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Vol. 120, No. 14 April 10, 2009 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel (800) 305-0217 • $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Oslo Maternal personality affects child’s Dino Train signs deal with Norway at MIPTV eating habits The MIPTV market has Mothers with many negative thoughts provided the forum to finalize The Jim Henson Company’s and feelings are more likely to give lastest agreement regarding their children unhealthy food. the series with Norway’s public broadcaster NRK, who has Sp e c i a l Re l e as e Eivind Ystrøm, Norwegian Institute of Public Health acquired television broadcast rights for the territory. This is the first research anxious, angry, sad, had poor self- project in the world that analyzes confidence or a negative view of the children’s diets combined with world were far more likely to give Norway unions, both psychological and socio- their child sweet and fatty foods. employers reach wage demographic variables in the At the same time, there was no link deal mother. As part of the Norwegian between maternal personality and Mother and Child Cohort Study how healthy a diet the child got in Norwegian labor unions and (done by the the Norwegian Institute the form of fruit and vegetables,” employers reached a pay deal of Public Health and the University explains psychologist Eivind on Tuesday, agreeing on a of Oslo), a total of 27,763 mothers Ystrøm at the NIPH (Norwegian general increase and extra were asked how often and how Institute of Public Health). for low-income workers and much their 18-month-old child ate These maternal personality boosting wage costs by 3.6 of 36 types of food and drink. By traits fall under a collective name of percent. this age, children learn to prefer high negative affectivity (negative sweet and fatty food over healthy emotions). These people often have food. a lower stress threshold, giving up Norway’s Kongsberg Photo: Nancy Bundt/Innovation Norway “We found that mothers New research suggests that mothers who are emotionally unstable are more likely completes aviation unit who were emotionally unstable, CONTINUES PAGE 14 sale to Triumph to feed their children unhealthy food. Norwegian Kongsberg Automotive has closed the Norwegian Chairmanship of Questions and Answers sale of its aviation to Triumph Congressman Earl Pomeroy is a founder and Group Inc. for EUR 20 the Holocaust Task Force co-chairman of the Friends of Norway Caucus million. in the House of Representatives—a forum for dialogue and exchange of views between U.S. and What’s inside? Norwegian politicians on issues, interests, priorities, News: 2-3 and policies between Norway, and the United States and globally. Business: 4 Sports: 5 Ar i l d St r ø m m e n Op-Ed: 6-7 Special to Norwegian American Weekly Taste of Norway: 8 What is the Friends of Norway Travels to Norway: 9 Caucus? I formed the Friends of Norway Roots & Connections: 10 Caucus in 1999 with retired Rep. Martin Sabo (D-MN) to further Faith & Religion: 11 Photo: Svein Holst Andreassen The Ceremony of Handing over the Austrian ITF Chairmanship to Norway took enrich the relationship between A&E: 12 place in Vienna on Tuesday, March 17. New chair of Holocaust Task Force, the United States and Norway. Ambassador Tom Vraalsen of Norway. According to the most recent In Your Neighborhood: 13 U.S. census, there are more than Sp e c i a l Re l e as e research and remembrance activities 5 million Norwegian-Americans. Norwegian Heritage: 14 Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the persecution and North Dakota, the state which I genocide of European Jews during Education: 15 The Task Force for represent, has the largest percentage the WWII. of Norwegian-Americans, with International Cooperation Photo courtesy of Congressman Earl “We are approaching this over 30 percent of my state’s on Holocaust Education, task with humility and great Pomeroy’s Office. $1 = NOK 6.57 Remembrance and Research (ITF) Congressman Earl Pomery formed the updated 4/6/09 seriousness, and with an awareness is made up of 26 countries that CONTINUES PAGE 13 Friends of the Norway Caucus in 1999 3/6/09 $1=NOK 7.15 cooperate to promote education, CONTINUES PAGE 15 with retired Rep. Martin Sabo. 2 Norge - Uken som gikk

