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CRANFORO PUBLIC LIBRARY N.J. 2 1 3 9520 00116 7230 f\ high school yearbook should be more than merely a record of the seniors, their activities, and the work that they have done in their high school years. It should also relate and record the important events of the world which personally affect the students. The tragedy of November 22, 1963 is an event which can neither be forgotten nor ignored.

Our yearbook is an attempt to correlate the prin- ciples of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy with the everyday events of our school life, so that we may dedicate ourselves to the achievement of the goals which he has set forth.

We have chosen excerpts from the words of our late President to show the relationship between our activities and the more universal concepts with which he dealt.

GOLDEN C 1 9 6 4

Cranford High School Cranford, "Let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Ameri- cans . . ." Thus did John Fitzgerald Kennedy in his first and, as fate has cruelly ordained, his last inaugural address, personify his pro- found understanding of the role each generation plays as the link between our historic past and the promise and peril of the future. It was this recognition that no nation may rest upon the laurels of past greatness, coupled with his proud confidence that this generation could effectively carry the burdens of leadership which made John Kennedy a symbol to both young and old, but most especially to the young. As the first national leader born in the twentieth century, he seemed to represent the promise of as yet unperceived tomorrows. His con- fidence made us strong; his energy made us feel invigorated; his strength made us feel more secure. Because of these qualities, all of us, Democrat and Republican alike, came to admire him in ways as yet unrecognized until that terrible, tragic November 22nd. With his untimely death, we have felt cheated, as if fate had snatched from us the promise of our future. If this vibrant, handsome confident "child of destiny" could be so cruelly cut down, could not the same capricious destiny doom our nation, our civilization, our world? During those terrible four days, those of us who were able to think at all, could not but feel that all that we hoped for lay broken and withered like the "power and glory" of our dead leader. But, as he had led us during his life, his own words have helped to sustain our confidence in the destiny of our nation and people. For, did he not quicken our sense of historic purpose when on a bitterly cold day in January three short years before he issued this call to greatness: "In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maxi- mum danger . . . The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world." In light of his faith and his confidence, can we do any less? -MR. SEYMOUR WEISS


Faculty 8

Seniors 18 Activities 82 Athletics 112 Underclassmen 126 Junior Schools 134 >** This versatility, this vitality, this intellectual energy, put to the service of our country, represents our great resources in these difficult days. President's Message to University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. October 12, 1961.

FACULTY G. FRANK ZIMMERMAN Bucknell University—B.A. Columbia University—M.A. Principal

CLARK WRIGHT McDERMITH Illinois College—A.B. University of Illinois—M.A. Teachers College, Columbia University—Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools



FRANK MARTZ Rider College-B.S. —M.Ed., Ed.S. University of North Dakota—B.S. University of Minnesota—M.S. Vice Principal Director of Curriculum and Instruction MILDRED KERRY ANITA F. LYONS Newark Stale College, B.A. N.Y.U., B.S., M.A., Ph.D. Special Education Hofslra College, M.S.

CHARLES LITTEN MARGARET RHEIN Bridgewaler College, 8. A. Morrtclair Stale College, B.A. University of Virginia, M.Ed. Rutgers University, M.Ed.

JANE SEYMOUR Teachers College, Columbia Uni- FLORENCE NORTHCUTT versity, B.S.; Mt. Sinai Hospital Newark Stale College, B.A. School of Nursing, Diploma Speech Therapy Varsity Cheerleaders Sponsor, Vocational Medical Club Spon- sor, Pep Club Sponsor


SEATED, left to right: Dr. Henry Mineu r. Vice President; Gus Gutierrez, President; Mrs. B. G. Gillespie. STANDING: Henry Boardman, Albert Jc ihnson, Meredith Conley, William Knox, Robert Seovy. ABSENT: Mrs. Ruth Dexter. HELENE DWORTZAN MICHAEL GLENNON MICHAEL MARCUS Syracuse University, B.A. Seton Hall University, B.S. MonfciW Sfofe Co//ege, Middlebury College, B.A. Rutgers University, M.Ed. B.A., M.A. Junior Class Sponsor Junior Class Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Golden C Sponsor


JOAN MATKOWSKI HENRY J. McKENDRY FREDERICK MULLER, JR. FRANK RAMSEY ersey City State College, B.A. Newark Stale College, B.A. Gettysburg College, A.B. Susquehonna University, A.B. Columbia University, M.A. Mask and Bauble Sponsor Spotlight Sponsor Senior Play Sponsor Hi-Y Sponsor Deportment Chairman

ROSEMARY RITVO IRMA SCHNEIER Douglass College, B.A. Syracuse University, B.A. Creative Writing Club

"/ pledge allegiance to f/ie S/c LIBRARY United Flag at America . DEPARTMENT

ELMER WEBER YanHon College, B.A. University of Nebraska, M.A. Rutgers University, M.H.S. CAROL LAUREL Library Council Sponsor SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT

EDWARD BOYLE JACK CAMPBELL JOHN DRABBLE St. Peter's College. 8.S. Cornell College, B.A. Rutgers, B.A., M.A. Rutgers University, M.A. University of Illinois, M.A. Assembly Committee Sponsor Sponsor of the Senior Class Department Chairman

ANTHONY SYLVESTER DAVID NAYLOR Newark Rutgers, B.A. Grove City College Rutgers, M.A. Men's Intramural Sports Sponsor Chess Club Sponsor Forum Club Spon

"Let us pray ... or is that against the law?"

MATHEMATICS OLIVER WEST DEPARTMENT Harvard University, A.B. Columbia University, A.M.

VINCENT BODINO Montdair State College, B.A. Montdair State College, M.A. J.V. Football Freshman Track

EDWARD SCHWARTZ Rufae s University, B.S. Rutger University, M.Ed.

MERLYN JONES BEATRICE SCHWOERER Bloomsburg State College, B.S. Montdair State College, B.A. Montcloir State College, M.A. Columbia University Teachers Varsity Football — Ass't., J.V. College, M.A. Wrestling, Varsity Outdoor Track

13 '71

ISABEL DUKES MARIE KERZMAN DORIS KOPP RAY MITCHELL Montclair Stain College, A.B New York University, B.A., M.A. Montclair Stale College, B.A. Wanderbilt University, Red Cross Sponsor Ushers Sponsor French Club Sponsor B.A., M.A.T. Latin Club Sponsor


ISAAC RUSSO ROGER A. POIRIER RUTH LINZ Tufts University. B.A.; Spring- Stale Teachers' CoMege, 6.S. Toronto Teachers' College, First Held College, M.Ed., Professional Class Teaching Cert.; Rutgers New York University. M.A. Diploma University, B.A. Spanish Club Sponsor Department Chairman OsriTion Club Sponsor


COURTLAND J. DALEY MARTIN GOLDSTEIN Trinity College, Hartford, B.S.; City College of New York, B.S Columbia Teachers' College, M.A., Prof. Diploma Stage Crew Sponsor Department Chairman "When I was your age

SYLVIA HALPERN DONALD R. JONES Hunter College, B.A. Montclair Stole College. B.A., M.A. F.T.A. Sponsor

MICHAEL YANUZZI Selon Hall University, B.S., M.A. Visual Aids Sponsor

/•" ROY DANIELS JOSEF GOODMAN JAMES LENNEY New Jersey Slate Teachers Col- :e/ Institute of Techno/ogy, Juilliard School ol Musk, B.S. New York University, S.A., M.A. lege al Newark, B.S.Ed.; Rutgers B.S. New York University, MA. University, M.A.Ed. Music Department Home Economics Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Architecture Club Sponsor


BURTON lONGENBACH WILLIAM C. MASSA Kutzrown State College, B.S.; Newark Stale College Columbia University Teachers College, M.A. Industrial Arts Varsity Cross Country Cooch Art, Art Club Sponsor

ALFRED PATTERSON New Yort University, B.S. Trenton State, M.A. Marching Band

A. DONALD WHELLAN Monhoffan School, B.M. Columbia Teachers College, B.S., M.A. LEE PETTI HUBERT BROWN LLOYD H. JACOBS HARRY LAWRENCE V Stale Co//ege, B.A. Niogora University, B.S., M.Ed. Boston Univ., Bach. Bus. Adm. Trenton Slain Co/lege, B.S. J.V. Football Coach, J. V. Bas- Monlc/oir Stole College, M.A. New York University, M.A. ketball Coach, Varsity Baseboll Coach


DOROTHY ROBINSON THOMAS SCUTRO Trenton Sfote Teachers Coliege, Ridi:r College, B.S. B.S.; New Yorlc University, M.A. Montc/oir Stole College, M.A. STANLEY GRAYSON Temple University, B.S. LOIS KIRN Va rsity Football Coach, Fr


WILLIAM MARTIN PAUL SELBY RUTH A. MCCARTNEY Gettysburg Co/lege, A.8. Trenton Stole College, B.S.Ed. Ponzer Co//ege, B.S.Cd. Springfield Co/lege, M.Ed. Rutgers University, M.Ed. Girls' Sports Sponsor Pep Club Sponsor Varsity Football Ass't Coach Varsity Basketball Coach FLORENCE BRAGDON THERESA S. D'ALESSANDRIS EVELYN MacMILLAN ROSEMARY SJURSEN




CAFETERIA STAFF, left to right: Karoline Wolff, Flarie Baldwin, Theresa Sapp, Linda Ragonese, Jane Gwath- ney, Gertrude Farrell. MISSING: Lucille Farkas.

CUSTODIAL STAFF, left to right: William Moore, Patsy Limone, Vito DiBello, James DiFabio.


Let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans born in this cen- tury tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of their ancient heritage and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed and to which we are committed to- day at home and around the world.

President's Inaugural Address. January, 1961.

SENIORS CECIL VERGENA ABRAMS MARY SUSAN AGNEW NANCY ANN AGNEW MARGARET LOUISE AIKEN "Sue" . . . vivacious and fun to "Nan" . . . cute Senior with a "Peggy" . . . cute ... a mind of "Gino" . . . "Is you with thatl be with . . . well dressed . . . cheery grin . . . "Oh Christ- her own . . . "seriously now" . . . Well all right!" . . . most likely dislikes people without school found in Plainfield . . . best mas!!!" . . . best friends are best friends ore Bonnie, Wolfie spirit . . . will remember the friends include Karen, Josie, Mash, Chris, and Debbie . . . and Gail . . . usually found in Pep Club . . . friends include Helena, and Billy . . . fondest remembers fondly the Class of the gym ... a career in nursing. Marsha, Marilyn, and Elaine .. . memory is Mr. Scutro's short- 1963 ... a future nurse. college—math. hand class . . nursing school Activities: French Club 9, 10, 17; ahead. Activities: Red Cross 9, 70, 11, Assembly Ushers 12; Election 12; French Club 9, 10, 11; F.T.A. Committee 10, 11, 12; Dance Activities: Spotlight Stall 72; 11, 12; library Club 9; Assem- Committee 9, 70, 11, 12; Prom Girls' Sports 9, 10; G.A.A. Coun- bly Usher 12; Election Commit- Committee 7 7; Freshman Chorus cil 9; Tumbling Club 9. tee 10, M, 12; Dance Commit- 9; Twirling C/ub 9, 10, II; tee 9, 10, II, 12; Prom Com- G.A.A. Council 9; Gir/s' Sports mittee 11; Twirling C/ub 9, 10; 9, 10; Tumbling Club 10, 17; G.A.A. Council 9; Girls' Sports Pep Club 71, 12. 9, 10; Pep C/ub II, 12.

STEPHANIE GRAHAM ANDERSEN "Steffie" ... her personality has won her many friends . . . an all-round girl . . . seen with Karen, Candy, Bobbie, Bette and the rest of the 11 ... "Hi, there" . . . college. Activities: Student Counci/ 9, II, 72; Spotlight Stall 11, 12; Go/den C Stall 12; Senior Class Secretary 12; Executive Com- mittee 12; French C/ub 70, 17, 12; Forum Club II; Secretary 12; Election Committee 10, 7 7; Dance Committee 70, 11, Chair- man 12; Prom Committee 17; Freshman Chorus 9, Junior Achievement 70; Girls' Citizen- ship Alternate 11; Girls' Sports 9, 12; Pep C/ub 7 7, 12; Cre- ative Writing C/ub 72.

JOSEPH MARTIN AKERBERG CANDACE JEAN ALBRECHT GERALD LEE AMON "Candy" . . . vivacious and "Jose" . . . "Hey kat" . . . best cheerful . . . best friends are "Jerry" . . . sociable Senior . . . friend is Bob . . . most embar- Steffie, Karen and the rest of "Ifs ugly" . . . best friend is George . . . baggy pants peeve rassing moment was running out the 11 ... "Oh Harveyl" . . . him . . . will remember the soc- of gas in the middle of an inter- remembers decorating for the cer team . . . will major in engi- section . . . service in the future. prom . . . college. neering in college. Activities: Go/den C Sfo» 12; Activities: Senior Play Crt II; Spotlight Stall 17, 12; Executive Prom Committee 17. Activities: Mock S, Bauble 12; Committee 1), 12; French C/ub Wrest/ing 9; Outdoor Track 9; 11, 72; E/ection Committee 11; Stage Crew 10; Soccer 71, 12. Dance Committee 9, 10, 12; Prom Committee II; G.A.A. 70, 12; Tumbling C/ub 9, 10; Pep Club 11, 12; Tennis Club 12; Forum Club 12; Senior Play Cast. BARBARA JEAN ARON "8obbie" or Boob" . . . lovely clothes with personality to match ... "I don't believe itl" . . . good looking . . . many friends illl emember Mr. West's classes . . psychology in col- DENNIS APRILL lege. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; "Snaps" . . . good sense of hu- VICTOR LEONELl ARRINGTON mor . . . best friends are Ed Spotlight Staff 11, 12; French Varcho, Bootner, Tony . . . Club 9, 10, 11, 12; Spanish "Vic" or "Chip" . . . friendly happy-go-lucky . . . will never Club 11; Creative Writing Club . . . cute . . . good wrestler . . . forget auto mechanics class . . . II, 12; Dance Committee 9, 10, best friends are Tom, Noris, and college. 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Bruce . . . College ahead. Freshman Chorus 9; Co/or Guard Activities: Outdoor Track II, T2; 10; Twirling Club 9; Girls' Sports Activities: Student Council 9; Cross Country 11, 12; Baseball 9, 10; Tumbling Club 9, 10; Pep Wrestling 10, II, 12; Soccer 9, 9; Basketball 10. Club 11, 12. 12; Baslefbo/I 9.

MARY ELIZABETH ANGLE "Angel" . . . sweet girl with a sensotionol personality friends on her list are Dar, Pat, Laura, Etna, and the Devil . . . can be found in Penn. . . . col- lege. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Spotlight Staff 72; French Chb 10, U, 12; Election Committee 10, II; Art Chb 10, II, 12; Dance Committee 9, 10, 11, 12; Decorations Chairman 12; Prom Committee 11; Girls' Chorus 10, 11, 12; Junior Achievement 11; Girls' Sports 9, 10; Tumbling Chb 10; Pep Club 11. 12.

SHARON LEE AYRE FRANCES B. AZAR "Dasser" . . . cute and happy- go-lucky ... "1 don't care" . . . "Frani" . . . great personality BARBARA JOAN ARTHUR friends ore Donna, Nanci, Linda, . . . friends include Dorette, Di- DAVID STINSON AULT and Kathy . . . will remember ane, Barb and Joyce . . . dis- "Saxon'' . . . pretty and petite freshman year . . . future in- likes drivers who don't use their . . . can be found with Sandy, "Dave" . . . Tall and quiet . cludes art school. blinkers . . . will never forget Kenny, and the girls . . . fond- found with Randy and Jeff . backing into a policeman . . . est memory is her Freshman remembers split sessions . . Activities: Golden C Staff; French plans include beautician work. year . . . future beautician. future psychiatrist. Club II; Treasurer Wj Art Chb 10, 11; Twirling C/ub 9; Pep Activities: Spotlight Staff 12; Activities: Pep Chb 11. Activities: Outdoor Track 9. Club II, 12. Pep Club 12. THOMAS VICTOR BABA JAMES WILLIAM BAGWELL JAMES LARRY BALDWIN DOUGLAS MICHAEL BARILE "Doug or Froot" . . . friendly "Bobs" or "ABA-DABA" . . . "Bags" . • . quiet . . . dislikes "Jim" ... a real clown . . . nice and likeable ... an injured ath- good personality with a lot of homework . . . "So what?" . . . guy . . . best friend is Tony Mc- lete . . . charter member and zest . . . closest friends are Chip, found with Mike, Glen and the Hale . . . dislikes girls who weor co-president of the Frute Health Snydes, Louie, and Noris . . . guys . . . will never forget Re- curlers . . . remembers doing Club ... he and the Stick make will gladly remember passing fresher Math with Mr. West . . . Chem in P.A.D. . . . future is un- a great pair . . . college. English . . . future includes tech- future undecided. decided. nical work. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Activities 9, 10, II, 12; Outdoor Student Council 12; Spotlight Activities: Football 9, 10; Base- Tract 9; Visual Aids II, 12; Staff II, 12; Hi-Y 12; Biology boll 10; Soccer II; Basketball Football 9. Club II; Forum Club President Manager II. 12; Creative Writing Club 12; Wrestling 9; Outdoor Track 9, 10, 11, 12; Dance Committee 11, 12; Boys' Chorus 12; Football 9, 10, 11, 12; Basketball 10, II, 12; Architecture Club 12; Frute Health Club President 11, 12.


"Dizzy" . . . cute and petite . . . "Oh, no" . . . best friend is Ca- role Young . . . will remember the wonderful prom weekends . . . will attend college to study law.

Activities: Golden C Staff 12; French Club 9, 11, 12; Creative Writing Club II; Art Club 10, 11, 12; Dance Committee 9, 10, 11; Prom Committee 11; Girls' Sports 9; Pep Club 11, 12.


"P.T." . . . quiet Senior . . . best "Dede" ... a newcomer to CHS "Doris" . . . intelligent Senior friends are Bud and Willie . . . in her Junior year . . . pleasant with pretty hair . . . "Okay, if often found at Memorial Field to all ... often seen with Nan- you say so" . . . found helping . . . future plans include the cy, Sue, Nonette, and Bill . . . Mr. Y after school . . . will re- service. plans to become a secretary. member Mr. West's class . . . chemistry in college.

Activities: Golden C Stoff 12; French Club 10; Astronomy Club 11, 12; Forum Club 11, 12; li- brary Club 10; Dance Committee 9; Choir 12; Girls' Chorus 10, 11; Girls' Sports 9. THOMAS ROGER BEAM, JR. "T.B." or "Tom" ... his swift- ness in tennis is natural ... his capacity for learning is per- petual . . . found at the tennis courts . . . best friends are the UBBAs & USLB's . . . future in ELNA BEAZLIE medicine. WALTER WILLIAM BERNARD "Beaz" . . . gay and carefree Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; . . . always talking . . . found "Bonono" . . . a reol character National Honor Society 11, 12; with Karen, Lynne, Nancy, Joan, . . . found where there's fun Spotlight Staff 11, Sporii Editor and Barbara . . . senior year . . . found at Tom's or with Jed, 12; Executive Committee 9, 10; hold fond memories for her . . . Scoop, Burn, and Hog Hi-Y 12; Latin Club 9, 10, 11; sure to be a success in business. "Howdy Critters" . . . will re- French Club 12; Forum C/ub 11, member Mr. Holland s stories in 12; Music C/ub 12; Dance Com- Activities: French Club II; Choir shop . . . future is undecided. mittee 9, 10; Prom Committee II, 12; Junior Achievement 12; 11; Tennis 11, Captain 12. Rosel/e High School 9, 10. Activities: Wrestling 10.


"Denny" . . . good-looking, good friend . . . "Doubt it" . . . best friends ore Bob, Ed and Mark . . . fondest memory of CHS is Mr. West's class . . . will study mechanical engineering.

Activities: Hi-Y 11, 12; Visual Aids 11, 12; Stage Crew 11, 12; Arch/lecture Club Vice President 11, 12.

SUSAN BETH BERNSTEIN "Bernie" . . . will always re- member the UBBA's and USLB's , . . smiling eyes and bubbling personality . . . best friends: Emoloc and Barbara . . . math major in college. NORIS BERZINSKIS Activities: Golden C Staff J2; Spotlight Exchange Editor 1J, "Nor" or "Noty" . . . calm and 12; Spanish Club President 11, PETER MICHAEL BERTOLOTTI iy-going . . . dislikes short hoi "Wha happenin" 12; F.T.A. 11, 12; Election Club "Pete" . . . cute . . . "you ol' . . . found at Lincoln Avenue 11, 72; Opera Festival 12; Art rattlesnake!" . . . best friends Field . . . friends include Club 9, 10, H, 12; Dance Com- are Noris and Paul . . . remem- Sehnyds, Toot, and Pete . . . will miffee 9, 10, 11, 12; Choir 7 7, bers Senior Day . . . future always remember the basketball 12; Prom Committee 11; Girls' plans include Art School and a games. Chorus 11, 72; Freshman Chor- career in cartooning. us 9; Marching Band 9; Band Activities: Football 10; Soccer Librarian; Pep Club 17. Activities Wrestling 17. 11, 12; Basketball 9, 10, 11, 12.

23 CAROL ANN BORK "Bork" . . . captain of our cheer- leaders . . . always seen turn- ing a bright red . . . cute . . . friends include Bette, Ellen, Do- do, and Donna . . . found with Phil . . . fondest memory cheer- leading . . . college ahead. Activities: Golden C Stall 12; Spollighl Staff 11, 12, French Club 9, 10, II, 12; F.T.A. 11, 12; Pep C/ub II, 12; Cheerlead- er II, Captain 12; Marching Band 9; Concert Bond 9, 10, II, 12; Freshman Chorus 9, Donee Committee 9, 10, II, 12; Prom Committee Publicity Chairman II; Girls' State Alternate Repre- sentative 11; Tennis Club 12.

LAURANNE ALICIA EIRIEAUER PAULA LYNNE BODNAR LINDA JAVNE BONES "Paula" . . . beautiful girl, "Lauranne" . . . friendly and "Linda" . . . shy, but friendly beautiful voice . . . remembers 3 considerate . . . can be found . . . cute . . . dislikes homework flights of stairs at prom time . . . at the library or with Betsy, . . . often seen with Barbara Janet, and Cathy . . . will re- friends include Emoloc, Sue and Yaracz . . . will always remem- member Biology with Mrs. Hal- the 11 ... music or art. ber graduation ... a future at pern . . . future physical thera- Activities: Election 9, 10, 11; I.B.M. school. pist. Donce Committee 9, 10, 11, 12; Concert Bond 9, 10; Girls' Sports Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; Activities: Freshman Chorus 9; 9; Art Club 10, 11, 12, Vice Spotlight Stall 11, 12; F.J.A. Junior Achievement II. 12; French Club 11, 12; Voca- President 10; Girls' Chorus 10; tional Medico/ Club 12; Donee Student Council 11, 12; Nation- Committee 9, 10; Freshman al Honor Society II, 12; Spot- Chorus 9; Twirling Club 9, 10; light Staff 11, 12; French C/ub Tumbling Club 9, 10; Girls' Secretory II; F.J.A. 11; Music Sports 9, 10, 11; Pep C/ub 12; C/ub II, President 12; Opera U.S. 1.8. 12. Festive/ 11, 12; Prom Decora- tions Chairman II; Choir II, Vice President 12; Junior Achievement 11,


"Ed" ... fun to have around . . . good personality . . . seen with Bob, Mike, Buddy . . . "Really?"

Activities: Spanish Club 11, 12; Mask and Bauble 11, 12; Biolo- gy Club 10; Donee Committee 9; Junior Achievement II, 12; Baseball 9; Soccer II, 12; Pep Club 12; Hockey 9, 10, II, 12.

CHRISTOPHER JEROME DORETTE BARBARA BOWMAN RICHARD M. BOYETTE BOWERS "The fool" . . . quiet and nice "Dick" ... a practical joker . . . "Chris" ... a nice guy ... will . . . seen with Fran, Joyce, Bar- never serious . . . will always always remember how long it bara, Diane . . . found at Fran's remember his senior year . . . took to graduate . . . best friend house . . . remembers going out best friends are Bill, King, and is John Hester . . . will work and for gym when it was 8° above Tony . . . college ahead. then go to school. freezing . . . future plans un- decided. Activities: French Club 10, 11; Election Committee 9, 10, 11; Activities: Spotlight Staff 12; Art Wrestling 9, 10, 12; Tennis 12; Club 11; Choir II, 12; Girls- Profn Commfffcc 17, Chorus 10; Freshmon Chorus 9; Pep Club 12. SANDRA LEE BRAZZATTI RICHARD BRADFIELD ALAN BOB BRASLOW "B" or "Brazet" . . . cute and friendly . . . fun-loving . . . "Rich" . /ill not forget the "Al" . . . lively and talkative . . . "Piffle" . . . friends include Lois, 1963 op ip and subway . . . best friends are Tom, Jay, Don, Ruthie, Bette, and the girls . . . carefree, a great kidde Paul, and Barry . . . found driv- will remember decorating for ing his '29 Nash . . . remembers friends with "all the guys" . . . the Junior Prom . . . plans to MARCY ANN BREUER will go on to college. '63 Prom weekend ... a ca- enter secretarial school. reer in medicine. Activities: Golden C SfofY 12; "Marircyc " . . . talkative . Activities: Hi-Y 12; French Club "That': the breaks!" . . . m 9, 10, 71; Music C/ub 72; Wrest- Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Dance Committee II, Publicity seen i (ith Ellen, Corol, She ling 9, 70, 11, 12; Outdoor Tract Spotlight Staff 12; Visual Aids Chairman 12; Prom Committee Ken a id Peg ... will mat 9, 10, II; Opera Festival 12; II, 12; Concert Band 9, 10, II, 11; G.A.A. Council 9, 10, 12; good beautician. Choir 12; Boys' Doub/e Fifth 11; 12; Junior Achievement 11, 12; Tumbling Club 10; Pep Club Boys' Chorus 10, II. Golf II. II, 12. Activities: Library Club 9.

DALE ANNE BRINKERHOFF "Brink" ... a powerhouse of MICHELE FRANCINE BROWN fun and personality . . . never "Shelly" . . . friendly ... a wel- a dull moment . . . "Hi-Bubula" come word for all ... best . . . friends with Meryl, Pat, and LOIS JUNE BROWN friends are Bobbi, Ellen, and all the girls . . . will remember Judy . . . can't forget Mr. Eich- P.J. parties . . . business school. "Lo" . . . lively and fun-loving ner's 3rd year Latin class ...... friends include Nancy, Activities: Golden C Staff 12; career in engineering. Lauri, Linda, Gerry, Emily and Student Council 9; Executive Activities, Golden C Staff 12; Mary Jane . . . will remember Committee 9, 10, 11, 12; Span- Spotlight Staff 11, 12; latin the talent show in sophomore Club 9, 10; Forum Club 11; Cre- ish Club 11; Election Committee year . . . plans include becom- 11, 12; Dance Committee 9, 10, ing a dental receptionist. ative Writing Club 11; Mask 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; and Bauble II, 12; Art Club 10; Freshman Chorus 9; Junior Activities: Spotlight Staff II; Dance Committee 9, 10, 11; Achievement 10, M; Girls' Sports Red Cross 17; Prom Committee Prom Committee 11; Twirling 9, 12; Tumbling Club 10; Pep 17; Freshman Chorus 9; Junior Club 9; Girls' Sports 9; Tumbling Club 11; J.A. Secretary 10, 11. Achievement 11. Club 9; Pep Club II, 12.


"Bill" ... his friendly person- ality matches his good looks . . . his pet peeve is work ... his friends are numerous . . . usual- ly found in his songbird ... his future plans include college.

