IBM VM/370 (CMS) Terminal User's Guide for FORTRAN IV Program Product Program Products
SC28-689M IBM VM/370 (CMS) Terminal User's Guide for FORTRAN IV Program Product Program Products TfogiantTNTOniDere »73fl-rv 5734-FO^ 5734-F03 5734-LM1 5734-LM3 •V-. /•* - .' ' ^' i SC28-6891-1 IBM VM/370 (CMS) Terminal User's Gluide for FORTRAN IV Program Product Program Products Program Numbers 5734-F01 5734.FO2 5734-F03 5734-LM1 5734-LM3 U.iiversfty of London Computer Centre 20, Guilford Street, London, VV.C, 1, r hiNTRET LIBRARY No. NOT to bo removed from Cantrs'ffl Premsses LiLe; PageofSC28-6891-0,-l Revised May 13,1977 By TNL SN20-9225 Second Edition (April 1975) This edition, as amendedby technicalnewslettersSN20-9201 and SN20-9225, appliesto Release 1.0 of the IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370) (CMS). This edition is a reprint of SC28-6891-0incorporating changes released in Technical Newsletters SN28-0609 (dated March 1,1973) and SN28-0620 (dated January 3,1974). Changes are listed in the Summary of Amendments, Number 3, on the facing page. Information in this publication is subject to significant change. Any such changes will be published in new editions or technical newsletters. Before using the publication, consult the latest/RM Systeml360Bibliography, GC20-0360, or IBMSystemf370Bibliography, GC20-0001, and the technical newsletters that amend the particular bibliography, to learn which editions are applicable and current. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office that serves your locality. Forms for readers* comments are provided at the back of this publication. If the forms have been removed, address comments to IBM Corporation, P.
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