
Stirred and shaken! NOBELS In the International Year of Chemistry, C Sivaram charts the winning achievements in the field, from work on synthesis of to chemistry.

his year is the International Year of TChemistry. Major achievements in chemistry are recognised every year by way of the Nobel Prize. The very first awarded in 1901 went to Dutch Jacobus Vant Hoff mainly for formulating laws of osmotic pressure in . The 1902 prize went to for work on chemistry leading to synthe- sis of sugars and purines. He was a student of Adolf Von Bayer, who himself got the prize in 1905 for synthesis of organic dyes, including that of the indigo dye. This proved disastrous for the Indian indigo plant export, which was earlier the only source for the dye. Two other Fischers also got the chem- istry Nobel. One was , who got it in 1930 for the constitution of chlorophyll, use of substituted porphyrins leading to eventual synthesis of haemin. In 1973, shared the MIXING IT UP The very first Nobel Prize prize with for their in- in Chemistry was awarded in 1901. dependent work on organometallic ‘sand- wich’ compounds and revolutionising tran- the DNA double helix model, Perutz and sition metal chemistry with compound like Kendrew got the chemistry prize the same and those compounding rheni- year for their work on globular proteins, um and or chromium with ben- thus making it an all-British affair! zene among others. Earlier in 1912, Grig- The only Russian to get the chemistry nard and Paul Sabattier shared the prize prize was Nikolai Semenov, who shared it for work on organometallic compounds in 1956 with Sir Cyril Hinshelwood for (Grignard reagents etc.) This was the first chemical chain reaction kinetics. After K shared chemistry prize. The first eleven Fukui shared the chemistry prize in 1981, prizes, including the 1911 one to Madame with Hoffmann for chemical reaction en- Curie (for isolation of radium and poloni- ergetic, several Japanese have shared the um) were given to individual . The Nobel chemistry prize starting from year next shared prize in chemistry was in 1929, 2000, when shared the when Sir shared with Von prize with Alan McDiarmid and Alan Euler for work on alcoholic fermentation Heeger for developing electrically con- of sugars. In 1935, Curie’s daughter, Irene ducting polymers. The 2001 and 2002 shared the chemistry prize with her hus- prizes also had Japanese sharing the prize, band, Frederic, for work on artificial ra- i.e., Ryogi Noyori for chiral and dioactivity, involving transmutation of alu- for mass spectrometric minium to phosphorus. Only one other analysis of bio-molecules, respectively. The woman chemist has got the Nobel, i.e., 2010 chemistry prize was given by E in 1964 for seminal work Negishi and A Suzuki sharing the prize in unraveling the structure of complex with Richard Hock for palladium catalysed molecules like, insulin and , cross couplings in organic synthesis of through X-ray crystallography. complex compounds. The 2008 prize also In 1903, became the had a Japanese shar- first Swedish to get the Nobel for his work ing the prize with Chafie and Tsien for de- on electrolytic theory of dissociation. He velopment of the green fluorescent protein was influential in the rejection of the great (GFP) as a bioscience tag. Russian chemist (and founder of the peri- In 2009, the only Indian recipient of the od table) Mendeleev for the 1906 prize. chemistry prize, Venkatraman Ramakr- ishnan, shared it with and Discovery of inert gases Thomas A Steitz for work on ribosomes In 1904, British chemist Sir William Ram- and protein synthesis. In 1999, Ahmed sey won the prize for discovery of inert gases Hasan Zewail of Egypt, won the prize for in the atmosphere, like , Neon, Heli- work on femtosecond chemical reactions. um, Xenon, etc. In 1906, Moissan got the Earlier in 1967, Eigen, Norrish and Porter prize for the discovery of Fluorine. Ernest also got the prize for studies of fast chem- Rutherford got the Chemistry prize in 1908 ical reactions. (all the more ironic as Buchner got it in Thermodynamics as applied to chem- 1907 for cell fermentation). Rutherford’s istry got Onsager the prize in 1968 (for re- assistant Frederic Soddy won it in 1921. ciprocal reactions) and in Other also regarded as promi- 1977 for non-equilibrium thermodynam- nent who got the Nobel in chem- ics. won the prize in 1944 for istry include (1932 for the all important nuclear fission of furani- his work on surface chemistry, he coined um, and Seaborg and McMillan for the terms covalence and electrovalence in transuranium elements in 1951. George his work on gas conductivity), Hevsey ( tagging, 1943), Willard in 1936 (for screening in ) and Libby (Carbon-14 dating, 1960) were the in 1949 for cooling to other winners. very low temperatures (sub-Kelvin) by adi- won the prize in 1918 abatic demagnetisation technique. Work (Haber process) and Bergius and Bosch on surface chemistry (this time for chem- in 1931 (liquefaction of coal). ical reactions on surfaces) was again rec- won the Nobel for heavy Hydrogen dis- ognized with a Nobel to in covery in 1934, Zsigmondy (1925) and 2007. The other individual chemistry prize Svedberg (1926) for colloidal chemistry. (after 2000) was given in 2006, to Roger Millikan’s student, Richard Mulliken won Kornberg for his work on how DNA is con- it in 1966 for orbital models. The study of verted to RNA. His father, Arthur Korn- organic synthesis also got many prizes, in- berg had shared the 1959 prize cluding Woodward (1965) and Natta and for work on biological synthesis of RNA Ziegler (1963). and DNA. Polymer chemistry resulted in Flory get- ting the prize (1974) and Hermann Twice lucky Staudinger in 1953. Artturi Virtanen of Only has got the Nobel Finland (1945) got the prize for agricul- Prize twice in chemistry, first in 1958 for tural and Robert Robinson his work on structure of proteins (including (1947) for plant products like alkaloid. insulin) and then again in 1980, this time Luis Leloir in 1970, for biochemical me- jointly with and tabolism (Leloir road), G Herzberg (1971), for determination of nucleotide sequence atomic , Theodore Richards in viruses. , the only person (1914) and Francis Aston (1923) for atomic to get two individual Nobel prizes, got the mass spectroscopy, (1961) chemistry prize in 1954 for his work on for analysis, and Walter Ha- chemical bonding and in 1962 the worth (1937) and (1938) for Peace prize. While Crick, Watson and vitamin chemistry, are other notable win- Wilking got the medicine prize in 1962 for ners.