Activities: Student Council 9, 12; H,-Y 12; Wresting 9; Outdoor Track 9, 10; Dance Commifree 12; Boys' Chorus 9. KAREN JOAN BROWNLEE PHILIP NORMAN BRUBAKER BARBARA ANN BRUEN ROBERT LEWIS BRUNNER "Phil" or "Bakes" . . . intelligent "Barb" . . . friendly and fun to "Karen" . . . best friends are with a little something extra . . . be with . . . seen with Teabone, "Bob" . . . calm, plays it easy Sharon, Ellen, Carol, Peggy, seen with El, Erds, Knoxie, The Lid, H.B. and Pam . . . "you . . . dislikes his Senior home- Sue, and Sandy ... a friendly "UBBAS" . . . will remember the must be kiddinglll" . . . found room in the basement . . . will girl who likes to have a good remember Mr. West's class . . . UBBAs and USLB's . . . college. washing her hair ... a future time . . . plans to go to work. seen with Barry and Jerry . . . Activities: National Honor So- dietitian. psychology in college. ciety 11, 12; Class Treasurer 11; Activities: Art Club 10, 11; Dance Activities: Golden C Stall 12; Class President 12; Executive Committee 10; Freshman Chorus Spotlight Stall 11; French Club Activities.- Go/den C 12; Hi-Y II, 9; Girls' Sports 9. Committee 10, 11, 12; Chair- 9, 10, II, 12; F.J.A. 11, 12; Vo- 12; Wrest/ing 10; Outdoor Track man or Prom Finance Committee cational Medico/ Club 11, 12; 9, 10; Stage Crew 10; Soccer II, II; USBA President II, 12; For- Dance Committee 9, 10; Fresh- 12. urn Club II; Outdoor Track 9, man Chorus 9; Marching Band 10, II; Donee Committee 9, 10, 10; Junior Achievement 12; 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Girls' Sports II, 12; Tumbling Concert Band 9, 10, II, 12; Club 9, 10; Pep Club 12; Ten- Marching Band 9; Boys' State nis Club 12. II; Football 9, 10, 11, 12; Bos- ketboll 9; Pep Club II, 12.

ELAINE H. BYKOWSKI "Byk" . . . intelligent . . . ath- letic . . . friends include Bar- bara, Nancy, Pat and the twins ... a USLB . . . future physics maior in college. Activities.- Go/den C Staff 12; Student Council II, 12; «ed Cross 11; German Club 11, 12; library Council 9, 10, II, Vice President 12; Election Commit- tee II; Dance Committee 10, 12; G.A.A. Council 12; Junior Achievement 11; Girls' Sports 9, 10, 12; Tumbling Club 9, 10, 11, 12; Pep Club 11, 12.

LOIS ARLENE BUDIL RUTH J. BUONTEMPO JUDITH ELLEN BUORG "Pedittle" ... her personality "Ruthie" . . . always smiling . . . "Judy" . . . cute newcomer to matches her stunning appear- friendly . . . "Hey Swift" . . . C.H.S. . . . "you're kidding"... ance . . . "Hi ya kids" . . . friends include Carol, Maureen, hates getting up in the morning friends include Sandi, Ruthie, Marilyn, Sandi, Lois, Bette and . . . best friends are Nancy, Betty and Donna . . . will re- Chris . . . one of our twirlers Kathy, and Donna . . . most like- member confetti fights at the . . . future secretary. ly found lost in the halls ... a football games . . . business future airline hostess. school. Activities: Spotlight Stall II, 12; Vocational Medical Club II; Activities.- Go/den C Stall 12; Twir/er 12; Twirling Club 9, 11, Student Council 12; Spotlight 12; G.A.A. Counci/ 9; Girls' Stall 11; Pep Club II, 12; Sports II; Pep Club II, 12. G.A.A. Council 9; Junior Achievement 12; Dance Commit- tee II. DUDLEY HARRISON CHASE

"Dud" . . . one of our soccer team . . . best friends include RICHARD ALBERT CARBONE King, Tom, and Wub . . . fond- PAUL MARSHALL CHASE est memory is going to '62 soc- "Rich" . . . quiet . . . "nothing cer games . . . future plans in- "Paul" . . . agreeable ... re- is unbelievable" . . . best friend clude college. members Mr. Boyle's class . . . is Bob Stewart . . . plans to at- plans to enter the Air Force in tend R.C.A. Electronic School. Activities: Hi-Y; Baseball 9, 10, the future. 12; Soccer 11, 12; Hockey 10, Activities: Outdoor Traclfc 10. 11, 12. Activities: Outdoor Track II.


"T" . . . easy-going . . . "Does it crank or what?" . . . cars, cars, cars . . . will remember th "library affair" . . . found a "Tom's" . . . best friends Vic, Bunky, and Ray . . . liberal arts.

Activities: Hi-Y 12; Outdo Tract 10; Junior Achieveme 11, 12; Football 9, 11.

SHELDON CY COHEN "Shelly" . . . intelligent and a hard worker ... a fabulous mu- sician . . . "U-B-B-A, ah" . . . best friends are Tom, Doug, and Bob ... a sure success in politi-

Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Student Council II, 12; Nation- al Honor Society 11, 12; Spof- NANCI PARKER CLARKE light Staff 12; latin C/ub 10; "Nanci" . . . cute and popular RITA ROBERTA COHEN Astronomy Club 11; Creative . . . "Wait a minute. Grails" Writing Club 11, 12; Music Club . . . always with Sharon, Donna, "Rita" . . . friendly and talka- 12; Chess C/ub 11, 12; Donee Linda and Kathie . . . will re- tive . . . "Yeah—right?" . . . pet Bond 10, II, 12; Opero Festival member those pajama parties peeve is snobby people ... al- THOMAS JAMES CLARK II, 12; Choir 12; Boys' Double . . . will go to Junior College. ways with Elyse and Janice . . . Fifth 12; Boys' Chorus 10, 11; college with a major in educa- "T.J." . . . good natured . . . Activities: French Club 9, 10, 11; Concert Bond 9, 10, 11, 12; likes driving . . . will remember F.T.A. 11, 12; Vocational Medi- Marching Bond 9, 10, 11; Re- football games . . . Paul, Alan cal Club 12; Donee Committee gional Band 11, 12; Pep Club Activilies: Student Council II; and Larry ore best friends . . . 9, 10, II, Twirling Club 9, 10; II, 12; Spotlight Feature Editor Spotlight Stall 11, 12; Executive college. 12; Choir President 12; Creative Junior Achievement 10; Girls' Committee II; French Club 9, Writing Club Treasurer 12; Pep Sports 9, 10, II, 12; Tumbling 10; FJ.A. 12; Donee Commillee Activities: Football 9; Architec- Club Bond Leader 12; All-State C/ub 9, 10; Pep Club II, 12; 10; Junior Achievement 11; ture Club 11, 12; Prom Commit- Orchestra 12. French Club Vice President 10. Tumbling C/ub 9, 10. tee; Pep C/ub 11, 12. CHARLES GARROW CONKLIN

"Garry" . . . quiet but friendly . . . best friends are Jim and Dudley . . . enjoys driving his 1940 Buick . . . won't forget Mr. Babetski's biology class . . . plans to be an officer in the Merchant Marines.

Activities: Outdoor Track 9; Boys' Chorus 12; Football 12.

LOUIS JAMES COLANERI CAROLE JOYCE LIPPINCOTT KAREN LYNN CONFROY COLLINS "Karen" or "Kumquat" . . . "Louie" . . . will never forget the football games or the sum- "Balky" ... a U.S.L.B. ... in- personality plus . . . fun-loving mer of '63 ... best friends are telligence and diligence . . . best . . . many friends include Stef- Dean and Nick . . . plans to be- friends are Pat and Betsy . . . fie, Anya, April and the rest of come a public accountant after plans to be a college professor the 11 ... future plans include college. or a writer. teaching. Activities: National Honor Soci- Activities; Go/den C Staff 12; ety 11, 12; Spotlight Staff 12; Spotlight Staff 12; Pep Club 11, Latin Club 9, 10, 11, 12, Forum 12; G.A.A. 9; Freshman Chorus C/ub 11; Creative Writing Club 9; Prom Committee 11; Dance 71, 12; Opera Festival 11, 12; Committee 10; French Club 11, 1 Choir 12; Girts Chorus 10, 11; Vice President 12; F.T.A. 11, 12; Girts' Ensemble 12; All-State Vocational Medical 12; Execu- Chorus 12. tive Committee 12.

JAY R. CONNOLLY SANDRA LEE CONNOLLY LESLIE GAE COOPER KATHLEEN DENISE CORCORAN "Sandy" . • . friendly . . . dis- "Coop" ... a mind of her own "Coontla" . . . happy-go-lucky likes homework on weekends ...... "Yeah-O.K." . . . friends "Kathy" . . . cute and quiet ...... a good friend . . . usually friends include Mariann, Nancy include Cappy, Moo, Susie, and friends include Pauline and found in the Sweet Shop . . . and Terry . . . usually seen with the rest of '63 ... remembers Barb . . . "yeah" . . . fondest best friends are Bob and Ken Johnny . . . will always remem- the class of '63 ... college. memory was French with Mr. . . . pet peeve is people who ber Mr. Schwartz's 7th period Activities: Student Council 9; Miller . . . future plans include grub cigarettes. study . . . future medical secre- French Club 10, 11; Spanish college as a Liberal Arts major. tary. Club 11; Mask and Bauble 11; Activities: Red Cross 11; French Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Election Committee 11; Dance Club 10; Forum Club 7 7; Cre- Spotlight Staff 12; Dance Com- Committee 9, 10, 11, 12; Prom ative Writing Club 77; Dance mittee 10, 12; Freshman Chorus Committee 11; Girls' Chorus 10; Commiffee 9. Freshman Chorus 9; Cheerlead- 9; Girls' Sports 9, 10; Tumbling Club 9; Pep Club 72. er 10; Girls' Sports 9, 10, 11, 12; Modern Dance 9, 10; Tumb-

ling Club 9, 10, 11, 12; Pep Club 12. BARBARA RAE CRAMER

BARBARA JEAN COSSA "Barb" . . . smart and active . . . best friends include Janet, HOBART J. CREE "Bug" . . . happy-go-lucky . . . DONALD C. COVENTRY Ellen, Betsy and Lauronne . . cute . . . "really" . . . best fondest memory is the football "Rusty" ... a good athlete . . . friends include Gail, Lynn, Jill, "Cov" . . . considercite . games . . . headed for college quiet . . . "Tall, Dark and Hand- Elaine, Julie and Peg . . . fond- friendly . . . friends; include or art school. some" . . . best friends are Jim, est memory is get-togethers with Mike, Dick, Rich, Boo ney

DIANE HELEN CRON ELIZABETH JANE CYPHERS "Betsy" ... a friendly smile for "Dee" ... fun to be with . . . everyone . . . best friends in- seen with Janice and Virginia in clude Pat, Laura nne, Barbara the yellow sports car ... will and Lesley . . . fondest memory remember Mr. Schwartz's last is choir . . . college ahead. period study ... a future airline BRUCE MARTIN CUDD Activities: Golden C Staff 12; hostess. "Bruce" ... a sense of humor Red Cross 10; Music Club 11, 12; Library Club 9, 10; Election Activities: Art Club 11, 12; . . . usuolly found in Roselle Prom Committee 11; Junior Park . . . dislikes girls who wear Committee 10; Choir 11, 12; Achievement 11; Girls' Sports 9, bobby-sox . . . best friends in- freshman Chorus 9; Concert 10; Tumbling Club 9, 12; Pep clude Bob and Rich . . . college Bond 9, 10; Marching Band 9, Club 11; Archery Club 9. bound. 10; Pep Club 12.


"Joe" . . . quick wit ... Rick, Cas, Floyd and Jim are among his best friends . . . usually found riding around town . . . college and law school are ahead.

Activities: Visual Aids 10, 11, 12; Stage Crew 10, 11, 12; Jun- ior Achievement 10; Soccer 12; Architecture Club 11, 12. JAMES H. CZARNATOWICZ PATRICIA JEAN DALY MARIANN DANIEL ALICE LAURA DEGENHARDT

"Donkey" . . . sincere . . takes "Pat" . . . nice ... "I don't be- "Mare" . . . quiet only to those "Al" . . . cute and popular . . . things as they come . . . lieve it ... best friends are Ca- who don't know her . . . pet "tremendous" . . . best friends at friend! include rol, Sandy, and Lois . . . most peeve is "people who tell me include Lexle, Judy, June, Sue, Tim, Mick and college likely found driving in Joe's car I'm too quiet" . . . "yick" . . . Kappy, and Dodo . . . most like- . . . fondest memory is Mr. best friends include Sandy, Sue, ly found at Brown's . . . plans to Boyle's P.A.D. class . . . college Cathy . . . college. attend college. Activities: Hi-Y 12. Activities: Red Cross 11, 12; AcfiVifies: Red Cross ?!; French Activities: Student Council 9; French Club M, 12; Freshman Club 9, 10, 11, 12; F.T.A. 11, Dance Committee 11, 12; Prom Chorus 9; Junior Achievement 11. 12; Girls' Sports 9, 11, 12, Tumb- 9, 10; Cheerleader 10; Tumb- ling Club 9; Pep Club 12. ling Club 9; Pep Club II, 12.


"Jeff" . . . shy . . . polite . . . dislikes girls who wear too much make-up . . . enjoyed summer school with Mr. Y ... seen with Pete and Tom . . . photojournal- ism.

AcfiVifies: Asfronomy Club 1 J; Outdoor Track 10, 11, 12; Opera Festival 12; Choir 12; Boys' Chorus 9, II; Freshman Chorus 9; Junior Achievemenf 11.


"Pete" . . . "kool it kid" . . . "Vinnie" . . . likeable but quiet Itle Charlie" . . a real clown full of fun ... best friend is . . . "How's-by-you?" . . . often best friends are Bill and Karen Brownlee ... a future found in Millburn with Bob Jay . . most likely found in the draftsman. Darchie . . . enjoyed Mr. Hol- Mu lie Room . . . will remember land's mechanical drawing class M Lenny and the choir ... a AcfiVifies: Oufdoor Track 9, 10; ... a future C.P.A. futi e engineer. Football 9; Architecture Club 12. AcfiVifies: Outdoor Track 9, 10, Activities: Choir 12; Boys' Dou- 11; Soccer 11. b/e Quarter 12; Boys' Cdorus II; All-State Chorus 12; Concert Band 9, 10, 11; Marching Band 9, 10, 11. DIANE ELLEN DITZEL

"Di" or "Ditz" . . . cute and perky . . . always smiling . . . friendly . . . will remember those DIANE MARY DINSMORE P.J. parties with the "Grails" . . . friends include Linda, Nor- "Di" . . . peppy and vivacious mo, ana Kothy . . . nursing . . . best friends are Barbara, school. DICKERSON Francis, Dorette, Dot, Joyce, and Barbara , . . fondest memory of Activities: Golden C Staff 12; "Dixie" . . . friendly . . . good C.H.S. was 9th and 10th grade Student Council 10; Spotlight sense of humor . . . found at homeroom ... a future secre- Staff 11, 12; Red Cross 9; Voco- "B's" . . usually seen with Jack. tary. tionol Medical Club 12; Donee Committee 9, 10, 12; Freshman Activities: Wrestling 9; Outdoor Activities: Basketball 9, 10; Cap- Chorus 9; Junior Achievement Track 10. tain 9. 10; Pep Club II, 12.


"Jeannie" . . . fun to be with . . . friendly, happy, and just a little nutty . . . seen with Lidia, Mary, and Karen . . . found at the Methodist Church ... art at college.

Activities: French Clvb 9, 10, 11, 12; Art Club 9, 10, 11, 12; Donee Commjftee 1i; Prom Com- mitfee 11; Girls' Chorus 10. 11, 12; Freshman Chorus 9; Choir 11, 12.

KAREN LEIGH DORIAN "Karen" ... a real worker . . . JUDITH ELIZABETH DIXON "Oh, fine" . . . friendly to all "Judi" . . . friendly and full of KAREN DIANE DOOLEY . . . best friends are Elna and fun ... outstanding in sports PAUL CRAIG DOBBINS Found around "Home Sweet Ann . . . dislikes people who . . . will never forget the prom Home" or with the Twins, Sandy, don't smile . . . will make a good . . . seen with Chip, Byk, and "Paul" . a like,able fellow Sharon, Karen, Gail or Linnea teacher. Tuss . . . one of our future . . . dislikes girls who dress . . . will never forget those split Activities: Student Council 1 1; nurses. sloppily on dates . . . seen with sessions or Mr. Brown's fabu- Frencn Club II, 12, FJ.A. 11, the "gang" . . . will never for- lous jokes . . . Karen's future Activities: French Club 11, 12; get prom weekend . . . drafting. 12; Art Club 10, 1J, 12; Dance Vocational Medical Club 11, 12; plans include Katharine Gibbs Committee 9, 10, U, 12; Prom Donee Committee 9, 10, 12; Activities: Freshman Cho us 9; College and a secretarial career. Committee 11; Junior Achieve- Freshman Chorus 9; Girls' Sports Junior Achievement 12; Archi- Activities: Twirling Club 9; Pep ment 10, 11, 12; Girls' Sports 11, 12; Pep Club 11, 12. fecfure Club 11, 12. C/ub 12. M; Tumbling Club 10. RICHARD WILLIAM EICHINGER

Rich . . . friends include Bob and John . . . "You know tt" . . . will always remember Miss Schwoerer's algebra class . . . college in his future.

Activities: Concert Band 9; Jun- ior Achievement 10, II, 72; Marching Band 9; Wrestling 71.

JAMES WARREN DOWNING WILLIAM BEMTON EDWARDS ELLEN KAY EHRLICH "Ell" ... an attractive blond "Stick" or "Abner" . . . always "Mr. Ed" ... a good worker ...... dislikes the desecration of clowning . . . best friends include pet peeve is girls' hairdos . . . the auditorium . . . "mmmmmmyy best friends are John, Ned, Doug and Lefty . . . excells in word" . . . best friends are Doug, and Wayne . . . fondest sports . . . will always remember Candy and Terry . . . seen in Friite Health Club . . . most like- memory is choir . . . future plans future — elementary education. ly found in the locker room . . . include college. Activities: National Honor So- physical education teacher. Activities: Red Cross 9; Hi-Y 72; ciety 12; Spanish Club 9, 10; Activities: Executive Committee Choir 12; Boys' Double Quartet Creative Writing Club 11; Mask 11; Football 9, 10, 11, 12; Base- 12; Boys' Chorus 10, 11; Fresh- and Bauble 12; Music Club 12; ball 9, 10, 11, 72; Basketball 9, man Chorus 9; Ail-State Chorus Sen/or Play Cast 72; Opera Fes- 70, 7 7, 12; President of FrOte 72; Opera Festival 12; Golf 11, tival 72; Choir 10, 11, 12; Girls' Health Club II, 12. 12; Architecture Club 11, 12, Ensemble 12, Girls' Chorus 9, Secretary II. 10; Girls' Sports 9, 10, 12; Pep Club 11, 12.

DEAN ELICHKO JAMES HARRY ENGEL MARK STUART ENZ RICHARD LAWRENCE ERDMANN "Dean" . . . dislikes people who "Jim" . . . quiet but friendly . . . "Mark" . . . one of our smaller "Erds" ... a rugged athlete make statements without giving beft friends are Paul and Bill members . . . quiet . . . dislikes . . . cute, fun-loving, and friend- the facts . . . "True" . . . best ... "I ain't got none" . . . girls having their hair in rollers ly ... best friends are many friend is Nick Gerlach. fondest memory of C.H.S. is split . . . will remember those down but mainly "The Guys" ... fu- sessions. stairways ... his friends include Activities: Football 9, 10, 11; Chip and Tom . . . future ture plans include college and Science Club. Activities: Junior Achievement banker. law. 17, 72; Archifecfure Club 11. Acfivifies: Go/den C Staff 12; Activities: Chess Club II. Student Council 9, 10. II, 12; Class Officer 12; Executive Com- mittee 9, 10, 12; Hi-Y Vice Pres- ident 11, 12; Election Commit- tee 9, 10, 11, 72; Baseball 9, 70; Basketball 9, 10 11, 12; Pep Club II, 12; Football 9, 10, II, 12; Prom Commit fee 71; Dance Committee 9, JO, II, 12, Chair- man 9, Co-Chairman 10. JILL FERNANDEZ "Ferd" . . . quiet—never, but LEWIS MARK FINGERLIN nice—always . . . great sense of "Mark" ... a smile for every- humor . . . seen with Spoli, one and a joke for everything Combo, Lynn, Pom, Bug, and . . . flriends include Rob and JAMES MARK FERGUSON Bean ... a future teacher. Phil . . . most likely found under CLAIRE J. FINK . . will re^member Pep "Ferg" . . . great sense of hu- Activities: Golden C Staff 12; "Chip" . . . a pretty girl with a Club Ba nd '62-'63. mor . . . valuable friend . . . Spotlight Stall II, 12; Executive pretty smile . . . friendly . . . re- found in the "P" room with "the Committee II; Spanish Club II, Activifie s: Student Councif 12; members the Prom . . . best boys" . . . close friend of Bobby 12; F.J.A. 12; Art Club 10, II, German Club 9. 10, 11; Cr eative friends a re Judi, Donna, and Gall . . . will remember fondly 12; Donee Committee 9, 10, II, Writing Club II, 12; Oiutdoor Sharon . the Junior-Senior Prom ... fu- 12; Prom Committee 11; Fresh- Tract 9, 10, 11, 12,: Dance Band ture undecided. man Cnorus 9; Twirling Club 9, 12; Prom Committtse 11; Boys' Activities: Golden C Staff J2; 10; Junior Achievement 11; Chorus 12; Concert Band 9, 10, Spotlight Staff 11; Junior Activities: Football 9: Wrestling Girls' Sports 9, 10; Tumbling 11, 12; Marching Bland 9; Foot- Achieve mt:nt 7 7; Girls' Sports 9, 9; Outdoor Tract 9, 10, II. Club 9, 10; Pep Club 11, 12. ball 10, 11; Pep Clcib 11, 12. 10, 12; Ttjmbling Club 12.

RHODA MARIAN FISHER "Dodo" or "Fish" . . . short and peppy ... an asset to our school . . . friends include Kathi, Alice, Judy, Kappy, and Bob . . . will make a wonderful nurse. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Student Council 9, II, Vice Pres- ident 12; National Honor Soci- TIMOTHY FRANCIS FLAHERTY PAUL LESLIE FLARTEY ety II, 12; Spotlight Stall II, "Patj|" . . . happy-go-luckY 12; Class Treasurer 10, Vice "Timmy" . . . intelligent . . . good sense of humor . . . best one of our soccer and baseball President II; Executive Commit- friends are Jim and John . play ers . abhors womei driv- tee 9, 10, II; latin Club 9, 10, remembers Mr. Wesfs class . . . ers seen with Mik and 12; French Club II; Vocational future chemical engineer. Pete . remembers Jiunior Medical Club II, 12; Forum Pron service. Club 11; Mask and Bauble II; Activities: Hi-Y 72; Tennis 71, Treasurer 12; Assembly Usher ?2; Junior Achievement J7; Pep Adhnties: Baseball 9, 10 Soc- 12; Club 11, 72. cer 11.


"Chris" ... a real nice girl . . . "Oh, those junior boysl" . . . best friends are Debbie and Marsha . . . fondest memory is Mr. Sylvester's class . . . attend- ing college in future.

Activities: Go/den C Sfoff 12; Pep Club II, 12; Girls' Sports 12.

33 LYNN MARY FOLINUS B. BARBARA FOPPERT WILLIAM WEBER FOREMAN ELLEN KING FOSTER "F.A." . . . terrific sense of hu- mor . . . "swift" . . . friends in- "Fopp" . . . witty and full of "Wub" . . . friendly . . . rarely "El" . . . cute and sweet . . . clude Jill, Julie, Spoli, Gail, and fun ... dislikes drivers who at a loss for words . . . dislikes a wonderful friend . . . will Barb . . . will always remember don't use directionals . . . will girls who smoke . . . best friends never forget basketball and her sophomore year . . . best friends the "Clique" . . . witty . . . sure always remember the open are Mng ana Tom . . . fondest are Bonnie, Pudgie, Wolfie, Ca- success as a teacher. houses . . . "—You know?" . . . memory is returning to C.H.S. college. . . . college. rol, and Phil . , . college. Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; Student Council 71, 12; Spot- Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; Activities: Student Council 9, 10; Activities: Latin Club 9, 10; Ten- light Staff II, 12; Spanish C/ub French C/ub 9, 10; F.J.A. 12; Homeroom ftepresenfa/ive 9; Stu- nis Club 10; Dance Committee II, 12; F.T.A. II, 12; Art C/ub Library Council 9, 10, Election dent Council Representative 10; 9, 10; Prom Committee 1; Girls' 10, II; Dance Committee 11; Committee 10; Art C/ub 9, II, Class Officer 10; Latin Club 10; Chorus 10; Freshman Chorus 9; Prom Committee 1J; Junior 12; G.A.A. Counci/ 9; Pep C/ub Tennis 12; Prom Committee 11; Pep Club 11, 12. Achievement 10; Girls' Sports 9; II, 12. Baseball 9, 10; Soccer 12; Tumbling C/ub 9; Pep C/ub 11, Hockey 9, 10, 12. 12; Spanish C/ub Vice President.


"H.B." . . . pert and pretty bru- nette . . . abhors know-it-alls . . . will never forget Basketbelles . . . best friends are Barb, Cathy, P.J., and Tinkle . . . future gym teacher.

Activities: Latin Club 10; F.T.A. 11, 12; Vocational Medical Club 11; Tennis Club 10; Junior Achievement 12; Girls' Sports 9, 11, 12; Pep Club 12.

JEANNE MARIE FOSTER LAURA ELIZABETH FRANK SHARON ANN "Lo" ... a good athlete . . . FRANKENBERGER "Jeanne" . . . will always re- full of fun . . . remembers West- member the basketball games field football game . . . best "Franlcie" . . . good-natured ...... "Good grief!" . . . best friends include Ginnie and pleasant to know . . . Cindy, friends include Midge, Ronnie, Chris . . . sure success as a Pom, and Sue are favorite com- Kathy, Marilyn, and Marsha . . . panions . . . has fond memories physical education teacher. wants to teach secondary Eng- of '63 Prom . . . future lab Activities: Golden C Staff 12; lish. technician. Spanish Club 10, 11, 12; Future Activities: French Club 11, 12; Teachers of America 11, 12; Activities: Student Council 9; 1 F.T.A. 12; Girls Chorus 12. Tennis Club 9, JO, 11, 12; Art Red Cross 9; G.A.A. Council 9; Club 9, 10, 11, 12; Dance Com- Pep Club 11, 12; Art Club 12; mittee 9, 10, 12; Prom Commif- Junior Achievement 12. fee 11; Girls' Sports 9, 10, 12; Tumbling Club 9, 10; Pep Club 11, 12. ELIZABETH ANN FULLER RONALD LEONARD FRIEDMAN "Liz" . . . diligent . . . excellent Arturo . . . "Nifty" . . . best seamstress . . . best friends are MICHAEL J. GACHKO friends are Bill and Stu ... will Diana and Dodie . . . will never always remember the soccer forget Mr. Grodski's class . . . Mike . . . pet peeve is school team ... a future electrical en- future plans include college. . . . always seen with Sharon gineer. Frankenberger . . . will remem- Activities: Spotlight Staff 12; ber his Junior year . . . future Activities: Wrestling 9; Outdoor Dance Committee 10; Prom Com- in the service. Track 10, II; Junior Achieve- mittee II; Girls' Sports 9; Pep ment 12,- Soccer II, 12. Club II, 12. Activities: Football 9, 10.


"Stu" . . . friendly and outgo- ing . . . one of our wrestlers . . . most likely to be found at Wal- nut Avenue field . . . best friends include Gary, Ron and Jim . . . future plans include business administration.

Activities: Wrestling 9, 11, 12; Junior Achievement 12; Baseball 12.

