opposite sides and remain on the Knowledge Check – Self Awareness screen ▪ Create a drag and drop activity where the user Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA has to drag the correct statement to the correct Tahoma Darker Gray box (either High or Low Self Awareness) Drag and drop the statements into the high or low self awareness boxes Colors correctly to move on. ▪ Rectangle behind Knowledge Check should be Gray BFC9CA Easily angered to the point that others notice ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 High Self ▪ Body Text -Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 ▪ Is able to assess emotions as they happen Buttons: Background white, text and button Awareness outline –Yellow #FFC300 Tahoma Bold Yellow ▪ Leave white background behind text Open and authentic – others trust them Navigation Commands ▪ EQ Breakdown–jump to slide A7 Defensive and demanding ▪ Strategies Menu–jump to slide B1.1 Black Segoe UI Segoe Black Low Self ▪ Back–jump back to slide B1 Aware of tone and demeanor Awareness Knowledge Check Answers Tahoma Bold Yellow High Self Awareness Is able to assess emotions as they happen Always remain calm, cool, and collected Open and authentic – others trust them Aware of tone and demeanor Always remain calm, cool, and collected Low Self Awareness BACK Segoe UI Bold NEXT Easily angered to the point that others notice SUBMIT Defensive and demanding Slide Title: Strategies Menu - Self Awareness Storyboard Number: B4 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Functionality ▪ This is Strategies Menu Self Awareness slide Strategies Menu – Self Awareness ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA times ▪ 4 strategies buttons should slide onto the Background remains white Tahoma gray screen from opposite sides and remain on the Let’s work on improving self awareness! Below are 15 strategies to explore! screen

Click on the strategies below to learn more! Colors Tahoma Bold Yellow FFC300 ▪ Rectangle behind Strategies Menu should be Gray BFC9CA ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 ▪ Body Text - Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 Strategies 1-3 Strategies 4-7 ▪ Leave white background behind text Black Segoe UI Black Segoe UI Button Commands ▪ Strategies 1-3– jump to slide B5 ▪ Strategies 4-8– jump to slide B6 Strategies 8-11 Strategies 12-15 ▪ Strategies 9-12– jump to slide B7 Black Segoe UI Black Segoe UI ▪ Strategies 13-15– jump to slide B8 ▪ BACK button – jump to prev slide B3 ▪ NEXT button–jump to slide B5

BACK NEXT Slide Title: Strategy 1-3 Storyboard Number: B5 Functionality NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product ▪ This is the Self Awareness slide ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all times Self Awareness Strategies 1-3 ▪ Buttons at the bottom should slide onto the Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA screen from opposite sides and remain on the screen Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Background remains white ▪ Check marks will appear once a button is Click to explore each strategy! clicked on Colors Strategy 1: ▪ Rectangle behind EQ Breakdown should be Quit Treating Your Feelings Gray BFC9CA ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 As Good or Bad Tahoma gray ▪ Body Text - Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 ▪ Leave white background behind text Strategy 2: Button Commands Observe the Ripple Effect of ▪ Strategy 1 Button – image change to View 1 Your Emotions (see next Slide for details) Tahoma gray ▪ Strategy 2 Button – image change to View 2 (see next Slide for details) ▪ Strategy 3 Button – image change to View 3 Strategy 3: (see next Slide for details) Lean Into Your Discomfort ▪ Strategies Menu Button – jump to slide B1Q Tahoma gray ▪ Strategies 4-9 Button – jump to slide B 1.3 Image B 1_2, View 1, View 2, View 3 Graphics ▪ Image B 1_2, View 1, View 2, View 3 (see next 2 slides for details) BACK Buttons: Segoe UI aqua STRATEGIES MENU Slide Title: Strategy 1-3 Strategy 1: Quit Treating Your Feelings As Storyboard Number: B5 Good or Bad Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Black Segoe UI Categorizing your emotions as good or bad keeps you When the Strategy 1 Button below is pressed, from really understanding what it is you are feeling. I want Image B1_2 to change to the View 1 Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Action Black Segoe UI ▪ Sit with each emotion and reflect on the cause Strategy 1: ▪ Take note of each emotion immediately Quit Treating Your Feelings ▪ Don’t put it in a good or bad pile As Good or Bad Remember, the feeling is there to help you understand something important! Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 View 1

