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New major stirs up faculty controversy by Liz Kerins chairmen's meeting where this problem has the other courses can be outside the College of Communications at the Univer­ come up. "The idea of a marketing com­ business department. sity of Texas, will be hired as a consultant. A difference of opinion between the munications major is an excellent one, but This, then, may create a roadblock in the Dr. Piatt said he wanted to make this faculty of Communication Arts and the before it is established as-a major, the Management Studies Division's attempt at program unique. "Usually, such a program Business faculty is delaying development of responsible division should make sure it's accreditation. It also is a roadblock in is just a concentration; within a major. a new major in marketing communication, going to be a worthwhile major," said Ms. creating a major that will successfully in­ Ultimately, we will have a major in according to those involved in the project. Cody;' "The main issue should not be tegrate the two majors as it was originally marketing communications. Whether or , Under a new million dollar. Title HI who's baby it will be, the,real issue is 'are proposed. •;;, ' not this becomes a reality next September is grant the college received this summer, new the courses there'?" ~v. Academic Vice-President Dr. Andrew hard to say at this time."; " programs will be added, including manage­ There seemed to be some disagreement Molloy said he did expect these problems to Dr. Molloy said "housing the marketing ment information systems, an international as to what the curriculum should look like. arise, as with any dual major in two dif- communications major in the Division of components system for the business depart­ The original proposals submitted by the feent disciplines, but he is confident that it Arts and Letters will certainly impart a par­ ment and a new marketing communica­ Business Department was rejected by the will all fall into place. The accreditation by ticular character in the program but tions major, according to the Division of Communications Department as being too the AACSB is "a gradual thing, and the whether it is more appropriate is hard to Management Studies chairman, Dr. John business^oriented. The proposal by the marketing communications major, if hous­ answer." , " .' • , Kelly.V.:- -'-•.:V;::.l,r ':: i.;,.:,. Communications Department wasn't ac­ ed in that discipline would not be the only The next step will be to define the cur­ Ideally,-the new major would combine cepted by the Business Department, either. thing in the way of the accreditation." He riculum and add the necessary courses. business and communications courses with The main problem, before anything could said he foresees no problem in having After this is done, it will have to meet with additional courses. But, according to Dr. be decided upon, is with which discipline enough business courses within the major. faculty and the Board of Trustees ap­ Kelly, he was "unsure whether there would would the new major be associated. "Marist is not a large university where proval. The final step will be taking it to be a major that truly combines the two " were housed under business," said one department can refuse to co-operate," the State Education Department for their divisions." Division of Arts and Letters Dr. Kelly, "thecurriculumwould be full of he said. "There has'to be cooperation;" He seal of approval, and then Marist can of­ Chairman Richard platt said that "as the marketing courses. If it becomes part of the added that he was confident that there will ficially institute a marketing communica- program becomes officially housed in one Communication-Arts department, the em­ be. ---•- :•-,••• : v- • '•-'•: . tionsmajor. department, the program will be phasis will be more in advertising." According to Drs. Molloy, Piatt and Kel­ The funding for all of this is part of a modified." ' The problem with housing a marketing ly, a marketing communications major will million dollar Title III grant received by The first major delay in getting the pro­ communications major in the Division of tentatively become a part of the Division of Marist. According to Dr. Molloy, "The gram off the ground was not'the fact that Management Studies is the fact that Marist Arts and Letters. At this point, though, Dr. reason for the Title III grant represents a Marist offers very few courses related to a" is in the process of having that department Piatt was unable to say whether next fall genuine opportunity for the college to marketing communications major. In­ accredited by the American Association of marketing communications Would be in­ develop a major particularly beneficial to stead, the main issue seemed to be where College and Schools of-Business. Accor­ stituted as a full-fledged major or a concen­ the student body and to eventually attract this new major will be housed,.before a ding to the standards of the AACSB.-all tration area within the communications more students to Marist. We might even curriculum could be decided upon. programs which permit more than 25%.of degree. ; develop the program without Title III. As a member- of the Student Academic business courses .in their curriculum .are - To help organize and plan the program, What is ultimately bestfor the student and Committee, student Donna Cody sits in on - considered business programs. But to be a next January a new faculty member will be ultimately best for the institution is the the departmental and the divisional business program, no more than 25% of added and Robert Jeffereys, Dean of the reason behind such programs." r =\ THE CIRCLE

Marist Collage Poughkmppalm, N.Y. .Volume 2«;Mumf>or a - Nov«int>or-i2,'.-ise-i-- ' •~2dr"*~•w^' -ir •' 'fc'K-s*. \* , V ~'T X^ "•"•' ' ^ ~, *- > "Graffiti" tonight

The curtain rises for the cast and crew of "Graffiti" tonight in the Marist College theatre as two and a half months of plann­ ing and rehearsal comes to an end. David Heckendorn's original musical which was directed by Donald Anderson is being presented tonight through Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It seems success is in store for the Marist College Council on Theatrical-Arts due to their unique situation in presenting an original play which is receiving a great deal of professional theatre attention. Tickets for '-'Graffiti" may be obtained at the Marist box office at the price of $2 for Marist faculty and staff and $1 for students. (Photo by Chris Dempsey) Marist: Case of the missing typewriters

by Janet Lawler Even Dutchess Community' College budget, I'd be glad to speak with someone crystalized way,'' Toscano said. satisfies it's students with a room, in the at Marist about how Dutchess manages o Toscano was sympathetic about the cur-, A survey of nearby colleges shows that library; cluttered with electric typewriters; do this for the students," Anspach added. rent lack of typewriters on campus. Marist is alone in not having typewriters Some are a little old, but most are in very It's ironic that Dutchess Community "Believe it or not, the best tools parents could give their kids for Christmas are a available for students — a situation labeled good shape. ;•--;• ,.y, •]••- •' r,.-;' : ,, College is the leader for typewriters "ridiculous" by one area librarian.. Dutchess Community College has a large available for students. Vassar College typewriter and tape recorder. It's essen-^ Vassar College has several typewriters secretarial curriculum^ but DCC provides charges $600" per credit. Marist charges tial," he said. available for its-students. The only problem those students with a private classroom $131-per credit..Dutchess Community Col­ Bill Piazza, of IBM's Office Products in is that they are manual typewriters and do packed with new IBM typewriters. . lege charges $27 per credit. Poughkeepsie, said Marist could buy a. not always function properly, according to "We buy typewriters from IBM Soften. The library at Marist College has been a IBM Selectric typewriter for a-purchase Vassar sources. ••,'-.•:. Then when one gets old, we take it from the common, place for students to complain price of $931 at the present educational "We do have typewriters per se," a secretary who used it and put it in the typ­ about this problem. Vihce Toscano dean of estimate. . spokesman for Vassar College said last ing room for the students," a spokesman special programs and services, has been There may be hope yet for students, ac­ week. ''They're not in the best of shape, for Dutchess Community College said. aware of this growing frustration among cording to Bob Fink, an employee of but the students still use them just the "My husband,went to Marist College quite students. Marist College bookstore. same."-.-'- -•-'-••.:•- -•- ..>' •-.,'• a few years ago, and he used to complain - "We've often discussed in the "We've been seriously considering buy­ about the lack of typewriters on campus."; library," Toscana said. "The only ing a few typewriters and renting them out New Paltz College also has a small room to the students," Fink said. dedicated for typewriter use for students. . .. Phil Anspach, property clerk at Dutchess possibility may be to plan on getting a few "We realize the students need to type Community College, manages to always old ones. Then, we run into the problem of The bookstore would require a assignments and term papers. It's have machines available for students. "We where to locate the typewriters," Toscana. substantial deposit, but in return, the ridiculous- for a college to be without buy them outright. We just move them added. "Should they be in the dorms? In students could take the machine to their typewriters," a New Paltz library staff around a lot. If someone in a department the library? The clicking of the typewriters room and type the assignment, Fink said. member said last week. "There is always a needs a new typewriter, we buy it. Then, may be disturbing to other students," "Is it that bad of a problem?" Fink ask­ few extra dollars in the budget for rental the used one goes to the students," Toscana explained. "We've been concern­ ed. "If students think so, I'll do my best to from IBM or elsewhere." Anspach said. "It comes out of the college ed with this issue. It just never surfaced in a help them out." ui*«w€y.*w»<<«s*i^^.iu^»!ail»^wv^...,.^^

,Pag> 2 THE CIRCLE November 12,19*1, November 12,1981 • THE CIRCLE-Page 3* Readers Write Female gridders