ROBERT SANFORD GALEN "Bob" . . . "Tom did it" . . . sure to be a success . . . always laughing . . . wonderful per- THOMAS JOHN GALSKI sonality . . . best friends are Tom, Lenny, T.B. and Fred . . . ROBERT THOMAS GALL "Tom" . . . good-looking and CHRISTINE DIANA GANT pet peeve: 3'Gs . . . college. sophisticated . . . will always re- Activities: Golden C Business "Bobby" , , . a truly sensational member the prom week-end of "Chrissy" . . . friendly and talk- ative . . . best friends are Sha- Manager 12; National Honor So- guy . . . friendly to all ... '63 . . . pet peeve: 3'G's . . . ron, Clair, and Wayne ... en- ciety 11, 12; Spotlight Staff 12; terrific a, cher . . . always seen many friends include Randy, with Jim Tony, Lenny and Bob . . . will be joyed Mr. Scutro's classes . . . Latin Club 9, 10; French Club Ferguson and "The Guys" . . . can be found at a successful doctor. will make a wonderful nurse. 10, Treasurer 11, President 12; Tom's . . . service ahead. forum Club 11, 12; Music Club Activities: French Club 10; Activities: Spotlight Staff U, 12; 11, Treasurer 12; Pep Club 12; Activities: Hi-Y 12; Wrest/ing 9, Wrestling 9, 10, 11, 12; Outdoor Dance Committee 9, 10; Girls' U.B.B.A. 12. 10; Baseball 9, 10, 12. Track 11; Cross Country 11. Chorus 9, 10, 11. MARGARET DICELEE GIPSON

"Peggy" . . . sugar 'n spice and everything nice . . . best friends include Johnny, Brenda, and Barbara . . . enjoyed Mr. Scu- tro's classes ... a future secre- tary.

Activities: Twirlim Club II; Tumbling Club 9.


"Wayne" . . . star of the track "Marsha" ... quiet but friendly, "Nick" ... a likeable guy ... team . . . "Go-way" . . . best cheery disposition . . . "That's annoyed by girls who bite their friends are Charlie and Chris ridiculous" . . . fondest memory fingernails . . . "Just between . . . will always remember the is graduation . . . friends are you and me" . . . best friends '62 cross country team . . . plans Sue and Linda . . . future plans include Lee, John, and Ron . . . to attend Union County Techni- include college. will remember sophomore year cal Institute. . . . often seen in the Peppermint Activities: Spotlight Staff 12; room . . . college bound. Activities.- Outdoor Trade 9, JO, French Club 10, II, 12; F.T.A. M, 12; Cross Country II, 12; 12; Vocational Medical Club 11; Activities: Prom Committee 11; Indoor Track 12. Junior Achievement 12; Pep Football 9; Wrest/ing 12; Out- Club II, 12. door Track 9, 10.

PAUL ELLIOT GILBERT DEBRAH GILDER JACK THOMAS GIBSON NANCY CLAIRE GLADIS "Happi" . . . good looks and a , 1 "Debbie" . . . cute . . . bright "Hoot" . . . friendly . . . quiet "Gibby" . . . nice guy and nea figure to match . . . one of the smile . . . "Hi, kidl" . . . best . . . usually working at the Dairy dresser . . . annoyed by drivei "Grails" . . . can usually be seen , friends are Chris, Ruthie, and Queen or next door . . . "Hello who don't signal . . . best friend- driving the "black wreck" . . . i Carol . . . college lies ahead. there" . . . dislikes being called are Tom, Al, and Joe . . . will make a wonderful nurse. j joyed Mr. Daley's Chemics lab; "Sub" . . . Mends include Steve Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; . . . another man of medicine oi and Craig . . . will never forget Activities: Golden C Staff 12; ] Spotlight Staff 12; French Club his way. those football games. Student Council 11, 12; Execu- '• 10, 11, 12; Junior Achievement tive Committee 11; French Club \ Activities: Spotlight Photography 12; Pep Club II, 12; Girls- Activities: Biology Club 9; Chess 9, 10, II; Art Club 10, II, 12; i Editor 12; French Club 9, 10, II; Sports 12. Club 10; Wrestling 12; Prom Dance Committee 9, 10, II, 12; ' Junior Achievement 11; Student Committee 11; Visual Aids 9, Prom Committee 11; Freshman ; Council 9, 11. 12; Football 10, II; Pep Club Chorus 9; Twirling Club 9; j 12. G.A.A. 9; Cheerleader 10; Jun- ; ior Achievement 10; Girls' Sports j 9; Tumbling Club 10; Pep Club \ 11, 12. BARRY IRA GOLD

"Boris" . . . fun-loving ... an emotional gold player . . . "seri- JOHN ROBERT GOODWIN KATHLEEN ANN GOODWIN ously" . . . best friend is Bob . . . getting up in the morning "Jack" . . . happy-go-lucky . . . "Kathy" . . . "I'll never tell"... is his pet peeve . . . fondest PATRICIA MARY GONSIOR "good heavens" . . . best friend peppy and cheerful . . . best memories are of soccer . . . is Pete Dickerson . . . dislikes friends include Nanette, Mori, planning a career in science. "Pat" . . anticipates a good teased hair . . . always looks and Lono . . . has fond rnem- J.A. yeai . . . dislikes speedy forward to weekends . . . Navy ories of classes with Mr. Ballin- Activities: Student Council 1 2; drivers . . enjoyed Mr. Scutro's in the future. ger ... is sure to be a success- French Club 10; Outdoor Track ful beautician. 10; Sfage Crew 10, II, 12; Jun- Activities: Wrestling 9, 10, 12; ior Achievement Jl; Soccer >>,< Activities: Spotlight Staff 12; Visual Aids 10; Junior Achieve- Activities: Freshman Chorus 9; Go/r 11, 12; Architecture Club Jon/or Achievement 12; Pep ment 10; Cold 12; Architecture Girls Chorus 10; Girls' Sports 9, 12. Cfub 12. Out H. 10; Tumbling Club 9, 10.


"Lenny" . . . "Baby Grou" . . . sparkling wit ... fun to be with . . . remembers U.B.B.A. . . . VICTOR J. GORMAN "Bob did it" ... pet peeve: the 3 G's . . . friends are Fred, Tom, "Vic" . . . new addition to Bob . . . future plans include C.H.S. . . . friendly . . . best college. friends are Tom Baba and Tom Activities: Student Council 12; THOMAS WALTER GORDON Capron . . . found driving his Buick . . . college ahead. latin Club 10; French Club 10, "Tom" . . . best friends include 12; Planning Committee Chair- Erik and Frank . . . will always Activities: Student Council 9, II; man II; forum C/ub 11, 12; remember graduation . . . plans Class Officer 11; Biology Club Tennis II, 12; Junior Achieve- to join the Army. 10; Outdoor Track 9; Football 9. ment II, 12.


"Al" . . . fun-loving . . . "Now what did I da?" . . . will never forget English III ... seen with Stuart and Harvey . . . after col- lege hopes to become a de- signer.

Activities: French Club 10; Jun- ior Achievement 10. GERALD EDWARD GRAYCE FREDERICK IRA GROTE RALPH M. GUTTMAN JAY PAUL GUINTHER "Gunny Sac" . . . excels as a "Jerry" . . . quiet . . . good "Fred" or "Felix" . . . always a "Ralph" . . . "This concludes student . . . "cool as a moose golfer . . . "How goes it?" . . . smile on his face ... a real the assembly" . . . usually found and twice as hairy" . . . found often seen on a bicycle . . . friendly guy . . . remembers Mr. with Bob Davidson . . . will al- in music room or with the friends include Bob Beym, Joe Daly's Chemistry and Physics ways remember Mr. Orenstein's Scouts . . . best friends include and Lance . . . Naval Aviation. labs . . . "Yo" . . . future plans jokes and '62'63 study with Rich and the U.B.B.A.'s ... a include college—engineering. Mr. Schwartz . . . future holds Activities: Music C/ub 12; Wrest- sure success in college. ling 9; Choir 11, 12; Boys' Dou- Activities: Hi-Y 12; French C/ub Activities: National Honor Soci- b/e Fifth 12; Boys' Chorus 10, 12; Wrest/ing 9. 10, 11, 12; Out- Activities: Golden C Staff 12; ety 11, 12; latin C/ub 10; Ger- II, 12; freshman Cnorus; Go/f door Tract 9; Tennis 11, 12; Chess Club 12; Architecture man C/ub 10r 11; Astronomy 11, 12. Junior Achievement 11; Soccer Club 12. Club II, 12; Music C/ub 11, 12; 11, 12. Chess C/ub 11, 12; Opera Fesli- val II, 12; Choir 11, 12; Boys' Doub/e Fifth 12; Boys' Chorus 10, 11, 12; Freshman Chorus; All-Stole Chorus II; Concert Band 9, 10, 11, 12; Marching Bond 9, 10, 12; U.B.B.A.'s II, 12.


"Bruce" . . . polite and friendly . . . among his best friends are Willy, Ann, Ed, Bud, Jim and Lenny . . . most embarassed when he ripped the seat of his pants . . . Union Junior College or Navy ahead.

ActfV/ties: Jo Achievement 77.


"Rusty" . . . active in sports . . . quiet and studious "Jan" ... a sport enthusiast "Good thinking" . . . best "Wheeling" . . . friends in- . . . "Crazy" . . . best friends friends Tom and Bruce . . . col- clude Bob, Ken, and Jay . . . are Pam, Sue, Steve . . . most lege. Coast Guard. likely found in a little yellow sports car . . . fondest memory Activities: German Club 1 1; Activities: Outdoor Track 9; Bas- of C.H.S. was seventh period Wre$tling 9, II, 72; Soccer J7; ketball 10. study in her junior year. Golf 72. Activities: Girls' Sports 12; Art Club 72; Pep C/ub. ROBERTA JEAN HAWLEY JANET SUE HARRISON "Bert" . . . very lively ... pet "Janet" . . . cute and sweet . . . peeve is loud lawn mowers . . . JOHN DENNIS HARCKETTS one of our twirlers . . . fondest best friend is Ursula . . . will memory is Twirling Club . . . always remember the game with "Dennis, Jack, John, Den" . . . best friends are Lauranne, Bar- Saint Mory's in '61 ... will quiet, hard-working . . . will al- bara, Pat ... a future in chem- mojor in Home Economics. ways remember Algebra II with istry is planned. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; the "Great White U.B.B.A." Red Cross 9, 10, 11; Executive Activities: Notional Honor So- . . . Doug Rae rates as best Committee 11; French Club 9, ciety II, 12; F.T.A. II, 12; Spot- friend . . . college ahead. 10, 11, 12; Vocational Medical light Staff 11, Make-up Editor Activities: National Honor Soci- 12; Spanish Club 11, 12; French Club 11, 12; Forum Club 11; ety II, 12; Pep Club 12; Spot- Club II, 12; Dance Committee Music Club 9; Dance Committee light Staff 12; latin C/ub 10; 9; Junior Achievement 12; 9, 10, 11, 12; Prom ComrrMffee Tennis II, 12; Marching Band 9; Freshman Chorus 9; Twirling II; Freshman Chorus 9; Junior Junior Achievement 11; Boys' Club 9, 10, 11, 12; Twir/er 12; Achievement II, 12; Tumbling I Sfole 11. Tumbling Club 9; Pep Club 12. Club 9; Pep Club II, 12. EDWARD ALAN HARRIS "Ed" ... a really nice guy . . . embarrassed by the T.B. test for the Freshman Football Team . . . will always remember algebra with Mr. Schwartz . . . best friends are Bob G., Bob S., and Don . . . future architect. Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; Student Counci/ 10; Spotlight Staff 11; French Club 10; Music Club 12; Outdoor Tract 9; Ten- nis 12; Dance Bond 10, 11, 12; Dance Committee 10, 12; Prom Committee 11; Pep Club Band II, 12; Concert Bond 9, 10, II, 12; Marching Band 9, 10, II, 12; Visual Aids 9; Architecture Club President II, 12; Junior Achievement Assistant Treasurer II, 12; Football 9, 10.

CHRISTINE HEDQUIST "Chris" or "Swede" . . . happy- go-lucky ... has beautiful clothes . . . always pleasant . . . will always remember lab with MICHAEL THOMAS HAYECK Mr. Daley . . . best friends are JACK BERNARD HAYES . . . Ginnie and Laura . . . art school "Mike" . . . nice smile, full of lies in the future. fun ... seen with Jim and Tim "Hogger Hayes" . . . tall and JOSIE LEE HEARNS . . . pet peeve is "Guys who good looking . . . our class flirt Activities: Golden C Staff 12; can pass 5 majors when I can't . . . loves hunting . . . best "Jo" . . . best friends are Karen, Spotlight Staff 12; German C/ub pass A." . . . plans to attend friends are Jed and Scoop . . . Jean a, and Helena . . . was rrtost II, 12; Art Club 9, 10, II, 12; college "with luck". vacation times rate high . . . embarrassed bumping into a Donce Committee 9, 10, II, 12; Prom Committee 11; Junior future in conservation. teacher ... a future nurse. Activities: Hi-Y 12; Wrestling 9, Achievement President 12; Girls' II; Soccer 12; Golf M, 12; Activities: Spanish Club 9; Chess Activities: Basketball Club 9, 10; Sports 9, 10, II, 12; Pep Club Architecture Club 11. Club 9; Basketball 9. Tumbling Club 9, 10. II, 12. KATHLEEN FRANCES HILLIARD "Kathy" . . . full of pep . . . "What d'ya think of thatl" . . . a welcome addition to C.H.S. . . . friendly . . . will always re- member Mask and Bauble party ... a future fashion illustrator. Activities: Rohway High School, Art Chb 9; Cheerleader 9, Mod- ern Dance 10; Vice President of Newspaper Staff 9; Freshman play. Craniord High School, Mask and Bauble 11; Art Club II; Twirling Club II; Pep Club 12.

JUDITH ELLEN HERZOG JAMES RICHARD HIGGINS KATHLEEN ROSE HIGGINS "Judy" or "Scrog" . . . cute and "Kathy" . . . always laughing always smiling . . . will always "Jim" or "Scoop" . . 'It'll be . . . "OhhhhIU" . . . hates wear- greatl" ... the Guys remember prom weekend . . . ing shoes . . . best friends include ly be found at his h "Great" . . . usually found with the "Grails" . . . will always re- likes to give parties . . olle. Mike or in the "P" room . . . member the "jama" parties . . . best friends include Ginnie, Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; a future home economics major June, Meryl, Brink, Kathi, and Spotlight Staff II; Hi-Y 12; in college. Dodo . . . college. French C/ub 10, 11; Football 9, Activities: French Club 9, 10, 11, Activities: Sfudenf Council 9, 10; Basketball 9. 12, President 10; FT.A. 11; Art 10, 11; Executive Committee 70; C/ub 10, 12; Dance Committee French Club II; latin Club 10; 9, 10, 12; Prom Committee II; Election Committee 9; Dance freshman Chorus; Twir/ing C/ub Committee 9, 10, II, 12; Prom 9; Junior Achievement 10, 11, Committee 11; G.A.A. Council 12; Girls' Sports 10; Tumbling 9; Cheerleader 10; Tumbling C/ub 9; Pep Club II, 12. Club 10; Pep C/ub 11.


"Alice" . . quiet :nsider

"Mike" or "Burn" . . . a great ELEANOR DIANE! HUBBUCH guy . . . quiet and friendly . . . GERALD ROBERT HULL / best friends include .Joe, Bill. "Eleanor" dislikes doing home- EDMOND H. HUDSON P.R., Murph, Erd, Fer g. Sloes, "Jerry" . . . fun loving . . . al- work . . . "Tuff" . . . caiT usual- Bob, Grease, John, Spider, ways on the go ... "tuff" . . . ly be foijnd with Judy, Diane, "Ed" good friend and Scoop, Banana, Rich, Jed, Craig, usually found in the "P" room Sue, Arti Kenilv.rorth is rugg ed athlete . . . our fullback Boo, Hog, Dick, Wally,, Schnau- or at Tom's . . . will never for- home away from home . . . will what a physique! . . . best zer, and Jeff . . . futijre plans get his junior gym class . . . always remember Mr. Scutro's frien ds are Wayne, Jerry, and include college. future in advertising. class . . Norr . college lies ahead. rk. Activities: Sludenf Coljncil II; Activities: Hi-Y II, 12; Wrest- o Actfv'ities: Fn>otboll 9, 10, II, 12; Hi-Y 12; Wrest/ing 10, 11, Ouf- ling 9, 10; Football 9, 10, 11; Activities: Twirling Club. Baseball 9, 12. door Tract 9; Football 10. Baseball 9, 10; Pep Club 11.

GARY KENNETH IVERSON "Jim Roselli" ... quiet ... WARREN EDWARD JACOBI good worker . . . pleasant per- "Jake" . . . quiet but friendly sonality . . . best friends are . . . pet peeve is bad drivers Tom and Paul . . . usually found HOWARD LESTER JACOB, III at Joy s house . , . fondest mem- . . . usually found with Paul, ory is the track season ... a "Howie" . . . rates high with the Harry, Rick . . . will always re- future in ostronomy. girls and guys . . . seen driving member those football scrim- around in his M.G. . . . best mages . . . future plans include Activities: Student Council 9; friends are Don Watt, Dixie and college. Executive Committee 9; Hi-Y 12; Meats . . . fond memories of the Astronomy Clvb J I; Outdoor wrestling team . . . will enter Acfivifies: Wrestling 9, 10; Dance Track 9, 10, II, I2; Donee Com- Union County Technical Institute. Band 9; Visual Aids 11, 12; mittee 9, 10, IT; Prom Commit- Stage Crew II, 12; Regional fee II; Concert Band 9; Morcn- Activities: Wrestling 9, 10, II, Band 9, 10, II; Concert Band ing Band 9; Soccer II, 12; Bas- 12; Architecture Club 9, 10, II, 9, 10, II, 12; Football 9, 10, ketball 9, 10, II. Treasurer 12. II, 12; Pep Club 12.


"Will" or "Ink" . . . quiet and sincere . . . best friends include Paul, Steve, Charlie ... can usually be found working on cars . . . will always remember working on Paul's transmission ... a future in the Merchant MannB as a radio engineer. WILLIAM FREDERICK JAGUSAK CYNTHIA ANNE JEWETT RICHARD ANDREW JOHNSTON ELLEN M. JONES "Cindy" ... a very pretty girl "Jake" . . . friendly, easy to get . . . true friend . . . "How Drolll" "Dick" . . . good-looking . . . "Jonesey" . . . cute and friend- along with . . . "Forget it" . . . • . . pet peeve is writing English best friends are Frank, Erds, ly ... "huh?" . . . many friends . . . will never forget breaking friends Tony, King, and Paul essays . . . best friends are B. PR., Bill, Rich, Pete, Boo, Jack, the desk in P.A.D. . . . fun-loving . . . future plans include col- Green and April . . . future in- Banana, Jed, Burn . . . will never lege. I.B.M. school. cludes college. forget Brewster's party ... fu- ture plans include college. Activities: Hi-Y II, 12; Wrest- Activities.- Student Council 12; Activities; library Club 9. ling 9, 10, 11, 12; Outdoor National Honor Society II, 12; Activities: Executive Committee Track 10; Tennis J2; Dance Com- Spotlight Stall 11, Associate Edi- 11; Hi-V 12; Outdoor Tract 9, mittee 10, II; Bo/'s Stale II; tor 12; French Club 9, 10, 11, II; Dance Committee 11; Foot- Soccer II; Pep Club 11, 12; 12; Vocational Medical Club ball 9, 10, II, 12. Architecture Club II, 12. Secretory II, 12; Forum Club 11, 12; Creative Writing Club II, President 12; Moslc and Bau- ble 11, 12; Music C/ub 11, 12; Pep Club II, 12; Opera Festi- val II, 12; Dance Committee 9, ANNE MARIE JORDAN 10, 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; "Anya" . . . remembers the Choir II, 12; Girls' Ensemble U.B.B.A.'s, U.S.LB.'s and Emo- 12; loc . . . liked by everyone, be- cause she likes everyone . . . best friends are April, Bobbie, Paula, Kumquat, Steffie, Candy, Judy, and Ginny . . . future nurse. Activities: Golden C Associate Editor; National Honor Society 11, 12; Spotlight Staff 11, 12; Executive Committee 11, 12; frencn Club 9, 10, 11, 12, Treas- urer 9; F.T.A. H, 12; Voco- tional Medical Club 11, Vice President; Forum Club II, Vies President 12; Assembly Usher 12; Election Committee 11; Art Club 10, 12; Dance Committee

9, 10, 11, I2; Girls' Chorus 11, 12; Junior Achievement 11; Pep Club II, 12.

HELENA I. JONES SANDRA ANITA JONES WAYNE L. JONES "Sandy" . . . friendly and talk- "Lena" . . . calm and steady . . . ative . . . dislikes drivers who "Jones" ... an athlete who will will always remember the Jun- signal, but don't turn . . . best never forget C.H.S. sports . . . ior-Senior Prom . . . best friends friends include Gail, Carol, best friends are Ed, Jerry and are Gino, Karen and Josie ... Jane . . . will always remember Norm . . . college is in his future Helena plans to be a secretary helping to create Pep Club . . . plans. in the future. future plans in the business Activities: Football 9, 10, II; Activities: Tumbling Club 9. field. Baseball 9, II, 12. Activities: Spotlight Stall 12; French Club 9, 10, II, 12; F.T.A. 11, 12; Creative Writing Club II; Art Club II, 12; Dance Committee 9, 10, II, 12; Prom Committee 11; Freshman Chorus Girls' Sports 9, 10, 11, 12; Tum- bling Club 9, 12; Pep Club 11, 12. LINNEA BARBARA KEARNEY

"Linn" . . . sweet and friendly . . . pretty blond hair . . . best GWEN FLORA KAPLAN friends are Barbara, Sue, and Marsha . . . her haven is the "Gwen" . . . "Conformistl" . . . RICHARD MICHAEL KAPLAN Spotlight room . . . plans to at- a talented writer and artist. . . tend business school. "Rick" . . . always has some- best friend is Robert Hoffman thing to say . . . remembers try- . . . "Senior Reform Writer." Activities: Spotlight II, 12; Li- ing to cut classes . . . most likely brary Council II; Dance Corn- Activities: Creative Writing Club found at the Sweet Shop or with miff ee 10; Pep Club 11, 12; 71, 72; Junior Achievement 70, Lew, Basil, Ed, or Glen ... Air Junior Achievement II, 12; Sec- 71. Force. retary 7 7.


"Jannie" . . . cute and sweet . . . pretty hair . . . most often found with Bobbie, Nona, and Carolyn . . . cherishes her Junior year . . . secretarial school.

Activities: Red Cross 10; Girls' Chorus 10; Freshman Chorus 9; Junior Achievement 9, 70, 17, 72; Pep C/ub 70, 17, ?2.

DONNA MARIE KERZMAN "Donya" ... a wonderful ac- tress with a voice to match . . . dislikes being a teacher's daugh- ter ... usually seen with Stef- fie, Paula, Bette, and Carol . . . sure to be a success in the theatre.

Activities: Golden C Business THOMAS JEFFREY KESTER Manager 12; Student Council 11, Assembly Chairman 12; "Tom" . . . Dependable and Spotlight Staff 1?, 12; Latin friendly . . . casual . . . bothered Club 10; Spanish Club 11, Vice by girls who leap when danc- BARBARA LEE KENNEDY WILLIAM JOSEPH KEATING President 72; Forum Club 71, ing . . . best friends are Joe, 12; Mask and Bauble 11, J2; "Barb" . . . "You're kidding!" "Flash" . . . quiet and nice . . . Terry, and Charlie . . . engineer- Music Club 1J, Vice President . . . forever friendly and smil- best friends are Joe, Mark, and ing career. 12; Opera Festival 11, 12; ing . . . often seen in the Spot- Tom . . . "Same difference" . . . Dance Committee 9, 10, II, 12; light room ... is fond of Mr. fondest memory—last day of Acfivifies: Football 9, 70; Soccer Prom Committee 11; Choir 71, Scutro's classes . . . business school . . . hates getting up in 17, 12; Wrestling 9, ?0, II, 12; 12; Girls' Chorus 10, 7 7, 12; school. the morning . . . Navy. Mask and Bauble II, Vice Presi- Freshman Chorus 9; Girls' dent 12; Hi-Y 11, 12; French Sports 9; Pep Club 7 7, 12. Activities: Spotlight 10, 71, 12. Activities; Wrestling 9. C'ub II, 12; U.B.B.A. II, 12. JEFFREY CHARLES KNAUER

"Jeff" . . . easy-going and in- telligent . . . best friends are Dave, Mike, and Randy ... us- ually found in Chemics class . . . math classes rate high . . . col- lege.

Activities: German C/ub 70, II; Visual Aids 9, 10, 11, 72.

SUZANNE CONNOLLY KING GAIL BARBARA KINNEY BETTE ELINOR KISNER "Bet" or "Kish" . . . ovid cheer- "Sue" . . . quiet and nice . . . "Bean" . . . easy to like leader with a cute personality dislikes snobby or bossy people usually found with Julie, Elaine, . . . countless friends . . . beau- ... her best friends are Noncy and Barbara . . . clislikes bi cycle tiful hair, but its natural wave and Donna . . . will never forget riders while drivirig . . . will peeves her . . . college and a the Prom . . . future receptionist. never forget 1the Pr Dm . . . phys- nursing career. ical therapist Activities: Freshman Chorus 9. Activities: Student Council 12; Acfivifies: Gc>lden C Stofl' 12; Spot/ighf Staff 7 7, 12; French Red Cross 11, 12; French Club C/ub 9, 70, 71, Vice President 9, 10; Vocafiiono/ Medical Club 12; Vocational Medico/ C/ub 12; IT, Treasure)• 12; Dance Com- Mask and Bauble 17, Secretary mittee 10, 12; Junior Achieve- 72; Election Committee 10, 1/, ment II; Girls' Sports 11, 12; 12; Art C/ub 9, 70, 7 7, 72; Pep C/ub 12. Dance Committee 9, 10, 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Choir 11, 12; Girls' Chorus 9, 10, 11, 72; Cheerleader Secretary 7 7, Treas- urer 12; Girls' Citizenship 11; Gir/s Sports 9, 10, 17, 12.

