FHS Arrival Sheet ST19

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FHS Arrival Sheet ST19 Orientation I N F O R M A T I O N S E S S I O N S A N D P E R S O N A L A S S I S T A N C E TUE 12 Feb - (10:15) registration - getting to know each other - pick up your CU Student Card. WED 13 Feb - CU facilities - set up your CU Student Information System and Wi-fi eduroam account - Survival Czech Course (optional) - get your Prague transport season ticket for the student price. THU 14 Feb - your studies at CU- registration to courses - Student Information system workshop. FRI 15 Feb- cultural orientation - ESN CU Prague Student Club - social events. W H E R E FHS is based at the CU building located in the Jinonice District of Prague 5. CU Jinonice Campus, U Kříže 8, Prague 5- Jinonice, room: 2080 (building A) Public transport connection: the Metro line B (yellow), JINONICE Metro station. J I N O N I C E C A M P U S F A C I L I T I E S Library, canteen (around 55 CZK/meal), cafeteria, PC rooms, Copy/Print/ Scan self-service, Wi-Fi Internet Access (EDUROAM) C L A S S E S L O C A T I O N S Jinonice campus: most of the FHS courses + some departments of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Arts (Politics, Sociology, International Studies). Prague 6 -Veleslavín (José Martího 31): courses of FHS Gender and Anthropology Departments. Prague 1, CERGE-EI (Politických vězňů 7): FHS UPCES courses. Prague 1, Faculty of Social Sciences (main building - Smetanovo nábřeží 6); Faculty of Arts (main building - náměstí Jana Palacha). It takes about 20 and 30 min. to get to Prague 1 and Prague 6, respepectively, from the Jinonice Campus. C L A S S E S B E G I N G O N 1 8 F E B R U A R Y P R A G U E P U B L I C T R A N S P O R T Single Tickets (valid on the Metro, trams and buses with a possibility to change). Available at tickets machines or at newsstands. Must be date-stamped after boarding a bus, tram, or upon entering the metro. You need a special ticket for a larger luggage! Student discounted Season Tickets (only if you are less than 26 years old) - available once you get your CU Student Card. Full Price Season Tickets (26 years old and more) - can be arranged directly upon your arrival at the Prague Transport Company (DPP) Information Centres as well as the DPP ticket sales at Metro. List of fares is available here. Undeground/trams maps to be downloade here. Timetables and journey planner available here. C U D O R M A C C O M M O D A T I O N Check-in: your passport/ID card, accommodation voucher, a copy of the deposit payment receipt, one passport size photo. Get the key either at the Accommodation Office or at the non-stop reception (depending on the time of your arrival). You need to visit the dorm´s Accommodation office during its office hours the next working day to sign your accommodation contract and to pay for the rent for the remaining days in Feruary there. Wi-fi connection. Information on the dorm´s fcilities to be downloaded here. N O T E Transport season ticket with a student discount and Internet access at the dorm (unless you have an Eduroam account) available after February 12, your registration at the FHS. .
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