00...% miTTMNK All letters must be typed triple space with a 60 space margin, and submitted to the Circle office no later than 6 p.m. Monday. Short letters are preferred. We reserve the take the field ** ' right to edit all letters. Letters must be signed, but names may be withheld upon re­ quest. Letters will be published depending upon availability of space. BASKET WMIMP COUftSf Last Sunday, the sophomore girls' IS 6fiOUVbS R>R powder puff football team met the freshman girls' team in an afternoon football game in which the freshman, DISOWNMEWT. emerged as the victors, 14-0. The game was sponsored by the sophomore class, and was open to all "Graffiti" and apathy female students. Refreshments were sold, and all who attended enjoyed wat­ ching the girls try their hands out at a To the Marist Community: For you, the audience, an ex­ game usually reserved for males at ; I'm sure that by now we are all . perience that no one else has ever Marist. tired of hearing about the experienced before. The sophomore class hopes to school's apathy. Well, I'm offer-. It is not easy to direct, act in or organize a soccer intramurals team for A costly question ing you the opportunity to work on any play. When that play girls in the spring, In which all female disprove that notion. I hope that has never been done before the students are welcome. Last year, the cost of attending Marist in New York picketed last year after receiv­ by now you are ail aware of the task becomes more so. In most College was $5,800. The 1981-82 academic ing news of a tuition jump of $150. The in­ musical that will be taking place plays, one has a preconceived no­ year saw a rise in cost of $700. These rising crease at Marist was over 10%, a $700 jump, this weekend. For those few of tion about what must be done. figures, coupled with the threat facing and as students saw no way of opposing you who do not know, MCCTA is Since "Graffiti" has yet to be this increase,- nothing was said. The gap producing an original musical en­ produced it was up to the director financial assistance in education from the 1 Marist to launch major co-op program Reagan budget cuts, make it impossible for between the ability of the student to finance titled "Graffiti.' The musical and the actors to decide, what the private college student to turn away an education and the actual cost can only was written by faculty member . must be done. from the issue of educational financing. expand if proposed federal and state David Heckendorn and directed The cast and crew members by Grazia E. LoPiccolo student will not earn any credit, said Mrs. sion; Dr. Florence Michels, Psychology She also said that the students benefit by assistance program cuts are made. by Donald Anderson, also a have worked hard. They have Samoff. She added that this might mean and Sociology Division; Jake Maness, getting their hands on experience in an in­ The concept of financial assistance in faculty member. The shows are at dustry early enough in their career to make education is based oh ' the "right" of The issue here is not one of apathy — given their time and all their A federal grant will allow Marist College that the student will have to attend an extra Management Studies Division, David 7:30 November 12, 13, 14 and at energy to produce for you an to launch a new co-operative education semester of classes or summer classes in . McGraw, the Division of Arts & Letters, decisions that they will eventually have to students to attend the college of their students have to care when they are 2:00 on November 15. make later in their careers. choice. This concept, while ideologically bargaining with their futures in terms of evening of enjoyment. Please, program next semester offering jobs and order to graduate, in four years. Mrs. and the Rev. Rhys Williams, Humanities sound, has little practical application, as loans, but the inevitable threats to financial Since the musical is an original don't disappoint them with a lack extra funds for interested students.. Samoff stressed, however, that the pro­ Division. It has not yet been established, Mrs. many students have abandoned the private, assistance call for action. The power of the it presents an unique opportunity of attendance. Let's prove that "The program will provide students with posal is still being refined and worked out Marist College already has a similar pro­ Samoff said, whether the faculty advisors and is subject to change. will receive extra salary for their participa­ schools and universities of their choice for constituent through an organized lobby, : for the Marist Community. For Marist is not apathetic. actual and meaningful work experience gram in the communication department: a public education. whether in writing to congressmen or in ac­ the cast and crew it is a chance to Dawn-Marie Sturtevant related to their academic major," said Mrs. Samoff did not say how many paid internship, in which students earn tion in the program, or whether they will tual attendance at pertinent legislative ses­ create upon the stage a new play. Assistant Director Judith Samoff, director of grants iat Marist students specifically will benefit from the credit and money at the same time. Mrs. receive their regular salary and teach one Marist is just one of many private in­ less course. "If the latter is the case then stitutions in the uncomfortable position of sions, should not be underestimated. College, "and it will enable students to new co-operative program, but she said Samoff said that the major difference earn extra money." that the program is designed to help as between the new co-operative program and Marist will hire other professors to teach maintaining themselves in an age of rising There are established organizations work­ the courses," said Mrs. Samoff. education costs and diminishing enrollment ing in Albany and Washington for the col­ Under the program, Marist students will many interested students as will become in­ the internship program is that the co­ in higher education. However, the larger lege student, but they exist on the support A neglected fact be placed in jobs in the Mid-Hudson area, volved. operative program will have more than one The $94,000 grant, said Mrs. Samoff, sector of students at Marist, being of a and action of all concerned. In this case, the'' New York City and elsewhere. As a co-op , The program will have a director, whom placement. will be allocated for the director's salary, middle-class income bracket, are caught in students relying on aid to offset the rise in program, students will receive pay for their Marist is presently in the process of hiring, "The co-operative work program will re­ for faculty release time, and the largest work. .. and one advisor from each division, said quire a more extensive work commit­ part of the grant will go for the traveling the trap of ineligibility for adequate finan­ college costs are concerned, and should be To the Editor: Adapted Aquatics is a swim ac­ cial aid, while the. family income cannot aware of the role they must play in preserv­ The program, which was given impetus Mrs. Samoff.-The faculty advisors will ment," said Mrs. Samoff. She added that a that will be involved in setting up the Last 'week's article "Marist tivity program designed for the have diversified responsibilities. The most student in the program will, devote a 12 placements. »,poss\b\v.ftnance a. private education. ing their right to an education. individual with a physical or men­ by a one-year $94,000 Co-Operative Plans Swimming Program For Education Grant, administered by the . important of which she said she feels will , month- time equivalent -to the program, TVie imtiai tvmction of tYve director, at tYve The students at several state universities Disabled" neglected to mention tal disability. It is an opportunity be to "ensure that there is a connection which will include tYitee different for "the....disabled .individual- to Department of Education, is still in its be to make initial contact with the lpcal in­ the fact this; program originated : ; preliminary stages and it will not be final •with the work place and the classroom." placements. from and is sponsored through learn new skills while enjoying She added that the advisors will share all . She added that the student can complete dustries and businesses to participate in the aquatic recreation. ~ until a director is hired, said Mrs. Samoff, program. Mrs. Samoff said that Patrick Mail Call the Continuing Education Office. who wrote the proposal for the grant. responsibilities with the director other than his co-operative employment either by As a result of the success Conti­ '.-'-••-Marist'College and the Red the financial management. They will also working a full semester or on a part-time Lennahan, ;, former director of career "Hi mom it's me, yeah well I'm doing that their grades were going to be sent nuing Education has had sponsor­ Cross give instruction, and train Mrs. Samoff said that there are some development at Marist, had made an infor­ alright. Oh yeah all my classes are great, I'm restrictions to the program. In order to par­ set up the placements and evaluate the per­ basis, depending on the needs of the stu­ . home. Many students feel that this new ser­ ing Red Cross programs, Marist instructors and aides for this pro­ formance of the students, Mrs. Samoff dent and the employer. mal survey of companies that would be in­ doing great except I'm having a little trouble vice is infringing upon their rights as a legal has been able to increase the gram. We need, people who are ticipate in the program, she said, a student terested in participating in the program, in Economics, but there's no major problem. adult. Many student's parents are indeed must have a minimum cumulative average said. Marist students who have been involved number and variety of Red Cross willing to volunteer their time to The five division advisors are: -Dr. in the paid internship program speak but he has since left Marist College. Grades? Oh yeah, midterms, well we haven't paying for our tuition, but any responsible safety/health programs offered assist the swimmers and become of 2.5 and has to be at least a sophomore. The new co-operative program is a gotten them yet. What? You received what student or interested parent would more According to the written proposal, the Joseph Bettencourt, Natural Science Divi- favorably of it. "You learn so much by do­ on campus. T, trained as Red Cross Adapted ing rather than reading," said Cathy semester late in getting under way, but in the mail? Oh I can explain, all my than likely bridge the gap of communica­ We, in Continuing Education, Aquatics Aides. All interested Mrs. Samoff does not feel that this will teachers gave blanket D's for our midterm Cassetta, a Marist senior who is currently tions that is going to be alleviated'./ mail­ are pleased to be able to coor­ people please contact the Conti­ working at IBM Poughkeepsie on a paid in­ hurt the college's chances of getting the grades. What do you mean your not sending ing grades to our homes. - dinate the efforts of the Red nuing Education .Office, Donnelly grant next year upon reapplying. She added up any spending money?" ternship. How many parents are receiving "real" in­ Cross, McCann Center and Hall, Room 202. Circle K dances for those who can't Sally Petro, who is also involved in the that if the director is hired soon, the col­ For some un-announced reason dicators of what little Bobby or little Sally Special Services to make Adapted Anita Voogt same program at IBM in East Fishkill, lege's chances of getting approval of the everyones mid-term grades were sent home are doing at school? So many,teachers give Aquatics available to our students Assistant Director agrees. She said that in a class, no matter grant next year will not be affected. at mid-semester. Remember when you were "blanket" mid-term grades that most and community residents. Continuing Education There is a $20.00 minimum sponsorship how much one reads or discusses, one is Overall, Mrs. Samoff said that the college in grammar school, and mommy and daddy •"•• everyones mid-term cums are inaccurate as by Joanne Holdorff limited. Liz Kerins, a senior at Marist, who will compensate since Marist already has a had to sign our report cards? Welcome back to the progress the student has made thus for singles and a $25.00 minimum sponsor­ similar program in the communication ship for couples. The money is to be col­ worked at Paramount Pictures last summer to the good old days, even in high school far in the semester. It would be nice -if when "I wanna rock with you (all night) said that "You learn just by being around department. most of us were responsible enough to br­ Mom opens up the envelope and discovers Dance you into day (sunlight) lected before you dance and handed in at Mrs. Samoff said that she worked the dance marathon. that environment." ing our report cards home when they were her little boy has dropped from Deans List to Car Walker? I wanna rock with you (all night) All three agree that the money factor together with Patrick Lennahan in prepar­ given to us at school. It looks like the a C average that the registrars office would We're gonna rock the night away" ing the proposal, which was submitted last A cash prize will be awarded to the cou­ helps. Ms. Petro said "You can get used to registars office has offered us another fan­ include an explanation of the lack of man to show what made those Michael Jackson spring. Originally, she added that the pro­ tastic service; we no longer must call home To the Editor: ple/single who brings in the most money! it very easily." fairness involved in computing a students. I'd like to address this letter dents!!! I've notice these foot­ Ms. Kerins also said that having par­ posal called for a five-year grant, but a to give our mid-term cums to our parents. mid-term grades, and than dad wouldn't Dancing for Jerry's kids — that's what it Dinner for two at the Culinary Institute of one-year grant was awarded since the pro­ mainly to everyone who owns a prints over several weeks and America is among the other prizes. ticipated in the program will be beneficial The registrars office has decided that this have to use the smelling salts. after checking the car several is all about, and it will be happening right to her in finding a job after college. She ad­ gram is new. task was to difficult for the Marist College car on this campus and has it here at Marist College, Saturday, Dec. 5, The average Marist student is 20 years parked in any of the parking lots. times a day, found that these Local talent for entertainment during the ded that a co-operative or internship place­ Mrs. Samoff also said that this wasn't student to take part in and has solved the old. We can drink alcohol, buy dirty 1981 at lp.m. the first time Marist had applied for a co­ problem by delivering our grades to our Have you checked the roof or prints appeared in daylight hours. breaks will be provided for. Free food and ment is a good place to make contacts for magazines, vote for our leaders, drive a car hood of your car lately? If you If anyone finds footprints on The Circle K Club on campus is sponsor­ future employment. operative educational grant. She said that parents doorsteps. Maybe its an unfair and fight in a war. Isn't it unusual that. ing a 12 hour dance marathon to benefit drinks will be served. Each dancer will this was the third or fourth time. Mrs. assumption to believe that the average have, did you find the imprints of their car (and I have seen them on receive a free T-shirt entitled "Superdance, According to Adrianne Singer, manager Marist College has decided that we can't a man's sneaker? \ other cars), please report it to the Muscular. Dystrophy Association. of Employee Communication at IBM East Samoff said that it had been previously Marisj: College student is at a stage of handle our own academic progress? Local DJ's Tom Cunningham and John U.S.A." refused since the college was not well maturity where they can be given there mid­ I wouldn't believe it either -v Security. If you see it happening Fishkill, co-operative education is Hopefully instructor evaluations, when that some male student was walk­ — report it. As to whoever is do­ Winston (of 3WI) will be hosting the dance Everyone is invited to come dance. beneficial to both the employer and the stu­ enough informed and did not have a good term grades and decide accordingly who the given at the end of the semester, will be sent marathon while several guest DJ's from understanding of co-operative education. grades should be sent to. ing or running across the tops of ing-it, keep i your feet on the Registration/Sponsor forms may be ob­ dent. "We get students from academic en­ home to the parents of every faculty parked cars until 6 large dents ap:. ground or go live in a zoo! K104, WBPM, WEOK, WKIP, and our tained by contacting Joanne Holdorff, vironment, which bring us new ideas and "The proposals submitted showed that," Even if we can't handle the task of giving member. Then our faculty won't have to peared in the roof of my 1979 car Jane Victoria Keene own WMCR, will be dropping in to spin P.O. Box C-298, or in room C-424. helps us with whatever workload there is." said Mrs. Samoff. our mid-term grades to our parents it would waste time telling their parents how the job and the muddy footprints of a some records. be nice if the student body was informed is going. Letters continued on page 8 Students addicted to lust in the afternoon