ROBERT FRANK KNOX DAVID COLBURN KOCH PATRICIA ELOISE KOEFOED RONALD EGAN KOENIG "Knoxie" . . . popular and very "Dave" . . . intelligence and "Pat" . . . warm and sincere . . . "Ronnie" . . . Good-looking guy busy . . . office holder from way wit . . . can be found with the forever in the music room ...... friendly to all ... Ferg, All-State gong ... is usually All-State and Choir will never back . . . Phil and Dodo best Doug, Rusty and Tom are among working with Mr. Y for Audio- really be over . . . usually with friends . . . remembers U.B.B.A. his many friends . . . "Right" Visual Aids . . . will remember Mary, Lesley, or Janet ... a picnics . . . looks forward to . . . will always remember the '63 Prom weekend . . . college teaching career ahead. college. basketball team of '63 ... and electrical or chemical engi- Activities: National Honor So- Activities: Golden C Editor-in- college ahead. neering. ciety 71, 12; Classics C/ub 10; Chief 72; Student Council 9, 7 7; French C/ub 7 7, 12; Spanish National Honor Society 11, 12; Activities: French C/ub 10, II; Activities: Football 9; Baseball Club II, 72; Creative Writing Spotlight 17; Class Treasurer 10; Music C/ub 12; Wrestling 9; 9, 70, 11, 72; Basketball 10, II, Club 71, 72; Music C/ub 17, 12; Class President 11; Executive 10, 11, 12; Boys' Double Fifth 12. Library Counci/ 10, 17, 12; Sec- Committee 9, 10, 11; Most and 12; Chorus 9, 10; All-Stole Bauble 11, 12; Music C/ub 12; Chorus II, 12; Visual Aids 9, retary 72; Opera Festival 71, E/ection Committee Vice Presi- 10, II, President 12; Stage 12; Dance Committee 9, 70; dent 71; Outdoor Tract 9, 10, Crew 9, 10, II, 12; Junior Choir II, Secretary 12; Girls' 11; Donee Bond 7 7; Dance Com- Achievement II. Ensemble 12; Gir/s' Chorus 70, mittee 11; Prom Committee II; 71, 12; Freshman Chorus 9; All- Choir 72, Stale Chorus 17, 12. SUSAN LYNNE KOLBE "Sue" . . . a truly wonderful girl . . . sweet and sincere . . . friends include Dar, Mare, Joyce, DOROTHEA HELEN Dee, and Pat ... will never KOWALTSCHUK forget decorating for the prom "Dodie' ' . . . considerate and . . . she'll make a wonderful courteoiJS . . . one of the nicest nurse. CAROLE ANN KONOPACK girls ar ound . . . "Gee w hiz" will remember Mr. J<>nes' DONNA FRANCES KRAK Activities: Golden C Stall 12; "Willi" . . . cute and fun to be Chemistry class . . . best-dressed Student Council 9, II; Spotlight with . . . can be found with friend is Mirtha . . . future air- "Donna" . . . friendly and sin- Stall II, 12; Red Cross 9, 10, Marilyn and the Grails or in the line stewardess. cere . . . fondest memory is Mr. 11, 12; Executive Committee 9, "P" room . . . remembers Mrs. Swartz's study . . . best friends Activities: Spotlight Stall 11; 10; German Club 10, 11; F.T.A. Petti's Shorthand I class ... fu- ore Rosanne, Lana and Billy • . . Frenc/i Club 9, 10, II; Spanish 11, 12; Vocational Medical Clufc ture secretary. future undecided. II, President 12; library Club Club 10, 11, 12; Music Club 11, 9; Art Club 10; Dance Commit- Activities: Spotlight Staff 12; Vo- 12; Prom Comm/ffee; uonce Activities: Spotlight Staff 11; tee 9, 10; Prom Committee 11; cational Medical Club 12; Li- Committee II, 12; Tumbling Vocational Medical Club 12; Junior Achievement Treasurer brary Club 9; Donee Committee Club 9, 12; library Council 12; Prom Commiffee; Dance Commif- 10; 10; Girts' Sports 9, 10, 11, 12. Pep C/ub 12. fee 12; Pep Clvb II, 12.

PAMELA KROCHMAL "Pam" . . . sweet, lively and full SUZANNE KROCHMAL of fun . . . pet peeve is being "Sue" . . . friendly and always called Sue . . . will remember happy . . . usually with Pam, decorating for the Prom . . . Karen, Janice and fellow twirl- best friends include Janice, Ka- ers . . . Art Club rates high . . . ren, Sandy and Sharon . . . loved chem. class with Mr. "Y" GEORGE KR1P college. and decorating for the Prom . . . college. "George" . . . easy-going . . . Activities; Go/den C Staff 12; Activities: Golden C Stall 12; sports enthusiast . . . pet peeve Spotlight Art Editor 12; Span- Spotlight Art Editor 12; Spanish is girls who don't act their age ish Club 11; F.T.A. 11, Secretary Club 11; FJ.A. 11, 12; Art Club . . . best friends are the guys 12; Arf Club 9, 10, II, 12; Prom Committee; Tw'irler 11, 9, 10, II, 12; Prom Committee . . . college. Co-Captain 12; Twirling Club 11; Girls' Chorus 10; Freshman Activities: Football 9, 10, 11, 12; 10, JJ, I2; Freshman Chorus; Chorus 9; Twirler II, Captain Wrestling 9, 10, 11, 12; Base- Girls' Chorus 10; Girls' Sports 12; Girls Sports 10; Pep Club ball 9, 10, 11, 12; Hi-Y 11, 12. 10; Pep Club II, 12. II, 12.


"Sue" . . . quiet but friendly ... a very pretty girl ... pet peeve is knuckle crackers . . . "Whatever you want to do" . . . best friends include Sharon, Ca- rol, Kathy and Karen . . . sec- retary.

Activities; Freshman Chorus; Girls' Sports 9; Dance Commit- tee 10, 11. LESLEY VIRGINIA KRONE WILLIAM JOHN KRUSE MAUREEN ELLEN KUHAR MARILYN JEAN KUPCHO "Les" . . . beautiful hair, sweet smile . . . seen with Pat, Betsy, "Bill" . . . "Oh well" . . . con- "Maura" . . . always looking for "Marilyn" . . . happy-go-lucky ond Mary . . , pet peeve is boys scientious and sincere . . . bud- excitement . . . "That's real . . . fondest memory is Mrs. who dislike women drivers . . . dies include Jay and Jim . . . swift, Stadnyck" . . . Marilyn, Petti . . . "What's the plan?" "Really?" . . . found in Music likes to take it easy . . . annoyed Ruth and Carol are best friends . . . best friends are Maureen Room . . . most embarrassed by detentions for whispering ...... place most likely to be and Carole . . . would like to breaking out with German plans to become an Architect. found—Mr. Scutro's room or in become a Court Stenographer. measles in French class ... Fu- trouble . . . future plans in- Activities: German Club 11; Jun- Activities: Spotlight Staff 12; Li- ture German teacher or public clude a secretarial career. ior Achievement 12; Architecture brary Council 9; Girls' Sports 9, librarian. Club 11, 12. Activities: Spotlight Staff, 11, 10, 11, 12; Pep Club U, 12. Activities: Music Club 11, Secre- 12; Vocational Medical Club 11, tary 12; Library Club 9, 10, 11, 12; Library Council 9; Pep Club 12; Election Committee 9; Opera 11, 12. Festival 12; Choir 12; Girls' En- semble 12; Girls' Chorus U; Freshman Chorus 9, All-State Chorus 12; Honorary Sfage Crew Member 11; Concert Band 9, 10, 11; Marching Band 9, 10.


"Bob" nthusiastic, especial- ly ab . pet peeve boys in saddle shoeh s . . . will remember auto mechanics . . . best friends are Bags, Andy, Mike and Wick . . . college.

Activity: Ty-Rods Auto Club.


"Judy" . . . quiet o nd friendly "Joe" . . . Senior with a pleas- "Marsh" ... a girl with a beau- . . . best friends include Ronnie, ant smile . . . ' 'Ar e you kid- tiful smile . . . "Tough" . . . best Lynne, anid Lana . . . "Reolly" ding?" . . . fourid with Lance, friends are Nan, Sue, and Chris ond "No1• Really" . . . dislikes Gerald and Don . fondly re- . . . was most embarrassed when being told she's blushing . . . membei s split sessior,s . . . will caught on the roof outside the will make a good teiacher. make a career in the Navy. Spotlight room . . . will be a

ing Activities: Wrestl 9; Boys' Activities; Go/den C Slall 12; ; Freshman Chorus 10, 71, 12, Spot/ighf Staff 71, 12; latin Chorus; Junior At:h/e vement 10, Club 9, 10; French Club 17, 12; jr. 11, 12; Junior Semint F.T.A. 7 7; E/ecfion Committee 10, 11, 12; Opera Festival 72; Arf Club 7 7, 72; Dance Committee 9, 70, 12; Prom Committee 71; Cfioir 72; Girls' Chorus 17; Girls' Sports 9; Tumbling Club 9, 70; Pep Club 7 7, 72. GEORGE WALTER LEBRET JACKLYN ELIZABETH UWRENCE "George" . . . easy-going . . . peeved by slow drivers . . . "Jackie" ... a quiet studen "Get off my back" . . . best ... a long list of friends . . friends are Jerry, Tony, and was most embarrassed whei Charlie . . . fondest memory is caught walking through Senio the football games . . . future door as a Freshman . . . plan FRANK D. LAWSON plans include college or the Air to become a beautician. Force. "Frank" . . . nice guy . . . Activities: Golden C Staff 12 with Erik Scott, Bill Keating, Activities: Wrestling 9, 10, 11, Spotlight Staff 11; Library Coun Tom Gordon . • . remer 12; Football 9, 10, 11, 12; Pep cil 9; Pep Club 11, 12; Done. three years of Spanish I Club 11, 12; Donee Committee Committee 9, 10. Navy. 9, ?0.


"Jan" . . . tall and quiet . . . dislikes people who know it all . . . "Good Grief" . . . found with Dottie, Pat, Judy, and Marilyn . . . plans to go to busi- ness school.

Activities: Art Club 12- Pep Club 12.

APRIL DIANE LEE "Sprill" ... a busy girl with many friends . . . always smiling . . . "Grief, oh dear" . . . will remember U.B.B.A.'s and U.S.- L.B.'s . . . elementary school French teacher. Activities: National Honor Soci- ety 11, 12; Sfudenf Council Sec- retary 1 1, Publicity Chairman 12; Go/den C Staff 12; Spotlight Staff 11, 12; Class Vice Presi- JOYLENE ANN LEONARDO dent 10; Executive Committee 9, 10, 11; French Club President 9, "Joylene" . . . always fooling THOMAS WILLIAM L'HEUREUX 10, 11, 12; F.T.A. 11, Treasurer orounci . . . Vr*on t torget ner 12; Vocational Medical Club 11, sophomore biology class . . . "Tom" or "Jed Cooper" . . . KAREN ANN IEIMANN Secretary 12; Forum Club 11, seen with Carole and Chris in "Howdy!" . . . remembers the 12; Election Committee JO, 11; "Karen" . . . lovely with a Igood the Sweet Shop . . . college. Prom ... a friendly guy who Art Club 10; Prom Committee; sense of humor . . . dislikes peo- has o good time everywhere . . . Activities: Go/den C Stall 12; Dance Committee 9, 10, Jl, 12; pie who an; late . . . best friends plans to join the armed forces. Sfudenf Council 10, Spotlight Concert Band Treasurer 9; are Cathy

"Hair" . . . full of fun ... "Hi ya sweetie" . . . usually found with the girls in the Sweet Shoppe . . . best friends are Jim, Bob, and Alex . . . future auto technician.

LOIS BETH LIEBER ROSANNE BERNADETTE LYNNE ELIZABETH LISANTI "La" . . . "really?" . . . good LIMONGEILO looking Senior . . . may be seen "Lynne" . . . Mona Lisa smile v/iTn ouonnc, uooie, Lois, and "Roxy" . . . good things come in . . . dislikes lazy people . . . Ellen . . . will remember work- small packages . . . dislikes get- friends include Linda, Elna, and ing on the Golden C . . . plans ting up early for school . . . best Karen . . . remembers all the friends are Donna, Lana, and to attend college to major in good times with the kids and Billy . . . fondest memory is foot- psychology. teachers . . . plans to attend ball games . . . future secretary. college to be a social worker. Activities: Go/den C Staff 72; Spotlight Staff 71; French Club Activities: Spotlight Staff 12; Red Activities: French Club 7 7; Art 9, 10, II; Spanish Club 17, 72; Cross 11; Vocational Medical Club II; Freshman Chorus 9. Art Club 9, 10; Donee Commit- Club U; Pep Club II, 12. tee 9, JO, JJ, 12; Prom Com- mittee II; Freshman Chorus 9;

Tumbling Club 9; Pep Club II, 12.


"Logan" . . . quiet guy . . . "Ronnie" . - - friendly . . . "Oh "Lana" . . . sweet and petite "Ed" ... a big man for a big friends include Joe, Dave, Don, no, not again" . . . best friend .... always happy . . . dislikes job . . . responsible visual aids and Jerry . . . fondest memory: is Midge . . . fondest memory of slow drivers . . . best friends are man . . . seen with Harvey . . . Mr. Goldstein's third period C.H.S. is the Prom ... a future Donna and Rosanne . . . remem- "Smile—you're on Candid Cam- chemistry class . . . future plans fashion artist. bers Mr. Orenstein's study hall era" . . . will always remember are the Air Force and then col- . . . I.B.M. the mass confusion at C.H.S. lege to become electrician tech- Activities: Freshman Chorus. . . . career in engineering. nician. Activities: Freshman Chorus 9. Activities: Spotlight Staff 12; Activities: Wrestling 7 7; Junior Chess Club 9, JO, II, 72; Visual Achievement 70, II; FT tshman • Aids 9, 10, II, 72; Junior Chorus 9. Achievement 10, 17; Tennis 7 7, 72. REGINA HELEN LYNCH "Ginger" or "Regy" . . . won- PAULINE ANN LOWE derful personality . . . liked by "Pauline" . . . quiet and sincere all ... an asset to our twirling . . . very resourceful . . . best squad . . . "Dapper" . . . best friends are Kathy and Sandy friend is Carol Walker . . . will . . . remembers Mr. West and make a wonderful teacher. KAREN ANNETTE McCALL the U.B.B.A.'s . . . embarrassed THOMAS RICHARD LUKKO Activities.- Go/den C Sfoff 12; when she tripped over a stack Student Council 1), 12, Spot- "Pookie" . . . nice girl who likes of N.Y. Times and fell down the "Luke" ... a newcomer to light Staff II; Red Cross 9,- to have fun ... dislikes two- stairs . . , will major in music. C.H.S. ... "I think I've been in Lotin Club 9, 10, 11; Spanish faced people . . . seen with this study before" . . . among Club 12; Library Council 9; Elec- Josie, Gina, Helena, and Ruthie Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; many new friends, Joe Panetta tion Committee 9, 10, 11; Dance . . . will remember Mr. Scutro's Spotlight Staff 11, 12; Red is best . . . fondest memory is Committee 9; Prom Committee shorthand class . . . secretary. Cross M; Forum Club 11; Cre- first day at C.H.S. . . . future II; Twirler II, Co-Coptoin 12; ative Writing Club 11; Art Club plans are to attend Franklin Activities: Spotlight Staff 1 I; Twirling Club 10, 11, 12; Girls' 10; Dance Committee 10; Girls' Tech in Massachusetts. G.A.A. Council 9, 10; Junior Chorus 12; Concert Band 9; Sports 9; Tumbling Club 9; Pep Achievement 1 I; Girls' Sporfs Marching Band 9; Pep Club 71. Activitie: Chorus 12. Club II, 12. 9, 10.

ANTHONY PATRICK McHALE MARGUERITE PATRICIA McGOWAN "Tony" . . . fabulous quarter- CAROL ANN McGARRY miler . . . good natured and like- "Peggy" a nice gir 1 with a able . . . "yeh-yeh" . . . seen arol" . . . tall and friendly figure t<3 match . . . fun to be with Ed, Charlie, Randy, Paul, . . fender benders are her pet with . . . Elleri, Kenni- a nd "The Tim, Bob, Mark . . . remembers eve . . . "Oh crud" . . . best Crowd" make up hei• friends . . . cutting Mr. Wesfs study . . . ends Sandy and Gail . . . fu* "Now c ut theit outl' . . has plans to study law in college. re, teaching. fond memories; of freshman year . . . a fiiture in secretari al work. Activities.- Hi-Y 12; French Club Activities: Go/den C Slall 12; 9, 10, II; Junior Achievement Spotlight Stall 12; F.T.A. 12; Activities: Spotlight Stall II; Li- 10; Visual Aids II, 12; Pep Club Art Club II; Prom Committee brary Club 10, II; Junior 12; Outdoor Track 9, 10, 11, 12; II; Girls' Sports 9; Tumbling Achievement 11; Girls' Sports 9; Wrestling 11, 12; Cross Country Club 9, II; Pep Club II, 12. Tumbling Club 9. 11; Soccer 12.


"Betty" . . . cute and smiling "No kiddin" . . . best friends include Marilyn, Ruthie, Sandy, and Lois . . . future secretary.

Activities: Girls' Sports 9; Tum- bling Club 9; Pep Club J2. MICHAEL OWEN McHARG RICHARD JOSEPH MALEY HARVEY JAY MARGOLIS SANDRA MARY MARTIN "Magoo" ... a great all-around guy . . . wonderful personality "Rich" . . . tall and good look- "Harve" . . . wry sense of hu- "Sandy' ' . . . sweet and petite . . . "Oh welll" . . . best friends ing . . . well-liked . . . one of mor . . . will always rememiber lice girl to know . can Paul- include Bob, Tom, Len, Pat, and "the Cilys" . . . dislikes home- C.H.S. labs . . . "an Ameri "Go shl" Steph, Karein, and nd memor ies of . . best friends are her best friei . will all the U.B.B.A.'s . . . will never work . tragedyl" . ine are nds . . forget Mr. West's classes . . . college ahead. will be a successful doctor. busi ness work. future engineer. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Acfivitie s. Hi-Y 12; Oiitdoor Activilies: Student Council 9; Acti\ntis s: Spotlight Stoll 11; Spotlight Staff 12, Hi-Y 1], 12; Track 9, 11, 12, Donee Cc>mmit- Chess Club 11, 12; Soccer. Twirling Club 9, 10. Spanish Club 12; Wrestling 9, tee 12; Football 9, 10, 11, 12. 10; Prom Committee 11; Visual Aids II, 12; Stage Crew M; Football 9, 10, 11, 12; Pep Club 11, 12; U.B.B.A. Club 11, 12.


"John" ... an answer to every- thing . . . "What" . . . friendly to everyone . . . most likely seen with Warren, Bob or John . . . will never forget Mr. Wesfs homeroom or seeing Cranford beat Westfield in basketball . . . college.

Activities: Chess Chb 11, 12.


"Boo" . . . a true athlete . "Metz" .. . . may be seen with "Barbara" . . . quiet and re- friendly w ith a sharp sense of Dor and Jan . . . always laugh- served . . . pet peeve is De- humor . . . Jed, Jack, Frarik, ing . . . future plans are un- cember birthdays . . . will re- Rich, Erds, and all the boys a re decided. member Miss Kopp's French his friends . . . hopes to be kiing class . . . best friend is Lori . . . of the moon . . . college. future elementary school teacher.

Activities: Wrestling 11, 12; Activities: French Club 11, 12; Football 9,, 10, 11, 12; Bask et- Spanish Club 9, 10, 12; F.T.A. ball 9, 10; Baseball 9, 11, 12. 11, 12; Art Club 9, 10; Dance Committee 9, 10; Junior Achieve- ment 11; G.A.A. Council 9, 10; Tumbling Club 9, 10. JUDITH ANN MINDLIN CAROLYN JEANNE MIX "Judi" ... our easy-going art editor - . . friendly and soph- "Mixer" ... a real cute blonde isticated . . . "suave" . . . best ... fun to be with . . . Nona, friends are Ginny and Sharon Janice, and the Grails are her . . . dislikes walking . . . will friends . . . "Are you serious?" remember '63 Prom weekend GEORGE GAMBLE MITCHELL . . . will always remember the ... an art major in college. pajama parties . . . college. Activities: Golden C Art Editor; "Burny" or "Mitch" ... a real Activities: Spanish Club 10, 71; Spotlight Staff 11; Spanish Club great guy . . . sharp dresser F.T.A. 11, 72; Music Club 72; 9, 10; Art Club 9, 10, 11, 72; . . . friendly . . . remembers Dance Commiftee 9, 10, 12; Dance Committee 9, 10, 12; classes with Mr. Orenstein . . . Girls' Chorus 70; Freshman Prom Committee 1 1; Jumbling plans to attend Bible Bethel Home for full-time ministry. Chorus 9; Girls' Sports 9, 10, Club 9; Pep Club 11, 72, Mask 71, 72; Tumbling Club 9; Pep and Bauble 12. Activities: Basketball 9. Club II, 12.


"Dave" . . . sweet, sincere and slightly shy . . . one of the good looking boys on our football team . . . can be found with "the guys," but usually at Stoughton Avenue . . . college.

Activities: Outdoor Trade II, 12; Football 9, 10, 11, 12.

ELLEN SUE MOSES cientious Spotlight boss . . . talented cheerleader . . . Piously" best friends are Ursi i, Dodo, and Bette . . . fondest memory is cheering for Abner at basket- ball games . . . home economics BARBARA JANETTE MOORE in college. "Tussy" . . . lively and full of Activities: Student Council 11, fun . . . seen with Nancy and 12; Spotlight Staff 10, Assistant Byk . . . "Oh groan" . . . can ROBERT T. MUSSO Editor 11; Editor-in-Chief 72; never forget Mr. Daly's Double SANDRA ELAINE MOSS Red Cross 9, 10; Executive Com- Dozing Dialogue ... a future "Muzz" ... a real great guy mittee 11; Latin Club 9; French math teacher. "Sandy" . . . friendly . . . best . . . can be found at Karen s Club 11, 12; Creative Writing friends are Pat, Carol, Karen house or the Sweet Shoppe . . . Club 11, 12; Assembly Ushers Activities: Spotlight Staff 72; . . . "Really" . . . dislikes split dislikes short hair on girls and 12; Election Committee 70, 71; German Club 10, 11; F.T.A. 11; sessions . . . will never forget boys in saddle shoes . . . "How Dance Committee 9, 10, 11, 72; Astronomy Club 11; Library going to the Prom . . . college. about that" . . . will always re- Prom Committee Refreshments Council 9, 10, 17, 72; Concert member Miss Schneier's English Chairman 11; Girls' Sports 9; Band 9, 10, 11, 12; Marching Activities: Red Cross 11; French class . . . career in auto me- M, 72. Band 9, 10; Pep Club 17, 72. Club 11, 72. chanics. | 1


"Randy" . . . good looking and friendly . . . seen with Tom, Ed, Jim, and Pa ul . . . remenibers Miss Lavelle'ii Biology Class plan; rtend college and work in business.

Activities: Wrestling 9, 10, II, 12; Soccer II; Concert Sand 9, 10; Marching Bond 9, 10; Jun- ior Achievement 10.

RONALD O. NAKASHIMA CRAIG ROLF NEAL JAMES ARNOLD NELSON "Craig" . . . our bruising left tackle . . . great personality "Jim" . . a newcomer to . . . "chagrin!" . . . best friends . . . "What?" . . . we'll never C.H.S. QOOO notured and include Tom and Nick . . . fond- forget him on New Year's Eve friendly . . "Naal" . . . seen est memory of CHS. is Mr. '62 ... most likely found in with "E g," "B.J.," Dick, and West's Algebra class ... a fu- Ted . . sees college ahead. ture career in medicine. "Scoop's" cellar with Frank, Scoop, Jed, Sloks, Boo, Burn, Activities: Hi-Y 9, 10, II; Activities.- Hi-Y 12; French C/ub Banana, Erds, Tack and "The brary Club 10; Bo' ,ling Clul 10, 12; Spanish Club 9; Forum Boys" . . . college and a career Golf Club 11. C/ub 12; Wresf/ing 9, 10, II, in writing. 12; Tennis 11, 12; Junior Activities: Student Council 9; Achievement 10; Pep Club 12. Hi-Y 12; French Club 9, II; Cre- ative Writing Club 12; Mask QT)Q Bouole 12; Prom Comrniffee II; Pep Club 12; Football 9, 10, 11, 12; Wrestling 9, 10, II, 12; Outdoor Track 9, 10, 11, 12.

BARBARA ANN NIETZEL ROBERT ALLEN NORTHRUP THOMAS CHARLES OATHOUT NANCY ESTELLE "Nietz" ... a pretty girl with "Tom" or "Oats" . . . great OBRANOWICZ "Bob" ... a newcomer to clothes to match . . . talented personality . . . Co-captain of C.H.S. . . . pet peeve is moving Nan cy . . . dislikes snobby kids . . . Janice, Kathie, Linda, and our hockey team . . . seen with . . . "I'll never tell" . . . friends friends are Glenn, Sue, the Girls head her list of friends King and Wub . . . opinionated are all new . . . future plans Donna, and Billy ... remem- . . . will never forget the pa- . . . just returned from Pingry include college. sers Mr. Litten's refresher math jama parties . . . college. . . . plans to take Liberal Arts class . . . marriage in her fu- Activities: Student Council 11; in college. Activities: Chess Club 12; Boys' ture plans. Executive Committee II; French Chorus 12. Club 9, 10, II, 12; German Activities: Go/den C Stall 12; Student Council 12; Spotlight 9; C/ub II; Most and Bauble 11, Executive Committee 12; Biology 12; Twirler 10, 11; Twirling C/ub 11; Mask and Bauble 10, Club 9, 10; Dance Committee 11; Outdoor Tract II, 12; Foot- 11; Junior Achievement 10, 11; bo/I 9, 10; Baseball 9, 10; Soc- Girls' Citizenship 11; Gir/s' cer 11, 12; Hockey 9, 10, II, Sports 9, 10, II, 12; Tumbling 12; Pingry 10, 11; A.F.S. 10; Club 9, 10; Pep Club II, 12. Ring Committee II; Sailing Club 10.

52 FRANK CARL O'BRIEN "O'B" ... a man-of-all-sports FORREST WILLIAM O'BRIEN ... a born leader . . . very "Woods" ... the silent type friendly . . . best friends are . . . will make a good engineer "the boys" . . . most likely someday . . . "O'boy" ... a found in Higg's cellar ... re- boy with a golden voice ... A members New Year's Eve '63 PETER ANTHONY OCCI sharp hurts his ears . . . will . . . will take up Business Edu- never forget being told he made cation in college. "Pete" . . . small, but full of All-State Chorus . . . seen in the Activities: Student Council 10, life ... a great wrestler . . . music room. Treas. 11, Pres. 12; Class offi- cute . . . dislikes tall girls . . . cer Pres. 10; Hi-Y Pres. 11, 12; usually seen with Bill, Rich, Bob, Activities: Spanish C/ub 12; Mu- Erds, and the rest of the guys WILLIAM MICHAEL O'DEA sic Cub 12; Outdoor Track 11, Latin Club 9; French Club 12; Election Committee 10; Wrei- . . . will never forget Carl's par- 12; Opera Festival 11, 12; ty ... college ahead. "Bill" . . takes life slow and Choir JJ, 12; Boys' Chorus 10, tling 11, 12; Dance Committee easy . . can be found with 10, 11, 12; Football 9, 10, 11, 11, 12; Freshman Chorus 9,- Alt- Activities: Hi-Y 12; Wrestling 9, Donna, Jii , Mike or Lena . . . ?2; Baseball 9, 10, 11, 12; Bos- state Chorus 12; Double Quar- 10, 11, 12; Baseball 9, 10; Pep his Auto II class . . . tet 12. ketball 9, 10. Club 11. a busi career ahead.

DIANNE ROSEMARIE ORAZI "Dee" . . . vivacious ... a mind of her own . . . best friends in- clude Pat, Dar, Suki . . . remem- bers decorating for the Prom . . . English mo|or in college. Activities: Go/den C Slot/; Spot- SHARON EVE ORLOWSKI JOSEPH PETER OROSZ /ight Staff 7 1, 12; French Club "Charley" ... a real riot, fun 10, 7 7, 12; Vocational Medical "Jose" . . . intelligent, hord to be with . . . "Cool it" . . . Club 7 7, 12; Dance Committee worker . . . remembers Mr. best friends include Karen, Schwartz's Algebra II class . . . 10, 11, 12; Prom Committee 17; Carol, Peggy, Ellen, and the career in chemistry. J.A. 71; Girls' Sports 9, 10, 11; guys • . . tondest memory is oil Tumbling Club 9, 10; Pep Club the gym classes . . . secretarial Activities: Latin Club 9, 10, 12; 11, 72. school is among future plans. Photography Club 10.