CeciliaNytt nest best på i verden Nett Kronprinsen er Fjellets Ambassadør Utenriksministeren til USA H.K.H Kronprins Haakon ble fredag 3. april Regjeringen melder at Jonas Gahr Støre tildelt Fjellskikkprisen for 2009. besøker USA 6. - 8. april. Under besøket deltar han bl.a. på 50-årsmarkeringen av Prisen ble overrakt på Slottet av presidenten Antarktis-traktaten sammen med USAs i Norges Røde Kors, Sven Mollekleiv, og utenriksminister Hillary Clinton, og inn- lederen for landsrådet for hjelpekorpsene, leder på et seminar om nedrustning. Uten- Jahn Petter Berentsen. riksministeren skal ha samtaler med bl.a. Røde Kors Landsråd for Hjelpekorps USAs handelsrepresentant Ron Kirk, deler årlig ut Fjellskikkprisen til én eller Midtøsten-utsending George Mitchell, flere personer, grupper eller institusjoner USAs FN ambassadør Susan Rice og uten- som har utmerket seg innen friluftsliv, som riksminister Hillary Clinton. ferdes på en sikker og god måte i fjellet eller som har gjort mye for sikkerheten i fjellet. Astroide får norsk navn Prisen skal bidra til å stimulere og skape Astronomen Orlando A. Naranjo som opp- oppmerksomhet om friluftsliv, sikkerhet og daget asteroiden “(15050) 1998 XC96” i forebyggende arbeid i fjellet. 1998 vil nå oppkalle steinklumpen etter en - Kronprinsen har spilt en viktig rolle i norsk skole. Skolen må først vise at de har forhold til å synliggjøre fjellsikkerhet og sette satt et fokus på astronomi i løpet av året. fokus på klimasaken i forhold til en ny gen- Kronprinsfamilien tilbrakte noen uker på Svalbard i juni 2008. Foto: Veronica Melå / Det Kongelige Hoff Ifølge Astronomiåret 2009 kan dette for erasjon som ferdes i fjellet, sa Berentsen. eksempel være at skolen generelt har hatt Juryen understreker at mange unge i dag knyttet til sikkerhet og forsvarlig framferd i og et symbol på en fremtidsrettet og miljøbe- prosjekter, oppgaver eller ekskursjoner for bruker fjellet til nye typer aktivitet og fjell- fjellet. Kronprinsen, i kraft av sin posisjon, visst bruk av den norske fjellheimen. elevene, at skolen har gjort en innsats for sport, og at Røde Kors er positive til alle som er en viktig rollemodell for unge mennesker å lære opp lærerne i astronomi og bruk tar fjellet i bruk og søker positive opplevels- av teleskop eller at skolen har funnet en er. Juryen påpeker at Kronprisen har bidratt English Synopsis: On April 3 Crown Prince Haakon was awarded the “Fjellskikkprisen kreativ måte å lære elevene om astronomi til å synliggjøre at en livsstil knyttet til spek- 2009” (Mountain Custom Prize) by the Norwegian Red Cross. The organization states på, skriver takulære fjellopplevelser, fysisk aktivitet Haakon is an important role model for young people and that he has played an important part in drawing attention to climate issues and preventative safety work in the mountains. Skityver herjer i påskefjellet og moderne fjellsport er, og bør være, nært Forsikringsbransjen advarer mot stadig fossilt brennstoff, at det er lite trolig at det vil frekkere skityver. Utstyr for nærmere 10 bli gjort ved store kull- og gasskraftverk. millioner kroner stjeles bare i påsken. I år Ny metode renser CO2 billigere – Men ved å skille ut CO2 før forbrenning frykter bransjen enda større tall på grunn Norske forskere har funnet en metode og mye gjenstår før vi kan kjøre dette i stor- kan vi gjøre gass- og kullkraftverk CO2-frie av finanskrisen. Norge er det landet i Eu- for CO2-rensing som kan revolusjonere skala på et kraftverk. Men vi regner med å uten at det må investeres i kostbare rensesys- ropa hvor det stjeles mest ski- og vinter- kampen mot klimaendringer: 100 prosent kunne prøve det ut i et småskala pilotanlegg temer, sier Norby. sportsutstyr, melder ABC Nyheter. av klimagassen fjernes fra gass, olje og om 3-5 år, sier forsker Christian Kjølseth i Jens i samtale med Barack kull før forbrenningen, melder Aftenpos- selskapet Protia som eies av Universitetet i English Synopsis: Scientists at the Uni- ten. Oslo, NTNU og Springfondet (Kistefoss). versity of Oslo and the Norwegian Univer- I forkant av forrige helgs NATO topp- Selskapet skal kommersialisere teknologi sity for Science and Technology (NTNU) møter oppga Norges Statsminister Jens Forskerne ved Universitetet i Oslo og NTNU universitetene utvikler. have developed new methods for remov- Stoltenberg at han håpet å få til et møte i Trondheim snur opp ned på hele proses- Professor Truls Norby ved Kjemisk ing 100 percent of the C02 amount in nat- med President Barack Obama. – Vi fikk sen: De har utviklet metoder for å fjerne 100 Institutt og Senter for materialvitenskap og ural gas even before the gas is burned. It’s tilfeldigvis snakket i en pause mellom to prosent av CO2-mengden i naturgass før den nanoteknologi mener at det er så kostbart å better and cheaper method for CO2 clean- møter, sier Stoltenberg til Radio Norge. Vi brennes. – Teknologien er fortsatt umoden, rense avgassene fra et kraftverk som bruker ing, reports Aftenposten. snakket hovedsaklig om utfordringene i Afghanistan og om det å få på plass en ny klimaavtale. De to hadde også en samtale på tomannshånd under arbeidsmiddagen på Nye æresmedlemmer ved Norsk Bremuseum Nato-møtet, melder avisen. Statssekretær Torbjørn Giæver Eriksen (Ap) sier til Net- H.M. Dronning Sonja var tilstede ved en off- tavisen at Obama helt tydelig var veldig isiell lunsj på Hotel Bristol i Oslo 31. mars oppdatert på Norges politikk. Obama tak- i anledning utnevnelsen av tre nye æres- ket Norge for de norske bidragene i Af- medlemmer i stiftelsen Norsk Bremuse- ghanistan. Han takket både for soldater og um i Fjærland. for de økonomiske bidragene, og berøm- met Stoltenberg for innsatsen i forhold til De nye æresmedlemmene er tidligere dir- folketallet, sier statssekretæren. ektør ved museet og eier av Hotel Mun- dal, Marit Orheim Mauritzen, glasiolog, Hver tiende nordmann er jeger klimaforsker, tidligere direktør for Norsk Antall personer som betalte jegeravgift Polarinstitutt og nå spesialrådgiver i Norges i fjor økte med 2.000. Det betyr at hver Forskningsråd, Olav Orheim av Høyeste- tiende nordmann er en jeger. Antallet rettsdommer Eilert Stang Lund. Alle tre har kvinnelige jegere har fordoblet seg de spesielle nøkkelroller i arbeidet med bremu- siste ti årene. I alt 196.300 personer betalte seet. – Marit Orheim Lauritsen og Olav Or- jegeravgift for jaktåret 2008/2009, og flest heim er bremuseets mor og far. Når vi i tillegg jegere befinner seg i Akershus, der 18.400 gir æresmedlemskap til den første lederen av interimsstyret, og den første lederen i styret personer har betalt jegeravgift. Sør-Trøn- Fra venstre Eilert Stang Lund, Marit Orheim Mauritzen og Dr. Olav Orheim. Foto: Norsk Bremuseum. delag følger på andreplass. for stiftelsen, Eilert Stang Lund, er det uten tvil tre verdige æresmedlemmer, sier direktør en for å få realisert museet. Uten dette arbeidet Risset inn swastika i 55 biler for bremuseet, Nils Paulsen til Grunngivelsen for utdelingen er det ville stiftelsen Norsk Bremuseum neppe ek- Politiet på Beitostølen jager ukjente gjern- H. M. Dronning Sonja ble utnevnt som store frivillige arbeidet disse tre har lagt ned sistert, skriver museet på sine nettsider. ingsmenn med rasistisk tilsnitt. 55 bil- æresmedlem i Norsk Bremuseum i 1992 og English Synopsis: On March 31, Marit Orheim Mauritzen (owner of Hotel Mundal), eiere og påsketurister ble møtt av et særs har til nå vært den eneste æresmedlem. Eilert Stang Lund (Justice of the Supreme Court) and Olav Orheim (Climate Researcher utrivelig syn mandag etter palmesøndag. – Da Dronning Sonja fikk høre hvem and Adviser at the Research Council of Norway) were appointed honorary members of En hel rekke biler var ramponert i løpet av som skulle bli nye æresmedlemmer ville hun the Norwegian Glacier Museum in Fjærland. Queen Sonja, who attended the event in natta, flere av bilene hadde fått risset inn absolutt prioritere å være med på utdelingen. Oslo, has been the only honorary member for the last 16 years. The three new honorary hakekors. Og hun kvitterte med en personlig tale på slutten av lunsjen, forteller Paulsen til avis- members are key people at the museum, writes NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • APRIL 10, 2009 3 Norway in the News “Norway will exit economic crisis less hurt ect Galileo. The EU has previously struggled ly is playing for Roma scored the first goal. ment. The world’s third-largest sovereign than others” to secure financing for Galileo, which is ex- Pedersen had centered to set up Jon Inge wealth fund lost a record $96 billion last The Norwegian economy is holding up pected to be launched in 2013 as a rival to the Hoiland’s goal in the 90th minute that gave year, wiping out gains since the fund start- better than many other Western states in the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS), and Norway a 2-1 lead. In World Cup qualify- ed investing Norway’s oil revenue 12 years global economic crisis, and will emerge less had to release unused funds from the bloc’s ing, Norway is in last place in Group 9 with ago. The Norwegian Ministry of Finance is damaged than its peers, Prime Minister Jens massive agricultural budget. (AFP) two points from three games, but has a game responsible for deciding whether to exclude Stoltenberg said on March 31. Unemploy- in hand on Iceland and Scotland, which each any of the 8,000 companies the fund invests ment, although on the rise, is still low by More support for Afghanistan have four points. Netherlands leads with 12 in, based on recommendations from the Eth- international standards at around 3 percent, In his statement at the NATO Summit in points from four games. Coach Egil Olsen ics Council. The fund has excluded 30 com- and the central bank has slashed its key rate Strasbourg, Germany on April 4, Prime Min- (aka Drillo) signed an extended contract on panies, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the to 2.0 percent — down 3.75 points since last ister Jens Stoltenberg announced that Nor- March 31 that will keep him with the Norwe- world’s largest retailer. At the end of 2008, October to help fuel the economy during the way will increase its support to Afghanistan gian team through the end of 2009. the fund owned shares in tobacco companies downturn. “We will get through this crisis by a total USD $30 million. The money will including Imperial Tobacco Group Plc, Brit- with less damage than many other countries,” be used to train the Afghan army and police Space contract awarded NAMMO ish American Tobacco Plc, Europe’s largest Stoltenberg said in a speech to the financial with a view to enhancing security and stabil- Nammo Raufoss has signed a contract cigarette maker, as well as in Swedish Match industry, repeating that his biggest concern ity in Afghanistan. (Regjeringen) with the European space company EADS AB and in Philip Morris International Inc. was still rising unemployment. (Reuters) Astrium for 700 rocket motors. The contract, “We’ll go through all the companies in the Oregon in running for Think car plant values about NOK 150 million and repre- portfolio and slowly liquidate our positions,” Statkraft and StatoilHydro to develop ma- Norwegian company considering Or- sents a significant production volume of said Kristin Halvorsen, Norwegian Ministry jor offshore wind farm egon for electric-car manufacturing and high-tech space products for the next 5 years. of Finance. (Bloomberg) StatoilHydro and Norwegian power util- maybe eyeing the Portland plant that built “The contract is an important milestone in ity Statkraft join forces to develop the 315 Freightliners as a site to employ 900 work- our continuous effort to satisfy demanding REC Solar adjusts production volumes MW Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm ers. Think North America, whose parent customers and demonstrates our capability REC Solar has decided to reduce second off the coast of Norfolk in the UK. The wind company makes emission-free vehicles, to compete in the space market,” Morten quarter production of solar cells and modules farm, which will consist of 88 turbines, is confirmed April 4 that it’s considering- Or Brandtzæg, Executive VP for Nammo’s Mis- by close to 50 percent. With reference to the planned to start production in 2011. When egon and seven other states for a factory that sile Products Division. (Nammo) challenging market environment for the solar fully operational, its annual electricity pro- would ultimately make 60,000 compact cars industry in the first quarter 2009, REC Solar duction is expected to be around 1.1TWh, a year. (The Oregonian) Gro Harlem Brundtland says keep envi- has experienced solar cells/modules inven- enough energy to power around 220,000 UK ronment in mind tory build-up. Consequently, REC Solar has Per Petterson wins the Nordic Council homes. Total investments are estimated at During an economic crisis, don’t for- decided to reduce second quarter production Literature Prize 2009 approximately NOK 10 billion. (Statkraft) get about environmental issues, said World of solar cells and modules by close to 50 per- On April 3, Norwegian author Per Pet- Health Organization’s former Director-Gen- cent. Approximately 180 employees will be terson was named winner of the 2009 Nordic Telenor served with claim of USD 1.7 bil- eral and former Norwegian Prime Minister affected through terminations of temporary Council Literature Prize, worth $63,000. Pet- lion by Norwegian bailiff Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland. On April 1, she employment contracts, temporary layoffs of terson was cited for the novel “Jeg forbanner On April 3, Telenor was officially served keynoted the Borah Symposium “Building permanent employees and rescheduled va- tidens elv” (I Curse The River of Time). It with a claim to pay USD 1.7 billion to Fa- Peace, Building Health” at the University of cations. With good contract coverage, REC conveys in “poetic and quiet language … rimex Products. The claim was delivered by Idaho in Moscow. She said climate change does not expect changes to the production just how difficult it is to say to each other a Norwegian bailiff from Asker and Bærum has again taken a backseat, this time to the of cells and modules in the third and fourth those things we feel are the most important,” District Court. Telenor is given five days to global economic downturn. Brundtland also quarter of 2009. (REC Group) pay the sum voluntarily. “We have no inten- the jury said. Petterson (57) made his debut said she was encouraged by American voter tion of honouring such a horrendous claim, with a collection of short stories in 1987. He interest in the 2008 general election, and said Norway wants Svalbard on UNESCO’s which is based on an illegal Russian court has written five novels including “Out Steal- all democracies should remain active in their World Heritage List ruling, still under appeal by us,” said Jan Ed- ing Horses,” “In the Wake,” and “To Sibe- governments. ( In its white paper to Stortinget the Nor- vard Thygesen, EVP and head of Telenor’s ria.” ( wegian Government will go in for a nomi- Central and East European operations. Proposes to exclude Tobacco producers nation for Svalbard to the prestigious World Soccer: Norway wins 3-2 in friendly (Telenor) from Wealth Fund Heritage List. Svalbard has been on the ten- against Finland On April 3, Norway proposed to exclude tative list for nomination since 2007. An ap- In a friendly at Ullevål Stadium in Oslo Joins Galileo satellite navigation project tobacco producers as part of an overhaul of plication for nomination will be ready earli- on April 1, Morten Gamst Pedersen from On April 3 Norway said it will stump up ethical guidelines for its $310 billion sover- est at the end of 2012, and will be considered Vadsø, Finnmark, scored an injury-time close to NOK 620 million in funding for the eign wealth fund. The government also pro- by UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee in winning goal to give Norway a 3-2 victory European Union’s satellite navigation proj- posed a review of its external fund managers 2014. (The Barents Observer) over Finland. John Arne Riise, who current- and increased investments in the environ- Subscribe Today! The most comprehensive news coverage of Norway and Norwegian American culture in the U.S. 47 issues for only $50* a year *$50 a year in the U.S. - $70 a year in Canada - $175 a year in Norway and all other foreign countries Norwegian Sports Travel Cooking Heritage Events Education News Arts & Entertainment

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the com • Website: Annual subscription cost: USD $50 domestic; USD $70 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Norwegian American Weekly NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 10, 2009 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Smart energy for a cleaner future (April 6 09) Vinnere Navn Siste % How can a country like Norway, with a long Funcom 6,00 42,52 Norsk Kr. 6.579 Seajacks International Ltd. 40,00 33,33 and dark winter, be a player in the solar energy Nexus Floating Production 3,05 8,93 Dansk Kr. 5.5644 Belships 6,90 8,15 industry? Global IP Solutions 4,00 7,82 Svensk Kr. 8.041 Ras m u s Fa l c k Tapere Oslo, Norway Canadian $ 1.2418 Navn Siste % Nio Security 0,48 -26,15 Meeting the world’s increasing need for is now running his private company where the Hurtigruten ASA 1,33 -16,87 Euro 0.7475 Repant 0,63 -12,50 energy is a crucial challenge. In the search main purpose is establishing new companies Crew Gold Corp. New Shares 3,36 -10,40 for solutions, renewable energy sources have based on advanced technologies in the area Petromena ASA 0,44 -10,20 gained prominence. Photovoltaic energy is of renewable energy and materials. One of a solar technology that uses solar cells to these is NorSun established in December convert energy from the sun into electricity. 2005. NorSun’s first plant in Årdal, Norway Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) was officially opened by HRH Crown Prince Services headquartered in Oslo is one of the pioneers Haakon and HRH Crown Princess Mette • Financial Planning of the solar industry. The company was Marit in June of 2008.