News Staff Denise Film, Karyn Magdalen, MarketlngMdvertislna JeanieO'Rourke by Karen Lindsay because he is in love with the suspect. good time for me," one R.A. said. "It's and alcoholism," said one junior, "I John Kraus, Joanne Holdorf, Pat Brady Joann Bute How can Marist students be involved relaxing to watch for an hour, and it's a watch because I'm a GH freak." Co-Editors Jane Hanley with so many people with so many pro­ good break." Next week, on November 10, Sports Editor Barry Lewis Distribution Manager Terri Tobin It's 3:00 on a weekday afternoon. Do Terri Sullivan you know what the majority of Marist blems? It's easy — just tune in at 3:00 Another popular reason for watching Elizabeth Taylor will be appearing on s, GH as Mikkos Cassadine's wife. "Who The *f Nancy Brennan, Tim Dearie, Photography . Maggie Browne, Grace Gallagher College students are doing? They are in­ and watch the number one ranked day­ is that there is nothing better to do. Lin­ Associate Editor RickO'Donnell Tim Breuer, Pat Cullough, Jeanne LeGloahec volved with the lives of a heroic young time television drama, General da Erico, a resident of Benoit House ever doesn't watch it now, will watch it Karen Flood, Denise Film, just to see Liz Taylor. Then they'll pro­ Feature Editor Theresa Sullivan -couple who cannot get married until the Hospital. said, "There is just nothing else to do at Circle John Petacchi, Ken Bohan, Cartoonists Michael Moore .When asked to comment about the that time, so I watch GH." bably get hooked and the ratings will go Bill Travers, Dennis Martin Eddie Powers divorce papers arrive from Mexico, a Staff Donna Cody, Christine Dempsey, man who is drinking again because of show, students gave a wide range of Many students say that the show is way up," commented Gabriele Piehler, Peter Fredsall, Karen Johnson, a junior at Marist. Copy Editors Allison McCarthy Faculty Advisor Dav|d McCraw this young couple, another couple who reasons for watching. "I really.enjoy it; really exciting. "When Heather shot Jean-Marie Magreno, Joanna Rosato, Patti Walsh, were divorced and want to get married I love to hate some of the characters. Diana Taylor, everyone in the dorm So if you want the scoop on Bobby Social Editor Janet McNamara again — to each other, another couple It's a kind of outlet," one sophomore went^ crazy. You could hear everyone Spencer and Noah Drake, or if you talking about it," said one student want to find out about what really hap­ Business Manager Maggie Browne who are in a bitter fight over getting said. divorced, a young woman accused of Others watch to relax or to take a about the show's characters. pened to the divorce papers, just tune in murder and the handsome young lawyer break from the day. "I watch it because "I watch because I like the topics they to General Hospital. who is trying to clear the murder it's so popular around here and it is at a deal with such as murder, divorce, rape *"e***W?» «•";.•. UJ*~J «*"»*"