Strategy 2: Observe the Ripple Effect of Your When the Strategy 2 Button below is pressed, Emotions Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 I want Image B1_2 to change to the View 2 It’s important you understand the effect your emotions have on other people. Black Segoe UI Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Strategy 2: Action Black Segoe UI ▪ Watch closely how they effect others Observe the Ripple Effect of ▪ Use that info to guide future behavior Your Emotions ▪ Reflect on your observed behavior ▪ Ask others how your emotions affect them View 2 Slide Title: Strategy 1-3 Storyboard Number: B5 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product

Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 When the Strategy 3 Button below is pressed, I Strategy 3: Lean into Your Discomfort want Image B1_2 to change to the View 3 Biggest obstacle to increasing self awareness is the tendency to avoid the discomfort that comes Strategy 3: from seeing yourself as you really are. Black Segoe UI Lean Into Your Discomfort Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Action Black Segoe UI ▪ Don’t avoid the emotion but moves towards it and eventually through it ▪ Don’t be afraid of your emotional “mistakes” but instead seek to understand them View 3 Slide Title: Strategy 4-7 Storyboard Number: B6 Functionality NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product ▪ This is the Self Awareness slide ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all times Self Awareness Strategies 4-7 ▪ Buttons at the bottom should slide onto the Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA screen from opposite sides and remain on the Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 screen Click to explore each strategy! Background remains white ▪ Check marks will appear once a button is clicked on Strategy 4: Colors Feel Your Emotions Physically ▪ Rectangle behind EQ Breakdown should be Tahoma gray Gray BFC9CA ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Strategy 5: ▪ Leave white background behind text Know What/who Pushes Button Commands Your Buttons Tahoma gray ▪ Strategy 1 Button – image change to View 1 (see next Slide for details) Strategy 6: ▪ Strategy 2 Button – image change to View 2 Watch Yourself like a Hawk… (see next Slide for details) ▪ Tahoma gray Strategy 3 Button – image change to View 3 (see next Slide for details) ▪ Strategies Menu and Back Button – jump to Strategy 7: slide B4 Journal Your Emotions Tahoma gray Image B 1_2, View 1, View 2, View 3 Graphics ▪ Image HAWK, View 1, View 2, View 3 (see next 2 slides for details) STRATEGIES MENU BACK Buttons: Segoe UI aqua Slide Title: Strategy 4-7 Storyboard Number: B6 Strategy 4: Feel your Emotions Physically Tahoma Dark Aqua NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product To better understand the physical effects of your emotions, try closing your eyes the next time you have a few moments alone. Black Segoe UI

Action Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 ▪ Feel how fast or slow your heart is beating Strategy 4: ▪ Notice the pace of your breathing Feel Your Emotions ▪ Determine how tense or relaxed the muscles are

Physically Black Segoe UI You’ll find that you’re often physically aware of an View 1 emotion long before you’re mentally aware of it.

Strategy 5: Know Who/What Pushes Your Buttons Tahoma Dark Aqua

Knowing who pushes your buttons and how they do it is critical to developing the ability to take control of these situations Black Segoe UI

Strategy 5: Action Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Know What/who Pushes ▪ pinpoint specific people/situations that trigger Your Buttons your emotions ▪ Why do they irk you so much? ▪ Find the sources of your buttons Black Segoe UI View 2 Slide Title: Strategy 4-7 Storyboard Number: B6 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Strategy 6: Watch Yourself Like a Hawk Tahoma Dark Aqua Even though you are not a hawk, you can still develop a more objective understanding of your own behavior. Black Segoe UI Action Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Strategy 6: Take notice of your emotions, thoughts, and Watch Yourself like a behaviors right as the situation unfolds Hawk… Black Segoe UI The goal is to slow yourself down and take in all that is in front of you, allowing your brain to View 3 process all available information before you act.

Strategy 7: Journal Your Emotions Tahoma Dark Aqua With a journal, you can record what events triggered strong emotions in you and how you responded to them. Black Segoe UI Strategy 7: Actions Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Journal Your Emotions ▪ Describe the emotions you feel each day ▪ Record the physical sensations that accompany the emotions Black Segoe UI In just a month, you’ll begin to see patterns in your emotions, and you’ll develop a better understanding View 4 of your tendencies. Slide Title: Strategy 8-11 Storyboard Number: B7 Functionality NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product ▪ This is the Self Awareness slide ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all times Self Awareness Strategies 8-11 ▪ Buttons at the bottom should slide onto the Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA screen from opposite sides and remain on the Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 screen Click to explore each strategy! Background remains white ▪ Check marks will appear once a button is clicked on Strategy 8: Colors Don’t Be Fooled by ▪ Rectangle behind EQ Breakdown should be a Bad Mood Gray BFC9CA Tahoma gray ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Strategy 9: ▪ Body Text - Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 Don’t Be Fooled by a Good ▪ Leave white background behind text Mood, Either Tahoma gray Button Commands ▪ Strategy 1 Button – image change to View 1 Strategy 10: (see next Slide for details) ▪ Stop and Ask Yourself Why Strategy 2 Button – image change to View 2 Tahoma gray (see next Slide for details) ▪ Strategy 3 Button – image change to View 3 (see next Slide for details) Strategy 11: ▪ Strategies Menu and Back Button – jump to Visit Your Values slide B4 Tahoma gray Image WHY, View 1, View 2, View 3 Graphics ▪ Image WHY, View 1, View 2, View 3 (see next 2 BACK Buttons: Segoe UI aqua STRATEGIES MENU slides for details) Slide Title: Strategy 8-11 Strategy 8: Don’t Be Fooled by a Bad Mood Storyboard Number: B7 Tahoma Dark Aqua NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product When you feel this way, your low mood puts a dark cloud over every thought, feeling, and experience you have. Black Segoe UI

