Elementary Schools Abbrev. Colors Mascot
FORT BEND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT School Colors and Mascots 2017-18 Elementary Schools Abbrev. Colors Mascot (Lynn) Armstrong AE Royal Blue and Orange Gators Austin Parkway APE Red and Blue Sailor Barrington Place BPE Teal Green and White Broncos Blue Ridge BRE Blue and White Eagle Brazos Bend BBE Green and Yellow Bullfrog Briargate BGE Blue and Gold Jaguar (Walter Moses) Burton WBE Navy Blue and Silver Sheriff Colony Bend CBE Red, White and Blue Eagles Colony Meadows CME Royal Blue, Black/Silver Tiger Commonwealth CWE Maroon, Gold and off White Cougar Cornerstone CSE Teal and Navy Blue Chameleons (Rita) Drabek RDE Burgundy, Dark Blue and Forest Green Dragons Dulles DE Red, White and Blue Little Viking (Arizona) Fleming AFE Blue and White Star Heritage Rose HRE Royal Blue, Silver and White Mustangs Highlands HE Blue and Gold Scottie Dog (Mary Austin) Holley MHE Purple and Red Hawks Hunters Glen HGE Royal Blue and White Owl (Edgar) Glover GE Gold and Teal Golden Eagle Goodman LGE Red, White and Blue Owl (E.A.) Jones JE Royal Blue and Gold Dragon (Barbara) Jordan BJE Royal Blue and Bright Gold Wolverine Lakeview LVE Red and White Viking Lantern Lane LLE Black and Yellow Yellow Jacket (Donald) Leonetti DLE Lime green, black, white Lions Lexington Creek LCE Purple and Teal Lion (Carolyn and Vernon) Madden CVME Royal Blue and Silver Huskies Meadows ME Red and White Mustang Mission Bend MBE Red and Blue Marshal Mission Glen MGE Green and Yellow Alligator Mission West MWE Purple and Gold Wildcat (James) Neill JNE Lime green, navy blue Longhorns Oakland OE Sky Blue and Yellow Wildcat Oyster Creek OCE Blue and White Blue Jay Palmer PE Blue and Gray Bear (Rosa) Parks RPE Hunter Green and Gold Rockets (James) Patterson JPE Teal, silver, black Panthers Pecan Grove PGE Blue and White Cougar Cub Quail Valley QVE Red and Blue (white) Eagle Ridgegate RGE Red and Gold Ranger Ridgemont RME Royal Blue and Yellow Roadrunner (Jan) Schiff JSE Navy, Gray and White Sharks FORT BEND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT School Colors and Mascots 2017-18 Elementary Abbrev.
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