Extension Methods and their Implications on Crop Yield in a Maize – Legume Conservation Agriculture Project in Zambia Kafula Chisanga1, Nswana Kafwamfwa1, Petan Hamazakaza2, Mulundu Mwila3, Joy Sinyangwe4, Olipa Lungu5 1Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI), Mochipapa Research Station, P.O. Box 630090, Choma, 2Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, Kabwe Research Station, P.O. Box 80908 Kabwe, 3Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, Msekera Research Station, P.O. Box 510046 Chipata, 4Department of Agriculture, Mulungushi House, 10101, Lusaka, 5University of Zambia, Department of Soil Science, P.O. Box 32379 Lusaka (Corresponding author:
[email protected]) Introduction Methods Results Figure # 1 Comparison of mean maize yield results across sites (kg/ha) for two seasons; • Conservation Agriculture (CA) is one of the Table #1 Maize yield results across sites (kg/ha) for 2014/15 and 2015/16 based on extension • Participatory Action Research (PAR) sustainable intensification technologies that is 2014/15 season delivery approach through consensus building Treatments Chipata Monze Mpongwe increasingly promoted by various international 5000 (T1) PP + M + 2811 4341 3619 meetings with farmers and key partner 4500 research centres, international non- FRF organizations (T2) PP + M + D 1605 3665 2700 4000 governmental organizations (NGOs), faith Comp 3500 (T3) PP + M + 2219 3480 2577 3000 based organizations and governments of HRF • Field demonstrations of crops; maize, 2500 (T4) GN + M + 3038 4469 3204 southern Africa among others 2000