Water Field Research Internship, Center for Environmental Inquiry, Sonoma State University H I L L
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Evaluaon of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels in Sediments Deposited in the Laguna de Santa Rosa Anais Bucio, Jordan DeSilva, Micah Glim, Maya Hoholick, Kevin Locke, Judy Mei, Mimi Peterson, Ashleen Rai, Shawnee Reynoso, Emily Rosa, Pechsamnang San, Jessica Swenson, Jackie Guilford P E T A L U M A Water Field Research Internship, Center for Environmental Inquiry, Sonoma State University H I L L R D TODD Legend TODD 1 in = 1 miles Russian River Streams Flow direction Sonoma ! Sampling Point County Conclusions Abstract 0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 M Roads A City Boundaries Miles T Copeland • The percentage of fine grain sediment increases A The water in the Laguna de Santa Rosa has unhealthy levels of T Creek N Map created by SRCD, April 26, 2016 N I ² O Z E K P EE A proporMonally with distance as we move downstream. R G sediment, temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, C Y N N Laguna de S GA N L A CO O Santa Rosa R C T G S Watershed This was expected because as the sediment is carried and mercury. Copeland Creek is a tributary of the Laguna de Santa R E E Rosa that flows through the Sonoma State University campus. This City of Santa Rosa K downstream, it gets broken into smaller and smaller pieces. Wastewater Treatment Plant FIVE CREEK K EE research project evaluates the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus R • The amount of nitrogen and phosphorus bound to C E V K I E F E in fine grain sediments deposited along Copeland Creek and the R C R E sediment increases as we move downstream. Possible K D O ! O Y C Site #5 LAGUNA 101 N ut S Laguna de Santa Rosa. We sampled sediment deposits starMng Mile: 9.85 sources of nutrients are the ponds above the Osborn upstream at the Fairfield Osborn Preserve and as the creek passed ! Preserve, ferMlizers, animal manure, and urban runoff. CRANE CREEK L vineyards and urban drainage areas. Downstream sampling sites L I H • LA Our results indicate that allowing the fine grain parMcles GUN A included the Laguna de Santa Rosa and a drainage ditch on a dairy A D H M Site #1 PRESERVE E S INEBAUGH CREEK U AN L Mme to drop out in a seQlement basin could prevent TA A Mile: 0 RO T SA E farm. We found that as sediment flows from Sonoma Mountain P accumulaon of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Laguna de down through agricultural, and then urban areas, that the nitrogen RP EXPY Santa Rosa. and phosphorus levels increased. These results indicate that the ! ! ! creaon of sediment seQlement basins upstream could limit the ! Future Direc&ons Site # 6 DAIRY FARM Rohnert Park amount of nitrogen and phosphorus reaching the Laguna de Santa Mile: 10.1 • Validate results by re-sampling the exisMng sites. CREEK Rosa. • Check for seasonal variaon by sampling at different Mmes COPELAND CREEK Site #4 URBAN 2 DOWN STREAM of the year. Site #3 URBAN 1 UP-STREAM Site #2 VINEYARD Mile: 6.8 Experimental Design Mile: 5.4 Mile: 3.2 • Sample in between sites for indicaons of where the ROBLAR • At each site, eight samples of approximately 500 mL of surface nutrients are entering the waterway. sediment randomly collected from a plot size of approximately • Since the nitrogen level was higher at the Osborn Preserve 1 m2 were combined to create a composite sample for each site. than in other parts of Copeland Creek, further analysis of • AWer drying and weighing the composite sample, organic 400 Nitrogen Bound to Sediment 180 Phosphorus Bound to Sediment sediment from the Osborn Preserve for levels of nitrogen is warranted. material was removed and it was ground up to remove clumps. 350 160 The sediment was then passed through a series of 9 sieves. 140 • The finest grain parMcles (passed through a sieve with a mesh 300 size of 63 microns) were analyzed by the Laguna Treatment plant 120 250 for total nitrogen and total phosphorus levels. 100 200 80 150 Results 60 Nitrogen at site (ppm) 100 Phosphorus at site (ppm) 40 Total % fine Miles from Fine grain 50 20 Site sample grain Osborne weight 0 0 weight sediment Preserve 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Acknowledgements Osborn Miles downstream of Osborn Preserve 817.5 15.5 1.9 0 Miles downstream of Osborn Preserve • Mike Thompson, Santa Rosa Water Agency Preserve • Rita Miller, Laguna Treatment Plant Vineyard 2480.4 10 0.4 3.2 Nitrogen in fine Nitrogen at site Phosphorus in fine Phosphorus at site • Rachel McCormick, Laguna Treatment Plant Urban 1 Site Site 2298.5 36.1 1.57 5.4 grain (ppm) (ppm) grain (ppm) (ppm) • Kari Wester, Sonoma County Resource Conservaon upstream District Osborn Preserve 1200 22.8 Osborn Preserve 641 12.2 Urban 2 • Suzanne DeCoursey, SSU Center for Environmental Inquiry 822.5 54.9 6.67 6.8 downstream Vineyard 360 1.4 Vineyard 770 3.1 • Wayne Haydon, California Geological Survey Main stem Urban 1 upstream 400 6.3 Urban 1 upstream 754 11.8 Laguna de 174 32.2 18.51 9.85 Urban 2 downstream 615 41.0 Urban 1 downstream 640 42.7 Santa Rosa Main stem Laguna de 1950 361.0 Main stem Laguna de 729 134.9 Dairy farm Santa Rosa Santa Rosa 690.4 148.1 21.45 10.1 drain Dairy farm drain 1700 364.7 Dairy farm drain 713 152.9 Figure 1: Percent fine grain sediment for each sample was Figure 2: Nitrogen at site was calculated by mulMplying the Figure 3: Phosphorus at site was calculated by mulMplying the calculated by dividing the fine grain fracMon weight by the “percent fine grain sediment” value by the “nitrogen in fine “percent fine grain sediment” value by the “phosphorus in fine total sample weight and mulMplying by 100. grain” value and dividing by 100. grain” value and dividing by 100. .