BÁNKI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 3. ÉVFOLYAM 1. SZÁM General characteristics of Android browsers with focus on security and privacy features Petar Čisar*, Sanja Maravic Cisar**, Igor Fürstner*** Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade, Serbia, **Subotica Tech, Subotica, Serbia, ***Óbuda University, Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Budapest, Hungary,
[email protected],
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[email protected] • Incognito browsing mode - offers real private Abstract —Satisfactory level of security in the use of the browsing experience without leaving any historical Internet in mobile devices depends on several factors. One of data. them is safe browsing. A key factor in providing secure • Using of HTTPS protocol - enforces SSL (Secure browsing is the application of a browser with the appropriate Socket Layer) security protocol (using of certificates) methods applied: clearing cookies, cache and history, ability wherever that’s possible. of incognito browsing, using of whitelists and encryptions and others. This paper presents an overview of the various • Disabling features like JavaScript, DOM (Document security and privacy features used in the most frequently Object Model) storage used Android browsers. Also, in the case of several browsers • Using fingerprinting techniques and types of mobile devices, the use of benchmark tests is Further sections of this paper provide an overview of the shown. Bearing in mind the differences, when choosing a applied security and privacy methods for more popular browser, special attention should be paid to the applied Android browsers. Also, in order to compare the adequate security and privacy features. features of browsers, the use of benchmark tests on different mobile devices will be shown.