•Page 4 • THE CIRCLE • November 12,1981 < mmmmmmNovember 12,1981 • THE CIRCLE - Page 5« B-Guido's Comer Stealers tackle the Marist stage The. Jersey Shore was the setting for Cox has written five one-act and two musical," he said. "Most of them Jerry Cox's vacation. It is also the set­ other full-length plays. He has also writ­ haven't seen a straight play. This is a award will be a beautiful summer home ting for The Penny Stealers. The play ten poetry and short stories. "Theater prime example of a modern play." by Marvin Sims, Kevin Babcock written by Cox, dean of student affairs, Tony Cardone, Joe Verilli in Siberra. Her reply to this award was, For A Dandy Horse," performed at The play is in its third week of rehear­ "I'm so excited but I still don't know ROBERT will be seen at Marist Theater Dec. 3, 4 Marist in 1979, is his only other work sal. By the fourth week, Cox will give up and 5. We would like to thank Frank Scott what this crew sport is." performed. "I'm a closet writer," Cox his role as director. Assistant director for the delicious steak dinner this past It's that time of the year again, Over last summer, Cox had thoughts said. "I like to write. If I had the time I Kevin O'Connor will become the direc­ week, but what ever happened to the Registration Time! Yes the time when developing for two plays. "I promised would just write." He seems to have no tor, he said. Mike Hayden is already you sign up for, 5 classes and get the tri-~ myself that I would begin work on the fears or ambitions connected with handling the production. other 196 meals. With the serving of plays while on vacation at the Shore," writing. . steaks also brought along the notorious dent gum results when 4 out of 5 of your classes have been dropped. When Joe he said. "I brought my pads arid pencils The "Penny Stealers" serves a dual The character's ages range from 20 to steak bandit. Those of you who had and didn't write a thing." your steaks stolen don't worry, it won't Verrilli was asked how he felt, he com­ Hair Shoppe purpose. Cox teaches Theory and Prac­ 80. "One important factor in choosing mented "It really doesn't upset me tice of Modern Theater. The students the cast was how they could capture the Dean Gerard Cox happen again because we won't have One night after vacation the ideas for steaks anymore. ,• because I don't get that many classes analyze modern plays. "Instead of just essence of the character with their (Kate Grant), Allison McCajthy (Anne "Penny Stealers" took written form; being able to guess at the meaning in-, voices," Cox said. "You can get away On a sad note B-Guido!s would like to dropped as compared to the amount of Precision Cuts "It is a light mystery that has nothing tp Westrom), Mark Skinner (Bob say good-bye to the prettiest secretary times that I've been dropped by girls." tended by the playwright, the students with a lot more visually if the character Westrom), and Stan Merritt as Ralph do with the serious concepts thought can have feedback from the author," comes through in the voice." The play is on campus, Dara Zinney. We wish you about over the summer," Cox said. The Tyrzak. all the luck in the world — Love the . Bob's of the Week said Cox. "The students have a real going very well, according to Cox, Cox is optimistic about the play. He Permanent Waves images of the old houses on the Shore situation to work with." cutest R.A's Marvin and Tony. come to life in the two days the audience . The cast includes Steve Maniaci (Ted says he wrote it for pleasant entertain­ Those of you who thought that those Boo to Billy Colgrove for spilling a beer shares with the cast in one such house. Kielty), Arlene Hutnan (Marge Kielty), ment and for the students to enjoy on Ellen's rug before intoxication. Cox said that he wrote the play to ex­ Beverly Morlang (Laura Creegan), Tom themselves in being a part of the play. wild and crazy woman were the Phi : Naturalizings "I look at the houses and try to imagine pose the students to straight theater." Tappa Keggars in drag, you're.wrong. Boo ,,to Tim "Johnny Appleseed" what the people inside are doing, what Greene (Jack Creegan), Teresa Mattiace Performances will be at 8 p.m. in the Grogan for1 receiving a black eye from a Even if- the students have been to a (Millie Costello), Philine van Lidth de Marist College Theater. Admission is It's a newly founded group that calls they're like," Cox said. Broadway show it was probably a themselves.the "Wenches." When Col- member of the opposite sex. Boo!! with shampoo Jeude (Vera Costello), Karen Lindsay free. een Hollywood was asked why this Women's Cuts. . $9.00 group was formed she replied "It's time V . ,. JOKES •..,,. the women at Marist had something to Men's Guts .".... $8.00 with shampoo call their own besides Soup Campbell." Three Potato Chips are standing on a Vandalism and theft plague Marist library This weeks winner of the "Guess bridge, two jumped off why didn't the other? Because he was Wise Potato by Leslie Heinrich Mrs. Brenner said. "What is worse than most is 'oh, I forgot to check it out,' or At Dutchess Community College, the ad­ what's for dinner" contest was that Perm's; ...... $25.00 and up that, and more frustrating is someone who famous security person Tom Rooney. Chip. 'How did that get there?'," said Mrs. Bren­ dition of a security system one year ago Mr. Bigger married Miss Jones, they Vandalism is^a problem that strikes all hides a book from the rest of the class until ner. was a blessing for their their 83,121 When we investigated into his over today, and area college libraries are after that particular assignment is due. background and we found out that Tom became Mr. and Mrs. Bigger, then they Marist College Library houses 82,000 volumes. had a baby, who is the biggest not excluded as victims of this thievery and There is quite a bit of that," Mrs. Brenner volumes, "and we cannot afford to lose Having just recently completed an inven­ loves to travel, so his grand prize will be sabotage. said. .-.,...... AMap!!! .;-' memberof the family? The baby any of them," Mrs. Brenner said. tory of materials, Michael Pope, director because he's a little bigger. ... The Marist College Library, though' Because of the lack of recent inventory Across town, at the Vassar College of the Dutchess Library, was able to quote This week's B-Guido's Athlete of, the. equipped with a modern security system, the encouraging figures. "Before we had a week goes to Kelly McMahpn for her What did Cinderella say when her. Open Tues.-Sat. figures, Mrs. Brenner has no idea-how Library, Barbara Lamont, the director of photographs were late? ] Someday my has one of the largest stolen book percen­ much money is spent each year replacing the library there says that Vassar's theft security system, there was an average of outstanding performance in last week's tages in the area. As Barbara Brenner, stolen materials. "It's difficult to say ex­ 386 books a year stolen," said Pope. "But, crew race. When Kelly single handedly prints will come!! : problem has remained about the same dur­ Why did the monkey fall out of the. director of the Marist Library says, "There actly how much money is spent, but I think ing the last few years. now we average only about 30 stolen books stroked the Marist boat to a second 8:30>5p.m. is most definitely a theft problem at our that this whole thing (thievery) is more an­ a year, "said Pope. place finish in a two boat race. Kelly's- tree? Because it was dead. "The theft problem is annoying, but library. We haven't had a complete inven­ noying and time consuming than anything here at Vassar, we have a high level of At Dutchess, the reference books are at 6 AAt. Cqrmel Place tory done in a number of years, but the last else," Mrs. Brenner said. academic competition, and books are hid­ the top of the most stolen list, with special time a mini-inventory was done, a large den just about as often as they are stolen," interest books running a close second. percentage of the books were missing," Despite the security system, the theft said Ms. Lamont. "Books on subjects such as witchcraft and Poughkeepsie said Mrs. Brenner. problem has not decreased that much. Vassar, like Marist, has not taken a re­ the occult seem to be stolen the most," said But the problem doesn't end there for the "There are other ways that people find to cent inventory of their 500,000 volumes, Pope. Donate to Oxfam Marist Library. "What is more upsetting get out of the library, and that's a shame," thus making it difficult to quote the exact There is also a large number of than theft is the vandalism," said- Mrs. said Mrs. Brenner. An average of one per­ number of books stolen, or what type of periodicals stolen. "The top five stolen 473-7757 Brenner. "People pull out articles from son a day attempts to walk out of the materials are stolen. periodicals are now put on reserve to deter journals, or pages from reference books. library with a book that has not been sign­ "We, too, have a security system, but the thieves," said Pope. "But sometimes, Nov. 19 We are able to replace these pages, but it ed out. This sets off the alarm, and the per­ that doesn't seem to deter the ones intent this doesn't even work." I (the journal) isn't the same anymore," son is then approached. "What we hear the - on stealing a book," said Ms. Lamont. PERTINENT THANKSGIVING Convocation to focus on hunger