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APRIL 10, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Sp o r t s 5 Results & Standings Norway leads World Championships Tippeligaen PLD PTS The World Championships are taking place this 1. Molde FK 3 9 2. Rosenborg 3 7 year in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada 3. Ålesund 3 5 4. Fredrikstad 3 5 5. Start 3 5 w w w .worldcurling .o r g 6. Viking 3 4 Norway’s Thomas Ulsrud didn’t pick 7. Lyn 3 4 up any style points Monday morning at the 8. Tromsø 3 4 Moncton Coliseum, but he did pick up a 9. Sandefjord 3 4 win at the 2009 Ford World Men’s Curling 10. Odd Grenland 3 4 Championship. 11. Stabæk 3 3 Ulsrud’s Oslo foursome — third Torger Nergard, second Christoffer Svae and lead 12. Lillestrøm 3 2 Havard Vad Petersson — eked out a 7-5 win 13. SK Brann 3 1 over John Shuster of the United States in 14. Strømsgodset 3 1 Draw 6 play to move into sole possession of 15. Bodø/Glimt 3 1 first place in the 12-team round-robin stand- 16. Vålerenga IF 3 1 ings with a 4-0 record. But it wasn’t exactly pretty, said Ulsrud, who didn’t need to throw his last shot in the Tippeligaen 10th when Shuster’s final rock picked and wrecked on a guard. Fixtures & Results “I think the U.S. played well, and we 4/4 Viking 0-1 Start were not sharp today,” said Ulsrud. “We Hulsker 22 gave away some easy points and we had a Photo: 4/5 Ålesund 3-1 Lillestrøm Åroy 8, 58, Skiri 36 Riise 52 little trouble with draw weight. I have to give Norway’s Men’s curling team, left to right: Thomas Ulsrud, Torger Nergard. Christoffer Svae, and 4/5 Sandefjord 1-1 Fredrikstad credit to the icemaker (Hans Wuthrich), it Håvard Vad Petersson. Mjelde 76 Wehrman 85 (p) was beautiful ice out there today and we ac- 4/5 Strømsgodset 0-2 Molde tually handled it badly. We managed to win to 1-3 with the loss. of Denmark 9-6. The Danes, Diouf 22, 49 it. Hey, they don’t give any grades for how Germany’s Andy Kapp evened his re- 1-3, led 6-4 through six ends but Switzerland 4/5 Bodø/Glimt 0-2 Lyn cord at 2-2 with a 9-8 extra-end win over Jiri scored three in the seventh and closed out Berget 46, Holmen 55 you look out there. As long as you win.” 4/5 Stabæk 3-3 Odd Grenland Scotland’s , meanwhile, Snitil of the Czech Republic. Kapp needed with stolen points in the ninth and 10th ends Nannskog 52(p), 62, 86 Kovacs 20, 31, Brenne 59 won his third in succession, dropping a 7-2 to draw the four-foot with his final rock to to improve to 2-2. 4/5 Rosenborg 1-1 Brann beating on Finland’s Kalle Kiiskinen. The improve to 2-2, while the Czechs dropped to Canada’s (3-0), France’s Dahl 52 (o) Sigurdsson 84 4/6 Vålerenga 3-1 Tromsø Scots took control of the game by scoring 1-3. Thomas Dufour (2-1), Japan’s Yusuke Mo- Andresen 45, Fredheim Moldskred 9, 43, Rushfeldt single points in the fourth, fifth and sixth In the other morning game, Switzer- rozumi (1-2) and China’s Fengchun Wang Holm 73 19, Strand 63 ends, and the gloves came off after Scotland land’s Ralph Stoeckli scored five unan- (0-3) all had byes in the morning draw. stole two more in the eighth. Finland dropped swered points to close out the game and beat Cross Country Canada names Tippe - league round 3 Inge Bråten new coach Bråten takes the helm as Senior Team Coach rosport, and is well-versed in the challenges CCCSk i .c o m of elite world cup head-to-head ski racing. In Cross Country Canada solidified the fi- his new role, Bråten will be responsible for nal dimension to its world-leading coaching collaborating with all of the support teams and technical support team by naming Nor- and contributing to the comprehensive pro- way’s Inge Bråten as Senior National Team gram delivery, leadership and coaching for Coach, the national body announced on April the World Cup and Olympic team athletes. 3. Bråten joins National Ski Team Lead- Bråten brings more than three decades er, Dave Wood; Senior Development Team of experience in the sport to the Canadian Coach, Eric de Nys; and the Pierre Harvey Cross-Country Ski Team. A former high- Training Centre Coach, Louis Bouchard; to performance athlete who competed on complement the coaching staff who works Norway’s national team, Bråten has helped with Canada’s senior National Team ath- Photo: guide some of the world’s best nordic ath- letes. Bråten will meet Canada’s World Cup Ålesund’s Color Line Stadium was the site of a 3-1 victory over Lillestrøm. letes, including the legendary Bjørn Dæhlie. athletes for the first time, April 19, when net from 16 meters. With the victory, Molde Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i Inge’s track record includes 13 Olympic gold they will continue their detailed planning recaptured the top spot on the chart from Trondheim, Norway medals throughout his career as a coach and and preparations for the much-anticipated Rosenborg. personal trainer. Most recently, Bråten led 2009-10 Olympic year. The Molde team seems to be in mid- Ålesund surprised and crushed their op- Sweden to three gold and two bronze medals “It will be an honour to be involved in the season form already, and triumphed with a ponent Lillestrøm with a strong 3-1 victory at the 2006 Olympics in Torino. Olympics while working for a host country,” 2-0 victory against Strømsgodset in Dram- at Colorline Stadium in Ålesund. The tall at- “Inge joins a talented team of individu- said Bråten. “We have a short time – only 11 men this round. The squad, who is led by the tack player Thor Hågne Aarøy scored twice als who have helped lead our athletes to per- months – but I know we can accomplish a lot Swedish coach Kjell Jonevret, is the only for Ålesund. Lillestrøm head coach Hen- sonal best performances this year,” said Al in that time to build up what is necessary to team with no point loss so far. The three Sen- ning Berg explained the loss with the windy Maddox, executive director, Cross Country have good results in Vancouver-Whistler.” egalese players, Mame Diouf, Pape Diouf weather. “Ålesund mastered such conditions Canada. “We are confident he will play a Bråten also has experience joining a and Thioune, have been important bricks in better than us,” he said to the press after the critical role within our support team by de- team less than a year before the Games. He the offensive play. Their talented defender game. livering a high level of instruction and mo- was hired by the Sweden Cross-Country Ski Vegard Forren has been in the spotlight of Rosenborg and Brann played a 1-1 draw tivation, and ensuring our athletes are fully Team 11 months prior to the 2006 Games several professional clubs abroad, but has in the classical encounter at Lerkendal in prepared to win in this final drive towards where his athletes claimed five medals. chosen to stay in Molde for the time being. Trondheim. Rosenborg’s midfielder Alex- 2010. We are delighted to have Inge join us “I have known Inge for many years,” With one goal each last round, the Sen- ander Tettey fired off from short range only in Canada.” said Dave Wood, who is a 10-year year vet- egalese came on the score board again. Set seconds from the closure in an attempt to Outside of coaching, Bråten was educat- eran coach of the Canadian squad. “Inge has up by Thioune, Pape Diouf nodded home settle the game. Steffen Iversen played him ed as a teacher, and also spent 12 years work- innovative ideas, a great passion for success the first in the 21st minute. The second came free on a back heel pass inside the box, but ing in television where he developed a sport and he instills energy in those around him. in the 48th minute. A counterattack after a Brann keeper Håkon Oppdal cleared his ef- channel focused on nordic sports in Sweden. His resume speaks for itself.” Strømsgodset corner ended up in front of fort masterly. He has also worked as a commentator for Eu- Mame Diouf who hammered the ball in the NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 10, 2009 6 Op Ed rom t Letters to the f he P st a Editor: la Past headlines from st Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: B the second week in April Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief [email protected] 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 1979 Dear Editor, with Blaine Hedberg for a long time and have Two of the letters from your Letters to met him in person. He and his staff are very Likestillingsloven er nå trådt i kraft, the Editor column in March 13 issue, sparked knowledgable and extremely helpful. Biskoper kan fremdeles diskriminere my interest. Happy researching! Ha det bra! Den nye likestillingsloven er nå trådt i kraft. Fra 15. mars er det som hovedregel forbudt å Back in the 1970s I decided to research forskjellsbehandle kvinner og menn i Norge. Loven gjelder på alle områder, med unntak my family history and have consequently Sincerely, for indre forhold i trossamfunn. Biskoper kan for eksempel fremdeles nekte å ordinere been at it off and on for over 20 years. My Liv Thomseth Schweigert kvinnelige prester. mother, born in 1895, was Nanna Dagny Cary, Ill. Andreasdatter (daughter of Andreas Hansen Tveraamo). She later decided to take the Dear Editor, Gender equality law is now in effect, Bishops can still discriminate surname of Tveraamo, which was the farm This letter is a reminder that all words The new gender equality law in now in effect in Norway. Since March 15, the new law name. One of her brothers that remained in do not explain themselves sufficiently. makes it illegal to treat women and men differently. The law is valid in all areas, with an Norway chose to retain the Hansen surname, One whould have believed that the word exception for the church. Bishops can still refuse to ordain female pastors. as did her seven brothers who immigrated to Longobardi said it all (Long Beard), the the United States. Nordic tribe that invaded and settled in North 1989 In Norway, Hansen is a very common Italy (Lombardy). But the Longobardians’ surname. My moher married Sverre Arnulf own history writer, Bishop Paulaus Diaconus, Sentralbanksjef Skånland mener norsk økonomi er på rett spor Thomseth (the farm name) so for the gave it another twist. The Longobards’ real Norsk økonomi beveger seg i riktig retning. Men arbeidsledigheten har vokst rest of her life she was known as Nanna tribal name was actually Vanilian, a sister mye mer enn Sentralbanken hadde forestilt seg. Dette er budskapet i den økonomiske Dagny Thomseth. My maiden name then is tribe to the Vandals, which originally had kvartalsoverikten fra Norges Bank some ble presentert i forrige uke. Thomseth. come from up north of the Roman defense For many, many years, it was usual for line at the Rhine River and that they had to Central bank executive Skånland believes Norway’s the first-born child to be named after both fight the Vandals for territory on their way economy is on the right track grandparents. A boy baby was commonly south, after the Romans withdrew their Norway’s economy is moving in the right direction. But unemployment has grown named after both male grandparents and a forces from the Rhine to defend Rome itself. much more than the Central Bank has reported. This is the message in the quarterly baby girl was commonly named after both The Vanilians, who worshipped Freia, Odin’s economic report from Norges Bank presented last week. female grandparents. This was then followed wife, informed Diaconus that they had by the father’s first name, with “sen” or “son” recently been at war with the Vandals, but added to it if it was a boy or “datter” added had prayed to Freia and have her intercede if it was a girl. with Odin on their behalf for victory over the 1999 As an example: My grandfather was Vandals. But, Odin, in his usual fashion, said Andreas Kornelius Hansen Tveraamo who to her, “The first people that I see at sunrise 90 kosovoalbanske flyktninger til Norge married Elisabeth Emilie Sorensdatter. Their while I am scanning the East, shall win.” Norge starter å fly kosovoalbanske flytninger ut av Makedonia. Et fly fra Forsvaret skal first-born was a boy who then became Hans Freia conveyed the answer to the Vanilians tirsdag ta 90 flyktninger med til Norge. Soren Hansen Tveraamo. Really, it was a but also told them that all of their women simple method of identifying people—Hans should pull their long hair to each side of Soren was the son of Hansen in Tveraamo. the head and tie it together under their chins 90 Kosovo Albanian refugees to Norway Sounds complicated, but it isn’t. and get out in between Odin and the sunrise. Norway began to fly Kosovo Albanian refugees out of Macedonia. A plane from People in Norway can legally change Odin said, “Who are those long beards Forsvaret will take 90 refugees on Tuesday to Norway. their surname. The son of one of my cousins walking in between the sun and myself?” But who was born Hansen, when he married Freia answered, “Stick to your promise and changed his name to Berge, taken from his give the Vanilians their victory!” From that wife’s side of the family, again since Hansen day onward the Vanilians called themselves is such a common name. Longobardi. CORRECTIONS: I would strongly recommend that By mistake an incorrect image was placed with the story: “Arkitektkonkurranse for anyone interested in genealogy information to Sincerely, Nasjonalmuseet” on page two of the April 3 issue. The picture was supposed to be of the the contact the Vesterheim Genealogical Center Finn Hedin new site in Oslo, where the new museum is going to be built, not the Royal Palace. and Naeseth Library. I have corresponded Everett, Wash.

