APECENERGY OVERVIEW 2012 Prepared by Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan Inui Bldg.-Kachidoki 11F, 1-13-1 Kachidoki, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0054, JAPAN Tel: +81 (3) 5144-8551 Fax: +81 (3) 5144-8555 E-mail:
[email protected] APERC Website: http://www.ieej.or.jp/aperc/ For the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat 35, Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119616 Tel: (65) 6775 6012 Fax: (65) 6775 6013 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: http://www.apecsec.org.sg 2013 APEC Secretariat APEC#212-RE-01.12 APEC ENERGY OVERVIEW 2012 FOREWORD FOREWORD The sustainable development and use of energy resources continues to be at the forefront of energy policy in APEC. Facilitating economic growth and securing adequate energy supply, while also taking into account the global responsibility for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, has resulted in a focus on energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction. APEC economies continue to develop plans and measures to improve energy efficiency across all sectors of the economy. Most economies have followed-through on previously committed action plans to improve energy efficiency; embarked on efficiency awareness raising campaigns; promoted good energy management practices and facilitated investment in energy efficiency. In a statement made in November 2011 at the APEC Ministerial Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, the APEC Ministers aspired to meet a new APEC-wide regional goal of reducing the energy intensity of the APEC economies by at least 45 percent by 2035, using 2005 as a base year. This came after reviewing data analysed by the APEC Energy Working Group which indicated that APEC is on the path to significantly exceed its previous energy intensity goal.