Regional Division and Statistics in China Peng, Zhang National Bureau of Statistics of China, 57 Yuetan Nanjie, Xichengqu, Beijing China. E-mail:
[email protected] I. Regional Division of China Regional division is the base of researching regional economy, the precondition for exploring regional Sessions development, and the foundation for formulating regional policies. As China is a country with vast territory, Posters there is great difference in the development condition and developmental level among different regions. Therefore, regional division is an important way for China, a country with relatively vast territory, to adjust and control the regional economic development. Thus a complete set of regional division system is an important support for setting down and executing regional policies of China. Regional division includes three aspects: (1) natural division; (2) administrative division; (3) economic regional division. Natural region, administrative region and economic region are three physiographical regional concepts with different nature but close relationship. Natural region is a geographic unit with relatively consistent natural features and ambiguous boundary. Administrative region, belonging to superstructure, is the administrative jurisdiction scope of governments at all levels, and is the region divided as per systems, so it has clear legal boundary line. Economic region is the region strategically divided as per the feature of social production geographic division. As it belongs to economic activity region, the boundary line may change with the Sessions development of economy. Posters If administrative division is largely consistent with economic regional division, it can be called administrative-economic regional division. If administrative division is not consistent with economic regional division, then it can be called non-administrative - economic region, i.e.