For Reference Not to be taken from this library J Crawford. NJ. 07016 CRANFORO PUBLIC LIBRARY N.J. 2 1 3 9520 00116 7230 f\ high school yearbook should be more than merely a record of the seniors, their activities, and the work that they have done in their high school years. It should also relate and record the important events of the world which personally affect the students. The tragedy of November 22, 1963 is an event which can neither be forgotten nor ignored. Our yearbook is an attempt to correlate the prin- ciples of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy with the everyday events of our school life, so that we may dedicate ourselves to the achievement of the goals which he has set forth. We have chosen excerpts from the words of our late President to show the relationship between our activities and the more universal concepts with which he dealt. GOLDEN C 1 9 6 4 Cranford High School Cranford, New Jersey "Let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Ameri- cans . ." Thus did John Fitzgerald Kennedy in his first and, as fate has cruelly ordained, his last inaugural address, personify his pro- found understanding of the role each generation plays as the link between our historic past and the promise and peril of the future. It was this recognition that no nation may rest upon the laurels of past greatness, coupled with his proud confidence that this generation could effectively carry the burdens of leadership which made John Kennedy a symbol to both young and old, but most especially to the young. As the first national leader born in the twentieth century, he seemed to represent the promise of as yet unperceived tomorrows. His con- fidence made us strong; his energy made us feel invigorated; his strength made us feel more secure. Because of these qualities, all of us, Democrat and Republican alike, came to admire him in ways as yet unrecognized until that terrible, tragic November 22nd. With his untimely death, we have felt cheated, as if fate had snatched from us the promise of our future. If this vibrant, handsome confident "child of destiny" could be so cruelly cut down, could not the same capricious destiny doom our nation, our civilization, our world? During those terrible four days, those of us who were able to think at all, could not but feel that all that we hoped for lay broken and withered like the "power and glory" of our dead leader. But, as he had led us during his life, his own words have helped to sustain our confidence in the destiny of our nation and people. For, did he not quicken our sense of historic purpose when on a bitterly cold day in January three short years before he issued this call to greatness: "In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maxi- mum danger . The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world." In light of his faith and his confidence, can we do any less? -MR. SEYMOUR WEISS CONTENTS Faculty 8 Seniors 18 Activities 82 Athletics 112 Underclassmen 126 Junior Schools 134 >** This versatility, this vitality, this intellectual energy, put to the service of our country, represents our great resources in these difficult days. President's Message to University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. October 12, 1961. FACULTY G. FRANK ZIMMERMAN Bucknell University—B.A. Columbia University—M.A. Principal CLARK WRIGHT McDERMITH Illinois College—A.B. University of Illinois—M.A. Teachers College, Columbia University—Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools ADMINISTRATION CHARLES POST FRANK MARTZ Rider College-B.S. Rutgers University—M.Ed., Ed.S. University of North Dakota—B.S. University of Minnesota—M.S. Vice Principal Director of Curriculum and Instruction MILDRED KERRY ANITA F. LYONS Newark Stale College, B.A. N.Y.U., B.S., M.A., Ph.D. Special Education Hofslra College, M.S. CHARLES LITTEN MARGARET RHEIN Bridgewaler College, 8. A. Morrtclair Stale College, B.A. University of Virginia, M.Ed. Rutgers University, M.Ed. JANE SEYMOUR Teachers College, Columbia Uni- FLORENCE NORTHCUTT versity, B.S.; Mt. Sinai Hospital Newark Stale College, B.A. School of Nursing, Diploma Speech Therapy Varsity Cheerleaders Sponsor, Vocational Medical Club Spon- sor, Pep Club Sponsor BOARD OF EDUCATION II SEATED, left to right: Dr. Henry Mineu r. Vice President; Gus Gutierrez, President; Mrs. B. G. Gillespie. STANDING: Henry Boardman, Albert Jc ihnson, Meredith Conley, William Knox, Robert Seovy. ABSENT: Mrs. Ruth Dexter. HELENE DWORTZAN MICHAEL GLENNON MICHAEL MARCUS Syracuse University, B.A. Seton Hall University, B.S. MonfciW Sfofe Co//ege, Middlebury College, B.A. Rutgers University, M.Ed. B.A., M.A. Junior Class Sponsor Junior Class Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Golden C Sponsor ENGLISH DEPARTMENT JOAN MATKOWSKI HENRY J. McKENDRY FREDERICK MULLER, JR. FRANK RAMSEY ersey City State College, B.A. Newark Stale College, B.A. Gettysburg College, A.B. Susquehonna University, A.B. Columbia University, M.A. Mask and Bauble Sponsor Spotlight Sponsor Senior Play Sponsor Hi-Y Sponsor Deportment Chairman ROSEMARY RITVO IRMA SCHNEIER Douglass College, B.A. Syracuse University, B.A. Creative Writing Club "/ pledge allegiance to f/ie S/c LIBRARY United Flag at America . DEPARTMENT ELMER WEBER YanHon College, B.A. University of Nebraska, M.A. Rutgers University, M.H.S. CAROL LAUREL Library Council Sponsor SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT EDWARD BOYLE JACK CAMPBELL JOHN DRABBLE St. Peter's College. 