APRIL 10, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Op Ed 7 Norwegian American Editor’s Note with Jake Moe W EEKLY A gift from Norway WEST COAST 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 OFFICE tel:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 My good friend Torstein Lindheim EAST COAST Berit Hessen - (914) 337-4737 came from Telemark to stay at our house OFFICE in Seattle last week and he brought along a gift from the mountain village of Rollag Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Jake Moe [email protected] in Norway: lefse! WA Managing Editor Tiffanie Clark [email protected] His 85-year-old mother-in-law, NY Managing Editor Berit Hessen [email protected] Ragnhild Mogan has been making lefse for decades. In fact, from the months of Copy Editor & Christy Olsen Field [email protected] November to March each year, she makes Subscriptions Manager (206) 441-3044 over 4,000 batches of lefse, and she does Assistant Layout Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected] it all with the use of an old fashioned wood stove. Her lefse is so thin, you can practically see right through it and it is loaded with just the right amount of sugar Contributing Editors and butter. Each day during the season, Anita Alan Carmel, CA Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, FL Ragnhild refers to her “master book” of Eric Dregni Minneapolis, MN Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, LA customers scattered around the villages Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Donald V. Mehus New York, NY for the reserved goods of the day. Each Who can resist a delicious piece of fresh-baked Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, VA day, all the stock is completely sold out. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, NY David Moe Juneau, AK lefse straight from Norway? Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, MN Roman Scott Herre, Norway Then, her husband, Kaare, spends the Else Hvistendahl New York, NY John Erik Stacy Seattle, WA afternoon collecting all the twigs that go a video camera up there and record the Solveig M. Lee Seattle, WA Rolf Kristian Stang New York, NY into the wood stove for the next morning’s process. At this suggestion, he got very Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, CT Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway batch. Ragnhild begins preparing the day’s excited and promised to do that upon his batter at 4:10 in the morning. When she return to Norway.

CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a is done making the batter, she sits down Finally, this got me wondering if question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right and works on a crossword puzzle for 50 anyone will take over for Torstein’s to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions minutes while the batter sits in the cool mother-in-law when she hangs up the deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those kitchen. After the 50 minutes is up, it is spatula? Will decades of customer’s views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by time to bake the gems. Once they are orders go unfilled? Will anyone else cut the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly baked, you can see the small circles where the twigs each afternoon? Will anyone except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual the heat from the stove turned the lefse else rise at just after 4 a.m. and bake until Subscription Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. dark brown. She is an artist and lefse is 11 a.m. six days a week? Would anyone her landscape. else even attempt at doing all this with an SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . Comprising Torstein arrived with five packages of old fashion wood stove? I think the answer Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Posten, Norrona and lefse as fresh as it can possibly be having is pretty obvious. There isn’t a person that Skandinaven come from so far away. Early in the I know that would go to such lengths to morning, he traveled up to the cabin in the keep that tradition alive. And, that makes NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. mountains and picked up the fresh baked me somewhat sad. These are “old-world” goods and carefully placed the wrapped connections we continue to lose as the lefse between each layer of clothes in his world travels faster and faster. Proud to bring you the suitcase. That evening he boarded the But for now, while she continues her Norwegian American Weekly flight to Seattle and the next afternoon, baking, I am going to give her all the credit group after group of Norwegians in Seattle and the honor she richly deserves. were treated with an especially authentic taste of Norway. As my wife and I were enjoying our All the best, What did you pay for that? complimentary lefse over our morning coffee, I couldn’t help but marvel at Jake Moe USD USD the situation. Here we were in Seattle $3.83 $3.79 tasting something so divine that had been is the median price for is the median price for lovingly prepared a world away by an expert in her field. This even got me very Hot Dogs Hot Dogs excited about paying a personal visit to in Norway. in the U.S. the mountain kitchen to compliment the chef myself. As our friends were talking about Torstein’s mother-in-law and her efforts, someone suggested that he take

SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 10, 2009 8 Th e Ta s t e o f No r w a y

Spruce pupr uyourg has s n ring meals with fresh p produce S he birds are singing, the trees are blooming and spring is officially uponT us. Although spring isn’t as extreme as winter or summer in most places, there is still Illustration: Dorothy Reinhardt/ something special about this time of year. The changing landscape and weather are a reminder of new life and rebirth, a welcome hope after a long winter. Another perk to the spring is that gardens begin to bloom and the local farmer’s markets open up for another season. If you don’t keep a garden yourself, seek out a local market and add something ’ fresh and delicious to your table this season! Illustration: Sally Jacobs Bird s Nest Find a Farmer’s Market Near You Salad This is a particularly attractive dish on the cold table. The ingredients are arranged, as the name suggests, in the shape of a bird’s nest encircling a raw egg yolk. All the ingredients, including the yolk, should be stirred together by the first person to help themselves to the dish.

PLEASE NOTE: Raw egg yolk should not be served to children, the elderly, pregnant women, convalescents or anyone suffering from an illness. The eggs must be very About 8 oz. cooked, small beetroot (beet), 1 teaspoon salt fresh. skinned and thinlyPickled sliced Beetroot4-5 cloves or 1 teaspoon caraway seeds 2/3 cup white wine vinegar (optional) 2/3 cup water ground black pepper 8 anchovy fillets 3 tablespoons chopped picked beetroot 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoon capers (beet) 2 potatoes 1-2 tablespoons finely chopped onion Lightly pickled, these sweet-sour a stainless-steel or enamel pan, bring to a 2 very fresh eggs beetroots accompany a wide variety of foods boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 2 throughout Scandinavia and almost always minutes. Using a medium, round serving dish, Carefully remove the egg cups. Break appear on the Norwegian cold table. The Pour the hot marinade over the beetroot place two egg cups in it, upside down. In the eggs, one at a time, separating the yolks beetroot should be left to marinate after it and add the cloves or caraway seeds, if successive circles around the cups, arrange from the whites, and carefully put the whole has been prepared and you can keep it in the using. Seal the jars or cover the bowl and the anchovies, capers, and potatoes. Add the egg yolks where the egg cups are positioned. refrigerator for up to three weeks. leave he beetroot to marinate for at least 24 beetroot and onions around the edge of the Alternatively, use egg shell halves to hold hours or preferably 2-3 days before serving. dish. the yolks. Put the sliced beetroot into sterilized Serve after it has marinated or store in the jars if storing the beetroot or in a bowl if refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. eating soon after it has been prepared. Put the vinegar, water, sugar, salt and pepper in