Action Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 ▪ Admit to yourself that your bad mood is Strategy 8: hanging a cloud over everything you see Don’t Be Fooled by ▪ Remind yourself that your moods are not a Bad Mood permanent Your emotions change all the time, and low moods Black Segoe UI View 1 will pass if you allow them to

Strategy 9: Don’t Be Fooled by a Good Mood, Either Tahoma Dark Aqua

A good mood can deceive your thinking just as much as a bad one. Black Segoe UI

Action Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Strategy 9: ▪ Stay aware of your good moods and the foolish Don’t Be Fooled by a Good decisions these moods can lead to and you’ll be Mood, Either able to enjoy feeling good without any regrets. Black Segoe UI View 2 Slide Title: Strategy 8-11 Storyboard Number: B7 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Strategy 10: Stop and Ask Yourself Why Tahoma Dark Aqua Your self- awareness will grow abundantly when you begin seeking out the source of your feelings. Black Segoe UI Action Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 ▪ Ask yourself what motivated you to do Strategy 10: something out of character Stop and Ask Yourself Why With a little practice, you can trace your emotional reactions back to their origins and understand the purpose of your emotions Black Segoe UI View 3

Strategy 11: Visit Your Values

The trick here is to take the time to check in with yourself and jot down your core beliefs and values. Strategy 11: Visit Your Values Ask yourself, what are the values that I wish to live my life by?

Is what you value in alignment with the manner in which you conduct yourself? View 4 Slide Title: Strategy 12-15 Storyboard Number: B8 Functionality NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product ▪ This is the Self Awareness slide ▪ Slide title and text should be on the page at all times Self Awareness Strategies 12-15 ▪ Buttons at the bottom should slide onto the Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA screen from opposite sides and remain on the Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 screen Click to explore each strategy! Background remains white ▪ Check marks will appear once a button is clicked on Strategy 12: Colors Check Yourself ▪ Rectangle behind EQ Breakdown should be Tahoma gray Gray BFC9CA ▪ Title Font –Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Strategy 13: ▪ Body Text - Tahoma Aqua 48C9B0 Spot Your Emotions in Books, ▪ Leave white background behind text Movies & Music Tahoma gray Button Commands ▪ Strategy 1 Button – image change to View 1 Strategy 14: (see next Slide for details) Seek Feedback ▪ Strategy 2 Button – image change to View 2 Tahoma gray (see next Slide for details) ▪ Strategy 3 Button – image change to View 3 Strategy 15: (see next Slide for details) Get to Know Yourself ▪ Strategies Menu and Back Button – jump to slide B4 under Stress Tahoma gray Image Stress Frog, View 1, View 2, View 3 Graphics ▪ Image Stress Frog, View 1, View 2, View 3 (see BACK Buttons: Segoe UI aqua STRATEGIES MENU next 2 slides for details) Slide Title: Strategy 12-15 Strategy 12: Check Yourself Storyboard Number: B 1.5 Tahoma Dark aqua NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Physical appearance is more straightforward—what you wear sends a pretty clear, established message about how you feel. Black Segoe UI Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Action ▪ Take a moment here and there to check yourself – Strategy 12: it allows you to understand your mood before it sets the tone for the rest of your day Check Yourself Certainly, what you project reflects how you feel, and View 1 it’s up to you to understand it. Black Segoe UI

Strategy 13: Spot Your Emotions in Books, Movies & Music Tahoma Dark Aqua When the lyrics or mood of a song resonate with you or a character in a book or movie, they say a lot about how you feel.