by Cindy Lacey from the confinement of cultural artifacts RECESS RESIDENT HALL and to encourage the development of a This year's Dean's Convocation Day is sense of world citizenship as a basis for en­ Wednesday, November 18, beginning at vironmental responsibility, human and 9:30 a.m., in the McCann Center. natural resource distribution, and social The topic for the day is entitled "Global and economic interaction." INFORMATION Perspective — A Current Necessity." A Students will hold a more active role in - The residence halls will key note address will be given by Ms. that they will form discussion groups along Patricia Kutzner, the Executive Director of with divisional chairpersons and faculty World Hunger Education Service in members. Following these discussions, the - The Residence Halls will re-open at 10:00 a.m. on Washington D.C. divisions will have lunch together to discuss The purpose of Convocation Day is aim­ the topic further and try to cement relation­ Sunday, November 29, 1981, ed at making students more aware of ships between students and faculty. close at-11:00 p.m. on world-wide problems that exist outside of After lunch the student discussion the Marist community. leaders and faculty will gather together in a Wed., November 25,1981. - The first meal served will Academic Vice President and Dean An­ "rap up" session. Hopefully, these discus­ drew A. Molloy said, "Marist College aims sions will be recorded and in some way at academic excellence and the develop­ shared with the community. be dinner on Sunday. ment of personal world-views values." One As a result of the convocation, Marist - The last meal will be lunch major goal established for the college for hopes to identify activities and events over the years ahead is "to generate a curricular the rest of the year which further build on Wednesday. - Failure on the part of V"^ effort to free ourselves and our students upon this theme. residents to meet with the expectations of this THUft*. ffOK ia+l<| Marist to join 8th annual fast for Oxfam closing will result in a fine, by Grace Gallagher dinner for students to donate one dinner so that one dollar is sent to Oxfam America. In the course of one hour 1,680 people Campus Ministry, the Spanish Club and low priority housing for will die because they don't have enough to the Communication Arts society will be eat. That's 41,000 people per day. Grim organizing this event. spring, or both. statistics that can be changed by some car­ Last year more than six hundred Marist ing people at Marist. The Eighth Annual students gave up their dinners and over six fast for a world harvest is going to be hundred dollars was sent to help ease world observed on Thursday Nov. 19,1981. hunger... - So please, take a friend Students are being asked to give up one This year a series of slides showing the meal, dinner, on Nov. 19, and one dollar villages that Oxfam has helped will be home and have a safe and will be sent to Oxfam to help those who shown on Nov. 19 in Fireside C-249 at 8:15 don't have enough to eat. The purpose of p.m. this event is for everyone to learn Oxfam America is an organization that happy Turkey Day. something about the plight of the im­ currently funds 55 projects in some of the poverished and help in a little way towards poorest regions of Africa, Asia and Latin combating world hunger. America. It attempts to help these poorer NO ONE WILL BE PERMITTED TO STAY f^ki.ToHafcfeer^.wy Starting on Saturday, Nov. 14 through nations develop more productive farming Tuesday, Nov. 17, there will be tables set technology and better means of global food IN RESIDENCE HALLS OVER THIS RECESS. up in the rear of the cafeteria at lunch and distribution. 'Page 6 • THE CIRCLE - November 12,1981* rNovember 12,1981 - THE CIRCLE • Page 7' EASY STREET cordially invite?!you*to"ioin us with- Live Music Every Nite of theWeek, reveals facts The Question: What do you think about Joseph's the music in the cafeteria? about Science' of Man Restaurant Inquiring by Paul Crowell the course. Ryan said that by "asking their Photographer way in" the students usually stick with the The Science of Man Program is one of program. "Only a few find that they can't the most misunderstood fields of study at cope," according to Ryan. Marist, even though it has proven itself as a Dr. Ryan said that contrary to what ap­ major success in interdisciplinary educa­ pears in the 1981-82 Marist Catalog, •serving lunch and dinner- tion. students may gain admittance to the "Even after 8 years, very few people ac­ Science of Man program after their ^M^M tually know anything about the program," sophomore year. "I've had seniors take the 2 Delafield Street said Program Director Dr. Xavier Ryan. foundation course," The foundation Patty Barret, freshman: "It's a good The main objective of the Science of course is the first in a series of five Science idea but they should play rock." Man program, according to Ryan, is to get of Man courses. Pbughkeepsie the 150 to 160 students in the program to According to Ryan, the major look into themselves and answer the ques­ misconception that students have about the tion, "what does it mean to be human" " Science of Man program is that it is a three- "Students deal with human values, and ac­ year program. "Marist requires students quire an interdisciplinary logic," Ryan who wish to graduate in three years to take said. the Science of Man course. Other than that, Mi>» ik; Science of Man students are not required this is a four year program," Ryan said. 454-8860 o> to take Core courses, but are required to He also added, "Actually, a very limited prepare a thesis over a four year period. number" of students in the program According to Ryan, these thesis can be on choose to graduate in three years. any topic that the students choose, but the John Gallagher, freshman: "I heard bet topic must be thoroughly examined from as The students in the program meet every ter music at Lou's Barber Shop." many angles as possible. "When a student week in groups of four during their first has truly worked on his or her thesis for the year and are encouraged to talk with other Park Discount Beverages STREET entire four years, the final product is, in a non-Science of Man students about topics Rt. 9 • Hyde Park sense, a book," Ryan said. covered in those groups, Ryan said. RESTAURANT HOURS: Science ofsMan students major in Ac­ . Dr. Ryan's "dialogue" groups also 11 AM 'till 1030 PM 229-7969 counting, Business, Biology, English or review and critique each students' work in Specials This Week any other major offered at Marist and ac­ other classes. The students are expected to cording to Ryan, "This is so we have a critique each others work as well. Accor­ MILLER Blatz Donna Fidaleo, sophomore: "If that's group of people with diverse interests, ding to Ryan, they benefit greatly from the their idea of trying to pacify us it's not go­ which is a important factor in successful in­ experience. . .• 16 oz. CANS ing to work." terdisciplinary study." This year more Ryan also meets with groups of twenty $1.49 6 pack NORTHERN STAR ^ay, NOV is students are majoring in Computer Science students once a month at his home to 6 pack than any other field but Ryan claims that discuss "much more than academics." $2.39 HARRISON STREET Thurs Nov 12 that has not affected the program. These meetings are designed to help the The selection processes for the Science of students "look into themselves." White Rock s Man program is always changing, accor­ Because of the large number of students Old Milwaukee Lite NORTHERN STAR "ay Nov i4 ding to Ryan, but he thinks that he has in the program, a new instructor has been CANS 2 liters found a successful method in a three step added this year to preserve the amount of HARVEST Sunday, Nov. 15 process. He first looks into S.A.T. scores time that first year students spent with their 6 pack 89* and grades. If he thinks the student can instructor. Beth Ann Goldring has joined $2.99 Monday Nov l6 handle the program, he brings the potential Dr. Ryan as an instructor on the founda­ ALBANY POST ROAD Jimmy Hage, senior: "What Music?" student to his office for a "very, very tion level while Dr. Gerry White, Dr. Peter T.B.A. ' - tough" interview. At this point it is up to O'Keefe, Richard LaPietra and Dr. Robert HYDE PARK the student, and he or she is given a month Lewis teach the second, third and fourth to decide whether or not they want to take year Science of Man courses. r Remember your $3.00 cover charge always includes 1 tree drink. ^'jpJ Daryl L. Hicks, junior: "It doesn't *t*?>; botner me to 'isten t0 some noise while I'm College Union Board presents *"*>! eating, but let it be good noise, like iWBLS." SPRING BREAK 82 Pub Munchies in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 1/4 lb. Hamburger w/lettuce & tomatoe .. . J. • • «J March 13-20 1 90 Steven Maniaci, sophomore: "The school publicizes WMCR in the Circle so much, why don't they play WMCR W/Bacon IOC through the cafeteria and it will ease the pain of eating." W/Both...... 2 10 By Bus By Plane 2 ^0 David Peter Heckendorn $225.00 $340.00 1 9=1 Directed by or Donald Anderson Price Includes: Grilled Cheese MOVED! W/Bacon or Ham .; 1' Vi i 9^ Jumbo Hot Dog (SUPER NEW YORK CUTS) -Round trip air/bus fare. Onion Rings Is NOW located - 8 day/7 night accommodations at at hotel located across the street French Fries 49 Academy Street Marist College Theatre from the beach (Near "Good Times Cafe" Ample Customer Parking November 12, 13, 14, 15 - many extras 7:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Sunday. HU and Her SHAMPOO, CUT AND BLOW DRY Tickets BODY PERM $4 adults, $2 Marist faculty, staff and senior citizens Available: Reg. $35.00 50 OPENING SPECIAL From 9 and $1 for students. MS For more information come to brief meeting 8:00 -1:00 Monday-Thursday For Information call Open Daily |O-O- No Appointment Nocotsary 471-3240 On Monday, Nov. 16 at 9:15 p.m. in 8:00-2:00 Friday & Saturday For Appointment, call 454-99S4 Fireside Lounge *Page8 • THE CIRCLE • November 12,1981 —————— 'November 12,1981 • THE CIRCLE - Page 9'