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APRIL 10, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 Cross-country heaven

To r s t e i n Li n d h i e m Telemark, Norway

Imagine cross-country skiing with close friends across the top of Norway. And after a day of spectacular views and energetic activity, you enjoy a gourmet meal, crackling fire, hot shower, comfortable bed and warm and welcoming hosts. That is what is waiting for you with the TTF Nordic Tours in Norway—fourteen of my friends and I look forward to this experience each year during our annual March cross-country tour. With guide, Stein Løberg leading us with his GPS, his expert coaching, and waxing and friendly encouragement, we embark on the 100 km tour on our four-day adventure. My trip starts at the resort I operate, Norsjø Feireland, near Noddoden in Telemark. I hop on the train to Ustaoset and arrive to greet my skiing companions for an afternoon of skiing on the first leg of the trip to Tuva. The afternoon is cloudy, stormy and a stark reminder of what harsh conditions can be found in the mountains All photos courtesy of Torstein Lindhiem. of Norway. Thank goodness for our guide except for the occasional snore from a tired Stein, because this is a trip that I would not skier. want to be taking alone. The next day, the sun continued to shine We arrive in Tuva to one of the most and the wind stopped. For eight hours of luxurious mountain cabins that you will ever skiing, we were bathed in glorious rays, and find. In the warmth of the fireplace, we talk we had lunch out in the snow at noon. Upon about the skiing conditions and the prospects arriving that evening at Marbu, the stars for better weather the next day. shined brightly and we took walks across After a peaceful sleep, we awake to a glistening snow in the clear night sky. The fantastic breakfast – just about the best that meal was strictly gourmet with three courses I have ever had. The sun is shining brightly and excellent wine. through the big picture windows overlooking In the morning, greeting us at daybreak hundreds of miles of Norway. The minute was a beautiful view of Gaustatoppen. With we step outside, we are met with a strong the great weather and camaraderie of the wind blowing in our faces. Thankfully, the group, we charged all day long with gusto journey to our destination, Raudhelleren puts to our end destination of Kaldhovd. With the strong wind at our backs and we glide sunburns, tired legs and a true sense of effortlessly over the snow. accomplishment, the 100 km of skiing ended At lunchtime we arrive at Heinsætra for with a celebration among fellow skiers and fresh hot soup from the cooks at the cabin. our guide. Fueled by the tasty meal, we complete the 30 The cost of a trip such as this is NOK km tour for the day in excellent time. 3,000 and that includes the train travel, food, That night, our dinner also included fine guide, accommodations, wine, beer and all wine, beer and great conversation by the fire. the memories you can accumulate. After a hot shower, we all slept like babes – At noon the skiers stopped and soaked up the sunshine. They had lunch out in the snow.

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NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 10, 2009 10 Ro o t s a n d Co n n e c t i o n s ANSWER KEY LETT-X nr. 7 printed April 3

FRITIDS SYSLER VANNRETT: LODDRETT: 1. STO 1. SKRIVEVANSKER By Sölvi Dolland 4. TEMPO 2. TOØRES 7. SIV 3. ORKESTERPLASS 10. KORFU 4. TUFS 11. FRITA 5. MILANO 12. RØK 6. OFRE 13. FILUR 7. SIKKERHETSRÅD 10. april 16. KAR 8. ITALIA Inga McCarthy Alhambra CA 17. IRE 9. VAREPRISLISTE Ole J Hellie Pipestone MN 18. SVANE 14. IVORIANER Ingvar Drage Tacoma WA 19. KLE 15. UNNABAKKE Magnhild Olson Stangeland Larimore ND 20. VEST 24. KUR Carla S Buchanan Tacoma WA 21. ONN 25. TUR Dave Braaten Cyrus MN 22. TEIP 30. REINKU 11. april 23. VOKST 32. DEKSEL Astrid Virding Thousand Oaks CA 24. KROAT 34. SOMALI Eric Nelson Santa Monica CA 26. RAR 39. MAST Gretchen Lieving Minneapolis MN 27. ETUI 40. ANSE 12. april 28. BUSH O Hilmar Rud Birchdale MN 29. ARR Selma Erickson Bellevue WA 31. RADAR Kristine Dorris Parkland WA 33. ESS Mrs O K Blomlie Tacoma WA 35. NEPE Arnt Lyngen Vernon BC Canada 36. NEK G R Vidness Midwest WY 37. STOL Hans Everett Idso St Peter MN 38. SIL Viggo Christensen Seattle WA 39. MEKKA Judy Morken Anchorage AK 41. SMI 42. KNA 13. april 43. ARSEN Alma Swanson Louis Park MN 44. RAS James Leider Kent WA 45. EKSOS Carl Dokken Benson MN 46. SNÅLT Olav Lunde Seattle WA 47. RUS Margaret Furan Kelowna BC Can 48. TULLE Danny L Strand Seattle WA 49. DIE Erling Morken Anchorage AK Sonja Heggedal Badger, MN

14. april Berit Alexander East Point GA Bjørn Svendsen La Conner WA Olav Isane Brosten MN Norwegian American Weekly Torval Engevik Fitjar Norway Marie Olson Dalekvam Norway Bjarne Magnussen Vaksdal Norway Photo of the Week Mrs Hjalmer Christenson Wahpeton ND Send your photo of the week to [email protected] Sam Sjoen Petaluma CA Martin Gjesdal Nekoma ND Ragnhild Isane Herset Kila MT

15. april Linda Sund Marysville WA Paul H. Gilje St. Petersberg FL 16. april Rev Alfred H Sevig Platte SD Janna Glomstad Tretten Norway Christie Grimsbo Lake Mills IA Turid Bouchoukian Edmonds WA Virginia F Mansell Springfield OR 17. april Jens Fuhr Brandon MN Ole Botten Stanwood WA Simon Hansen Canby OR Sven Nilsen San Mateo CA John Pedersen Prince Rupert BC Can Mary Rolf Brandon MN Norma Watterud Fort Myers FL

18. april Ida Melgard Huron SD Marie Strand Bisbee ND Edith Sundset Duluth MN Thelma Botten Stanwood WA Carl A Alfheim Seattle WA Arthur Hilmo Davenport IA Earl Lillestrand Bloomington MN Paul W Sevig Ft Pierre SD Alvin Lansverk Murdock MN Vernon Mathisen Nordland WA Roy E Isaksen Auburn WA The Brotherston family visits the newspaper office back when it was the LeRaine Olson Maplewood MN Ursula Rickman Duck NC Western Viking. Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? Give us a call at (800) 305-0217. This photo is from the Norwegian American Weekly archive. We do not know what year it was taken. Birthday listings are free, but must be submitted one month in advance.

APRIL 10, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Weekly Wisdom Ib Alvin 1920-2009 With Bruce Larson Ib Alvin died peacefully in his sleep at home on WRITER • PASTOR • SPEAKER Thursday, March 12 with his wife of 52 years, Elfi by his side. Born on March 25, 1920 in Denmark, he “The Road to Your Place” moved to New York in 1945. He worked 39 years for Moller Steamship Co/Maersk Line as Vice President (Continued from April 3) people of all ages for the last two thousand and then as a Maritime Consultant in addition to his Our journey unfolds as we put God at years. Is it possible to follow in Jesus’ work on behalf of the Scandinavian community in the center, live with a community of people steps, and if so, how do you do it? One New York. He was an avid tennis player. He is also who care about Him, and find a place where of the earliest pilgrims was the mother of survived by his daughter Anita and two grandchildren, we can be all that we were meant to be. Constantine, the first Christian ruler of the Nicholas and Elsa. A Memorial Service will be held However, I am well aware that the place Roman Empire. This devout lady set off Friday, May 1at 11am Brick Presbyterian Church, for refuge on the journey is a given for all for the Holy Land and embarked on the Park Ave.91 st. In lieu of flowers contributions may too many. Those people have not the luxury first archaeological exploration for the holy be made payable to The Central Park Conservancy, of the kinds of choices and options we’ve places. It was she who designated the exact for “Ib Alvin bench” 14 E 60 street, New York, N.Y. discussed here. They are to be found in the spot of Jesus’ birth and the location of the 10022 tel.212-310-6617 poverty pockets of our own land as well as tomb where the Resurrection took place. First Evangelical Free Church of Brooklyn in nations such as China, Russia, Roland, Churches were, of course, immediately 66th St. & 6th Ave, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York - (718)745-7775 and South Africa, to name just a few. For built on all the holy sites. those, Jesus’ promise to “prepare a place” Much later on, the Crusaders followed Fest Møte: Søndag 19 april Kl. 4.30 must be especially meaningful. We can only the steps of Jesus, leading armies to Tale: Pastor Arne Abrahamsen • Solo: Joyce Abrahamsen imagine their longing for the kind of place Palestine to wrest all these holy places Bevertning • Alle er Velkommen • that will ultimately meet all their needs— from the Turks. This was a tragic time, as physical, spiritual, and even aesthetic. we all know. There was even a Children’s The rest of us, those with the political Crusade, in which tens of thousands were and/or economic freedom to exercise slaughtered. This was a terrible chapter our options, need to do so that we might in the church’s history. In the ensuing maximize our potential for faith and witness. centuries, various holy orders have been Find that right place. It will heighten the established by monks and nuns who wanted journey. to live and work in the place where Jesus Some years ago I had the privilege of walked. being invited to be the guest speaker for a In the earliest part of our century, there Methodist church in Bermuda celebrating was a quest for the historical Jesus, led by its 200th birthday. There were week-long no less a person than Albert Schweitzer, the services climaxed by a great birthday great missionary doctor. The rationale was service on Sunday. The governor of the to get past the Jesus of theology, the Jesus meaningful experiences • exceptional care • inspired to serve island attended, sitting in a reserved pew, we sing about, the Jesus of the Bible, and complete with his entourage. I preached to try to find exactly who this person was on the first chapter of Mark, the account historically. of Jesus walking by the sea and calling the “Bonney-Watson is a place where meaningful first disciples. experiences and exceptional care are At the door after the service, the This excerpt has been reprinted from provided by inspired employees.” governor was the first one out. This elegant, Larson’s book “Faith for the Journey,” mustachioed gentleman shook my hand and with permission from the author. looked at me somewhat wistfully. “Thank Bruce Larson was the author of 23 you, pastor, for the message. If only what books, 3 million copies printed worldwide. you were saying about following Jesus Available online. Wiggens & Sons Funeral Home was possible.” With that, he darted out of 2003 NW 57th St. the door. I’ve never forgotten his poignant comment. Seattle, WA 98107 206.782.4700 In the early part of this century, Charles Sheldon wrote a book, “In His Steps.” It enjoyed great popularity, perhaps because the idea has captured the imaginations of

Other Bonney-Watson Locations: Funeral Home Bonney-Watson Eastside Bonney-Watson Capital Hill Bonney-Watson Federal Way and Crematory 211 Bellevue Way NE 1732 Broadway 1535 SW Dash Point Road SOlie Bellevue, WA 98004 Seattle, WA 98122 Federal Way, WA 98023 Honoring • Caring • Serving 425.373.0020 206.322.0013 253.839.7317 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 Washington Memorial Bonney-Watson Parker Chapel 16445 International Blvd. 900 SW 146th Street Our Funeral HOme's reputatiOn is Based On SeaTac, WA 98188 Burien, WA 98166 206.242.1787 206.244.2320 Family service, nOt a stOck market index!