GAIL CECILIA OKUN Gail . . . never a dull moment . . . "Oh Brother" . . . friends include Sandy and Carol . . . fondest memory is Mr. Schwartz' 7th period . . . future plans in- clude a place in the business world. Activities; Art Club 11, 12; F.T.A. 11, 12; Creative Writing 11; French Club 9, 11, 12; Donee Committee 10, 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Choir 12; Girts' Chorus 11; Freshman Cho- rus; Pep Club 11, 12. PATRICIA ANN ORSAY NANCY JEAN THERESA ROBERT DENNIS O'SULLIVAN ROBERT HENRY OUTCAULT, III "Pat" ... a pretty girl with a OSOLIN sense of humor . . . "Hi tootsl" "Bugs" . . . nice smile . . . friend- "Monk" ... a well-dressed red- remembers the Prom of '63 . . . "Wizard" or "Grape" . . . full ly ... seen with Tony, John and head devoted to foreign cars friends include Dale, Dee, Dar of fun . . . remembers Sopho- Ray or in the Sportsman's Shop . . . subtle sense of humor . . . and the girls . . . will study food more Talent Show . . . friends . . . future includes college. can be found on Gallows Hill include Lauri, Lois, Emile, Linda, technology at Michigan State. Road with John, Rich and Jim- Gerry, Mary Jane, and Mary Activities: Hi-Y II, 12; Outdoor Activities: Go/den C Staff; Spot- my ... college. . . . future in art or dancing. Track 72; Dance Committee 9, light Staff 11; Student Council 70, 71, 12; Prom Committee 7 7; Activities: Hi-Y 12; German Club 9, M, 12; Executive Committee Activities: Red Cross 9, 10. Visual Aids 9, 70, II, 12; Slags 10, 11; Outdoor Tract 10, 11, 9, TO; Spanish Club 11, 12; Crew 9, 10, 11, 12; Cross Coun- 12; Choir 11; Pep Club 11, 12; German Club 12; Assembly Ush- try 11. Boys' Chorus 11. ers 12; Election Committee 9, 10, IT; Dance Commitfee 9, 10, TJ, 12; Prom Committee IT; Junior Achievement 71; Girls' Citizen- ship 11; Girts Sports 9; Pep Club 12.


"Joe" or "Panda" . . . always singing and laughing . . . happy- go-lucky . . . one of the boys . . . will remember graduation . . . future in flying.

Activities: Hi-Y 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; Football 11; Base- ball 9, 10, 12; Pep Club 11, 12.

JOHN RICHARD PARENTE DIANA JANE PANKUCH CAROLE JUNE PANTANO "Candy" . . . good-natured and "John" . . . good-looking . . . "Dee" . . . friendly . . . sophis- friendly . . . friends include friendly . . . most likely seen at ticated . . . good worker . . . Carol, Ferd, Ellen, Spoli, Bean Scher's . . . friends include Jim- friends include Liz, Barb, Mirtha, . . . loves tennis . . . teaching my, Rich, Joe, Herbie, and Bob Carrie, Dodie, Coz, Lid ... col- career after college. . . . college. lege. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Activities: Golden C Staff 12; French Club 9, 10, 11, 72; F.T.A. Activities.- Hi-Y 12; Frencn Club Spotlight Staff 11, Make-up 7 7, 12; Election Committee 11; 9, 10; Outdoor Track 11; Donee Editor 12; Frencn Club 9, 10; Dance Committee 9, 70, 11, 12; Committee 9; Boys' Criorus 12; F.J.A. 71, 12; Dance Committee Football 9, 11; Baseball 10, 12; 9, 10, 7 7; Girls' Athletic Associ- Prom Committee 7 7; Freshman Pep Club 12. ation 9; Girls' Sports 9; Tum- Chorus 9; Junior Achievement bling Club 9, 70; Pep Club 17, 10; Girls' Sports 9, 12; Pep Club 12. 71, 12. JAMES ROBERT PELLS JOHN WILLIAM PETERSON DENNIS PETERSON "Jim" . . . good worker . . . "Meats" . . . "What a warped friendly . . . friends include Tom, "Den" . . . "That's good for situation this isl" . . . intelligent Lou, Bill, Mike, and Charlie . . . you" . . . friends include Bruce . . . friends include Howie, Rich, remembers Mr. Schwartz's alge- Cudd and the Schlengers . . . and Jack . . . college ahead. bra class . . . college. loves to work on cars or to draw them . . . future auto mechanic. Activities: Hi-Y 12; German Club Activities.- Hi-Y 12; Mask and 9, 10, II; Wrestling 9, 10, 11, Bauble 12; Wrest/ing 9, 10, IT, Activities: Wrestling 10, II; 12; Outdoor Troclc 9, 10, II, 12; 12; Boys' Chorus II, 12; Sase- Tumbling Club 10; Football 9, Junior Achievement 10, II, 12; bo/l 9. 10, II; Cross Country 10, 11. Football 9, 10; Pep Club 11, 12.


"Dave" . . . always friendly . . . generous . . . friends include Wayne and Lance . . . remem- bers Mr. "B's" biology class . . . college.

Activities: French Club 9; library Council 9.

ALANE SUSAN PETUCK MARILYN ADELE PINKERTON "Alone" or "Pretz" . . . nice kid LAWRENCE VICTOR PIANKA . . . can D6 found in Union . . . "Mar" . . . sweet and sincere best friends include Ginny, Ann, "Larry" . . . loves fun ... al- . . . friendly to all ... best RICHARD JOHN PLANT and Sue ... a future nurse. ways laughing . . . friends in- friends include Pat, Joanne, clude Babs, Brian, Zev, and Barbara and Phyllis . . . "Ya "Rick" . . . generous . . . friend- Activities: Golden C Stall 12; Gary . . . remembers geometry know" . . will always remember ly ... friends include Jack, Dix, Spotlight Staff II; french C/ub with Mr. Bodino . . . career in Mr. Brown's class . . . dental as- Meats . . . "take it easyl" . . . 10, II, 12; Vocational Medical business administration. sistant. college. C/ub II, 12; Girls' Chorus 12; Freshmon Chorus 9; Tw.r/er 11; Activities: Latin C/ub 9; Mask Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; Activities: Outdoor Track 9, 10; Twirling C/ub 9, 10, II; Pep and Bauble 12; Art Club 10; Vocational Medical Club 12; Pep Concert Band 9; Marching Band Club II, 12. Junior Achievement 12. Club 12. 9. LINDA MARION POSTELL "Postie" or "Un" . . . always talking and laughing . . . "Need- less to say" . . . best friends are Nancy, Mary Jane and Gerry . . . remembers talent show in sophomore year . . . most likely seen in a '51 Ford . . . nursing school. Activif/es: french Club 9; G.A.A. 9; Tumbling Club 9; Twirling Club 9, 10; Dance Committee 10, 12; Prom Committee 11; Art Club 11.

LINDA SUE POPE JUDITH ANN PORRECA THOMAS JOSEPH PORUBSKY "Popie" ... a strawberry blonde "Juidy' . sweet and friendly "Tom" . . . lo-/es fu n . . . found with a tremendous personality sharp" . . . best frierid is with Pot and Steve . . . dislikes . . . her friends are many . . . Ga il . emembers basketball slow drivers . . remembers Mr. fondest memory is freshman gai Ties and Pep Club . . . hpture Massa's class. year . . . future plans are to be secretairy. a language major at college. Activiti es: Pro;TJ Coimmiftee 11. Activities: Golden C Sfaff 12; Activities: Go/den C Staff; Spot- Spotlight Staff 12; Executive light Staff 12; Prom Committee, Committee 12; French Club 9, Pep Club 11, 12. JO, 11, Secretary 12; Spanish Club 11, 12; F.T.A. U, 12; Elec- tion Committee 9, Dance Com- mittee 9, 10, 12; Prom Commit- fee 1 ?; Freshman Chorus 9; Twirl- ing Club 9; Girls' Athletic Asso ciation Council 12; Junior Achievement 10; Girls' Sports 9; Tumbling Club 9; Pep Club 11, 12; U.S.LB. 11, 12.

NICHOLAS JOSEPH PRATO, JR. RICHARD ALAN PREUSS CAROL JEAN PROCTOR DOUGLAS ALLEN RAE "Doug" ... an outstanding "Carol" ... a bundle of energy "Nick" . . . fondest memory- "Dick" . . . good-natured . . . scholar and athlete . . . best Chemistry with Mr. "Y" ... us- conscientious . . . best friend is with a smile for all ... "Really" friends are Tom and Phil . . . ually found in a bowling alley Earl . . . remembers Mr. Daley's . friends are Sharon, Ellen, dislikes people who ask irrele- ... a friendly guy who shows lectures . . . college and a ca- Marcy, and Peggy . . . usually vant questions . . . will always off his "409" . . . plans to study reer in electrical engineering. found sending letters to Rich . . . remember Mr. West and the engineering at college. fondest memory the Junior-Sen- Activities: German Club 11; Vis- ior Prom '63 . , . future secre- U.B.B.A.'s ... a future lawyer. Activities: Hi-Y 12; Concert fiand ual Aids 12; Stage Crew 11, 12. tary. Activities: Nationol Honor So- 9, 10, 12; Marching Band 9; ciety 11, 12; Executive Commit- Bowling League 9, 10, 11, 12. Activities: Library Counci/ 9, 10. tee 9, 10; Forum Club 11, 12; Boys' State 11; Wrestling 10, 11; Outdoor Track 9, 10, 11, 12; Football 9, 10, 11, 12. LIDIA REIDER "Lid" ... a friendly iand cheer- ful girl . . . Barb, Jean ne, Cathy, and Dianna are her best friends MICHAEL JOSEPH REAGAN . . . remembers Mr . Miller's French II class ... picins include KAREN JUNE REMS "Mike" . . . "Oh! Come on!" EILEEN DIANE REID college and teaching elementary remembers the Prom ... a good- "Kar.Bn" school. a welcome ciddi- natured and happy-go-lucky guy "Leens" . . . loaded Vvith life tion to I3ur (:lass . . . "What's Activities: Golden C Staff 12; . . . best friends are Bill O'Dea . . . fun to be with . . . rernem- new? . . f,aund vvith Lois and ench Club and Bill Mihansky . . . plans to bers all the p.j. parties '*ith the Student Council 9; Fr Barbara . future plans attend New York State Ranger "Grails" . . . welcome iaddition 10, II, 12; German Club 12; elude colliege. School. to the business world. F.T.A. 11, 12; Vocational Medi- cal Club 11, 12; Dane:e Commit- Acfivities: Student Council 9; Activities: Wrestling 9, 10; Ouf- Activities: Spotlight St.all 11; lee 9; Choir 12; Gir•Is' Chorus Latin Club 9, 10; Junier Achieve- door Tract 9. Freshman Chorus 9. 10, 11, 12; Pep Club 12. ment 12; Pep Club 12.

ELAINE LINDA RISPOLI SUSAN WARD RICHMOND "Spol" . . . it's nice to be nat- ILONA MARIE RIZZO ural when you're naturally nice "Sue" . . . fondest memory— . . . may be seen with the "Riz" . . . terrific personality graduation . . . best friends are "Clique" — Bug, Bean, Ferd, . . . never a dull moment . . . Marsha and Linnea ... a sweet, Lynn, and Camba . . . future best friends include Carolyn, lively redhead . . . plans to plans include going to college Janice, and the Grails ... re- study nursing. to become a teacher. members fAr. Haar's class . . . a future art student. Activities: Student Council 9, 11; Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Spotlight Staff 12; Vocational Red Cross 11; Spanish Club 11, Activities: Golden C Sloff 12; Medico, Club 11, 12; Forum 12; F.T.A. 11, 12; Vocational Student Council 9, 10, 12; Ex- Club 11; Opera Festive/ II, 12; Medicol Club 11; Donee Com- ecutive Committee 9, 10, II, 12; Arf Club 10; Donee Comnittf&e mittee 9, 10, 11, 12; G.A.A. German Club 10, II; Election 10; Choir 11, 12; Girls' Chorus Council 10, II; Junior Achieve- Committee 9, 10; Art Club 11; 9, 10; Freshman Chorus 9; Jun- ment Assistant Treasurer 12; Donee Committee 10, Prom Com- ior Achievement 10, II; Pep Girls' Sports 9, 10, II, 12; Pep mittee 11; Freshman Chorus 9- Club II, 12. Club II, 12. Pep Club II.

JOYCE MALMAR RICH "Joycee" or "Rich" . . . fondest memory—Prom of 1961 ... a cute senior usually seen at Rut- gers or with Suki, Walker, and Dar . . . will make an excellent nurse. GoMen C Staff; Stu- dent Council II, 12; Spotlight Staff 11, 72; Red Cross 12; Spanish Club 11, 12; F.T.A. 71, 12; Vocational Medical Club 11, 12; Art Club 11, 72; Dance Com- rn.'ffee 9, 10, 11, 12; Prom Com- mittee 11; Girls' Chorus 10; Freshman Chorus 9; Junior Achievement 10. NORMA CAROLYN ROODE BONNIE LEE ROSS LOIS MICHAL ROTHBARD ELLEN ROTHMAN - "Bon" . . . most memorable mo "Lo" ... fun to be with ... a "Ellen" ... a real individual "Norm" . . . originally from ment was her surprise party . . . loyal friend . . . usually seen . . . dislikes the sea of brown Roselle Park . . . remembers her best friends are Pudgie, Peggy, with Barbara, Karen, Ellen, and loafers . . . best friend is Nancy first day af C.H.S. . . . always Ellen, and Wolfie ... a real Don . . . "You're kidding" ...... most embarassed when she talking . . . best friends are cute girl who is friendly to all will always have fond memories walked down the wrong stair- Ronnie and Mart . . . future un- . . . will make a good nurse. way into the boys' locker room decided. of Mr. Y's Chemistry class . . . Activities: Vocational Medical future artist. . . . future in college. C/ub 12; Dance Committee 9, Activities: Fort Hamilton High Activities: Spotlight Staff II. Activities- Go/den C Stall 12; 10, 11, 12; Prom Committee 11; School 10; School Paper 10; Spotlight Stall II; Spanish Club Girls' Chorus 10, Twirling C/ub II, 12; Creative Writing C/ub lalin Club 9, 12; Spanish Club 9; Junior Achievement 71; Girls' II, 12; Art C/ub II, V.'ce Presi- 10, 12; Forum C/ub 9, 12; Jun. Sports 9, 10; Tumbling Club 9, dent, 12; Girls' Chorus 12; .or Achievement 12; Girls' Sports 10, 12; Pup C/ub 12; Saturday Freshman Chorus 9; Twirling 9, 10, 12; Creative Writing Club Basketball League. Club 9; Tumb/ing Club 9, 10; 12; Art C/ub 10. Pep Club 7 1, 72.


"Bob" . . . new addition to Cranford High . . . friendly . . . best friends are Dennis, Bruce, and Willie . . . will remember graduation . . . college.

Activities: Football 9; Wrestling 11; Cross Country 9, 10, II.

GAIL IRENE ROWE THERESA ANN SAWYER SUANNE CAROL SCHALEF "Suzie" . . . sweet and pleasa "Gail" ... the girl with the "Terry" . . . dislikes inconsider- . . . friendly . . . "Gollygeewill- lovely eyes . . . won't forget Mr. ate people . . . "Hello peoples" ikers" . . . best friends include Scutro's Shorthand II class ...... seen with Ellen, Sandy, Joe, Lois L, Lois R., Barbara ... us- best friends among roany ore Tom, Bill, and Ooil . . . plans ually found at Lois R.'s house Judy, Karen, and Jackie ... a to attend business college. . . . enjoyed working on the future secretary. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Oolden C » . . music ma[or in Activities: Red Cross 10, 71; Pep torin Club 70; Donee Commiffee college. Club 72. 9, 10, 11; Twirling C/ub 10; Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; Gir/s' Sports 9, 70, 17, 12; Pep Spanish Club 11, 12; Prom Com- Club 72. mittee 11; Girls' Chorus 9, 10, II; Freshman Chorus; Tumbling Club 9, 10; Pep Club II, 12. \ Mk i URSULA NINA SEHLMEYER "Urs" . . . hates fingernail chewers ... a true friend . . . will always remember football MARY MARGARET SCHRAM gomes . . . warm personality . . . a real individualist . . . hopes "Schrambone" . . . tall and to attend college, pretty . . . terrific sense of hu- Activities: Senior Class Vice PETER HENRY SCHMIDT mor . . . best friends include President; Prom Comrn/ffee Chair- Nancy, Lois, Linda, and Lauri man; Colder, C Stall 12; Sfu- Pete . . . best friends are Rick . . . "But that's beside the point" t/enl Council 9, II, 12; Spotlight Turner and Tom Clark . . . will will always remember the Staff 12; French Club 11; Donee always remember Mr. Wesfs sophomore talent she Commillee 9, 10, 11, 12; Prom math class . . . future in engi- future secretary Committee 11; Girls' Citizenship neering at Newark College of 11; Pep Club II, 12. Engineering. Activities: Spotlight Staff II.


"Schmidty" . . . pet peeve, peo- ple who think they're it ... "Hey Babes" . . . found with Kathy . . . fondest memory- talent show of '61 and gradua- tion . . . future, beautician school.

Activities: Sophomore Talent Show.

PHYLLIS JEAN SERINA ROBERT ALAN SHIRE 'Serino" ... a girl with a good DONALD PAUL SHULMAN sense or humor . . . sharp . . . VIRGINIA CORAL SEWELL "Bob' ' . . . always liDughi ng . best friends: Dor, Karen, Jill, an en/Id golfer . . . dislik nen "Don" . . . tall and handsome Claire and Maureen . . . future "Ginnie" . . . always busy . . . weari ng knee socks Great" ... "I don't believe it" ... airline stewardess or private "Ya know" . . . found with Ann, best friends i nclud<2 Ring- dislikes girls in knee socks . . . secretary. Fran and Sue ... future. Ele- Ding . . . will never forgtlit SO best friends are Ron, Nick, and mentary Education in college. of the>se wild classes he artencJed Ed ... will always remember Activities.- French Club 9, 10, 11, while at C.H.S. . . . sees coll**ge Mr. Schwartz's class . . . future 12; F.T.A. 12; Vocational Medi- Activities.- Go/den C Stall 12; aheac1. includes college and accounting. cal Club 12; library Club 9, 10; Spotlight Stall 11, 12; F.T.A. Junior Achievement 11, 12; 12; Dance Committee 10; Girls' Activii ties: Student Coon.zil M; Activities: Spanish Club 9; Wrest- Girls' Sports 9, 11; Tumbling Chorus 9, 10, 12; Tumbling Astronomy C/ub 12; Wirest/,rng ling 9; Outdoor Track 10; Jun- Club 9; Pep Club II, 12. Club 9, 10; Pep C/ub 11, 12. 9, 10, 11, 12; Golf II, 12. ior Achievement 11, 12. JAMES FRANCIS SLOAN

"Jim" ... a new addition to our school in Sophomore year . . . "Yea, Hello" . . . best friends Bob and Ed ... future, college studying communica- tions.

Activities: Spotlight Staff 11, 12; Senior Play Cast 12; Tennis 11, 12; Prom Committee II; Foof- ball J2; Cross Counfry 11; Pep Club II, 12.


"Schumon" . . . may be seen "Merrilee" endaus sense "Barry" ... a man of many in- with Edmund, Wayne, and Nor- . . . quite a talker; triguing talents . . . most likely man . . . enjoys having a good ... can be found with Dale, found in the music room . . . time . . . will remember sopho- Ginnie and the girls . . . she'll "To tell you the truth" . . . seen more talent show . . . plans to never forget the walk to Red with Mark . . . dislikes home- attend music college. Bank ... and the Prom "63" rooms after school . . . will al- . . . college ahead. ways remember French with Mr. Activities: Outdoor Track 9; Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Miller . . . future plans include Dance Band 9, 10, II, 12; Con- F.T.A. II; flection Committee 9, the Latin American Institute of cert Band 9, 10, II, 72; Foot- 10, II, 12; Donee Committee 9, New York. boll 9. 10, II, 12; Prom Committee II; Choir II; Girls' Chorus 10; Activities; Choir 12; Boys' Chor- Freshman Chorus 9; Girls' Sports us 10, 11, 12. 9, 10, 12; rumbling Club 10; Pep Club II.


"Sloe" . . . football addition . . . "Snyds" . . . best friends are "Jay" . . . quielt and kind . "Bud" ... a talented musician best friends, OB, Scoop, Buf Norris and Bob . . . will re- annoyed by drivers who don't . . . spends time on his Chevy Spider, and Craig . . . fondest member Miss Lovetle's biology signal . . . Dor, Dorette, Fran. will always remember Mr. memory, J.V. Basketball . . . class . . . college in his future. Dianne o nd the two Barbs top Boyle's "Doodle-dashers" . . . college for the future. her best friend 1ist . . . busirless usually found v.•ith Ray, Ron, and Activities: Hi-Y 12; Wrestling 11, college ahead. Rich . . . a sure success in mu- Activities. Hi-Y 12; Football 9, 12; Soccer 11; Basketball 10. sic college. 10, 11, 12; Baseball 9, 10; Bas- Activities: Freshr,nan Chorus 9; Spotlight Staff ketball 9, 10. 11, 12;; ti'br.ary Activities; Damre Bond 11, 12. Club 11; Pep Club 12. CATHERINE JOANN STAGICH

"Cathy" . . . striking blonde . . . sincere and considerate . . . PATRICK JAMES SORRENTINO likes to be with Elly, H.B., and the kids at Sherman Ave. . . . "Pat" . . . quiet and reserved . . . real sweet guy . . . best GLEN A. SOUTHWICK SANDY JUNE STALLONE friend is Mike McHarg . . . will Activities: Golden C 12; Spot- never forget last period study "Glen" . . . tall and lots of fun light Staff 11, 12; French Club "Sandy" . . . friendly to every- with Mr. Schwartz . . . plans to . . . usually found at the Sweet 9, 10, 11, 12; Future Teachers one . . . hos fond memories of be a gym teacher after college. Shoppe with Dave, Larry, Don, 11, 12; Tennis 10; Donee Com- her Senior year . . . best friends and Andy . . . remembers junior mittee 10; Junior Achievement include Barbara, Ellen, and Activities: Hi-Y 11, 12; Stage year and Mr. Martin . . . future 11; Girls' Sports 9, 11. 12, Tum- Mary . . . frequents Rahway . . . Crew 11, 12. Air Force man. bling Club 9; Pep Club 12. plans to be a clerk typist.

VIRGINIA SUAREZ NORMA BETH STRAU5S "Ginnie" or "Swaz" . . . popu- JULIE ANN STORZ "Norm" . . . sweet and petite lar and well-liked . . . club "Camba" . . . will-liked, always bright and spunky . . . Kathy, house president . . . best friends, laughing . . . can be found with Linda, Dianne and Dar are her Meryl, Dale, Kappy and Chris Jill, Lynn, Bean, Spoil or Bug most frequent companions ...... fondest memories include . . . will never forget Election future teacher. Prom weekend '63 and biology Day in her sophomore year ...... journalist. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; a future teacher. Spotlight Staff 11; French Club Activities.- Student Council 9; Red Activities: Golden C 12; Spot- 9, 10, II, 12; FT.A. 11, 12, Cross 9; Executive Committee 9, light Stoff 11; French Club 11, Creative Writing 11; Election 10, 11; Art Club 9; Dance Com- 12; F.I.A. 11, 12; Election Com- Commjtfee II; Dance Committee mittee 9, 10, 11, 12; Prom Com- mittee 11; Art Club 10, 11, 12; 9, 10, 11, 12; Girls' Chorus 10; mittee 11; G.A.A. Council 9; torn Lomnintee i I; \jtr\s oporfs Concert Band 9, 10; Girls' Sports Cheerleader Captain 10; Girls' 9, 10; Tumbling Club 9, 10; Pep 9, 10, II, 12; Tumbling Club 9; Sports 9; Tumbling 9; Pep Club Club 11, 12. Pep Club 11, 12. II.


"Stewy . . . friends are Nick Prato, Vic Hovell, and Jim Gen- tile . . . will always remember the basketball games . . . found at work ... a future in engi- neering.


"Jane" . . . happy-go-lucky . . . "Jay" . . . dislikes afternoon "Johnny" . . . "You'd be sur- "Elly" . . . fun-loving, a valu- best friends are Sand, Carol, homeroom . . . best friends are prised" . . . pleasant and easy- able friend . . . will never forget Cathy, Marianne . . . fondest Jim and Bill . . . remembers Mr. going . . . can't stand women two years of Mr. Daley's Cherries memory of C.H.S. is Latin III West's Algebra Ill/Trig, class drivers who don't look where Class . . . future plans include with Mr. Eichner . . . will make ... a future in mathematics. they're going . . . seen with Wil- college. a good medical secretary. Activities: Red Cross II; German barrassed when Yanks lost 4 Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Activities: Spanish Club J2; Jun- Club 10, 11; Visual Aids 10, 11, straight . . . sees college and lab Spotlight Staff 11, Co-News Edi- ior Achievement 11; Girls' Sports- J2; Stage Crew 71, 12. electronics ahead. tor 12; Latin Club 9, 10; French all 12; Pep Club 12; Benedic- Club 10, 11, 12; Creative Writ- tine Academy: Girls' Sports 9, Activities: Outdoor Track 12. ing Club 11, 12,- Girls' Chorus 10; Glee Club 9. 11; GUIs' Sports 9, 11; Tom- b/ing Club 9; Pep Club 11, 12.


"Lefty" or "Toot" . . . good looking and easy-going . . "What's happening?" . . . al ways with Snides, Nor, Stick or Rusty at Lincoln Avenue field . . . basketball . . . pet peeve is parallel parking . . . college.

Activities: Hi-Y 12; Basketball 9, 10, 11, 12.

JOSEPH EDWARD TARULLI CHARLES FOSTER TEESE FRANCIS ELIZABETH THIMONS "Fran" or "Frannie" . . . friend- "Joe" . . . fondest memory is "Charlie" . . . "What a tool- ly and fun to be with . . . seen graduation . . . "Thafs rightl" headl" . . . always clowning . . . with Ann, Ginny, Pretz, Sue ...... o nice, fun-loving guy . . . enjoyed soccer teams . . . seen "You're kookiet" . , . found ai with Tony, Paul, Marc, and King plans to attend college. home or with the girls . . . plans ... a future lawyer. Activities: Wrest/ing 10; Football to attend airline school. Activities: Hi-Y 12; Visual Aids 11; Baseball 9, 10, 11, 12. Activities: Spotlight Staff 11; 11, 12; Stage Crew 11; Football Opera Festival 12; Prom Com- 9; Soccer 11, 12. mittee 11; Choir 11, 12; Girls' Chorus 10, 11, 12, Freshman Chorus 9; Junior Achievement 11, 12; Girls' Sports 9, 10; Turn, bling Club 9. NANCY KATHRYN TOTIN "Nann" . . . good-looking . . . winning personality . . . "Gloryl" . . . friends include Pat, Tuss, and Mirtha . . . will never for- EDWARD WELLS TRISTRAM, III BARBARA CAROLYN get the 1962 Prom and Pep TOMALAVAGE Club . . . mothematics in col- "Ed" . . . Dislikes the Pep Club lege. and Republicans . . . terrific "Bobbie" . . . fun-loving . . . sense of humor . . . very liberal will remember Mr. Brown's low Activities: Golden C Stall 12; . . . best friend is John Svedman class . . . "Ya boob" . . . seen Student Council 9, 11; Spanish . . . National Merit Finalist . . . with Richie . . . many friends Club 11, 12; Vocational Medi- college. . . . plans include All-State Beau- cal Club 12; library Council 11; ty School. Dance Committee 9, 10, II, 12; Activities, German Club 9, 10; Prom Committee II; Girls' Chor- Forum Club 11, 12; Chess Club Activities: Freshman Chorus; us 10, 12; Junior Achievement 10, II, 12; Concert Sand 9, 10, Twirling C/ub 9, 10; Junior 12; Tumbling Club 9; Pep C/ub II; Marching Band 9, 10, II, Achievement 11. II, Secretory 12. 12; Junior Achievement II, 12.


"Ann" or "Doll" . . . "You just waitl" . . . pretty . . . can be found with Wayne . . . friends include Alane, Fran, ond Ginny . . . plans to attend Berkeley School.

Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; Vocational Medical Club II; Opera Festival 12; Clioir 12; Girls' Chorus 10, II, 12; Twirl- ing Club 9, 11.