Strategy 13: Action Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Spot Your Emotions in Next time you are watching your favorite show Books, Movies & Music or reading a book, pay attention to what you connect to and why. Black Segoe UI

This can also provide a great tool for explaining View 2 your feelings to other people. Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Slide Title: Strategy 12-15 Storyboard Number: B 1.5 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product Strategy 14: Seek Feedback Tahoma Dark Aqua The only way to get the second, more elusive perspective is to open yourself up to feedback from others, which can include friends, coworkers, mentors, supervisors, and family. Action Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 ▪ Ask a friend, coworker, and family member to Strategy 14: give you feedback Seek Feedback ▪ Compare and take note of the results Black Segoe UI Often, there is a big difference between how you see yourself and how others see you. Segoe UI Yellow FFC300

View 3 Strategy 15: Get to Know Yourself Under Stress Tahoma Dark Aqua The human mind and body, when it comes to stress, have voices of their own. They tell you through emotional and physiological reactions when it’s time Strategy 15: to slow down. Get to Know Yourself Black Segoe UI under Stress Action Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 • Take the time to recognize these signals and recharge your emotional battery next time you are stressed

Stress can cause permanent damage to your system so it is important to reduce it. Segoe UI Yellow FFC300 Slide Title: Scenario 1 Storyboard Number: B9 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product

Self Awareness Scenario #1 Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA

Scenario #1: You are stuck in traffic after a long day of work.

Click on the option below that demonstrates high self-awareness.

Option 1 - You are bummed Option 2 – You realize that that you have to sit in traffic although you don’t like being and as a result your day ends in traffic, you aren’t going to on a negative note, which let it ruin your day and you has made you angry and throw on your favorite agitated. playlist. FEEDBACK POP UP: Option 2 demonstrates high self-awareness because you made the choice to change your reaction to being stuck in traffic. You chose to focus on the positive instead of the negative in the environment around you.

Does this scenario hit home for you? Revisit the self-awareness strategies below.

Strategy #1 – Quit Treating Your Feelings As Good or Bad Strategy #3 – Lean Into Your Discomfort Strategy #5 – Know What/Who Pushes Your Buttons Strategy 12 – Check Yourself Slide Title: Scenario 1 Storyboard Number: B10 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product

Self Awareness Scenario #2 Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA

Scenario #2: You have a big project due at the end of the week for school.

Click on the option below that demonstrates high self awareness.

Option #1 – You spend a few Option #2 – You get home hours finishing up the project and immediately start binge you have due and once it is watching Stranger Things finished you start binge Season 3. You’re stressed watching your favorite about the project due, so you show…Stranger Things decide to relax before you Season 3! start the project. FEEDBACK POP UP: Option 1 demonstrates high self-awareness because you chose to manage your stress instead of covering it up with binge watching a show. You chose to be productive instead of procrastinating causing yourself more stress. Finding that balance is difficult, but self-awareness is one of the key aspects to becoming better at this and can help you be happier in life.

Does this scenario hit home for you? Revisit the self-awareness strategies below.

Strategy 6 – Watch Yourself Like a Hawk Strategy 10 – Stop and Ask Yourself Why Strategy 15 – Get to Know Yourself Under Stress Slide Title: Scenario 1 Storyboard Number: B11 NOTE: Italicized instructions are not to appear on finished product

Self Awareness Scenario #3 Segoe UI Bold Magenta E91E63 Gray BFC9CA

Scenario #3: A friend says something that is hurtful, and you are upset.

Click on the option below that demonstrates high self-awareness.

Option #1 – You decide to Option #2 – You decide not call them out and start to react and instead ask yelling about how they are yourself why you are upset. wrong. You then start rattling You may ask yourself if you off all the things they have are really mad at your friend done in the past to hurt you. or if you are upset because You think to yourself, now is they pointed out an your chance to be honest. insecurity of yours? FEEDBACK POP UP: Option 2 demonstrates high self-awareness because you chose to self-reflect on your negative emotions instead of immediately putting them on someone else before you fully understood them. Being aware of your emotions and having the ability to identify them can greatly increase your quality of life.

Does this scenario hit home for you? Revisit the self awareness strategies below.

All of the above! Self-Awareness is all about understanding and learning about you, your emotions, your feelings, your reactions. All of the strategies we visited can help you improve your self-awareness and lead a happier life. The End

Segoe UI Bold Yellow FFC300 Congratulations!

Tahoma Darker Gray You’ve taken the first step to improving your self awareness. Remember, you can work daily on a strategy at a time to improve your self awareness. Be mindful and aware of yourself.

Next week, we will explore the competency Self Management.