Large corporations have worked their way into the funeral industry and taken the March 29 Pastor Torbjorn Lied - English service/Communion intimacy and integrity out of funeral service by making it “a profit driven” business. April 5th Pastor Torbjorn Lied - Palm Sunday,Norwegian service Behind the Blackout At Edw. C. Halvorsen Funeral Home, we have earned our reputation in the community April 9th Ladies & Mens Aide, 12:00pm by providing quality, caring service for over 150 years. Our pledge to you and your April 10th Pastor Torbjorn Lied - Good Friday service with Communion Curtains April 12th Pastor Torbjorn Lied - Easter Service, Norwegian & English By Ellen Dahlberg Zahl family is to keep our locally owned status and continue the highest quality service possible. We have all your best interests at heart. A Young Girl’s Life in Nazi occupied Norway only $14.95 plus $5 shipping Edw. C. Halvorsen Funeral Home, Inc send check or money order: 5310 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11220 Ellen Dahlberg Zahl P.O. Box 96 Tel: (718) 435-2276 • Fax: (718) 435-5137 Saint Helens, OR 97051 (503) 366-9493 We are the only Scandinavian Funeral Home left in the Tri-State Area

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 10, 2009 12 Ar t s a n d Entertainment

NorwegiaN ChristiaN Imagine a world without fish home & health CeNter “A Sea Change” documentary focuses 1250 – 67 Street, Brooklyn, New York on ocean acidification Tel: 718 232 – 2322 •

Come and join us for the fifth fundraiser auC tion saturday, april 25, 2009

Time: 1:00 - 5:00 pm • Viewing: Noon - 1:00 pm Photo: Sven Huseby (left) shares a pensive moment with his grandson Elias. Donation: $10.00 (Adults)

Co m p i l e d b y Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d cation might hold for future generations. Includes Door Prizes and Light Refreshments Copy Editor Throughout the film, Huseby writes in a journal for his oldest grandson, Elias. Antique Jewelry, Artwork, Collectible Plates, The documentary “A Sea Change” He reflects on the difficult questions in made its West coast debut at the Swed- his heart: How will he explain to Elias Crystal Dishes, Furniture, Hardangersøm Pieces, ish Cultural Center in Seattle, Wash. what is happening to the oceans and their Co-produced by Sven Huseby, Barbara ecosystems? How will he teach Elias the Kransekake, Lamps, Linens, Ettinger, and Susan Cohn Rockefeller traditions of his family, and their historic Norwegian Silver, Antique Hand Carved Chest, for Niijii Films, “A Sea Change” focuses dependence on the sea? How will he help public attention on this urgent but little- him look into a changing and uncertain Silver Flatware & Silver Items known crisis of ocean acidification, the future? What can each of us do to avoid rising level pH level of the oceans due to contributing to a crisis threatening future Plus Brand New Rosemaled Chest from Norway carbon dioxide emissions. generations? The film showing in Seattle was Though the documentary is filled sponsored by the Nordic Heritage Mu- with sombering statistics and a sense of Off to seum, Pacific Science Center, and the irrevocable change, there is still hope in N House for Rent Swedish Cultural Center. every location he visits. Huseby meets o Edmonds, Washington The film follows retired history with scientists, entrepreneurs, and inves- rway teacher and concerned grandfather Sven tors who working on cutting-edge ocean Available May 4th – August 3rd Huseby to embark on a quest the places research. He talks with activists who are Very Spacious: One Bedroom, One Bath Fully Furnished • Everything Included of his childhood to learn more about working to combat the crisis, and with Adults Only • No Smoking • No Pets ocean acidification. everyday people who address these is- Call Kerstin (206) 542 7179 Born in Norway, Huseby’s parents sues at the local level. At the end, Sven is worked at a fish market, and the family reunited with his grandson to tell about moved to Alaska after World War II for all that he has learned. his father to work in a salmon cannery. Sven’s journey of self-discovery Happy Easter Moving to Seattle in the 1950s, Huseby brings adventure, surprise and revelation spoke Norwegian in his neighborhood to the hard science of acidification. Scandinavian American Music for all Occasions and eating fish six days a week. By re- “A Sea Change” is currently being turning to the places of his childhood, shown at film festivals around the coun- Ellen Lindstrom Please call: Huseby observes the cultural, economc try, including the San Francisco Interna- (718) 680-8361 or and ecological changes already under- tional Film Festival on April 25. & Company (917) 968-2926 way and the problems that ocean acidifi- The Norwegian American Foundation

The Norwegian American Foundation purchased the Western Viking (2007) and Norway Times (2008), combining the two remaining Norwegian American Did you newspapers into the Norwegian American Weekly. know? With subscribers in every state and several countries across the world, the Norwegian American Weekly has grown to over 20,000 readers each week.

7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A • Seattle, WA 98115 • Phone: (206) 441-3044 • Email: [email protected] • On the Web:

APRIL 10, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 Questions and ans … (…continued from page 1) Did you know? Fallen Norwegian reporter Fun facts about North Dakota population claiming Norwegian descent. My constituents have deep ties with Norway, and • 30% of the state’s population claims honored at Newseum I wanted to create a congressional entity that Norwegian heritage. Carsten Thomassen’s name added to slain could further connections between our two • Milk is the official state beverage. countries. • North Dakota grows more sunflowers journalists memorial in Washington D.C. than any other state. What are the areas of concern to your • North Dakota is the 17th largest state. Sp e c i a l Re l e as e constituents with regards to Norway? In Compiled by Berit Hessen • In 2007, 49.8% of North Dakota’s what ways do they wish to have links to population was female. Norway? The journalism and free speech museum, • North Dakota’s state motto is: called the Newseum, has rededicated its Norwegian-Americans in North Dakota “Liberty and Union, now and forever: Journalism Memorial with an additional care a great deal about our tourism, culture, one and inseparable.” and heritage connections with Norway. In fact, 77 journalists, who were killed while • The official state dance is the Square on assignment in the past several years. the largest Norwegian festival in the United dance. States, Norsk Høstfest, is held in Minot, The ceremony took place on March 30 in • State tree: American Elm N.D. each year. North Dakota also hosts the Washington, D.C. largest tour operator in the United States for The memorial honors a total of 1,913 Photo: Ole Morten Orset taking Americans to Norway. North Dakota reporters, photographers, broadcasters and Carsten Thomassen was a respected journalist. executives from around the world dating shares a strong connection with Norway the hotel. The Norwegian journalist was back to 1837. It began in 1996 with less than through our university systems. For a decade shot, along with several others. 1,000 names. Alberto Ibargüen, chairman of or more, the University of North Dakota “I am appalled by the killing of Carsten the Newseum, delivered the keynote speech has hosted more students from Norway Thomassen,” Støre said after the attack, and Chris Wells, senior vice president of the than any other university in North America. which he survived after being rushed into a Freedom Forum, read the names of the 77 Moreover, the leaders of the university are bomb shelter at the hotel. people. working towards strong, reciprocal student Støre called Thomassen “one of In what areas do you think Norway and Carsten Thomassen (38) was a respected and faculty exchanges in Norway in areas Norway’s most outstanding journalists” the U.S. should cooperate? Norwegian journalist, political commentator like law, medicine, entrepreneurship, and noting that he “accompanied me on many I can think of an area where we should and war correspondent for the Norwegian engineering. Interestingly enough, my trips, and until the end he was dedicated to not cooperate—perhaps you could send daily newspaper Dagbladet. He was killed state, like Norway, has a great potential to his work as a journalist.” Støre said: “All of us a little less lutefisk, but keep the brown in the 2008 Kabul Serena Hotel attack in produce energy. People from my area look us who were together with Carsten in Kabul cheese and Jarlsberg cheese coming! In all Kabul, Afghanistan. to Norway to see if its enhanced oil recovery on Jan. 14 were filled with grief and despair.” seriousness, there are areas where we could On Jan. 14, 2008, Thomassen was technologies may be helpful to our efforts. Thomassen, who had been on assignment in cooperate more, such as areas of alternative covering Norwegian Foreign Minister In fact, a Norwegian company is currently Afghanistan earlier as well, left behind a energy, energy efficiency, global warming, Jonas Gahr Støre’s visit to Kabul. Støre and working on putting together a strategic partner and two children. rural medicine, and commercializing his entourage were staying in the Serena alliance to produce wind energy in North More than 500,000 visitors have passed innovation from our research entities. Hotel, as were several foreign reporters and Dakota, using their expertise developed in by the Journalism Memorial since the diplomats. While Thomassen was waiting to northern Norway. Newseum reopened in its new home in April How would you describe the nature of meet Støre in the lobby, terrorists stormed 2008. How has the caucus been useful to you? U.S.-Norwegian relations? The United States has a strong bond with Just excellent. As good friends do, we Norway. Our interests are strategic in nature sometimes disagree, but we know we are still Girls just want to have fun as we both work to bring peace and stability best of friends. We work closely together to troubled spots in the world. We appreciate around the world to bring peace and stability our friendship with Norway, and have been to troubled spots. We work closely together Women’s Weekend Out Events at able to use the caucus to build upon the in NATO and the United Nations. We both bonds between us founded on our shared are involved in humanitarian relief in many Vesterheim Museum April 17 and 18 countries. Norway invests the most per capita values of freedom, democracy, free markets, Sp e c i a l Re l e as e Miller. Miller, who is a seamstress, turns in foreign aid, and the United States invests and human dignity. Our governments work the blankets into clothing—coats, jackets, the most overall. We are both committed to well together diplomatically, militarily, and Vesterheim Norwegian-American vests, and skirts. The special fabric, designed making the world a better place. economically. But for me and my constituents Museum will host several activities during exclusively for the Jacobi line, is also used in North Dakota, this connection is personal. Decorah’s Women’s Weekend Out, Friday for accessories, including mittens and totes. The caucus provides an opportunity to foster Who is your favorite Norwegian politician and Saturday, April 17 and 18. There off all time? Jacobi and Miller have been working those good friendships. will be a trunk show of the Laurie Jacobi together for two decades. Jacobi moved to Former Prime Minister and WHO Director Collection of textiles from 9:00 a.m. to Northern Minnesota in 1989 to recover from What do you expect to achieve by being General Gro Harlem Brundtland. 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, and the artist Laurie the stress of business life in Minneapolis, engaged in the caucus? Jacobi will be on hand to present her work Who is your favorite Norwegian artist? which she believes contributed to a diagnosis I want to foster understanding between and answer questions. Also, Winneshiek of cancer. She credits reconnecting with Painter Edvard Munch. our two nations. Norway is more modern and Wildberry Winery will offer free wine nature for helping her heal. She began high-tech than many Americans understand, tasting on Saturday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., designing blankets for the Faribault Woolen and Americans are more diverse, kind- Why do your constituents/Americans of and all Women’s Weekend Out attendees Norwegian ancestry care about Norway Mills in 1992, and her work soon attracted hearted, and generous than many Norwegians with a wristband will receive free museum attention. Robert Redford bought some of now that they live in America? understand from what they see on television. admission both days. her blankets for cast members of his film, Norway is a very powerful brand in North Some Norwegians come to New York, Los Vesterheim’s sponsorship of Women’s “The Horse Whisperer.” Her collection Dakota because Norwegian-Americans are Angeles, Las Vegas, or Disney World and Weekend Out is made possible by Peg Beatty, has been featured at the American Swedish proud of Norway’s accomplishments, culture, think they have experienced the United Brenda Carlson, Mary Jo Finholt, Kris Kratz, Institute, Ingebretsen’s, and Orchestra Hall history, and people. You hear North Dakotans States. Instead, I invite folks to come to the Linda Quaas, Les Sand, Elea Uhl, and Joann in Minneapolis, and at festivals all over almost apologize for only being one-quarter Great Plains, where so many Norwegian Voltmer, all from Decorah, Iowa. Minnesota. or half Norwegian rather than 100 percent descendents live, to fully understand what Jacobi is a storyteller in wool, and her Vesterheim uses the story of Norwegian Norwegian. Norway has advanced from is in the hearts and minds of Americans. We unique blanket and rug designs are inspired Americans to explore aspects of identity and being one of the poorer nations of Europe have much to learn from each other, and by legends in nature. Her collection of blanket culture common to everyone. The museum more than a century ago, whose citizens had much to gain through working together. designs include: “Viking,” “Scandinavian cares for over 24,000 artifacts, among which to leave to find opportunity, to a country Ideally, we hope to attract more Norwegian Country,” “Spirits of the Forest,” “Plains are some of the most outstanding examples today that is among the richest nations of students to study in the United States at the Indian,” and “Woodland Indian.” Jacobi’s of decorative and folk art to be seen in this the world. Norway is now an example for undergraduate and graduate levels. So many new line, which she designed for Japan country. Founded in 1877, Vesterheim is the other nations because of its high standard of our wonderful relationships with the House at the University of Illinois at Urbana- oldest and most comprehensive museum of living, high levels of education, and great leaders in Norway started with Norwegians Champaign, features Ginkgo leaves on coats in the United States dedicated to a single opportunities for its citizens. Folks in North studying here in America. I wish we had and blankets. Jacobi’s designs are made into immigrant group. This national treasure Dakota recognize the great accomplishments thousands of Norwegian students studying wool blankets at the Pendleton Woolen Mills includes a main complex of 16 historic of Norway and are proud of the educational, in the United States, not just hundreds. in Pendleton, Oregon. buildings in downtown Decorah, and an business, and deep personal connections The clothing in the collection is a immigrant farmstead and prairie church just between our two countries. collaboration between textile designer Laurie outside the city. Jacobi and clothing designer Mary Jane NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 10, 2009 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e Full Service Agency With Experienced Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Wound Care Foundation Our daily specials and regularly updated Scandinavian & Cruise Specialists information will help you make wise travel In memory of Gail decisions in a constantly changing world! Let us take care of all your travel needs! Specials to Scandinavia Iverson, his family Our friendly & knowledgeable Europe & the Caribbean Scandinavian staff has a combined 60+ makes a difference years experience in the travel industry! Call us for details! Verrazano Travel & Leisure (718) 979-6641 [email protected] So l v e i g Le e [email protected] Mt. Vernon, Wash. (818) 884-4047 • (800) 747-9093 [email protected]

To experience hope is a wonderful Now is the time to book your thing! Gail Iverson, a diabetic, discovered that he had a foot ulcer and could not wear Dream Cruise VaCation regular shoes. The prognosis was for a foot amputation. After spending a month in the Call or email us for the best offers Photo: Mark Iverson hospital, his cardiologist, Andrew T. Coletti, Gail Inverson dancing with his wife Sheri. Super Rates to any destination of your dreams MD, suggested that Gail visit the Skagit Available! Valley Hospital Wound Healing Center. to take place. Gail drove to his brother’s Gail faithfully attended weekly business, “Mark’s on Pine Square,” in Mount appointments at the center. After several 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11209 • [email protected] Vernon to pick up flowers and tablecloths months of therapy, Gail was able, once again, for the festivity. Gail never returned to Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Toll free (800) 822-5838 to wear shoes. What a thrill for someone Coupeville. He was in a fatal accident. who loved to get together with others and Wonderful recollections of the Wound Saturday, April 18, 2009 - 1o am – 5 pm have a good time. Center had often been spoken by Gail. Mark Gail was born on July 5, 1948, in Mount Iverson, along with his nieces and nephews, Thurston County Fairgrounds Expo Ctr. Vernon, Wash., to Willard and Annette spearheaded the memorial campaign to Norway 3054 Carpenter Road SE • Lacey Iverson (Minkler). For 35 years, Gail was an benefit the wound center. The successful There’s more to Norway than lutefisk & lefse! agent for Allstate Insurance in Oak Harbor. “Cajun Night” benefit dinner and silent Fjord Horses, Vikings, Music, Gifts, Food & Fun! During those years, Gail and his wife, auction took place at Joseph Kinnebrew’s Day Watch for the Viking Ship Sheri (Locken), visited the lands of their “Quarry” sculpture garden near LaConner, heritage—part of that trip was travel to Wash., where more than $30,000 was raised. Admission $2.00, under 12 free w/adult Norway’s fjord country and the metropolitan The family’s hope was to buy a piece of Lacey, WA For more information, call (360) 923-1242 area of Oslo. (Gail’s great-grandfather, John equipment to save someone’s leg or foot. Kristoffersen Vike, born in Nesset parish, A diagnostic tool used to measure the flow Møre og Romsdal, had been a teacher in of oxygenated blood in the legs or feet was Brønø. He emigrated from the port of selected. It has been ordered and paid for. Bergen on May 14, 1875. John met Karen On Thursday, March 12 at 6 p.m., the e Scandinavian Hour Nøkleby in Minnesota, where she was Gail Edward Iverson Circle of Friends met Celebrating over 40 years on the air one of his students. He married her. The at Mark’s on Pine Square in Mount Vernon roots of Karen’s parents extend to Nittedal to form a partnership with the Skagit Valley KKNW - 1150 AM Parish, Akershus, and Christiana. The Hospital Foundation to establish a Wound couple had twelve children, many born in Care Foundation. Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am Skagit County). The trip in Norway was a Speakers for this occasion were Morris Streaming live on the internet at: memorable experience Gail never forgot. In Johnson, MD, surgeon at Skagit Valley fact, Gail loved all that was Scandinavian. Hospital; Dennis Riley, Program Coordinator He could often be found making rosettes – for the Wound Center and three Wound Clinic sometimes hundreds at a time—in his own nurses; and Jay Cocheba, DPM, podiatrist at little kitchen in the basement. the center. The number of patients to visit Gail and Sheri were among the founding the Wound Clinic per month has grown from members of S/N Whidbey Island Nordic 200 to 400—from Whatcom County as well Lodge 2-164. Sheri assumed the position as as Snohomish. the lodge social director. On May 16, 2008, To be sure, the Foundation is complete the 17th of May lodge dinner was scheduled with both compassion and care. Big DreamsFrom Karmøy to Hawaii The Kaare Ness Story Maternal Persona … often express worry and appear to be helpless (…continued from page 1) and insecure. Research into this type can Now available on DVD from the Norwegian American Foundation help to create a toolbox of advice to relieve Classic Documentary Collection quicker when faced with obstacles – e.g. in a the feeling of stress and lack of coping and Call (206) 441-3129 for more information. disagreement – and often experience lack of improve the child’s diet. Unfortunately, we control of the child. could not study the fathers, but it is likely “I think that mothers compensate for that this also applies to them. Men with a lot Sons of Norway Building, B-20 this either by trying to force healthy food of negative affectivity often express this in Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street into their child or hold the sweet-bag strings the form of anxiety or anger, but otherwise (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 extra tightly,” Ystrøm continues. the characteristics are identical between the email: [email protected] “Paradoxically, they try to balance poor sexes,” explained Ystrøm. By appointment please. control by actually using more control. With Research results were also controlled for force and restrictions they increase desire, the following socio-demographic factors; the which quickly results in resistance in the child’s sex, smoking, child attending nursery, SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc. form of tantrums which these mothers are education, mother’s age, mother’s BMI (body also bad at resisting. Also, earlier studies mass index), number of children, income Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, have shown that controlling behavior among and marital status. These data were collected Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo parents is linked with a more sugar-rich diet from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations among children.” at the NIPH. None of them explained the Ystrøm believes that knowledge about effect that the mother’s negative affectivity 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 the link between the parents’ personality had on the child’s diet. Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 traits and children’s eating habits will be “Or, to put it another way, the impact useful for health personnel and others who of socio-demographic variables on give nutritional advice. Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] “People with a lot of negative affectivity CONTINUES PAGE 15 APRIL 10, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Ed u c a t i o n 15 High school part of Innovation Park Events on Due for completion in 2012, the Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park is a unique project. Unlike other Innovation Parks this will integrate a high school, giving the students a For more information on these and other events visit us at: rare chance to receive guest lectures from researchers, and do internships both in the companies and at the Norwegian Does your organization have an event coming up? Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? Radium Hospital. Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at 1(800) 305-0217.