JAMES ARTHUR TURNER MARTA SUSAN TURK "Jim" ... a real nice guy . . . MARJORIE LEE TYNDALL "Turkey" . . . fun-loving and best friends ore Bill and Jay . . . friendly . . . found at "P" Room will always remember choir with "Midge" . . True id sin' :ere with Pot and Dale . . . "That's Mr. Lenney . . . dislikes drivers friend . . "Oh, crowl" nice" . . . will remember last who don't use signals . . . plans friends period study with Mr. Schwartz to go into programming. RICHARD ELIOT TURNER . . dental hygie . . . home economics at Bowling Green. Activities: Freshman Chorus 9; "Rick" . . . quiet, but friendly Activities: Golden C Sta(f 12; Concert Bond 9, 10; Marching when you know him well . . . Executive Commiftee 10; French

Activities: FJ.A. 12; Tumbling Band 9, 10; Boys' Chorus 10, 11, best friends are Pete and John Club 11; Vocational Medical Club 9. 12; Choir II, 12. . . . plans to attend college. Club ?2; Dance Committee 9, JO. EDWARD ANDREW VARCHO

"E" . . . happy-go-lucky . . . friendly . • • dislikes stuck-up people . . . "keen" . . . Tony, Jim, and Ray are among his many friends . . . will always re- member his quick departure from history classes with Mr. Gold- blatt . . . plans to attend col- lege.

Activities: Spanish C/ub 9; Out- door Track 12; Cross Country 11, J2; Baseball 9, 10.


"P.T." - - . intislligen t . . . ter- "Ken" . . . "Really Miss Jones!" "Mirtha" ... cute . . terrific rific school spirit . nice guy . . . well-liked . . . dislikes girls sense of humor 'true, true" . . . "You knIOW' . best with short hair . . . can be found . . . foimd with Dodie and Di- friends are Ed Be id-srmian and at sweet shop, at the hop, or ana . . . liked Pi;P Club and Norm Totin /ill reimember with Ellen, Peggy, Bob, Jay, and basketboll games . college Pep Club . ma th or science Barbara . . . will always remem- bound. at college. ber Frosh lunchroom ... a future Fish and Game Conservationist. Activities : Sluden! council 12; Activities: Basketball 9, 10. 7 1, Spotlight Stall 72; Giris' Sports 72; Pep Club 71, President 72. Activities: Red Cross 9; Freshm 11; Pep Club J2. Chorus, Stage Crew 9, 10.

DALE MARIE VOGEL CYNTHIA MARJORIE VROOM PATRICIA GAILE WAGNER CAROL ANN WALKER "Carol" . . . very attractive . . . "Vogs" . . . pleasant and friend- "Cindy" . . . talkative and out- "Pat" ... a vivacious brunette always laughing ... a Eoyal ly ... wirm smile . . . will never going . . . dislikes women driv- . . . seen with Janie, Nancy, and friend . . . dislikes "Sunday forget those pajama parties with ers ... "You Gooby" . . . will Mirtha . . . "That's cute" . . . drivers" . . . best friends include the "Grails" . . . "Are you kid- always remember her junior will always remember Mr. Ginger, Joyce, and Fopp . . . ding me?" ... a welcome addi- year . . . best friend is Sharon Wesfs, Mr. Y's, and Mrs. Kerz- will always remember Mr. Y's tion to college. . . . future plans include college. man's classes . . . college seen class ... a future medical tech- in future. Activities: Student Council 9, M; Activities: German Club 9, 10, nologist. U; Chess Club 71, ?2; Library German Club 9, 10, J ?; Prom Activities: Spanish C/ub 11, 12; Activities: Go/den C Staff 12; Council 9, 70, 7 7, 12; Junior Committee 11; Freshman Chor- Pep C/ub 11, 12. Sponish C/ub 11, 12; Vocational Achievement 7 7; Pep Club 12. us 9; Pep Club TI, ?2. Medical C/ub 12; Pep C/ub 11, 12; Girls' Sports 10, 11, 12; Color Guord 11; Concert Bond 9, 10, 7 7, 72. MARY JANE WALTON "Mimi" . . . soft-spoken and cheerful . . . thoroughly dislikes snobs . . . "Honest?" . . . will never forget choir or the '63 KINGSLAND HARVEY WARD PETER ANDREW WALLNER Prom . . . seen with Les, Pat, "King" . . . great guy with a and Toni . . . college and nurs- "Pete" . . . fondest memory: personality to match . . . "Isn't TOM CLARK WALKER ing are in the future. Choir . . . best friends ore Jeff he dumb?" . . . best friends in- Activities: Latin Club 9; French "Fish" . . . seen with Peter, Don, De Wolf, and Tom Walker . . . clude Tom, Wub, Bob, Charlie, Club II, 12; Vocational Medical Tom, Steve . . . "Holy Cowl" plans to attend college. Club II, 12; Mask and Bauble and Dave ... a future engineer. . . . found in front of T.V. . . . Activities: Choir Jl, 12; Soys' 12; Opera Festival II; Choir II; plans to go into service. 1 Activities: French Club 9, 10; Chorus 10, II, 12; Freshman Girls Chorus JO, 12; Freshman Outdoor Track 9, 10; Tennis 12; Activities: Concert Band JJ, 12; Chorus 9; Baseball 9; Basketball Chorus 9; Girls' Sports 9, 10; Prom Committee II; Soccer 12; Marching Bond 71, 72. 9; Boys' Intramural Sports. Pep Club 12. Hocfcey 9, 10, IT, Co-Captain 72.


"Carrie" . . . dislikes people 'Dennie • . . . friendly ar d h 3p- "Wormy many friends who throw rats away in the py . . . doesn't care for Volks- "Hey man w at's happe ing' Spotlight room . . . friendly . . . wagon buses like en 3re friends Tom "Oh" . . . liked Mr. Scutro's lec- Dad's" . . . best f ds include Willie, tures . . . many friends ... fu- banana and the boys Kill Woyne, Jerry, Lance, Joe ture plans, beautician or busi- go into C.P.A. or h gh school plans to enter the service and ness school. teachinr. then go on to college.

Activities: Spotlight Staff II, 12; AcTivirie : Junior Acni< vem ent Activities : Boy ' Chorus 9, 12, Girls' Chorus 10; Junior Achieve- 11, 12; Pep C/ub 11, 12 Sen ior Freshma i Cho us; Golf 11 12 ment 11; Pep Club 12. Play Coit 12. Junior Achievemen) 12.


"Jim" or "Burn" ... a welcome addition from prep school . . . good looking . . . "Move out, will ya" ... his friends are Herb, John, Rick, Joe . . . can be found in his green converti- ble, or at Pat's.

Activities: Stage Crew 9; Hocfcey 12. MARY MARGARET WELSH RICHARD JOSEPH WESTCOTT DARLENE MARION ROBERTA JEANNE WIESE WHITMEYER "Bobbie" . . . always smiling, "Mary" . . . sweet and sincere "Wess" . . . best friends are Ron always on the go ... "It's dif- "Little One" . . . good things . . . best friends include Jeanne and Bud. ferent, I like it," . . . among her and Karen . . . "Zut" . . . can't come in little packages ... a many friends are Paulo, Anne, get over being a senior . . . hard worker . . . very friendly Steffie, Bonnie, and April . . . college in the future. . . . "Ya know, I don't believe itl" . . . best friends are Norma, will never forget the U.B.B.A. Activities: Donee Committee 9, Sue, Pat, and George . . . will picnics . . . will be an excellent 10, 11, 12; Art Club 10, 11, 12; major in secondary English. history teacher. French Club II, 12; F.T.A. IJ, Activities: Student Council 12; Activities: Student Council 9, 10, 12; Golden C Staff 12; Junior National Honor Society 11; Red 11, 12; Executive Committee 9, Ach/evemenf 12. Cross 9; Executive Committee 9, 10, 11; French Club 9, 10, 11, 10, II, J2; Election Committee 12; Art Club 9, Secretory 10; 9, 10, !I, 12; Spanish Club 11, Donee Committee 9, 10, 11, 12, 12; F.T.A. 11, President 12; Decoration Chairman 9, Publicity Dance Committee 9, 10, II, 12; Chairman 10; C.A.A. Council 9; Prom Committee II; Girls' Chor- Girls' Sports 9; Tumbling Club 9; us 10, II; Freshman Chorus; Election Committee 10, 11; F.J.A. Junior Achievement 9, 10, II; II; Forum Club 11, 12; Creative Girls' Citizenship II, Writing Club II; Mask and Bauble 11, 12; Prom Commit- tee P roara m tnoirmo/i 1 J * Pep Club II, 12; Class Secretary II; Golden C Associate Editor 12,- USLB II, 12; EMOLOC 11, 12; National Honor Society JJ, 12.


"Will" . . . happy-go-lucky . . . very friendly . . . "Don't sweat it" . . . best friends include Con and George . . . remembers Miss Schneier's classes . . . hopes to attend college.


"Donna" . . . easy to get along Gary . . . quiet but friendly . . . "Hermai real clown . . with . . . cheerful . . . "Fatl" . . . loves to work on cars . . . best "I didn't hear any radio, Mrs pet peeve is people who are friend is Stuart Freund . . . Dukes" . . . "Aw slow . . . fondest memories ore likely to be found at Waifs . . . seen with Pluta, Huds, and Ger- of pajama parties . . . future no definite plans for future. ry ... liked Mr. Brown's Law plans include business school. class . . . future is undecided upon. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; Spotlight Staff 12; Freshman Activities: Chess Club 9; Library Chorus; Twirling Club 9; Junior Club 9, 10; Cross Country 9; Achievement 9, 10; Girls' Sports Basketball 9. 9; Jumbling Club 9; Pep Club 11. BARBARA NAN WOLF PAUL FREDERICK WINTER "Wolfie" . . . "Whenever in- "Paul" . . . always smiling . . . MARGARET LYNNE cessant gab Is heard, she is to will never forget the U.B.B.A.'s WITHERINGTON be found, inside or out of the . . . "U.B.B.A.'s of the world with a boys' locker room" . . . "I'm unite!" . . . best friends are (o, ne . . . so happyl" . . . despises cats . . . Gary Iversen and the U.B.A.'s wittiest . . . likely to be found fondest memory is her senior . . . will go into biological re- in Summit , . , friends ore Bob- year . . . friends are Bonnie, El- search after college. bie, Betty, Dodo . . . will attend len, Peggy, Pudgie . . . college. Activities: Outdoor Track 9, 10, Helen Fuld School of Nursing. Activities: Golden C Staff 12; 11, 12; latin C/ub 10; Noliono/ Activities: Student Council 9, 11; French Club 11; F.T.A. 11, 12; Honor Society II, 12; Forum National Honor Society 11, 12; Vocational Medical Club II, 12, C/ub II; Boys' Chorus II, 12; Spof/ight Staff 10, II, 12; li- Forum Club 11; Pep Club 11, Junior Achievement II; Soccer brary Club 12; Asiembly Ushers 12; Dance Committee 9, 10, 12; 11, 12; H,-1 12; Music C/ub 12; 11, 12; Dance Committee 9, 10, Prom Committee 11; Girls' Chor- Architecture C/ub 12; U.B.B.A. ; rrom \-ommttiee it; I um- us 10, 11; Freshman Chorus; II, 12; Scribe 11, 12. bling Club 10. Girls' Sports 9, 12.


"Bob" . . . intelligent . . . quiet but friendly . . . "Wow" . . . best friends include Tom Walker and Ted Zielinski . . . will al- ways remember band period at C.H.S. . . . future plans include college.

Activities: Concert Band 9, 10, 11, 12; Marching Band 9, 10, 11, 12.

LYNDA JANE WOLFF "Pudgie" . . . always beautifully dressed . . . quiet and reserved until you get to know her . . . "Gotta write a letter" . . . best friends are Bonnie, Ellen, and Wolfie . . . future plans include PETER ANDREW YACKO STEPHANIE ANNE YANUTA nursing school. "Pete" , . . quiet and reserved "Steph" . . . sweet person to Activities: Golden C Staff 12; JAMES WRIGHT . . . "Crazyl" . . . best friends know . . . best friend is Sandy National Honor Society 11; Vo- are Richard, Gary, and Frank Martin , . . amazed at getting cational Medical Club 11, 12; Jim . . . good looking boy ' . . . fondest memories are of Mr. through four with passing grades Art Club 10, 11; Dance Commit- personality . . . "Fink" . Boyle's World History classes ...... plans to be a beautician. tee 9, 10, 11, 12; Freshman seen with Stu, Ken, and Ron college is in his future. Chorus; G.A.A. Council 9; Girls' remembers chemistry with Activities: French Club 9; Girls' Sports 9; Tumbling Club 9; Pep Goldstein ... a fine additioi Activities: Freshman Chorus; Vis- Sports 9; Spotlight 11; Golden Club 12. the Air Force. ual Aids 10, 11, 12. C Staff 12. BARBARA JEAN YARACZ THEODORE ROBERT ZIEUNSKI DOROTHY ELIZABETH ZINGLER

"Barb" . . . soft-spoken ... a "2" . . . remembers Mr. West "Dot" . . . friendly ... fun to good friend . . . "Good Grief" . . . loves to drive . . . "How be with . . . best friends include . . . was most embarrassed trip- 'bout that?" . . . seen with Bob, Joyce, Barbara, and Fron . . • ping up the stairs . . . fond of Barry, and Steve . . . will major if she is not at the corner sweet CHS basketball games . . . best in math in college. shop, she can be found at the friend is Linda . . . plans to library . . . will always remem- teach. Activities: Studeni Council 9; Red ber Mrs. Petti's classes . . . plans Cross 9; Latin Club 10; Dance to be a beautician. Acfmtfe: F.I.A. 11. Band 11, 12; Concert Band 9, 10, II, 12; Marching Bond 9, Activities: Library Club 9, 10; 10, 11. Spotlight Staff II; Go/den C Staff 12; Pep Club 12.

tn Memoriam SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS HENRY SAFFER "All that is, at all, AND SPONSORS Lasts ever, past recall; Earth changes, but thy soul and ^joa stancl sure. What entered into thee. That was, is, and shall be. Time's wheel runs back or stops; Potter and clay en- dure." —Browning

SEATED: Mr. Campbell, advisor; Phil Brubaker, President; Mrs, Kerzman. STANDING: Stepha Secretary; Rich Erdmann, Treasurer; Ursula Sehlmeyer, Vice President. SENIOR SUPERLATIVES

BEST ALL AROUND . . . Frank O'Brien, Carol Bork MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED . . . Phil Brubaker, Bobbie Wiese MUTT AND JEFF . . . Rusty Cree, Darlene Whitmeyer MOST SCHOOL SPIRIT . . . Pete Tyrpak, Rhoda Fisher BEST PERSONALITY . . . Frank O'Brien, Linda Pope MOST CONSCIENTIOUS ... Bob Knox, Carole Collins MOST UNCONSCIOUS . . . Doug Barile

BEST FIGURE AND PHYSIQUE ... Ed Hudson, Nancy Gladis CLASS CLOWNS ... Jim Downing, Dale Brinkerhoff BEST LOOKING . . . Dick Johnston, Nancy Gladis THINKS HE IS ... Joe Gatto ROMEO AND JULIET . . . Phil Brubaker, Carol Bork MOST ATHLETIC . . . Booney Mazella, Elaine By- kowski BEST DRESSED . . . George Mitchell, Lynda Wolff WITTIEST . . . Lenny Grand, Bonnie Witherington BEST FRIENDS . . . Noris Berzinskis, Bruce Snyder BEST FRIENDS . . . Meryl Skolnik, Dale Brinkerhoff MOST SOPHISTICATED ... Tom Galski, Lynda Wolff FAVORITE TEACHERS ... Mr. Brown, Miss McCartney CUTEST ... Bob Knox, Janice Kalera DONE MOST FOR C.H.S. . . . Frank O'Brien, Rhoda Fisher DONE C.H.S. FOR THE MOST . . . Nick Gerlach CLASS FLIRTS . . . Jack Hayes, Ginger Lynch MOST TALENTED ... Bob Galen, Paula Bodnar FRIENDLIEST . . . Frank O'Brien, Darlene Whitmeyer MOST TALKATIVE . . . Jerry Hull, Meryl Skolnik MEMORIES

three years of split session

"This concludes the assembly"

homeroom in the auditorium

Home Nursing bed baths

elephant jokes L Ami J "And my next number will be

Shelly Cohen.

when the senior girls ployed the varsity

Saturday make-up labs for our future men of the world, before they've blown it up

dependable morning announcements

"But you'll look sweef upon the seat of . . ." UBBA'S of the world UNTIEI

Linda Postell, Laurie Ross, Nancy Osolin. Harcketts, P.7. Nak, D. Chase, Jimmy Ros- elli, Gay-Lussac, Bru, The Great White UBBA in the Sky, Dougly, Koch, Kester,

those demonstration frogs of our Biology days

our football team's well-earned jackets

our freshman basketball team's victory over Winfield, 80 to 8

cid to water, no, water to acid, "Core for a swim, Fred?"

no . . .' Fred Grote and friends. Kathy Higg'ms. OF CH.S.

powder fights in the girls' locker room

walks in the dark after school our fresh- man and sophomore year

those Pep Club hats

Saturday basketball league games

the day Mr. Zimmerman forgot the Pledge of Allegiance

"C ... R ... A ... N Big Chief Standing Bull. Left to right: P. Koefoed, P. Bodnar, P. Brvbaker, T. Beam, D. Fisher, B. Wiese, S. Cohen.

our "hog stomped" rivals

Artificial Respiration in First Aid

Mr. Babetski's tootsie rolls for quick energy

that innocent eraser in the lamp that caused Mr. Schwartz to yell, "fire"

"And then Papa bear said fo Mama Bear" " 15 shrunken heads, 3 poison darts, 2 Wayne Huckel. blow guns, 5 spears, and 15 of Mr. Gray- son's best jokes."

B. Jones, Schlenger.

Mr. Scutro: that happy-go-lucky, never a dull moment Business teacher

The Grails ... of course/ The Magnificent Seven. "Are you catling me a cynic?" Cindy Jewett, "Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore'/"

Miss Seymour's scrapbook of "Morbid Mishaps"

the day our football team won the our own loveable comedian, Mr. Grayson the hamburger robbers

candy and magazine drives

our flagpole's tragic experience

the Spruce Street drag strip

Prom announcements with 'clashing symbols'

Clifton Fadiman s, Our Town, films

"Gunnysack, Gay-Lussac, and Baby Grau." Three o'clock. Jay Guinther, Bob Galen, Lenny Grand.


summer open houses

"Stop that mumbling"

What can we say? "I've got an itchl" Li ska. "See So//y run. See Dicfe jump . . ." . . . and it only cost me $12.95. Warren Jacob}.

the antics of the "3 G's"

that controversial talent show

"Miss Finklidee"

Miss Lavelle's Biology class


"Those who go by bus, must return by bus"

Frute Health Club and the women's aux- iliary chapter

Mr. Schwartz's "spherical blackboard"

our future Robin Hoods as they search for their arrows after gym

Well, we all hove our problems.

Aggies jokes

Mr. Selby driving erasers up the black- board

Decorating for the Prom

Sheldon Cohen directing the school band

our hockey teams 66-game winning streak

the evaluation of our school

the Jolly Green Giant

the Camellers Yes, Miss Seymour, Mr. Grayson told me You do more /or less at Shop-Rite. what to do. That's why I'm here. "Spring Fling", "The Mardi Gras", "Palais Enchante", "Winterfest" r


An aura of enchantment and happiness surrounded the couples when they entered the Prom through the Gates of Versailles on Friday night, May 24, 1963. The Class of 1964 proudly presented "Palais En- chante" which magically transformed the gym into a picturesque palace in France. The dream-like at- mosphere was accented by the beautifully clad guests whirling around in rhythm to the strains of the Les and Larry Elgart Band. The added attraction of Joe Gatto's band helped to make the evening more enjoyable and memorable. The gym was magically changed into the palace by a floating ceiling of Alaskan blue crepe paper accented by white-fringed chandeliers. A royal throne, a bandstand decorated by columns and stained-glass windows, and a blue and cerise balcony added to the sophisticated en- chantment. Before the midnight supper, Ronnie Ritter and Carol Leonard were crowned King and Queen. The menu consisted of fried chicken, a choice of salads, and chocolate eclairs. The fantasy of the evening continued well into the wee hours of the morning. Rooms in the hall were decorated, so that the cou- ples could have refreshments. Souvenirs of albums of the Elgart band were given as favors to each cou- ple. As the tired but happy couples left to continue the spell, "Palais Enchante" became just a wonderful memory.

"Seven Keys to Baldpate," the Senior Play of the Class of 1964, was produced SEVEN KEYS under the direction of Miss Matkowski, as- sisted by Philip Brubaker. The production of a senior play had been discontinued for the past three years due to the difficulties of split-sessions. Among the various committees formed to assist in the production were make-up, props, publicity, stage crew and business. A large percentage of the Senior Class enthusiastically participated in the be- hind-the-scenes work, all contributing to make "Seven Keys to Baldpate" an over- whelming success.

Craig Neal, Barbara Ntetzel, Rhoda Fisher.

Jim Pells, Craig Neal. TO BALDPATE

Brinkerhoff, Craig Neal, Rhoda Fisher, Barbara Nietiel.


MRS. QUIMBY Cindy Vroom ELIJAH QUIMBY Jerry Amon WILLIAM HALLOWELL MAGEE Craig Neal Tommy Oathout JOHN BLAND James Pells MARY NORTON Barbara Nietzel MRS. RHODES Rhoda Fisher PETERS, THE HERMIT Thomas Oathout MYRA THORNHILL Dale Brinkerhoff LOU MAX ... James Sloan JIM CARGAN Tom Kester THOMAS HAYDEN Paul Winter JIGGS KENNEDY Richard Erdmann THE OWNER OF BALDPATE Joseph Panetta POLICEMAN Frank O'Brien

Tommy Oathout, Croig Neol.

Craig Neal, Barbara Nietzel. Tom Kester, Tom Oathout, Jim Slo Tommy Kester, Jim Sloan.

Tom Kester, Craig Neal, Rhoda Fisher, Dale Brinkerhoff, Barbara Nietzel, Jim Sloan.

Jim Pells, Paul Winter

Jim Pells, Tom Oathout, Craig Meal, Jim Sloan, Tom Kester. Dale Brinkerhofi, Paul Winter, Jim Sloan.

Jim Sloan. Dale Brinkerhoff, Jim Pells, Tom Kester, Paul Winter.

Richard Erdmann, Tom Kester, Paul Winter, Craig Neal, Bar- bara Nietzel, Frank O'Brien.


We must give special attention to increasing the op- portunities and incentives for all Americans to de- velop their talents to the utmost . . . A basic source of knowledge is research.

President's Message on Education to the Congress of the United States. January 29, 1963.


Cranford High School maintains a strong curricu- lar activities program. Along with an academic pro- gram that is highly rated in the area students can participate in other curricular activities which help

Practical experience is gained by many students in the Auto Mechanics classes. There, the stu- dents learn the fundamen- tals of the automobile engine. A car and en- gines are provided so that students can see each part and learn its function in the motor.

Of a more academic nature are the science courses. In the Chemistry and Physics classes stu- dents learn not only from the lectures given by in- structors, but also from the laboratory experiments which they perform in class. By experimentation students can get a better understanding of and see practical application for what they have learned through lecture and read- ing. ACTIVITIES

them to be well-rounded individuals. For many of the students participation in some curricular activities gives them the experience that they need to obtain jobs outside of school.

Also of an academic na- ture is the language de- partment. Students have four foreign language courses to choose from, including French, German, Latin and Spanish. Stu- dents learn not only how to read and write these languages, but also how to speak them. With the help of records and tape recorders students learn correct pronunciation. Lan- guage students also learn about the history and cul- In the commercial de- ture of the countries whose partment students learn language they are study- skills that will help them ing. to obtain jobs in the busi- ness world after gradua- tion. The school store, which is run by the stu- dents in the commercial department, is a business enterprise that sells school supplies and gym uniforms to students. The school store provides valuable ex- perience in the workings of business and gives stu- dents a chance to use the skills which they learn in their clerical and secretar- ial classes. CURRICULAR

Another aspect of the commercial department are the courses in which students learn how to use the business machines. Machines such as calculators are provided so that students can gain the proficiency in running them necessary for clerical or secretarial work.

Another important part of the curriculum is the home arts department. In the various courses such as Foods, Clothing and Modern Living, girls learn skill that will help them to be good homemakers. In the Foods classes the girls prepare meals and learn the principles of good nutrition. In the Clothing classes dressmaking is taught, and the girls apply what they are taught when they make garments for themselves.

For research work or just recreational reading, students may go to the school library during a free period or after school. A good selection of fiction as well as non-fiction books are provided, and the quiet atmosphere is conducive to reading and study- ing. Students can also gain experience in library work by joining the Library Council and working in the library during a study period. ACTIVITIES

During free periods and after school, interested stu- dents may do work for the Spotlight, the school news- paper. The Spotlight covers curricular and extra- curricular activities in its news stories. Working for the newspaper gives students some idea about the various aspects of newspaper work.

The Music department provides a number of interesting courses. Classes in vocal mu- sic, music theory, music literature and in strumental music are offered. Interested students can participate in performing musi cal groups such as the choir, chorus, glee club, concert band and dance band, Throughout ihe years these groups give con- certs to which the public is invited.

With the return of regular sessions all students eat lunch here at school. An efficient cafeteria staff pro- vides nutritious, but inexpensive meals for student and faculty. Four twenty-five minute lunch periods are scheduled so that all students have time to eat. SITTING N Money, Secretary; R. Fisher, Vice President; Mr. Glennon, F. O'Brien, President; M. Delia Roso, Treasurer. ROW 1; U. Sehlmeyer, M. Schloff, M. Valea, D. Ganzemuller, E. McCarthy, J. Rich, N. Flodis, E. Bykowjki, E. Zachary. ROW 2: W. Loxley, C. Jewett, B. Wiese, P. Bodnor, E. Moses, S. Ander- son, A. Lee, B. Kisner. ROW 3: D. Kerzman, A. Shorrier, G. Lynch, P. Orsay, I. Rizzo, D. Craft, A. Reider, D. VonBrunt, F. Klempa. ROW 4: J. Dreyer, P. Philippoff, M. Jordan, B. Gold, P. Bruboker, R. Erdmann, P. Bounaguro, S. Mittleman, J. Bataglini.

The Student Council is the representative body of the Stu- dents of Cranford High School. The Council consists of repre- sentatives from each homeroom, plus a staff of committee chairmen, including the heads of the Publicity, House and STUDENT Grounds, Election, Student Relations, Safety, Assembly and Special Committees. The members discuss the various prob- COUNCIL lems in the school and try to find solutions for them. In addi- tion, the Council conducts major projects. In 1960, the Coun- cil adopted a Korean war orphan and continues to support him. For several years, they have maintained an exchange program with a high school in Ghana. This year, a selection of art work will be sent. Also this year, as a memoriam to our late President Kennedy, a photograph has been pur- chased and placed in the school to remind the students of the man and his ideals. The National Honor Society is an organization designed to advance high standards of scholarship, leadership, service NATIONAL and character in high school students. Membership is limited to juniors in the top five per cent of their class and seniors HONOR in the top ten per cent academically, who have been judged by the faculty to be outstanding in character, leadership and SOCIETY service. The National Honor Society is sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals and was founded in 1922. The Cranford High School Chapter was chartered in 1924 as the 142nd chapter in the United States. It was the first chapter to be organized in Union County and among the first in New Jersey.