• •"••' ^ • . Exclusive club sets or events Faculty Profile George Sommer

common bond is to slay small but to get the by Theresa Sullivan "Walking along beaches on Cape Cod, I having a person in mind," said Sommer. professor and all 125 student brothers were by Louis Cdrsetti concern for the Marist community. The the Big Brothers and Sisters by letter who saw pieces of driftwood and I picked them While in Provincetown, Mass., he saw required to take composition, public speak­ group has no president, vice president, in turn wrote to their prospective little rest of the clubs and organizations involv­ ed," said Chandler. .College writing students entering Dr. up because I'm a scavenger," said Som­ pictures made with odd pieces of wood. ing, English Literature, and American '•"; To those of us who are well versed in the treasurer, or secretary. "We want to brothers and sisters. Also this year we George Sommer's office to discuss the mer. "I also got the idea that each piece of Through observing one man's work, Som­ Literature. In 1952, he joined the faculty Greek language the word Omega represents decrease the amount of student apathy started Family Day, which was a huge suc­ One of the Omega's greatest ac­ complishments was turning the Grotto into "D" they got on their papers, probably driftwood is unique' just as each person is mer developed a process of sketching, full-time, teaching two French, two the 24th letter in the Greek alphabet mean­ towards the school itself," said senior. John cess." "We wrote to all the.Freshmen's ; won't notice much about their surroun­ unique." That was ten years ago. Since measuring, cutting, sanding, and staining. history, and two English courses. ing "long." Here at Marist College the Schoch, one of the founding Omega parents and invited them to a picnic and a memorial for student's who have died. "Father LaMorte gave us the idea of the ding's other than the floor. However, to one then, he has constructed between 40 to 50 He said of his wood-lath painting, "I do By 1957, Sommer chaired the English word Omega has a different meaning: shar­ members. "Our major concern is to give day full of fun games," said Vassallo. Ac­ of the many upperclassmen frequently driftwood lamps with flat wood bases and not consider it an art; I consider it a craft." department and established an English ma­ ing, love and brotherhood. ., the school and the people in it a better cording to Vassallo Family Day was a very memorial," said Vassallo "We planted all the flowers and cleaned up the statue of visiting Sommer's office, the three drift­ textured shades'. With the exception of the Sommer, the senior faculty member, jor within three years. "Way back when Three years ago a group was started with name—that's our main goal," said Schoch. big success, over 760 people were present wood lamps and wood-lath painting oh the lamps in his home and office, all the lamps came to Marist in 1950 to teach part-time. Marion took up their first students (English this concept in mind. Father Richard With the Omega group came the birth of for the festivities. Jesus and Mary. The Grounds crew helped us with the weeding and cleanup." Thanks wall continually draw one's eye. have been gifts. "I never make one without At that time there was one full-time English majors), my ex-wife and I would open our LaMorte was responsible for the birth of the Big Brother and Sister program. This The Omega's try to keep a low profile house to them," he recalled. the Omega group. "I wanted a small group program was designed to help the 1980 because they want to get others involved in to the Omega group .these students will always be a part of Marist College. "Before '63, we could be very close with of upper-classmen who would instill pride Freshmen class. The main, idea was to school functions. "Family Day would not the students," added Sommer. He in the institution and help incoming assign every freshmen with a big brother or have been such a success if we didn't have • The Omega's are sponsoring a giant bon­ fire and Christmas carol - session in The university inside the college remembers Friday afternoons when Freshmen adjust to college life," said sister, to help them with the rigors of ad­ the help of the Residence Staff, C.U.B., students and faculty would walk over to LaMorte. justing to a new life-style. Seiler's and the McCann Center," said December. The event will take place after from Syracuse, but also the opportunity to students are completing a portion of their the Christmas dinner in the cafeteria by Ken Bohan McManuses (now Skinner's) together. The Omega group is a group of 15 young Junior Susan Vassallo was responsible Schoch. According to senior Matt have staff members and select students Doctorate degrees. Smiling, he reminisced, "We'd always end men and women who were selected because for contacting the upper-classmen who Chandler, the Omega group is not meant to followed by the traditional house parties. enroll in the graduate programs. Although Bickart said that as many as 20 faculty Help get involved— the Omega's did. , Five-hundred area'students are taking up around a piano." of their leadership qualities and a basic volunteered over the summer. "I contacted be big but to have a great effect. "Our courses at Syracuse University, without the number of students that have done so is persons are involved in a semester. They He has witnessed Marist's changes since leaving the Hudson Valley. small, Bickart said, "The staff is able to are all Syracuse professors who come down those days, citing one year specifically. "In , In 1952 Syracuse University received a take advantage of our computer system in once a week to teach their classes. 1967, a national unrest occurred — a rejec­ charter from the state to offer graduate addition to the one they have." Although All courses are taught on the Marist cam­ tion of authority, a rejection of industrial More readers write courses in engineering and science in the it's two different institutions sharing pus. military context. I think that was the begin­ Mid-Hudson area. facilities, it's a cooperative endeavor. Despite the fact that the branch of ning of what I call the noncollegiate stu­ Barry Lewis I batty', it is beyond us why, then, you do. If you have "always turtleneck sweater with a vest, The mayor of Marist For the past eight years, the University's Syracuse at Marist is some 200 miles away, you even noticed the so-called dungarees with on the dent. This came to its climax with the burst found the female mind to be un­ Mid-Hudson graduate center- has been Most of the large number of students it remains very attached. The office at of gun fire at Kent State (in May 1970). As Dear Barry Lewis, Freshman with "semi-permed balanced and slightly batty," then pocket with a huge hair brush To The Editor: located at Marist College in Poughkeepsie. come from local businesses and corpora­ Marist could be confused with an office on hair, tight sweaters, and jeans." , sticking out of it." I'd like to I would like to take this oppor­ a result, students refused to accept the pro­ We are writing in response to I find I must wonder just how . The office is in room 242 in Donnelly Hall. tions such as IBM. Courses are offered in the Syracuse campus. The school paper, grams and disciplines that their institutions your "chauvinistic satire," "The We only regret that maybe you long "always" has been for you. know how those two freshmen tunity to thank you for the ex­ Electrical.and Computer Engineering, In­ The Daily Orange, is always on hand, as missed an important play in the Surely you have not been around girls got themselves into one cellent feature article on our own knew they should pursue. That period ex­ Female Persuasion," in last According to Academic Chairman, Dr. dustrial Engineering and Chemical well as scenic pictures of the campus. A tended to 1977. Since 1977, we've seen a weeks issue. process. the block even once yet; and, turtleneck. Either you had more "Mayor of Marist," John Hig­ colorful picture of the new massive athletic of a story than you realized or T.Ai Bickart, Syracuse University is leas­ Engineering, eventually leading to a Master resurgence in interest in things academic Constant complaints have been Sincerely, naturally, I'm not very interested gins. I have known Mr. Higgins of Science degree: In addition at the pre­ ;• facility, The Carrier Dome, jumps out at Patti, Cindy or Gail in your thought processes, assum­ you've got a lot to learn about ing the facilities they use on Marist's cam­ and things scholastic. But the resurgence made by all sections of the Marist since my freshman year and I pus! Marist receives not only the leasing fee sent time, by special, arrangements, a few you as you walk in. Community as to the low atten­ (and not freshman) ing you have some. Perhaps when writing. Did the girls at least wear have benefited many times from Continued on page 10 dance at sports events. Even if all you have grown up a bit, perhaps separate dungarees? Further­ his vast resources of wisdom, his when you've had the time to ac­ more, when you write that "Their of us females, aren't Howard Barry Lewis II 1 sense of humor, and his sincere Cosells at least we are there to^ quire- some experience, perhaps names are always Patti, Cindy or concern for- the students. The clap, cheer, and root the team on, My dear Mr. Lewis: <-. when you Have had the privilege Gail," did you mean the hair residents of 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th and that's what matters, isn't it? You began your recent, er, col­ of spending time with women, brush, the designer label, or the floors of Champagnat Hall Film consultant exposes movie industry We were among those who at­ umn "The Female Persuasion" perhaps then you will have dunagarees? If you meant the hair should consider themselves lucky tended the game in question and by invoking . the rights of the something of interest to say about brush, I think your reference to to be able to draw from John's : the subject of women. But, the major in business is a little un­ by Susan Vassallo u living in Gramacy, N.Y., works as a and Advertising at graduate school at want, said Tatelman, "I'm not very 'art- were seated directly in front of a satirist. I hope that your ig­ experiences, wit and care. theatre critic for Key Magazine. But his Baruch University. sie'." section of guys. As they grew norance is bliss, but I must point perhaps not. If any of the females fair. Why shouldn't a hair brush It's too bad that the same care who could possibly teach you named Gail major in business? You're watching television one night and • main profession is that of a free-lance Contrary to his teaching ambitions, Tatelman has worked with many stars louder it soon became pretty ob­ out that you have not written a and concern shown towards the creative consultant. Movie producers con­ satire. Your thoughts (such as. anything should read your little you see coming attractions for a movie that Tatelman began his career on Madison such as Mario Thomas and Kirk Douglas, vious to us that it wasn't the game The refreshing aspect of your students by John Higgins is not you really think looks good and you want sult him with about problem, hard-to-sell Avenue in New York working for two years who he says are "bitches." He adores Shel­ they were talking about. Also, the they are) cannot shield behind the article, they won't waste time on column (using the term loosely) shown by some members of the you. to go see it. The next thing you know movies, and ask him to write a catchy creating commercials. "You may ly Winters and Carol Burnett, and has stereotype you used was not ap­ mask of satire. What you wrote was that, at a minimum, you Marist College administration. It slogan, and in conjunction with the editors was not only not satirical, it you're walking out of the movie theatre remember my claim to fame in the com­ worked with and most respects Joanne preciated. Not all women are ig­ Since I have written you off as seemed to have done some think­ is a sad commentary, on Marist choose the best scenes from the movies to Woodward and Paul Newman. "They have norant about the subject of wasn't very smart. telling your spouse what a horrible movie mercial industry, said Tatelman: "Yahoo, an extremely young big-mouth, I ing. AH too obviously, you can College when some members of you though that was. Milt Tatelman at­ make them look and sound appealing. Mountain Dew/' it will tickle your in- been screwed, says Tatelman. "They hate sports, as you implied by the ex­ You warn us not to ask you find nothing to frighten me in use the practice. its administration can learn a "I've worked on some real losers," said them in Hollywood because they don't play ample you used. tracts the people with his coming attrac­ ners." how you knew those two frightful your ideas. But your prose! You And a good spanking wouldn't valuable lesson on students from tions but takes no responsibility for the Tatelman. the games," Tatelman said. "A lot of sen­ Furthermore, in reference to women were freshmen. I tried to pass the following thing hurt. a member of its maintenance quality of the film. •..-'-•'•. Tatelman was originally an English ma­ •Tatelman said he got bored with timent has to do with winning the awards your comment labeling the female wouldn't dream of asking you off as a. sentence (which it isn't): • Sincerely, staff. ' Michael DoHerty Madison,Avenue and barged his way into and that's why Joanne and Paul never get how you know anything, not that Tatelman,. a native of Boston; currently jor in college, but switched to Marketing m'u\d 'unbalanced and slightly '•'Semi-permed hair, tight Polly L. Whitney An Oakwood Resident MGM Studios and became Creative Direc­ them." !*..--1 tor. "Anyone that wants anything bad Bette Davis is Tatelman's favorite ac­ enough and perseveres can get it without tress of all times, who graduated from the stepping on toes," says Tatelman. same high school as he. Newton North, the "Giving my portfolio to MGM turned name of the high school is also Tatelman's 1982 -WINTER INTERSESSION -1982 them off," said Tatelman. "I won them pen name because he says he doesn't want over with my enthusiasm." He asked them to be famous. "I must be content about to exploit him with a campaign he would myself," says Tatelman. do for free. He said MGM was happy with "The movie business is very hectic and January 4-22 that deal and they gave him a James you're under a lot of pressure, says Coburn movie to work on. He wrote some Tatelman. "Jobs are done overnight above EatyDrink copy in which MGM officials saw some yelling and screaming." Three Weeks (Monday thru Friday) potential and they offered him a job. In the past seven years, Tatelman has "Quietly go about what you want and begun to give lectures at colleges and believe you can get it. Push for yourself," universities. He says it gets him as close to and said Tatelman. He's been in the business teaching as he's going to come. He closes for 12 years now. his lectures by saying, "Even if you think Tatelman said he believes he is successful the movie industry is ripping you off, go to DAY CLASSES Winter Intercession because he has middle-class taste. "I love the theatre anyway. Chances are you'll love Doris Day: This is the kind of thing people it." Principles of Accounting I Be Merry Ecology of the Urban Environment Marketing Management enables you to :; Radio Broadcasting at ROAST BEEF Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Philosophy Tender, Tasteful, Tempting! World Literature accelerate your program Introduction to Computing (APL) Lean roast beef piled high on Introductory Statistics : a fresh foot-long roll. Mmm... satisfy CORE, major or elective FOOLISH Served hot or cold, the way you AFTERNOON CLASSES like it! Try one today! Skiing requirements Beginning Swimming FOX PUB EVENING CLASSES concentrate on one course Business and Society «SUB(l£ftr Financial Management MON.-THURS "WE'VE Public Speaking Famous Foot Long Sandwiches GOT A DATE American Drama 1945-Present NOV. 19t*u The Art of The Film 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. On Campus Housing is Available. "That's when the Introduction to Computing (APL) FRI.«£SAT. American Cancer College Writing We've got more taste. Society asks every Soviet Union Today: Land, People and Culture smoker in America to give up cigarettes Basic Algebra 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. for a day. Give it a Introduction to Politics Registration begins try. You might find American National Government you can quit forever!' PARK DISCOUNT PLAZA on Nov. 9 NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS <$ FOOD 2 AM to 3 AM HYDE PARK (Next to Carvel) THE GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT For more information come to the Continuing Ed office Open Late American Cancer Society \ ¥1

