MASS EFFECT GUIDE/WALKTHROUGH v1.34 Written by Eric Jewett,
[email protected] Last Modified: Saturday, June 21, 2008 This document Copyright 2007,2008 Eric Jewett. This guide may be viewed on the internet for free, but may not be otherwise used, reproduced, sold, or distributed without my expressed written permission. Mass Effect is Copyright 2003-2008 by BioWare Corp. BioWare, the BioWare logo, Mass Effect, and the Mass Effect logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of EA International Ltd. Microsoft, the Microsoft Game Studios logo, Xbox 360, and the Xbox 360 logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. EA and the EA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, rental, public performance or broadcast of these games is a violation of applicable laws. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find this guide at: (v1.34) As well as: (v1.34) (v1.12) (v1.20) (v1.20) (v1.34) (v1.34) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ================== I. (1) INTRODUCTION (2) BACKGROUND (3) XBOX 360 CONTROLS (4) PC CONTROLS (5) CHARACTERS A. Commander Shepard B. Squad Members C. Normandy Crew D. Other Characters (6) GAME BASICS A. Character Creation B. Introduction to RPGs C. Conversations D. The Mission Computer E. Combat F. Advancing Levels G. The Galaxy Map H. Equipment I. Squad Management J. Exploring Uncharted Worlds K. Using the Mako (7) DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT A. Bring Down the Sky II. (1) WALKTHROUGH A. Primary Mission B. Optional Assignments C. Complete Codex III.(1) EQUIPMENT AND UPGRADES A.