SENIORS ELECTED IN 1963: Thomas Beam, Paula Bodnar, Philip Brubaker, Sheldon Cohen, Carole Collins, Rhodo Fisher, Robert Galen, Jay Guinther, Janet Harrison, John Harcketts, Cynthia Jewett, Anne Jordan, Robert Knox, Patricia Koefoed, April Lee, Douglas Rae, Darlene Whitmeyer, Roberta Wiese, Paul Winter, and Margaret Wjtherington. SENIORS ELECTED IN 1964: Stephanie Anderson, Barbara Aron, David Ault, Susan Bernstein, Elaine BykowskI, Elizabeth Cyphers, Lynn Folinus, Thomas Galski, Debrah Gilder, Fred Grote, Gary Iversen, Thomas Kester, Bette Kisner, Lesley Krone, William Kruse, Pauline Lowe, Regina Lynch, Michael McHarg, Ellen Sue Moses, Ronald Nakashimo, Patricia Orsay, Linda Pope, Judith Porreca, Richard Preuss, Ellen Rothman, Ursula Sehlmeyer, Robert Shire, Edward Tristram, Peter Tyrpak, Mirtha Valea, Patricia Wagner, Robert Wilson, Theodore Zielinski. JUNIORS ELECTED IN 1964: James Battaglini, Edward Biederman, Dorothy Craft, Linda Dahlquist, Michael Delia Rosa, Gary DiGiovanni, Stephen Ferguson, Roger Fingerlin, Janice Homer, Janice Hastrup, Glenn Hoffman, Susan Huston, Carol Isaac, Barbara Lauren, Judy Lieberman, Randolph Myerson, Joan Mysiak, Allan Nies, Sharon Putz, Judith Rosen, Paula Selby, Bruce Shaw, Peter Warrington. ROW 1: B. Lauren, J. Lieberman, S. Huston, R. Fisher, D. Whitmeyer, L Pope, L. Krone, D. Gilder, J. Harrison, C. Isaac, C. Collins, P. Koefoed, S. Putz, R. Fingerlin, J. Battaglini, C. Jewett, B. Wiese, Mr. Zimmerman. ROW 2: D. Craft, J. Rosen, J. Mysiak, P. Selby, P. Lowe, A. Lee, B. Aron, L. Folinus, B. Kisner, A. Jordan, B. Kruse, M. McHorg, B. Galen, S. Ferguson, F. Grote. ROW 3: E. Rothman, J. Homer, J. Hastrup, I. Dahlquist, U. Sehlmeyer, E. Moses, P. Bodnar, P. Orsay, S. Anderson, E. Bykowski, M. Valeo, P. Wagner, S. Cohen, B. 5haw, R. Myerson, R. Nokashima. ROW 4. B. Shire, D. Ault, T. Galski, T. Kester, P. Warrington, T. Zielinski, S. Bernstein, El Tristram, B. Knox, R. Lynch, M. Delia Rosa, G. Hoffman, D. Harcketts, P. Tyrpak, R. Preuss. EDITORIAL STAFF

ROW 1: S. Anderson, A. Lee, D. Orozi, E. Bykowski, L. Krone, R. Hawlfsy, R. Fisher, L. Lieber. ROW 2: J. Storz, A. Petuck, L. Biribauei , B. Aron, B. Wiese, S. Brazotti, C. Baytala, G. Sewell. ROW 3: G. Kinney, K. Confroy, G. Lynch.,, M. Skolnik, D. Brink- erhoff, P. Orsay, C. Albrecht, B. Bruen, A . Jordan. ROW 4: M. Fingerlin, T. Oathout, M. Me- Harg, S Cohen, C. Pantano, D. Bauer, C. Stagich, C. McGarry, B. Knox.


ROW 1: H. Thurz, L. Rothbard, L. Budil, S. Kolbe, D. Dilzel, S. Vonula. ROW 2: E. Tannenbaum, B. Hoff, D. Zingler, L. Pope, M. Pinkerton, M. Kuhar. ROW 3: D. Kerzman, R. Erdman, T. Beam, G. Kinney, M. Tyndall, B. Wolff. ROW 4: B. Galen, B. Brunner, J. Higgins.

SEATED: D. Wiese, P. Lowe, J. Porreca, N. TYPING Agnew (Captain), C. Walker, S. Brazarti, STAFF S. Schaleff. STANDING: S. Agnew, J. Sordill, A. Hofacker.


ROW 1: L. Reider, M. Langley, J. Mindlin, P. Bodnor, M. Brown. ROW 2: J. Rich, M. Angle, N. Gladys, E. Harris, I. Folinus, P. Krochmal, S. Krochmal. The "Golden C," the school annual, is the only record of high school years available to all students. Because it is the only permanent record for students of school activities, the yearbook must give complete and accurate coverage of all activities and events which have taken place during the year. The editors and a large staff are ap- pointed by the Executive Committee of their class in the junior year. During their Senior year with the help of faculty advisors, the editors and the staffs compose the "Golden C". The yearbook staff is made up of five major divisions. The Editorial Staff headed by the Editor-in-Chief and two Associate Edi- tors decide on the theme of the year- book and compose all written material. The Art Staff and its Editor design ROW 1: A. Jordan, B. Knox. B. Wiese, J. Mindlin. ROW 2: Mr. Longenbach, the cover of the "Golden C" and help Mr. Hein, D. Kerzman, P. Winter, Miss Robinson, B. Galen. arrange pages artistically with regard to spacing and design. The Business Staff headed by the Business Manager and his assistant ad- vertises and sells copies of the "Golden C" to students. The Photography Editor and his staff photograph the various curricular and extra-curricular activities to be included in the yearbook. The Typing Staff types all written material and prepares it to be sent to "Golden C" the publisher


M. Welsh, P. Winter, S. Bern

stein, J. Fernandez, R. Guttman, Si s'\ O. Iversen, A. Braslow. Jf »."* ;


ROW 1: J. Harrison, J. Lieber- man, C. Jewett, E. Moses, D. Pankuch, I. Learny. ROW 2: Mr. Longenbach, M. Scutro, S. Krochmal, B. Kennedy, C. Col- lins, Mr. Mueller. ROW 3: E. Tannenbaum, B. Aron, S. Bern- stein, T. Beam, S. Cohen, P. Gilbert.



ROW 1: J. Niesz. P. Wilaeroth, B. laurenx. ROW 2: B. Aron, M. Brown, N. Thaler, A. Lee. ROW 3: J. Porreca, E. Tannenbaum, K. Confroy, A. Diamond.


ROW 1: R. Fisher, L. Krone, I. Pope, J. Kinney. ROW 2: B. Nevins, B. Moore, C. Bork, S. Andersen, B. Jones. ROW 3: J. Motto, C. Albrecht, D. Kerzman, S. Cohen. ART, MAKEUP AND TYPING STAFFS

KNEELING: B. Kennedy, C. Sewell, B. Kisner, J. Salis, M. Fink, M. Kupcho, G. Willoughby. ROW 2: L. K. ney, D. Pankuch, J. Rosen, P. Krochmal, S. Krochmal, L Biribauer, M. Heinemon. ROW 3: M. Kuhor, J. H. trup, M. Angle, M. Langley, C. McNab, J. Jon. T. Casale, E. McCarthy, P. Gonsior, M. Orazi, G Anderson. ROW 4: E. Fuller, M. Frank, E. Hall, S. Alalary, D. Groskewitz, P. Bodnor, S. Bernstein, C. McGarry, S. Jones, J. Harrison.


The "Spotlight," the oldest publication in

Cranford High School, is currently in its

forty-third year. When first published, it

served as newspaper, creative writing mag-

azine, and yearbook combined. Today it

includes news, feature, and sports articles,

as well as forum discussions. It provides an SEATED: T. Beom, S. Putz, P. Gilbert STANDING: L. Grand, opportunity for all students to voice their B. Galen, A. Braslow, R. Fingerlin. opinions on any subject that affects or in- terests them. The "Spotlight" also provides valuable educational experience in gather- ing news, and organizing and editing a journal of free thought.


SEATED: R. Holliday, C. Okun, L. Mazzeo, S. Bagwell, C. Gyenese, I. Glogoiski. STANDING: V. Abrams, R. Buontempo, C. Hilbert, E. Jackson, L. Comrie, L. Kearney. Forum Club The Forum Club is the debating organization of Cranford High School. Each month, by way of de- bates and discussions, the members examine the important events of the times that are of interest to them. Membership is open to any stu- dent who is interested in becoming better informed and who wished to participate in the discussions. Each year the club conducts an assembly to present some interesting and worthy topic to the school body.

OFFICERS: T. Beam, S. Anderson, D. Barile. ROW 1: R. Fisher, B. Kisner, M. Schloff, A. Lee, C. Jewett. ROW 2: J. Baltaglini, R. Nakashimak, E. Rothman, D. Bauer, C. Albrecht, D. Kerzman. ROW 3: J. Kline, M. Fingerlin, B. Galen, L. Grand, P. Tin. nesz. ROW 4: E. Tristram, S. Cohen, J. Guinther, M. Delia Rosa.

The Assembly Ushers are a group of eight senior girls who assist in quietly and efficiently seating the student body before assembly pro- Assembly Ushers grams. Chosen by the faculty and the graduation ushers, the girls also usher for programs presented by the high school music depart- ment and for various township presentations.

Mr. Boyle, R. Fisher, B. Wither! ngton, B. Wiese, E. Moses, A. Jordan, P. Orsay, N. Agnew, S. Agnew

94 ROW 1: G. McCallum, A. Bras- low, B. Potberg, S. Marsh. ROW 2: C. Peterson, J. Gentile, D. Beach, P. Sorrentino. ROW 3: D. Preuss, D. Sassi, B. O'Sulli- van. ROW 4: W. Jacobi, E. Lonyai.

The Stage Crew is an important organization in the school, since no assembly or production is shown in the auditorium without qualified StOQG CrSW stage crew members present. The organization's purpose is to train interested and responsible students to stage the programs produced each year.

The Visual Aids Club, sponsored by Mr. Michael Yanuzzi, functions as a service organization for Cranford High School. The crew is skilled in the operation and maintenance of com- plex equipment and knows how to put on a major stage pro- Visual Aids Club duction. Established sixteen years ago, the club is an efficient aid to teachers planning to use visual aids in lecturing.

ROW 1: T. Dougon, J. Crim- mins, C. Miller, A. Braslow, D. Beach, B. OSullivan, R. Meeks. ROW 2: B. Arlkin, P. Yacko, M. McHarg, W. Jacobi, A. Meiss- ner. ROW 3: Mr. Yanuzii, P. Caliendo, J. Baffa, D. Preuss, Shoeffer, R. ludlow, E. Lonyoi.

95 ROW 1: A. Reider, E. Hall, K. Mineur, M. Fink, Mrs. Linz, J. Pospisil, U. Sehlmeyer, N. Leon- ard, E. Bykowski. ROW 2: B. Outcault, D. Gershman, R. Mey- ers, V. Herbert, R. Scheller. ROW 3: M. Fingerlin, J. Knauer, B. West, E. Tristram, P. Philippoff, W. Hucker, W. Jacobi, J. Guin- ther. OFFICERS: L. Hamilton, M. Frank, L. Reider, P. Warring- ton.

The German Club is open to all interested students of German. Its purpose is to familiarize the students with the cultural heritage of Germany, by seeing movies and plays, singing songs, and discussing lit- German Club erature. It is through this program that the students learn to understand the German nation and the German people.

The Junior Red Cross is an organizaion which pro- vides high school students with an opportunity to be of service to others. Some of the activities include raising of funds, collecting of clothing for the needy, Junior Red Cross service in the hospitals, and working with veterans groups.

ROW 1: J. Niesz, C. Anderson, P. Havi- land, Mrs. Dukes. ROW 2: P. McAndrew, C. Borges, J. Rich, S. Kolbe. ROW 3: K. Mineur, G. Kinney, N. Howell, El. Hall. ROW 4: S. Agnew, G. Munkel, C. Fricke, P. Gilbert. OFFICERS: F. O'Brien, R. Erd- man, T. Kester, R. Cree. ROW 1: 1. McCullough, A. Mernick, R. Nakashima, J. Panetta, J. Hull, D. Wehrenberg, B. Uinger. ROW 2: T. Bean, M. McHarg, M. Huff, P. Sorrentino, B. Cossa, B. Dorchi, R. Ringle. ROW 3: D. Beach, B. O'Sullivon, P. Gat- yas, P. Winter, C. Neal, G. Simson. ROW 4: J. Dreyer, P. Philipoff, D. Auerbach, T. Cop-

The Hi-Y Club is the high school branch of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association. Its platform is "Clean Sports, Clean Speech, Clean Scholarship and Clean Living." All junior and senior boys willing to Hi-Y Club support this platform may become members, if they are earning pass- ing grades in their major subjects when they apply for admission. The program of the bi-monthly meetings consists of speeches, dis- cussions and motion pictures on topics of interest to the members.

Chess Club

The Chess Club is an organiza- tion designed to develop the talent of the members in the game of chess. It has changed its format somewhat this year. Previously, it was more of a team than a club. This year, under the superb guid- ance and leadership of Mr. Syl- vester, the members meet monthly to play, to increase their skill, and to exchange ideas.

ROW 1: V. Herbert, D. Sassi, J. Hastrup, R. Ringle, C. Miller. STANDING: Mr. Sylvester, A. Nies, J. Guinther, R. Northrup, S. Cohen, R. Guttmon. ABSENT: President E. Tristram. ROW 1: D. Mazzeo, E. Harris, W. Kruse, D. Beach, P. O'Con- nell. ROW 2: T. Dougan, B. Edwards, J. Crimmins, Dob- bins, Mr. Daniels. ROW 3: B. Jagusak, P. Gaytas, D. Boyette, R. Guttman.

The Architecture Club, which was started by Edward Harris, is now in its second year. The objectives are to learn the history and principle of architecture and to study contempo- rary design and construction. Information is available for those interested in an architectural career. During the year field trips are made to architects' offices and construction sites. Architecture Club One of the highlights this past year was a competition to plan and design a suitable "Residential Development for the Elderly". The club was divided into four groups to draw up plans for the competition.

The Library Council is a service organization whose mem- bers assist the librarians in charging out and checking in books, shelving, paging and processing literary material, con- structing bulletin board displays and giving information on the Library Council location of books and magazines. Sponsored by Mr. Elmer Weber, the Council holds regular meetings to instruct the members in proper library procedures. The Club is affiliated with the New Jersey State Library Council Association and sends delegates to the annual convention.

ROW 1: G. Clarke, L. Krone, M. Gillen, B. Lauren. ROW 2, P. McAndrew, C. Degenhart, M. Weiner, E. Bykowski, B. Wither- ington. ROW 3: P. Koefoed, B. Hoff, C. Vroom, B. Moore, C. Gigenese. ROW 4: E. Lonyai, Mr. Weber.

S Mask and Bauble Club

ROW 1: T. Kester, B. Withering- ton, B. Kisner, D. Fisher, Miss Matkowski. ROW 2: B. Louren, C. Jewett, M. Orazi, D. Craft, C. Borges, D. Krogman, M. Walton. ROW 4: N. Totin, E. Hall, N. Howell. ROW 4: B. Nietzel, T. Sawyer, M. Brown, I. Collins. ROW 5: C. Harrell, B. Knox, B. Wiese, J. Solas, B.. Jones, C. McNab.

The purpose of the Mask and Bauble Club is to develop the student's dramatic talent and to further their knowledge of dramatics itself. Early in the fall the membership is determined by competitive audi- tions. During the year different styles of dramatics are experimented with at the meetings and the club pre- sents an assembly. Often they are asked to perform at various community groups. The club sponsors a theater trip to New York and local theaters. An initiation party and club picnic The Latin Club was formed October, 1963 as a local chap- are also in the activities of the club. ter of the Junior Classical League, a national organization composed of secondary Latin students whose primary goal is to further interest in the Classics. Our activities will include lectures, films, field trips, skits and things related to the Classics but activities which cannot be completed in an ordinary class. Members are selected to attend meetings of the New Jersey Junior Classical League and in the Spring the entire club is able to attend the state convention.

Classics Club

OFFICERS: J. Niesz, D. Fisher, J. Bottoglini, C. Hamilton, E. Biederman. ROW 1: R Czevrowski, P. Katz, P. Selby, B. Silver man, J. Christman. ROW 2: C. Borges, E, Rothman, C. Jewett, L. Laycock, J. McCul lough, R. Ringle. ROW 3: D. DeMicco, S, Cohen, D. Harcketts, P. Tinnesz, J. Oroscz. ROW 4: R. Partridge, B. Canning, A. Nies, M. Delia Rosa, D. Dixon, Mr. Mitchell.

99 OFFICERS: A. Lee, A. Jordan, S. Kolbe, G. Kinney. ROW 1: I. Reider, D. Dilzel, N. Howell, M. Walton, B. Kisner, J. Rich. ROW 2: B. Bruen, J. Dixon, C. Ander- son, A. Farb, M. Fink, E. Hall, Miss Seymour. ROW 3: K. Con- froy, L. laycock, C. Walker, N. Totin, C. Borges, G. Anderson, I. Wolff.

The Vocational Medical Club provides an opportunity for Vocational students to learn about the various vocations related to medi- cine. Its activities include field trips, speakers, meetings, and Medical group and individual investigations. Students in grades 11 and 12 are invited to join. Club

At the monthly meetings of the Spanish Club, interested stu- dents are given the opportunity to enrich their understanding of Spanish-speaking people and countries. Films, slides or talks by Spanish-speaking people of the area are just some of the methods used to enable the members to gain an in- Spanish Club sight into Spanish culture. The students are also able to improve their fluency of Span- ish through poems, stories or plays which are read aloud. The Spanish Club helps the students become fully aware of Spanish background.


ROW 1: Mr. Russo, M. Valea, C. Capodice, R. Kaplan, C. Walker, L. Pope, P. Orsay, E. Rispoli, J. Fernandez, E. Mc- Carthy, B. Shanker, C. Hender- son, B. Johnson. ROW 2: L. Rothbard, B. Michaelson, E. Rothman, P. Wagner, N. Totin, P. Wilgeroth, P. Coffey, B. Cof- fey, D. Craft, A. Braslow. ROW 3: N. Money, J. Sullivan, M. Gil- len, J. Harrison, K. DeHaven, J. Rosen, El Schrier, C. Isaac, J. Hastrgp, J. Roberts. OFFICERS: D. Whitmeyer, S. Bernstein, L. Folinus, J. Storz.

100 The Art Club has been an active organization for the past five years. Its pur- pose is to allow art stu- dents and others as well to show their artistic abil- ity on interesting projects. The group also enjoys field trips, demonstrations, and lectures. This year, with only the upperclassmen, the club has expanded its program to include many more activities.

Art Club OFFICERS: L. Rothbard, E. Hall, K. Dorian. ROW 1: D. Leahy, M. Bopst, M. Howell, S. Byrnes, M. Weiner, M. Angle, I. Folinus, J. Fernandez, M. Welsh. ROW 2: B. Foppert, B. Coffey, M. Lerda, L. Frank, J. Lawless, M. langley, E. Simoons, N. Thaler. ROW 3: R. Ozebrowski. ROW 4: S. Bernstein, G. Okun, J. Sullivan, B. Washburn, D. Craft, M. Frank, B. Jones, B. Cramer.

The purpose of the Future Teachers of America is to intro- duce high school students to the teaching profession. The members hear lectures by people involved in all aspects of Future Teachers education. They also are given information about the prepa- rations necessary for entering the teaching field. Members of America are selected on the basis of letters written at the beginning of the school year. The club arranges trips to various col- leges to help members decide where they want to apply. Each year the club presents a gift to the school.

ROW 1: R. Kaplan, B. Coffey, B. Michaelson, L Reider, M. Gil- Diamond, B. Foppert, S. Hein, S. Francis, B. Bruen, M. Gavin, len, M. Guskin, D. Orazi, D. Pankuch, R. Cohen, L Folinus, E. P. Sherrier, C. Walters, P. Serina, L. Frank, B. Wolf, K. Confroy, Rispoli, N. Leonard, N. Howell, I. Pope, C. Frank, E. Dennis, S. D. Cooney, L. Levine, E. Hall, M. Frank, P. Lewandowski. ROW Byrnes, N. Clarke, C, Degenhart. ROW 2: M. Lerda, E. Simoons, 4: S. Agnew, C. Pantano, C. McGarry, S. Bernstein, Mrs. Hal- Cassall, B. Johnson, C. Bork, M. Daniels, B. Yaracz, C. McNab, pern. OFFICERS: J. Storz, P. Krochmal, D. Whitmeyer, C. Stag- J. Niesz, J. Motto, J. Foster, L. Biribauer, J. Harrison, S. Kroch- ich, A. Lee. mal, M. Fink. ROW 3: B. Schanker, N. DeMarco, J. Roberts, A. Pal Koefoed, Leslie Krone

D. Miller, M. Skolnik, D. Brinkerhoff, C. Mix

SENIOR DAY Senior Day, a day set aside each year for Seniors to participate in many activities, has become a tra- dition at Cranford High School. This year, Senior Day took place on April 21, 1964. Under the direc- tion of the class officers and the Executive Commit- tee, the students planned the activities and the refreshments. In the morning, Dr. Harold Lett spoke

E. Harris, T. Galski, L. Grand, F. O'Brien, to the entire student body on the subject of race J. Panello, C. Neal.

A. Braslow, T. Zielinski, D. Gershman, M. Fingerlin.

B. Galen, P. Bodnar. K. Higgins, K. Rems, J. Kaleto, B. Ross, B. Wo

T. Kesler, G. Amon, T. Sa

relations. The Seniors then went to the gym where they had refreshments and "socialized," with music provided by albums. "Who Was that Lady?" was shown in the auditorium, after which the Senior class had a lunch of submarine sandwiches. In the afternoon, the annual "talent" show was presented. This year it was given in the form of "Those Were the Years that Were," with a panel that introduced the acts and reminisced about our four years at B. Nietzel, J. Sloane, R. Erdrr Cranford High School.

C. Collins, W. Edwards, E. Ehrlich, S. Cohen, B. Cyphers, W. Hopper, B. Kisner, B. Knox, C. Jewett, F. O'Brien, L Krone, P. Koefoed, J. Guinther.


The Pep Club of Cranford High School is now in its second year. This year for the first time, it lent a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and support for our Watchung Conference Football Champions. The Blue and Gold hats of its members demonstrated to the opposi- tion the number of students who actively supported the Club and the Team. White blouses or shirts are the theme for basketball, along with the Pep Club "Dixie Land" Band. Members of the Club make the posters for the halls for both football and basketball, and make and sell the programs for the home basket- ball games. Membership is open to 1 Oth, 11th and 12th grade students.

ROW 1: B. Knox, S. Cohen, E. Harris, C. Copperthwaite. ROW 2: C. Peterson, R. Fingerlin P. Brubaker, M. Fingerlin, D. Gershman. ROW 1: B. Knox, J. Parente, A. Reider, D. Van Brunt, D Britton, Edwards, P. Wallner, J, Cosso, W Hopper, M Delia Rosa, J, lelond, J. Turner, D. Koch, J, LeBrocio, K. Morris, D. Wehrenberg, B. Sil- E. Jobson, E. Scolt, T. Lukko, B. Patberg, B. Northrup, R. Bradfield, verman, C. Harrell. ROW 2: D. Regal, D. Barile, J. Grayce, S. J. Millar. ROW 4: B. Outcault, P. Gilbert, P. Warrington, F. Cohen, H. Peterson, C. Peterson, M. Fingerlin, G. McCollum, A. O'Brien, J. Guinther. R. Fingerlin, J. DeWolf, J. Fair, B. West, B. Braslow, D. lyons, C. Conklin, L. Logon, F. Klempa. ROW 3: W. Sleesman, J. Pells, P. Winter, J. Hill, D. Sassi.

The Boys' Glee Club is made up of all boys who show an interest in singing. The boys practice each day and perform Boys' for the Spring and Christmas concerts. Chorus

Girls' Ensemble

The Girls' Ensemble is a select group of girls chosen because of the similarity of voices and their ability to blend. The simplicity of their pure tones gives the Ensemble an unsurpassed quality.

ROW 1: L. Krone, B. Kisner. ROW 2: E. Ehrlich, C. Collins, P. Bodnor, H. Thuri. ROW 4: P. Koefoed, C. Jewett. ROW 5: B. Cyphers. OFFICERS: L. Krone, P. Bodnor, D. Kenmon, B. Golen. ROW: Jewett, J. Mysiak. ROW 3: P. Koefoed, L. Dohlquist, J. I: P. Lowe, D. Krogmon, E. Ehrlich, C. Collins. ROW 2: Mr. Homer, K. Morris, R. Fingerlin, D. Koch, E. Harris. ROW 4: Lenney, C. Anderson, M. Dmytriw, H. Thurz, S. Richmond, C. P. Buonoguro, C. Horrell, B. Knox, J. Guinther.

The Music Club is one of the most active organizations in Music Club the school. Each fall many people audition for the club, which is extremely selective. At the monthly meetings, dif- ferent members perform. Dinners, field trips and lectures are also part of the program. Finally, each year, several assem- blies are presented to the student body, showing the high quality and diversity of talent in the Club.

Boys' Double Quartet

The Boys' Double Quartet is the most se- lective singing group for boys. It is com- posed of eight of the best Senior boys in the choir. The group specializes in barber shop singing and performs at local concerts and programs.

LEFT TO RIGHT: F. O'Brien, J. Guinther, G. Groyce, W. Edwards, S. Cohen, W. Hopper, 0. Koch, B. Knox.

107 ROW 1: D. Krogman, K. Kochera, L. Krone, M. Fink, M. Orazi, C. J. Mysiok. ROW 3: L. Dohlquist, D. Kerzman, S. Cohen, W. Force, Jewett, C. Collins, E. Ehrlich, J. Kinney, S. Huston, P. Birchert, D. Koch, G. MacCallum, R. Silvermon, C. Harrel. R. Fingerlin, C. S. Shupper, L. Reider, J. Dexter, M. Dmytriw. ROW 2: B. Kisner. Petersen, B. Knox, J. Turner, W. Potberg, W. Edwards, K. Mor- M. Longley, C. Anderson, P. Bodnar, J. Homer, B. Bauer, D. ris, S. Bernstein, P. Hoyiland. ROW 4: J. DeWolf, J. Fair, P. Bowmon, C. Walters, E. Beazlie, B. Kromer, B. Cyphers, H. Thurz, Worrington, G. Grayce, D. Sassi, W. Hopper, P. Wollner, R. Brad- S. Put!, B. Washburn, F. Thimmons, P. Koefoed, N. Hale, S. Richmond, field, B. Outcault, J. Guinther, E. Scott, F. O'Brien, B. Sleesman.

Choir The Choir has functioned primarily to further vocal musicianship. Its members have been provided with instruction in voice and the fundamentals of music. Aside from its Annual Christmas Concert and Spring Concert, the choir has performed at assemblies, inter- school concerts, and community activities. Because membership in the choir is competitive, the quality of their work is of the highest caliber. For many years, the Choir has been one of the best high school vocal groups in the state. The Girls' Chorus is comprised of all girls who enjoy singing and are willing to devote many hours to practicing. They, like the Boys' Chorus, contribute to the annual concerts. This year the Girls' Chorus was invited to attend the yearly meeting of the National Music Educators Association in Phila- delphia. They were the only girls' vocal group in the nation which was selected.

Girls' Chorus

ROW 1: N. DeMarco, M. McSlay, M. Heineman, E. Simoons, J. L. Laycock, L. Ross, J. Boyle, N. Totin, G. Hunt, I. Collins, J. Fostei Ritsko, P. Lowe, D. Krogman, R. Holliday, L. Schott, 1. Krone, M. M. Longly, P. Bodnar, M. Dmytrie, S. Richmond, A. Diamond, S. Walton. G. Somerville, G. Sewell, J. Kinney, J. Bolinskis, L. Reider, Putz, H. Thurz, S. Shopper, P. Kurisko. ROW 4: M. Fink, J. Hamei S. Huston. ROW 2: C. Wallers, L. Dexheimer, C. Jewett, A. Jordan, E. Beazlie, D. Bauer, S. Brink, D. Bowman, T. Traylor, D. Kerzman, G. Anderson, C. Collins, T. Casale, C. Anderson, C. Isaac, L. Roth- A. Petuck, S. Hein, P. Sherrier, N. Hole, B. Washburn, B. Cyphers, bard, E. Ehrlich, J. Dexter, D. Piper, F. Thimons, E. Dennis, P. Selby, P. Koefoed, P. Hoviland. P. Poffenroth, t. Comrie, S. Bernstein, E, M. Angle, B. Lurinsky. ROW 3: B. Cromer, D. Cooney, D. King, Hall.