8.S. Cornell College, B.A. Rutgers, B.A., M.A. Rutgers University, M.A. University of Illinois, M.A. Assembly Committee Sponsor Sponsor of the Senior Class Department Chairman ANTHONY SYLVESTER DAVID NAYLOR Newark Rutgers, B.A. Grove City College Rutgers, M.A. Men's Intramural Sports Sponsor Chess Club Sponsor Forum Club Spon "Let us pray ... or is that against the law?" MATHEMATICS OLIVER WEST DEPARTMENT Harvard University, A.B. Columbia University, A.M. VINCENT BODINO Montdair State College, B.A. Montdair State College, M.A. J.V. Football Freshman Track EDWARD SCHWARTZ Rufae s University, B.S. Rutger University, M.Ed. MERLYN JONES BEATRICE SCHWOERER Bloomsburg State College, B.S. Montdair State College, B.A. Montcloir State College, M.A. Columbia University Teachers Varsity Football — Ass't., J.V. College, M.A. Wrestling, Varsity Outdoor Track 13 '71 ISABEL DUKES MARIE KERZMAN DORIS KOPP RAY MITCHELL Montclair Stain College, A.B New York University, B.A., M.A. Montclair Stale College, B.A. Wanderbilt University, Red Cross Sponsor Ushers Sponsor French Club Sponsor B.A., M.A.T. Latin Club Sponsor LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT ISAAC RUSSO ROGER A. POIRIER RUTH LINZ Tufts University. B.A.; Spring- Stale Teachers' CoMege, 6.S. Toronto Teachers' College, First Held College, M.Ed., Professional Class Teaching Cert.; Rutgers New York University. M.A. Diploma University, B.A. Spanish Club Sponsor Department Chairman OsriTion Club Sponsor SCIENCE DEPARTMENT COURTLAND J. DALEY MARTIN GOLDSTEIN Trinity College, Hartford, B.S.; City College of New York, B.S Columbia Teachers' College, M.A., Prof. Diploma Stage Crew Sponsor Department Chairman "When I was your age SYLVIA HALPERN DONALD R. JONES Hunter College, B.A. Montclair Stole College. B.A., M.A. F.T.A. Sponsor MICHAEL YANUZZI Selon Hall University, B.S., M.A. Visual Aids Sponsor /•" ROY DANIELS JOSEF GOODMAN JAMES LENNEY New Jersey Slate Teachers Col- :e/ Institute of Techno/ogy, Juilliard School ol Musk, B.S. New York University, S.A., M.A. lege al Newark, B.S.Ed.; Rutgers B.S. New York University, MA. University, M.A.Ed. Music Department Home Economics Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Architecture Club Sponsor ARTS DEPARTMENT BURTON lONGENBACH WILLIAM C. MASSA Kutzrown State College, B.S.; Newark Stale College Columbia University Teachers College, M.A. Industrial Arts Varsity Cross Country Cooch Art, Art Club Sponsor ALFRED PATTERSON New Yort University, B.S. Trenton State, M.A. Marching Band A. DONALD WHELLAN Monhoffan School, B.M. Columbia Teachers College, B.S., M.A. LEE PETTI HUBERT BROWN LLOYD H. JACOBS HARRY LAWRENCE V Stale Co//ege, B.A. Niogora University, B.S., M.Ed. Boston Univ., Bach. Bus. Adm. Trenton Slain Co/lege, B.S. J.V. Football Coach, J. V. Bas- Monlc/oir Stole College, M.A. New York University, M.A. ketball Coach, Varsity Baseboll Coach BUSINESS DEPARTMENT DOROTHY ROBINSON THOMAS SCUTRO Trenton Sfote Teachers Coliege, Ridi:r College, B.S. B.S.; New Yorlc University, M.A. Montc/oir Stole College, M.A. STANLEY GRAYSON Temple University, B.S. LOIS KIRN Va rsity Football Coach, Fr<ssh- Panzer Col/ege, B.A. ma n Wrestling Coach, Varlity On tdoor Track Ass't Coach Girls' Sports Sponsor PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT WILLIAM MARTIN PAUL SELBY RUTH A. MCCARTNEY Gettysburg Co/lege, A.8. Trenton Stole College, B.S.Ed. Ponzer Co//ege, B.S.Cd. Springfield Co/lege, M.Ed. Rutgers University, M.Ed. Girls' Sports Sponsor Pep Club Sponsor Varsity Football Ass't Coach Varsity Basketball Coach FLORENCE BRAGDON THERESA S. D'ALESSANDRIS EVELYN MacMILLAN ROSEMARY SJURSEN SECRETARIAL STAFF CUSTODIAL STAFF HAZEL MASINO CAFETERIA STAFF, left to right: Karoline Wolff, Flarie Baldwin, Theresa Sapp, Linda Ragonese, Jane Gwath- ney, Gertrude Farrell. MISSING: Lucille Farkas. CUSTODIAL STAFF, left to right: William Moore, Patsy Limone, Vito DiBello, James DiFabio. CAFETERIA STAFF fp. Let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans born in this cen- tury tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of their ancient heritage and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed and to which we are committed to- day at home and around the world.
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