Gertrude J" Stephens for C/O Mr, John M. SNOOK, President Foley
THE BALDWIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC, QUARTERLY ,-. " ' . cy~ ';:,- nc.:m,c ir::flitl PUBLISHED BY: Gertrude J" Stephens for THE BALDWIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC,. c/o Mr, John M. SNOOK, President Foley, Alabama VOLUME III,No. 2 JANUARY 1976 • THE BALDWIN COUN!Y HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. VOLUME III NUMBER 2· January 1976 The Baldwin County Historical Society was founded in Fairhope, Alabama on September 12, 1923, as a nonprofit organization. Contributions are deductible from Federal Income Tax because of the tax exempt status granted the Society by t_he U, S. Treasury Department. Membership in the Society is $5,00 per year single and $7.00 per year family. Single copies of the Quarterly can be purchased for $1"25 each - special rate of 50¢ each to members. Remit payments to Membership Chairman, Mrs. Lynn H. Jones, P. 0. Box 69, Stockton, Alabama 36579. Articles. and queries to be considered for publication in the Quarterly should be addressed to,the Editor, Mrs. Gertrude J. Stephens, 2 Lee Circle, Spanish Fort, Alabama 365270 Correspondence relating to information, projects, and other matters of the Society should be addressed to the President, Mr. John M. Snook, Foley, Alabama 36535, or to such project chairman. Neither the Editor nor The Baldwin County Historical Society assumes responsi bility for errors of fact or opinion expressed by contributors. All meetings wiU be .on 3rd Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at respective places noted in yearbook, unless otherwise notified - October through May. We owe it to our ancestors to preserve entire those rights, which they have delivered to our care, We owe it to our posterity, not to suffer their dearest inheritance to be destroyed" -Author unknown.
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