109 Marching Band The Marching Band is an important part of our instrumental music program. Every fall, the band adds to the enjoyment and excitement of Saturday morning football games, by presenting entertainment before the games and at halftime. The Band pro- vides the music for the Twirlers to perform. Each year, the band also participates in the local Memorial Day program. This year, the band was led by Drum Major Tom Walk- er. The color guards were Cindy Vroom, Barbara Cramer, and Judy Roberts.

The Dance Band is the most popular of the in- strumental music groups. Composed of about fifteen members, the band plays at all assemblies and con- certs. The group specializes in popular music. This Dance Band year, Sheldon Cohen has done an outstanding job as bandleader.

ROW 1: T. Zalinski, A. Braslow, N. Prato, L. Nann, D. Gersh- man, M. Fingerlin, G. Schu- man. ROW 2: Allcock, R. Wil- son, D. Marco, K. Cowper- thwaite, S. Cohen, T. Walker. ROW 3: E. Harris, A. Sorenson, 5. Cavallero.

110 Le Cercle Francois At their monthly meetings the members of the French Club supple- ment regular classroom work with activities designed to interest learn- ing about France, its people, cus- toms and traditions. The club views slides and motion pictures at its meetings and makes trips to see French movies.

Members and friends ol the French Club.

The Concert Band was a very well bal- anced instrumental group this year. Al- though there were only thirty members, al- most every player was a competent musi- cian. As a result, the level of music played Concert Band was very high. The Concert Band performed on numer- ous occasions, providing music for most of the assembly programs.

ROW 1: E. Harris, J. Guinther, E. Tristram, T. Zielinski, W. Jacobi, B. Moore, P. Bru- baker, C. Bork, N. Kronmeyer, G. Schuman. ROW 2: L. Nann, N. Prato, D. Gersh- mann, Katz, A. Braslow, T. Walker. ROW 3: M. Fingerlin, D. Allcock, D. Marro, K. Cowperthwaite, B. Wilson, R. Seymour, F. lawson, S. Cohe- RO°""W' 4'•: >~-G. Simso=• n C. Wendell, A. Sorenson, J. Depalo, R. Modden, S. Cavalle , T. Wolke r1t 9! The strength of our democracy is no greater than the collective well-being of our people. The vigor of our country is no stronger than the vitality and wi!1 of all our countrymen. The level of physical, mental, and moral and spiritual fitness of every American citizen must be our constant concern.

President's Message to the Schools on the Physical Fitness of Youth. August, 1961.

ATHLETICS In a very exciting season, highlighted by many upsets, the Cranford Cougars led the Watchung Conference, a place they had not held since 1957. The team showed great poise and finesse when they had to. Led by co-captains Frank O'Brien and Phil "Booney" Mazella, the Cougars compiled a commendable 7-2 slate for the season. The Cougars started the season with a 14-12 defeat at the hands of Linden. However, due to an ineligible player on the Linden squad, a forfeit victory was awarded to Cranford soon afterward. Against Westfield in their next game, the Cougars came from behind in the second half to upset the powerful Blue Devils 20-17. This marked the first Watchung Conference loss for Westfield since 1961. According to Coach Grayson, this was the hardest and best-played game that the team played all year. The excitement of the Westfield game continued in the following week when the Cou- gars outlasted Clark 20-13. In this battle, Charlie Bolcer scored the winning touchdown from fifteen yards out with only four seconds remaining. The Cougars continued their winning ways in the next two games with triumphs over Rahway, 14-7, and Hillside, 20- 7. In the latter game, the Cougars put on their best second half show, scoring every time they had the ball. After an upset defeat to a tough and highly-spirited Springfield team 25-13, the Cougars traveled to Roselle where they crushed the Rams, 28-0. In the following game with Scotch Plains, which the Cougars had to win for the Conference crown, Cranford came from behind again to defeat the Plainsmen, 19-13. This was the first time Cranford had defeated Scotch Plains in five years. The Cougars ended the season on a sad note, losing to a powerful Jefferson eleven, 30-7. In this game Booney Mazella failed in his attempt to be the first Cranford player ever to gain 1000 yards in a season, but he did end up with a total of 958 yards, a new Cranford record.

FOOTBALL ,^«>'' mi RECORD C.H.S. 12 Linden* 14 20 Westfield 17 20 Clark 13 14 Rahway 7 20 Hillside 7 13 Springfield 25 28 Roselle 0 19 Scotch Plains 13 7 Jefferson 20 *Won by forfeit, score 1-0. ROW 1: V. Arrington, N. Berzinskis, T. Kester, T. Oothout, P. Winter, F. Grote, B. Loxley, J. Oslro. W. Foremen, S. Mittelmon. ROW 2: Mr. Preite, R. Friedman, P. Chase, G. Kott, B. Povics, J. Briefer, V. Her- berts, R. Cree. ROW 3: E. Sanford, B. Isinger, O'Connell, Kresman, McCullough, C. Teese, G. Amon, T. McHale, J. Crimmons.

At the beginning of the season it seemed as if SOCCER Cranford High School might have had its finest soc- cer team. After an opening day loss to a highly favored Jefferson squad by a 3-0 score, the Blue and RECORD Gold booters bounced back to a 2-0 victory over C.H.S. Opp Union and a 3-1 victory over an extremely strong 0 Jefferson 3 Edison eleven. Unfortunately, after this game, the 2 0 team entered a slump and only in a scoreless tie 3 1 with Westfield did it display any of the great poten- 0 Watchung Hills 1 tial which it had exhibited earlier in the season. 1 . 1 Coach Angelo Preite called his starting line of Bill 2 Berkeley Heights . 1 Loxley or Fred Grote, Paul Buonaguro, Vic Arrington, Bill Foreman, and Gary Iversen even better than that 0 Westfield 0 of last year which led Cranford to its strongest sea- 3 Clark 1 son. The defense of Tom Kester, Noris Berzinskis, 0 Hillside 1 Joel Ostro, Tom Oathout, Shelly Mittelman, and 0 Linden .. . 3 Rusty Cree was also highly praised. This group 2 Springfield 3 brought Cranford a 5-5-2 log, which, except for last 4 Columbia ._ . 0 year's record was the best in many years. Coach Bill Massa guided the Cross Country team to a respectable season record of 5-6. Wayne Garretson, a senior and the captain, turned in outstanding performances all season long. He finished first in the Watchung Conference Meet, beating perennial champ Steve Harris of Scotch Plains and establishing a new meet mark of 12:32 for the two and one half mile course. Seniors Dennis Aprill and Bob Knox consistently placed in the top ten, while juniors Tom Albans and Fred Vogel showed great promise by also placing high for the Cougars.

RECORD C.H.S. Opp. 25 Linden 30 34 Irvington .. 22 57 Columbia .. 20 CROSS COUNTRY 22 Rahway 34 28 Edison 29 27 Scotch Plains .. 29 30 Jefferson 25 27 Union 31 31 Hillside 28 30 .... North Hunterdon Regional .... 27 45 Westfield .. 18 County—Sixth Watchung Conference—Fourth ROW 1: S. Ferguson, T. Pavks, B. Knox, C. Knipe, D. Aprill. ROW 2: How Score Wins W. Garretson, F. Vogel, E. Vorcho, T. Albons, B. Marek, Mr. Massa. ROW 1: T. Clay, P. Tyrpak, J. Schaeffer, J. Trabochino. ROW 2: R. Thurston, T. Nolan, S. Mittleman, J. Downing, N. Berzinskis, Mr. Martin. ROW 3: G. Goodwin, M. Jordan, P. Philippoff, J. Dreyer, W. Huckel, D. Auerbach, R. Koenig.


Coach Bill Martin has once more led his aggressive Cougar scoring machine to a winning campaign, finishing up the 1963-64 season with a sterling 15-5 slate. The Cranford club kept up with tradition in edging perennial foe St. Mary's of Elizabeth in the 70-60 "foulathon" that marked the opening of the season. It was in this early contest that Coach Martin unveiled his powerful bench when three of his starters fouled out. With Cougar regulars, Noris Berzinskis, Wayne Huckel, and Shelley Mittleman, on the sidelines, alternates Don Auerbach, Jim Downing, and George Goodwin took up the slack and insured this and many other Cougar victories. Hillside High proved to be the nemesis of the season, beating the Cougars in two outings by scores of 55-39 and 52-48. The locals split their two games with the top- rated Blue Devils of Westfield in a 71-55 victory and a 67-59 loss. The Cranford cagers sported an 8-3 record in the Watchung Conference competition, capturing third place. Junior star, Wayne Huckel, teamed up with Senior stalwart, Noris Berzinskis to lead the Cougar scoring attack, while playmaker Shelley Mittleman gave up shooting for top notch defensive play. Seniors, Rob Thurston and Rusty Cree, added to the Cougar scoring punch with their long and deadly set shots. Cree and big John Dreyer account- ing for most of the rebounding. Sophomore George Goodwin proved to be the "find" of the season, and has two more years of play ahead of him. Because of their fine record, the Cougars were accorded top seeding in the Union County Tournament this year. They also participated in the Schenectady Tournament during the Christmas holidays, and placed third. t *

RECORD C.H.S. Opp. 70 St. Mary's 60 39 Hillside 55 68 Linden 56 65 Clark 38 64 Linton 69 65 Amsterdam 50 67 Rahway 49 64 Roselle 44 77 Linden 65 65 Clark 38 50 Westfield 67 48 Hillside 52 99 Scotch Plains 70 78 Rahway 61 67 Springfield 57 44 Roselle 37 71 Westfield 55 64 Summit 52 80 Springfield 71 Watchung Conference—Third The indoor track team returned to Cranford High School this year after an absence of two years. Under the direction of Mr. James Phipps, former quarter miler for Maryland State University, the team has compiled a commendable season. The highlight of the season was the setting of a new state record of 4:31.7 by Wayne Garretson when he won the state mile championship. He also was the only New Jer- sey miler to qualify for the National Scholastic Championship at Madison Square Garden. Tom Albans, second to Garretson in medals, placed fourth in the state quarter mile with a time of 53.7. He also anchored the mile relay team. Other mile relay medal winners in- clude Don Wehrenberg, John Worster, Doug Rae, and Bob McCrea. Other outstanding runners include Ed Biederman, Chuck Harrell, Mark Ettin, Tony McHale, and Norman Williams. The future of the team looks as bright as this years team, since two quarter milers will re- turn along with three from the 880 relay.


ROW 1: P. Florty, E. Biederman, D. Rae, M. Ettin, N. Williams, B. Bast, J. Bottaglini. ROW 2: A. Braslow, C. Hamilton, G. Simpson, B. McCray, D. Wehrenberg, J. Worster, P. Gilbert. ROW 3: T. Albans, A. Hamilton, J. Cossa, C. Harrell, W. Garretson. ROW 4: E. Varcho, J. Rosselli, J. Peterson. m i I'

ROW 1: D. Ganzemuller, D. Eaton, G. Krip, P. Occi, R. Scheller, V. Arringlon. ROW 2: F. Grote, J. Baldwin, S. Burr, B. Mazello, R. Nelson, D. ladayne. ROW 3: D. Nordstrom, G. lebret, R. Olowski, J. Peterson, P. Lingerfeldt. ROW 4: Mr. Jones, H. Peterson, S. Freud, Mr. Farrell.


The wrestling team, although not the county power it has been in previous years, enjoyed a winning season record of 6-5. At the Union RECORD High School Christmas Tourney the Cougars placed second behind C.H.S. Opp. a very powerful Union team. Three Cranford wrestlers were victorious 24 Jefferson 19 in the District Championships, while two more placed second. 25 Plainfield 15 Senior George Krip was a standout performer all season long, logging a record of 7-3, including a team high of five pins. Pete 5 Union 36 Occi, another senior, also had a winning season. Roland Scheller was 8 Scotch Plains 34 an outstanding Junior wrestler. He finished a successful season with 37 Berkeley Heights 10 a victory in the Districts. Other Juniors who will bolster the team next 16 ... Columbia 24 year are Jeff Briefer, Doug Eaton, and Ken Preston. Three Sopho- 33 Hillside 8 mores started for the grapplers this year. Dundy Ganzemuller copped 30 Clark 12 a very good season by winning in the Districts. Dave Ladayne and 15 Springfield 28 Doug Nordstrom both showed great promise of two good seasons to 40 Rahway 5 come. 15 Westfield 25 Christmas Tourney—Second SPRING

ROW 1: T. Fedorko, T. Nolan, G. Goodwin, W. Burr, J. Keppler, D. Burke, F. Vogel. ROW 2: P. Linger- feldt, J. Downing, S. Geller, M. Delia Rosa, S. Millleman, D. Von Brunt. ROW 3: Mr. H. Brown, P. Philipoff, J. Washbourne, J. Briefer, P. Moizello, C. Roberts. BASEBALL

ROW 1: T. Harrison, R. Murphy, W. Garretson, D. Rae, D. Aprill, D. Barile, G. Iversen, T. McHale, M. Ettin, J. Cossa. ROW 2: J. Dreyer, L. Hamilton, J. Worster, T. Albans, B. Marek, R. Scheller, C. Hamilton, D. Mazzeo, R. Wasciwicz, G. DiGiovanni, ROW 3: W. Huckel, B. Pavics, W. Hopper, P. Bauer, R. Orlow- ski, K. Morrison, J. Williams, J. Meeuwissen, E. Biederman, J.

Fair. ROW 4: G. Chester, B. Weberbauer, M. Jones, G. Wenzel, D. Rae, M. DiMicco, T. Bentsen, J. Bodnor, W. Northcutt, B. West. ROW 5: R. Bell, M. Jones, J. Phipps, Coaches. SPORTS

ROW 1: J. Jordan, B. Knox, J. Schaeffer, B. Patberg, C. Riha, Mr. A. Schmidt, Coach. ROW 2: A. Schlosser, A. Block, A. Rubine, T. Beam, P. Warnngton, J. Horcketts.



MAJORETTE: Sue Krochmal. ROW 1: G. Lynch, P. Krochmal. Twirlers ROW 2: K. Mayer, Ruth Buontempo. ROW 3: J. Harrison, P. Lewandowski, B. Cook, E. Simoons.

J. V. Cheerleaders

ROW 1: G. Beckman, D. Harden. ROW 2: A. Aiken, S. Money. ROW 3: L. Stewart, Linda Bork, S. Wimmer.

124 The main purpose or function of the twirling squad is to promote school spirit at football games and to provide entertainment at half time. The twirling squad is a group of trained girls chosen in a strict manner. To be a twirler, a girl must maintain high grades in all her subjects, and have charm, poise, grace, and Twirlers personality. She must accept the responsibility of holding up the squad's stand- ards as well as that of her high school. For, everytime she performs on the field, she is representing her school. After twirling season, the twirlers must break in and new girls for next year's squad. After much training, the new squad is chosen. If they desire, the squad may enter competition. In 1961, the squad so desired and brought back trophies and honors. Cheerleaders The Varsity Cheerleaders offer to girls one of the few opportunities for them to represent our school. The cheerleaders display school spirit and good sports- manship at all varsity football and basketball games. They provide an example of good spirit both at games and in the school. The squad consists of ten junior and senior girls who are chosen by the senior members of the squad, the sponsor, and one or two other faculty members. The squad is chosen after several prac- tice sessions, and semi-final and final contests. Junior members must try out again to become senior members of the cheerleading squad. All cheerleaders must maintain at least a C average in their major subjects. The Junior Varsity cheerleading squad is composed of five tenth grade girls from each of the two junior high schools. The girls offer moral support for the J.V. basketball team and lead their schools in pep and good sportsmanship. They also promote more united school spirit.

Varsity Cheerleaders

ROW 1: P. Wilgeroth, E. Zachary, A. DeMaeio, R. Gisher. ROW 2: P. Selby, B. Kisner. ROW 3: N. Money, C. Bork, E. Moses, B. Jones. >*«<0tm u»u o. ,„, „ H V . Li Be r \t '•VN'O'I '-, No Mq

•/*%* >> "v > "*-> VN/C.v.VoA,v • ^^ ,Y ,/' ^^^ V ^"pd^Vd^ln ^^V.1, V fc k te b "Ci "Bo *Hf To V "RC *O, "I, V 'Vu T.\ B( *p<) V )tM ! '» '4 » W I* • •* • '- i. i. Jb. A «• 4 j .1 Fr Ra

La Ce Pt Nd P<- 5m tu Gd tb b» Ho fr Tm Yb Lu jt 'ft -V W U '» '* 'V * i» \ k it k it * " Ac Th Pa U N' Pu AIM Cm Bi< Cf £s Fm M<) No I*

rrtT t. f N 11 ffifl Our task in this country is to do our best, to serve our nation's interest as we see it, and not to be swayed from our course by the fainthearted or the unknowing or the threats of those who would make themselves our foes.

President's Message to University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. October 12, 1961.

UNDERCLASSMEN 202. ROW 1: L Ajar, S. Bag well, B. Becker, S. Baker, F. Ack erman, M. Bapst. ROW 2: J Balinskis, J. Bebkowitz, G. An derson, C. Anderson, B. Bendlin, G. Banis, S. Alatory. ROW 3 J. Battaglini, S. Aagard, V Anderson, M. Bapst, B. Baldwin, B. Baldwin, Mr. Sylvester. ROW 4: W. Arfken, J. Baffa, E. Andrus, J. Andrews, T. Andrea- son, D. Auerbach, T. Albans, D. Allcock. MJ mm _ itLj Mia JUNIORS

203. ROW 1: B. Brown, S. Brown, B. Breaks, S. Byrnes, L. Brichett. ROW 2: C. Broges, E. Biederman, J. Bross, R. Brirton, L. Bentliff, J. Blakeley, P. Camp- bell. ROW 3: Mr. Hein, A. Cal- iendo, A. Brown, L. Bovasso, K. Boyd, J. Boyle, S. Brink. ROW t: E. Burke, C. Blanding, T. Boyle, J. Bickunos, C. Bolcer, P. BounoQu ro.

204. ROW 1: C. Capodice, P. Coffey, E. Choncer, I. Collins. ROW 2: T. Casale, C. Caruso, J. Christman, P. Covallaro, Mrs. Foltz. ROW 3: S. Cavallaro, T. Ciancia, L. Comrie, T. Clay, F. Castaldi, G. Chester. 205. ROW 1: A. DeMaio, M. DellaSerro, C. Cowperthwaite, C. Degenhordt, K. DeHaven. ROW 2: A. Diamond, M. Cron, S. Donkel, R. Czebrowski, N. DeMorco, E. Dennis. ROW 3: Mrs. Dwortzan, R. Davidon, R. Darchi, F. Cushing, R. Cossa, D. Craft, D. Cooney. ROW 4: M. Delia Rosa, J. Cossa, A. Costa- bile, C. Dickinson, S. Dicksteen, L. Dahlquist, C. Cree.

206. ROW 1: J. Fitzgerald, C. DiRini, J. Ditzel, M. Ellam, S. Ebert. ROW 2: T. Dougan, J. Eberle, M. Dmytriw, C. Fink, I. Fischer, A. Forb. ROW 3: Mr. Glennon, T. Fedorko, R. Doug- las, R. Fingerlin, S. Ferguson, C. Ditzel, D. Eaton. ROW 4: A. Eagland, J. Dreyer, G. Dixon, M. Ettin, G. DiGiovanni, T. Ehlers, E. Fitzsimmons.

207. ROW 1: M. Gillen, M. Guskin, C. Frank, L. Guy, C. Fricke. ROW 2: B. Fredericks, S. Frances, I. Glogorski, C. Gye- nese, D. Graskewitz, Miss Schrei- er. ROW 3: M. Halleron, M. Frank, W. Force, S. Geller, A. Gorski, N. Hale. ROW 4: P. Foerst, D. Gershmon, J. Gentile, P. Gaytos, E. Hall, M. Groyson. 208. ROW 1 B. Hillman, N Howell, S. Huston, N. Hei ne man. R. Holli doy. ROW 2: J Home , P. Ho ilond, J. Hastr JP G. Hi nt, S. Horrington, J. H jb buch. ROW 3: A. Hawks, B Houb ok, J. Herusko, C. Har rell, J. Heuer, J. Heutteman, C Hilbe t. ROW 4: R. Hunter, V Herbs rt, A. Hamilton, W. Huck el, C. Hamilto n, J. Hill.

209. ROW 1: R. Kapl, in, K. Jones, N. Kelly, P. Katz, B. Is- inger, C. Korner. ROW 2: C. ISQOCS/ B. Johnson, K. Koc her, J. Kinney, L. Karl, E. Kisrngut. ROW 3: E. Kosen, B. Jorles, G. Kott, B. Kiernon, S. Ki ng, E. Jockson. ROW 4: J: KI Keppler, C. Knipe, D. J

210. ROW 1: D. K ragman, J. Liober mon, M. Lconor d, B. Laur. en, B. lurinsky. ROW 2: Mrs. Ritvo, M. Lysok, N. Kronmeyer, P. Kur•isko, M. Lerda, J. Kundrot,

D. Lei3hy. ROW 3: L. Laycock, P. Lingerfeldt, B. Lo>:ley, J. La- Placo, P. Lewondowski, L. Levine. ROW 4: J. Lelond, R. Ludlum, K. Leonowitz, J. Lerdy.

130 211, ROW 1: K. Mayer, E. Mc- Carthy, C. Mazzarese, L. Maz- zeo, M. McStay. ROW 2: A. McNab, C. Miller, M. McPherson, J. McCullough, R. Modden, S. Marsh. ROW 3: A. Mernitk, R. Mackenzie, J. Mazzeo, Melu- wissen, G. MacCallum, Marro, Manenty. ROW 4: R. Meeks, B. Marek, B. McCrag, B. Mihan- sky, J. Marner, Mr. Mueller.

212, ROW 1: J. Osolin, B. Nev- ins, N. Money, P. O'Connell, M. O'Brien, C. Okun. ROW 2: S. Mittleman, K. Mineur, J. Morris, M. Orazi, J. Niesz, Mr. McKen- dry. ROW 3: R. Olowski, T. Modrazecci, R. Nyce, B. Odell, P. Murphy, J. Mysiak, G. Mun- kel, B. Montgomery. ROW 4: T. Nolan, R. Myerson, F. Mitt- ricker, B. Northcutt, A. Nies, J. Ostro, L. Nann.

305. ROW 1: P. Percevoult, D. Piper, D. Philbin, P. Paffenroth, B. Pechin. ROW 2: R. Pavics, T. Pavics, F. Pielhau, V. Palmieri, A. Pilewski, Mr. Daniels. ROW 3: B. Potberg, T. Perezluha, C. Peterson, H. Peterson, J. Pankie- witl, R. Partridge, P. Philippoff. 306. ROW 1: J. Pospisil, K. Ret- tino, J. Ritsko, V. Santone, A. Rowe, A. Reilly. ROW 2: K. Preston, E. Sanford, S. Putz, J. Rosen, J. Roberts, K. Rosenthal, J. Salis. ROW 3: R. Ringle, G. Sanfuiliano, B. Rogers, R. Pronio, D. Regal, A. Reider, Mr. Weiss. ROW 4: R. Ross, B. Rofferty, B. Ritchell. R. Radis, E. Reode, C. Riha, C. Roberts.

308. ROW 1: I. Schott, E Scnreier, E. Simmons, S. Snup- per, R. Silverman, M. Schloff ROW 2: L. Smith, P. Selby, B. Schmidt, R. Schiller, P. Sharier, ROW 3: R. Schlenger, G. Sim son, R. Scheller, D. Sassi, B Shaw, I. Schnebel. ROW 4: S. Schaeffer, E. Scott, R. Seymo A. Simms, Mr. Boyle.

309. ROW 1: J. Stouffer, G. Sommerville, D. Snow, M. Thomp- son, K. Southwick. ROW 2: M. Walsh, W. Strubble, T. Taber, S. Sullivon, B. Tritask, N. Thaler. ROW 3: F. Vogel, Trobcchi- no, D. Von Brunt, A. Syvertsen, R. Walsh. ROW 4: J. Thomp- son, B. Tyree, J. Tarrantino, Mr. Drabble. 310. Row 1: M. Winter, D. V/drcl, D- Zimroermon, G. Wil- loughby, E. Zathory. ROW 2: P. Wollon, B. Wiseman, P. Willgeroth, A. Wible, R. Weh- renbers, M. Weiner. ROW 3: R. Woiiewicz, J. Wherrity, S. Yus- chak, M. Wenrieh, S. Worrel, C. Wollers, B. Washburn. ROW 4: B. Weberbauer, C. Windelkin, M. Weber, G. Wenzell, T. Wojcak, J. Worster, Mr. Naylor.

Junior Class Officers

ROW 1: Mrs. Dwortzan, J. Bat- taglini, Mr. Marcus. ROW 2: G. Hunt, D. Van Brunt, P. Selby. AVfNir*

IS: For the individual, the doors to the schoolhouse, to the library, and to the college lead to the richest treasures of our open society: to the power of knowl- edge—to the training and skills necessary for the productive employment—to the wisdom, the ideals, and the culture which enrich life—and to the cre- ative, self-disciplined understanding of society need- ed for good citizenship in today's changing and challenging world.

President's Message on Education to the Congress of the United States. January 29, 1963.



ROW 1: I. Ackelsberg, M. Dorin, M. Yucker, J. Granny, C. Kiamie, K. Krichman, S. Rabin, D. Prill, G. Cubberly. ROW 2: G. Ward, J. Korban, R. DeMarco, B. Hubbard, J. Bykowski, K. Foltz, B. Madden, P. Chrranowski. ROW 3: C. Reaves, V. McCall, G. Beckman, M. Sawicki, T. Zielinski, C. Kozior, C. Schulman, M. Taber, J. Caravano, D. Bubb. ROW 4: S. Avery, L. Huckel, J. Kurisko, J. Dougherty, K. French, M. Buton, G. Drexler, H. Mitchell, N. Green. ROW 5: S. Herman, C. Turner, J. Gutierrez, B. Wilson, R. Reed, B. Marston, D. Dooley, B. Marcione, K. Taberski.



OFFICERS: P. Nietzel, N. Janowski, Mi Bell, A. Rubine, J. Coyne. ROW 2: T. Hill, B. Miller, S. McDowell, E. Carlson, J Shapiro, B. Ginthner, J. Dunlop, J. Ray ROW 3: S. Kresge, L. Knox, D. Hamilton, M. Brennan, M. Vogel, I. Atkins, F. Gray son, C. Von Billow, C. Finn. ROW 4; M Peterson, M. Clare, G. Goodwin, R. Cree, M. Nordstrom, C. Miller, S. Miller, M. V. Guilder, J. Rocky, P. Humphries. ROW 5: B. Albans, M. Aaron, T. Rau, R. Michal- son, M. Strock, P. Downing, G. Sham S. Baldwin, A. Machuzak, P. Machuzak JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY

All generous hearts lament the leader killed, The young chief with the smile, the radiant face, The winning way that turned a wondrous race Into sublimer pathways, leading on.

Grant to us Life that though the man be gone The promise of his spirit be fulfilled.

John Masefield Poet Laureate of England

The Editors of the 1964 Golden C wish to express our greatest thanks and apprecia- tion to all those who have helped us in putting our yearbook together. We wish to thank the general staffs who worked so had to compile the necessary material. Special appreciation goes to Mr. Everett, our representative of Rae Publishing Company, and to Mr. Berkabile and Mr. Frutchey, our photographers. But most of all, we wish to thank our sponsor Mr. Hein, and our other faculty advisors, Miss Robinson and Mr. Longen- bach for their guidance and help. We wish to acknowledge, too, the Administration and Faculty from all three schools for the assistance which they provided. Lithographed by RAE PUBLISHING CO. 282 Grove Avenue Cedar Grove, N. J.

R 373.05 Cra DESK 1964 Cranford