California clude: artwork, collectible plates, furni- Ras m u s Fa l c k World Economic Forum together with Oslo, Norway Knut Hamsun Celebration ture, Hardangersøm pieces, kransekake, Tiger Woods, Chris Martin of the band April 19 lamps, linens, Norwegian silver, a brand Coldplay, and the entrepreneurs of San Francisco, Calif. new rosemaled chest from Norway, and The new Innovation Park planed by Facebook and YouTube. Join the Norse Federation and the Norwe- more. Admission: $10 Questions? Call the Oslo Cancer Cluster will be the first in The incidence of cancer in Norway Norwegian Christian Home and Health gian Seamen’s Church in San Francisco the world to house a high school. The and internationally continues to rise, one Center at (718) 232 – 2322. for a celebration of Knut Hamsun. It is school called Ullern will be located close in every three people will experience 150 years since the winner of Nobel Prize to the Oslo Radium Hospital and will cancer during their lifetime. This in Literature was born in Lom, Norway. Tribeca Invites Three Norwegian Films specialize in math and entrepreneurship. challenge needs to be met as a matter of Nordmanns-Forbundet/The Norse Fed- April 22-May 3 urgency. eration will take part in the celebrations. New York, N.Y. For the companies located in the park, it Welcome to join us. – There will be a do- Three Norwegian films will be shown is a requirement that they have projects In Norway the cancer research and nation of $ 5.00 towards refreshments. at the 8th annual Tribeca film festival in with the students. its application are world-class in terms New York: “NORD” (written by Erlend Last year the international research of innovation and quality. Norway’s Norway Day Festival Loe, directed by Rune Denstad Langlo, magazine Genome Technology named unique infrastructure—from biobanks to May 2-3 and produced by Sigve Endresen and Oslo one of the 20 best places for extensive patent registries—accelerates Brede Hovland), “YODOK Stories” (pro- San Francisco, Calif. biotech in the world. Oslo is the only transnational research which is crucial to Join us for the 17th annual Norway Day duced by Torstein Grude), and “Destruc- convert ideas from the lab into diagnostics tion Workers” (by Kajsa Næss). To learn European region on the list, and the only Festival! Norway Day is the largest Nor- one outside the United States apart from and treatment. Oslo Cancer Cluster wegian festival in the United States. This more, visit India and China. Genome Technology already has over 50 members, including year’s theme is “Thinking Globally ... industrial companies, academic research Acting Locally.” Please join us for a fun- Ohio wrote on Oslo, “It’s certainly not the filled weekend of exhibits, music, food, Tempest Concert at Winchester Tavern biggest of the biotech clusters, but institutions, health initiatives and support and more! Visit online at www.norway- April 21 for its size, the effort to cement a groups in the field of biotechnology with Lakewood, Ohio bioscience segment here in Norway is the main focus on cancer. Join the Ohio Norsemen for a concert truly impressive.” To be among the nine Oslo Cancer Cluster aims to become Minnesota featuring Lief Sorbye, hailing from Oslo, emerging clusters in the world is great, Europe’s leading comprehensive cancer 12th Annual Ibsen Festival Norway, with his band, Tempest! Tempest says Oslo Cancer Cluster’s CEO Bjarte cluster along the lines of the highly April 17-19 will be playing at The Winchester Tavern Reve. He was recently named this year’s successful U.S. model from Memorial and Music Hall on April 21st at 8 p.m. Lanesboro, Minn. Norwegian “Young Global Leader” by Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Commonweal Theatre announces its 12th Annual Ibsen Festival April 17-19, 2009 Norwegian chairm … TEXAS Important knowledge network in downtown Lanesboro. Named for the (…continued from page 1) acclaimed “Father of Modern Drama,” Per Brevig conducts “The Clarity of Ambassador Tom Vraalsen is chairman of the ITF during the Norwegian chairmanship the Festival is a celebration of Scandina- Copland - A Love for the Land” of the challenges we face. The Holocaust period, which lasts until March 2010. vian theatre, visual art, music and dance, April 25 is a constant reminder of the terrible Norway has taken over the chairmanship featuring over thirty different events and Tyler, Texas consequences of anti-Semitism in our recent from Austria, which has been commended activities. To reserve tickets, or for a com- “The Clarity of Copland – A Love for the past. Many people were guilty. We all for its efforts over the last year. In particular, plete list of Festival events, call 1-800- Land,” a concert with music by Copland have a responsibility. We all have a duty to Vraalsen emphasised how important it is that 657-7025 or visit conducted by Per Brevig with East Texas prevent anti-Semitism from ever regaining a a permanent ITF office has been established Symphony Orchestra, and photochoreog- foothold, either here or in any other country,” in Berlin. Bright Norwegian Art...and Spring! raphy by James Westwater. Concert at the said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. April 19 Cowan Fine & Performing Arts Center, The ITF is an important knowledge network, and Norway supports closer St. Paul, Minn. UT Tyler, Texas. For information and tick- Swedish initiative cooperation with other important actors, such A chicken dinner will be held at 12:30 ets, please call (903) 526 ETSO or visit “The ITF is an important tool for helping as the UN, the The Organization for Security p.m. at Luther Seminary, Olson Campus ourselves and each other, individually and and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Center. Admission: $20 per person. Fol- collectively, through active cooperation Council of Europe. lowing the dinner, Dr. Mary Jo Thorsheim, Virginia with schools, museums, memorial sites and Two major meetings will be held during Norway Art will make a presentation en- Exhibit for “61˚ 10’ 00” North Latitude: research institutions,” the Foreign Minister Norway’s chairmanship of the ITF, in Oslo titled: Bright Norwegian Art...and Spring. Encounters and Memories” added. The ITF was established in 1998, and Trondheim, respectively. In June this For more information, contact Marie Hard Through April 19 following an initiative taken by Sweden’s year, the Center for Studies of Holocaust and at (651) 644-8132. Montpelier, Va. Prime Minister at that time, Göran Persson, Religious Minorities in Oslo is organising Resulting from their trips to Norway in in cooperation with U.S. President Bill the conference “Towards an Integrated New York 2005 and 2007, five artists from Virgin- Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Perspective on Nazi Policies of Mass Spring Flea Market ia will display images in oil, watercolor, Blair. Norway has been a member of the ITF Murder,” in collaboration with the ITF. April 25 charcoal and textiles at the Montpelier since 2003. Brooklyn, N.Y. Center for Arts and Education. For more The Salvation Army, Bay Ridge Corps, information, visit Maternal persona … children healthier food. presents the Spring Flea Market, located (…continued from page 14) “This is important because we at 252 86th Street in Brooklyn. Treasures WISCONSIN discovered that the same socioeconomic risk children’s eating habits were unaffected old & new. Norwegian Rice Grøt will be Third Annual Benefit Dinner and factors for sweet and fatty foods that were by the mother’s personality traits,” says sold, as well as other refreshments. Every- found earlier among three to six-year old Program Ystrøm. one is welcome. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. children in England were already present at April 19 Mothers who smoked daily, had a high Call (718) 238-2991 for more. 18 months,” says Ystrøm. “In addition, this Madison, Wisc. BMI, had many children, had a male child, shows that parents’ ability to master stress The Norwegian American Genealogical or children who went to nursery, were less 5th Annual NCHHC Auction can affect children’s eating habits from a Center, Madison, invites everyone to at- likely to give them a healthy diet. If the April 25 very early age.” tend the gala benefit dinner. The evening mothers were daily smokers, with a high Brooklyn, N.Y. In an earlier study, Ystrøm and his will include dinner, vendor display, social BMI and/or many children, there was a Join us for the 5th annual auction for the colleagues highlighted that mothers with a hour, raffle, and a program by Dr. A. Erik greater chance that they would give their Norwegian Christian Home and Health high level of negative affectivity often cease Gundersen. For reservations, call (608) children an unhealthy diet. However, if Center in Brooklyn! Items can be viewed breastfeeding before the recommended six 255-2224 or [email protected]. mothers had a higher education and/or were from 12-1 p.m., and the auction takes month limit. older, they were more likely to give their place from 1-5 p.m. Auction items in- NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • APRIL 10, 2009 Upptäck. No one offers more destinations in Scandinavia than we do. Check out all our destinations, timetables and latest deals at www.fl By the way, “Upptäck” means discover in Swedish. As in discover Scandinavia and Finland at great prices. Welcome onboard! Go to fl for great Upptä to Scandinavia and Finland. No one offers more destinations in Scandinavia than we do. Check out all our destinations, timetables and latest deals at www.fl By the way, “Upptäck” means discover in Swedish. As in discover Scandinavia and FinlandCopenhagen at great prices. Stockholm Welcome onboard! Oslo Helsinki Gothenburg Bergen Stavanger for great fl Go to fl deals to Scandinavia and Finland. SKI4627_US_NorweiganUpptäck. American Weekly_MMDD_10,4X7,6in.indd 1 08-09-17 11.00.06 No one offers more destinations in Scandinavia than we do. Check out all our destinations, timetables and latest deals at www.fl By the way, “Upptäck” means discover Copenhagen Stockholm Osloin Swedish. Helsinki As in discover Scandinavia Gothenburg and Finland at great prices. Bergen Welcome onboard! Stavanger Go to fl for great fl deals to Scandinavia and Finland.

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