•Page 10 • THE CIRCLE • November 12,1981 < ^™^^^November 12,1981 • THE CIRCLE- Page 11 • Classifieds Waters praises new alarm system Marist ends soccer season 12-6-2 by Pat Brady in order for them to ring. To keep the bells lluvl stops the horns and resets the system. : rinRinR. someone had to keep pulling them. The new system has been working very It The Marist soccer team came J/rom a 2-0 momentum going their way, Marist's Bill " • • - The new fire alarm system at Marist is a The fire horns in the new system can be well. The only problem was that initially, halftime deficit to defeat Union College 4-2 Cooper gave Marist the lead, 3-2. Finally, the sensitivity of the horns had to be ad­ Ted: "definite, positive improvement" over the activated by the presence of the smoke ov it last Wednesday; ^ C it was senior Eddie Isaacson scoring heat, and can be manually. Once the horns justed, The fire alarm system obviously Marist's fourth goal "Hand Curtain much?"-Love ya old system, according to Director of Union got two early goals; the first on a Adrian Security Joe Waters. start ringing, they will continue to ting un­ WOikVd very well during the small fire disputed call, and the second on a ball that The win brought Marist to a record of The new fire alarm system, from Fair til they are reset. In a locked room iu live which occurred in Champagnat on Hallo- was'deflected into the upper corner of the •12-5-2,:,.- Elisa: Security, is composed of smoke and heat basement is a fin- panel with « push button wcvu night, net to give Union a 2-0 lead. '•..:"• Saturday, the booters fell to Manhattan I'm so proud of you! detectors, fire horns, and pull stations. ' As the second half started, it appeared 1-0 in their final game of the season and the Your "roommate' This system was installed in the Campus Marist was really in trouble as Union con­ Tri-State Conference. To the Cast and Crew of Graffiti: Center, Champagnat. Bencnt, Gregory, Sommer Continued from page 9 tinue to controithe flow of Bill In the game, played at the Riverdale You're all wonderful. Break a leg! and Leo this summer. Installation in Cooper was fouled in the penalty area, and campus, Marist outshot Manhattan and led in corner kicks 8-2. Sue and Dawn Sheahan should be completed in a few has not been in the humanities or the liberal tion, for if students today are not pas­ Marist was awarded a penalty shot which weeks. It is expected that the townhouses Oyvind Larssen continued. The team's standings for the season were To the World: arts. Across the country, the resurgence has sionately dedicated : to language'and left at 12-6-2. Nobody cooks like M.B. will have the same fire alarm system in­ been in job oriented majors, such as literature, our civilization is going into a Next, Tore Udahl tied the game up for B.L. stalled. business and media. ' ' new Dark Ages," he said. .•-••••.• Marist a few minutes later. With the The new system is more advanced than "My paramount concern is for the con­ "Where is the next generation of what I Michael: the old one. which was composed of pull tinuity of the culture of-Western civiliza­ represent coming from?" Keep searching until you find. bells. The bells had to be pulled manually Laura FC FYEO Vinny Caruos (15) and Ed Isaacson (18 use teamwork in last week's game. EM Rockpile Dawn: Thanks for all your support. Always Elisa by Michael Oliva . Your Eyes. Next up, in­ elbows, knees and feet on Veteran Cosmic Soccer statistics troduced two songs from the album Days Rocker. Then without announcement, the Wanted: They are legends. They came over to of Future Past, "Twilight Zone" and Tues­ started into Knights in White Satin. A) Airheads America with , Stones, and day Afternoon. Gypsy and Watching and From that point' bn, everybody in the arena B) Easy Women Dave Clark Five in 1964. When they tour Waiting, followed them. was standing. Ray Thomas proved his Min. C) Pity Faas (and they- rarely do) it is an immediate The crowd, a mellow one, did respond ability to play the on an explosive ver­ Name G A TP Goalkeeping Games Played G.A See Dick Keeling- sellout. The name of the band is the Moody with enthusiasm. The band played several sion of . On this song the Tim Buchanan 5 5 15 Andrew Homola 20 1781 21 An Equal Opportunity Lover , and they played a full house at the more cuts from Voyager including 22,000 screen from behind the stage showed dif­ Tore Udahl 6 1 13' Andy LaRocca 1 45 0 Brendon Byrne Arena in New Jersey last Days, Nervous and Meanwhile. Justin ferent psychedelic imprints, reminiscent of Ed Isaacson 4 4 12 John Malatestinic 1 29 0 Female Wanted: Oyvind Larssen 5 2 12 Adorable male who resembles a monkey Monday, Nov. 1st. Hayward then introduced one of John's the late sixties, with ah intense light and fog Heinz Warmhold 1 15 0 The house lights went down at about new songs. With that the band went into show. Ray Thomas then informed the au­ lanArscott • 5 ' 1 11 Total 20 1860 21 desires a lasting relationship with a female Bill Cooper 4 2 10 anything! Only serious applicants need ap­ 9:00 p.m., and the then Justin Hayward, Isn't Life Strange, which received a big dience it was time to go and that "We will reaction from the audience. r; leave you with The Question." After that Bob Cooper •. 3 4 10 ply. , Ray Thomas, , JohnGoff 4 1 9 "MARVELOUS" Marvin Sims and took the stage. There • John Lodge was jumping up on the song the Moodies left the stage. With G.A.A. Saves Pet. SO W-L-T were some technical problems which amps, and waving to the crowd. Ray lighters and matches igniting.the arena, Vincent Caruso 3 1 7 1.06 108 .837 5 12-6-2 MarkGuiffre: delayed the concert for Fifteen minutes, Thomas and Justin Hayward were joking along with foot stomping and hand clapp­ Knut Roald 1 2 4 0.00 2 1.000 0 0-0-0 You've got to be sincere. and forced the band to leave the stage. with each other. The crowd seemed to be ing, the Moodies Teturned for an encore. BobSentochnik 1 2 4 0.00 1 1.000 0 0-0-0 A Friend With the sound problem fixed, the getting a little bit rowdier as the show went They played a rowdy version of Ride My John Hintze 1 0 2 : 0.00 0 .000 0 0-0-0 'Moodies' returned to the stage. Patrick on. The thumping sounds of Lodge's bass See Saw. On this song the house lights went Paul Sutherland 1 0 2 1.02 ' 111 .841 5 12-6-2 Judy, Joe Vasile-Cozzo 1 0 2 HI! Moraz's keyboards and synthesizer launched the band into I'm Just a Singer in on, and the audience went crazy. The 2.13 147 .770 5 6-12-2 Guess Who openedthe chords to their hit single Gemini a Rock and Roll Band followed by Stepp­ Moodies then "thanked New York for Mike Vardilli 0 1 1 ing in a Sliding Zone. coming," and left the stage. TOTALS 44 26 111 Dream. They followed that with The OPPONENTS 21 Mc: Voice, another cut from their new bestsell- Justin Hayward then showcased his The Moodies, after fourteen years 9 51 It's comedy hour in the Parthenon! together, still prove that they can play yourroommate ing album Long Distance Voyager. Ray guitar ability with an excellent solo on Thomas then introduced an oldie and with Driftwood. Patrick Moraz displayed his ' ballads and rock out with the best of them. Shots on goal Corner Kicks Scoring by period 1st 2n<] lOT 20T TOT that the band began to play The Story in showmanship by playing the keys with his I'm glad that I got the chance to see them. Marist 178 Marist 102 Marist 20 22 1 1 44 Marist forward Bob Cooper moves around Union players as Oyvind Larssen and Knut Opponents 123 Opponents 71 Opponents . 12 9 0 0 21 Roald look on. NUNZIO'S PIZZA ceome, viirtritim xood 530 MAIN STREET Marist drops fifth straight by Bill Travers especially during the Ramapo clash. OPEN: 11:30 am-3:00 am Weekdays "Ramapo was an extremely strong The emotional high that sparked the Red defensive team," said Malet. "One third of easonavieu yrices Fox offense during the lona victory, has our possessions started inside our 10 yard 11:30 a.m.-4:00 a.m. weekends faded. Since that win, the Red Foxes have line. We were forced to play con­ suffered five consecutive losses, the most servatively, so as to not make any fatal recent a 23-0 shutout by Ramapo, on the mistakes. Running the wish bone is dif­ Fast Delivery frozen turf in New Jersey. ficult with our backs against our own end PLAYER OF THE WEEK The offense which scored 34 points in the zone." season opener against St. Peter's, has only Ramapo's tenancious defense held SPECIAL-0F-THE-M0NTH . After having led his squad to a surprising tallied 44 points since the lona win. Marist to eight yards rushing and 25 yards seventh place finish at the IC4A's at Van "The loss of Jim Cleary for two games passing, as their offense led by RB Jim Cortland Park Monday, with a personal certainly hurt us, said coach Malet." These Conyers, slowly put the game in the bag. $3.75 Pies best of 26:06 over a 5-mile course, Joe were both closely fought games and the At halftime Ramapo led 14-0 on a 3-yard Burleski has been chosen Miller's Athlete running of Cleary would have helped." touchdown run by John Lobman, and a 1- of the Week. "Both Brooklyn and Fordham were good yard score by Jim Conyers. Burleski, a senior, has been doing a great' football teams, but they were definitely During the second half, Ramapo was 471-0223 job for Bob Mayerhofer's harrier's, beatable." just as stingy as they completely shut down finishing among the top runners in every Except for brief instances during the Marist while scoring another TD, a 1-yard race he has participated in this season. This Lowell and Pace games the offense has tally by Conyers. Faced with another drive past Saturday he led the Red Foxes again, been totally non-existant. The usual strong inside their own ten, QB Cleary was forced this time to a ninth place finish at the New running of Ron Dimmie, and Jim Dowd to down the ball in the end zone for a safe­ York State Championships. and Mike Spawn has been shut down, ty, ending the scoring. After graduating from Arlington High School with only one year of running ex­ perience behind him, the hard-working Burleski embarked on an uphill battle to become the best runner he possibly could, A-l Florist & and thus far, he has not come up short. Praised by Coach Mayerhofer as being one mi come Alt er native of the best and most dedicated workers on the team, Burleski likes the challenge of RIVER DISTRIBUTING CO. Garden Center pushing himself to his maximum best. So, Joe Burleski, for all your fine NoxonRoad Food Coof? finishes, hard work, persistence, and dedication, we salute you, Miller Athlete of Poughkeepsie, New York 192 Washington St. the Week. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601 1BH Main Street Open +6the Public 914-471-5700 PouqMee.psie. " ^V^l""* 10% Discount with Student ID PLAYER OF THE WEEK J ' Fn. 10-7 SPONSORED BY THE MILLER BREWING COMPANY I #98 Tom Lawton and John O'Leary bring down a Ramapo rusher. tPag» 12 • THE CIRCLE - November 12,1981, Hockey success story

•y^vu-H^^t , •*!*

Marist skater being checked by a Rider defender in action Saturday night at the Civic Center. Hockey wins 2 at home Score and win byTimBreuer were Mike Caridi, Brian Foley, arid Dennis Walsh. Tony Cardone and Mike Caridi WeekFour The Marist College ice hockey team re­ were credited with assists as Caridi received bounded from their season opener loss by two and Cardone one. .----- And people say nothing is for free any THIS WEEKS QUESTONS: recording two consecutive victories over Marist continued their winning ways last more. Just tell that to another weeks worth 1. Who was the pitcher who pinch-hit King's Point and Rider. Saturday as they were victorious over Rider .of winners in the CIRCLE'S biggest safely 114 times? The Red Foxes won their home opener 8 to 5. Once again Jim McDonald lead the giveaway, SCORE AND WIN. This weeks 2. Who was the only player to win the on November 2, 7 to 4 against King's Point Red Foxes with another scoring exhibition. winners are Dirk.McMahon-arid Michael batting and home run titles with two teams as Jim McDonald scored four goals. Marist "McDonald scored the game's first goal Zuccarello, Mike is already a two-tirhe win­ inthesarriejeague? jumped out to a 4 to l lead after the end of about a minute into the game," com­ ner arid YOU can be a winner to. - 3. Who is the present-day player who the first period. After being outscored 3 to mented head coach Glenn Van Bramer. To win, just answer as many sports ques­ holds the club batting mark lead with two 1 in the game's second period the stickmen "Jim is playing very well for us: He really tions as you can.. After the week of different teams? took the final period 2 to 0. put on quite a show in the Rider game." November 15, the person or person with 4. Who hit 40-or-more home runs in the Joining McDonald in the scoring column All of McDonald's goals were unassisted. the most answered questions wins. It's that American League eight times, but failed to simple. Just mail your answers to CIRCLE hit the 50 mark? SCORE AND WIN, P.O. Box 857, Marist 5. Who hit 40-or-more home runs in the College. Entrie's subject to judgement of National League eight limes, but failed to CIRCLE staff. No CIRCLE staff member hit the 50 mark? Runners finish in top five is eligible to win. byKenBohan followed closely by junior Co-captain Mike McGuire in 35th. McGuire has been steadi­ Since last May the Marist College Cross ly improving every week and has been a Country team has been training with real key to the teams success. The scoring specific goals-in mind. Last Saturday one was rounded out by Paul Peterson who Volleyers fall to Siena at home of those goals, to finish in the top 5 at the placed 61st in what was by far his best race state meet, was achieved. of the year. Peterson is considered by his By Karen Flood "We are really excited about this win At the State University at Albany the coach and teammates to be the most im­ because it and the two remaining league Red Fox harriers placed fourth in a field of proved athlete.on the squad. .': On Monday, November 9th, the games could put us at the .500 mark and in 21 and upset Cortland State in a fifth, and Dave Haupt, the 6th man for Marist pro­ women's volleyball team suffered a divi­ the HVWAC tournament," said co-captain Colgate seventh. duced a strong finishing kick to catch two sion loss at the hands of Siena College. Linda Peter after the match. Despite a temperature change of 30 opposing runners in the last straightaway Marist advanced it's league record of 4-6 : In the first game, Marisf's starting player degrees in 30 hours, snow flurries,' and high and "placed 64th. ; Maureen Mirra, gave the foxes a by defeating Mount Saint Vincent's women winds Marist ran a strong race totaling 167 There was a controversial start to the substantial lead by serving up six straight by a score of 3-2. The Red foxes easily took points to finish behind a tightly packed race in which a second gun was fired im­ points, this and excellent court coverage by the first two games with scores of 15-8; and Fredonia squad (46/points), Siena, and mediately after the starters gun. This pro­ Marist co-captains Linda Peter and Pam 15-10. The deterrriined College of Mount University of Rochester. The Marist defeat cedure signals a false start arid immediate Green, gave Marist a 15rl6 win. The Siena Saint Vincent, however, fought back by of Cortland and Colgate was the surprise halting of the race, usually. The race was Indians edged Marist in; the second game capturing the next two games 16-14; and of the day, both had beaten the Red Foxes not stopped however, causing widespread 15-13 to even up the score. The third game 15-6. Marist came through though in the only a week earlier. confusion and hesitation by the runners. was taken by Marist 15-11 as" the result of 'fifth game with a score of 15-11, to clinch Mark Wickham, after suffering some Dennis Martin, 7th man for Marist in 76th, team work and determination, but the skill the match. setbacks in recent weeks, lead the team was one of those thrown off by the mishap. - and experience of Siena dominated in the On Wednesday," November 11th, the with his 14th place finish . This earned While not making excuses Martin was fourth and fifth games as they won 15-11, Marist College Women's Volleyball Team Wickham All-State ranking for the '81 disappointed that in a meet of this caliber and 15-10, and improved their record to 19- will travel to Manhattanville College and season. The second running Red Fox across there was controversy marring the out­ -13. The Marist College Women's on Friday November 13th the Red Foxes the line was freshman, John Lovejoy in come. Volleyball Team served up a league win will finish their season on home courts at 7 26th. Lovejoy has been running excep­ Coach Mayerhofer.was very pleased with over the College of Mount Saint Vincent on P;m. against Dominican College. These tionally all season and missed becoming the team performance and said, "It was Friday November 6th to bring them one two all important league games should pro­ All-State by just 6 seconds. one of our goals and reaching" it was game closer to playing in the Hudson ve to be exciting and all are welcome to at­ - Senior Co-captain Joe Burleski was the -great." Valley Women's^ Athletic Conference tend. next man across in 31st. Burleski was Tournament.

\ Closrr Look Notes offthemerridpad

by Barry Lewis who attend will be surprised at our mystery 6-2 record. Top goal scorer was Tore Udahl opener to C.W. Post, the team has won the mascot r-The Fox will reveal him or herself with 6, and the leading assist man was next two outings and are being led by Jim Who will Dfe in the Red Fox suit? That's just prior to the tip-off of the game, so freshman standout Tim Buchanan with 15 McDonald. This sophomore has had two the question McCann Director Dick Quinn each and everyone attending will see for points. Don't think Doc Goldman isn't consecutive hat-trick: nights, including is asking the students of Marist. It's only a himself just who the celebrity Fox is. Early worried about losing super goalie Andy several unassisted goals in the team's vic­ week away till" our Red F6xes~tfr*off Lewis Line predictions has Betty Yeagliri at "cricket" Homola. "Cricket" played in all tories over King's Point and Rider. against the Yugoslavia National basketball 2-1, with Dean Cox at 6-1. \ . of Marist's 20 games and gave up only 21 team in an exhibition contest, the final goals while saving 108 shots on goal, in­ preliminary to our- venturous journey into I would personally like to thank all.the cluding 5 shutouts. ; .

Division 1 basketball, v : women whotook the tithe to react on last- •';" •";.*•• •/'•;•;' ''"•'-'':- The fans at the hockey games have really A Marist dignitary will don Red Fox at­ week's column, The Female Persuasion. What a difference a.year can make for helped boost the morale of the tearm Isn't tire, and ifyou can guess who this dignitary All your criticism-was welcome,' but I'm the Marist Hockey team, which last year it sad that the other Marist men's and is, you win. a McCann center jacket. You sorry that I cannot comply with your re­ had neither the coach nor the funds to women's teams can't reap from audience can start mailing in your guesses now to quest to jump off the McCann Center. finish out the season. This year the team is participation? If all those students that Dick Quinn at the McCann Center, or give *** ... part of the Metropolitan Collegiate Hockey knock our team's play would go to the the person at the door on the night of the Congratulations are in order for our soc­ Conference, and are making a red mark in" games, I'm sure each individual would game your guess. Dick assures me that all cer team, which ended the season with a 12- their conference play. After losing their understand how wrong they are.