Central and West Planning Committee Due to Scottish Government
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Central and West Planning Committee Due to Scottish Government guidance relating to Covid-19, this meeting will be held remotely. Wednesday, 25th November, 2020 - 2.00 p.m. AGENDA Page Nos. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST In terms of section 5 of the Code of Conduct, members of the Committee are asked to declare an interest in particular items on the agenda and the nature of the interest(s) at this stage. 3. MINUTE - Minute of Meeting of Central and West Planning Committee of 28th 3 - 5 October, 2020. 4. CHANGE OF MEMBERSHIP OF CENTRAL AND WEST PLANNING COMMITTEE Members are asked to note that the membership of the Committee is as set out below:- David Alexander Alistair Bain John Beare Bobby Clelland Dave Coleman Ian Ferguson Mick Green Zoe Hisbent Gordon Langlands Helen Law Mino Manekshaw Alice McGarry (Convener) Derek Noble Ross Paterson Andrew Verrecchia 5. 19/00909/PPP - LAND AT THISTLE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 6 - 40 COWDENBEATH Planning permission in principle for demolition of existing buildings and erection of dwellinghouses with associated development including access, roads, drainage and landscaping. 6. 19/03673/FULL - LAND TO THE EAST OF JAMPHLARS COURT, 41 - 68 BOWHILL Erection of 59 affordable housing units with associated roads, parking and landscaping. 1 - 2 - Page Nos 7. 20/00373/FULL - THE YARD PUBLIC HOUSE ADMIRALTY ROAD 69 - 76 ROSYTH Demolition of existing buildings, erection of a retail unit (Class 1) with associated access improvements, service area, parking, taxi parking and associated works (Section 42 to remove condition 3 of 17/01554/FULL to provide a replacement football pitch). 8. 20/02292/FULL - LAND TO WEST OF MACDONALD SQUARE MAIN 77 - 89 STREET HALBEATH Erection of three retail units (Class 1), two café/restaurant units (Class 3) with associated drive thru element (Sui Generis) and one cafe/restaurant unit (Class 3) with associated parking and external works (Section 42 Application to vary condition 3 of 20/00545/FULL to allow opening from 5am for Class 3 unit shown as Costa on approved drawings). 9. 20/00955/FULL - 1 BURNBANK STABLES, EAST END MAIN STREET, 90 - 105 STAR, GLENROTHES Erection of dwellinghouse and workshop with associated works. 10. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION, BUILDING WARRANTS AND AMENDED BUILDING WARRANTS DEALT WITH UNDER DELEGATED POWERS Lists of applications dealt with under delegated powers for the period 5th October to 1st November, 2020. Note: These lists are available to view with the Committee papers on Fife.gov.uk Members are reminded that should they have queries on the detail of a report they should, where possible, contact the report authors in advance of the meeting to seek clarification. Morag Ferguson Head of Legal and Democratic Services Finance and Corporate Services Fife House North Street Glenrothes Fife, KY7 5LT 18th November, 2020 If telephoning, please ask for: Emma Whyte, Committee Officer, Fife House Telephone: 03451 555555, ext. 442303; email: [email protected] Agendas and papers for all Committee meetings can be accessed on www.fife.gov.uk/committees 2 2020 CWPC 37 THE FIFE COUNCIL - CENTRAL AND WEST PLANNING COMMITTEE – REMOTE MEETING 28th October, 2020 2.00 p.m. – 4.20 p.m. PRESENT: Councillors Alice McGarry, David Alexander, Alistair Bain, John Beare, James Calder, Bobby Clelland, Dave Coleman, Derek Glen, Mick Green, Gordon Langlands, Mino Manekshaw, Derek Noble, Ross Paterson and Andrew Verrecchia. ATTENDING: Kevin Treadwell, Service Manager - Major Business and Customer Service, Katherine Pollock, Planner - Major Business and Customer Service, Mark Barrett, Lead Officer Transportation Development Management (South Fife), Richard Simmons, Lead Officer Transportation Development Management (North Fife), Economy, Planning & Employability Services, Laura Lamb, Solicitor and Emma Whyte, Committee Officer, Legal & Democratic Services. 74. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were submitted in terms of Standing Order No. 7.1. 75. CHANGE OF MEMBERSHIP The Committee were asked to note that Councillor Derek Glen had replaced Councillor Ian Ferguson as a member of the Central and West Planning Committeee. Decision The Committee noted that Councillor Derek Glen had replaced Councillor Ian Ferguson as a member of the Central and West Planning Committee. 76. MINUTE The Committee considered the minute of the Central and West Planning Committee of 29th September, 2020. Decision The Committee agreed to approve the minute. 77. 18/02425/FULL - LESLIE HOUSE, LESLIE, GLENROTHES The Committee considered a report by the Head of Planning relating to an application/ 3 2020 CWPC 38 application for the proposed conversion of Leslie House to form 24 flats, erection of 8 new build dwellinghouses, associated parking, access, landscaping and drainage. Katherine Pollock, Planner advised members that an additional Condition would be added in relation to the provision of passing places at the development. Decision The Committee agreed to approve the application subject to:- (1)) the twenty-five conditions and for the reasons detailed in the report; (2) an additional condition being added in relation to the provision of passing places; (3) Condition 7 being amended to require the number of grit bins to be agreed and thereafter provided; and (4) Condition 14 being amended to ensure that the factoring arrangements also covered waste and recycling. 78. 18/02426/LBC - LESLIE HOUSE, LESLIE, GLENROTHES The Committee considered a report by the Head of Planning relating to an application for listed building consent for conversion of Leslie House (Category A Listed Building) with new build enabling development. Decision The Committee agreed to approve the application subject to the seven conditions and for the reasons detailed in the report. 79. 20/00839/FULL - 251 AND 257 TO 261 HIGH STREET, KIRKCALDY The Committee considered a report by the Head of Planning relating to an application for the proposed demolition of existing shop unit at 251 - 255 High Street to provide mixed use development of 38 affordable housing flats and commercial units. Decision The Committee agreed:- (1) to approve the application subject to the nineteen conditions and for the reasons detailed in the report; and (2) that the Planning Officer would write to the Community Council in response to their concerns and to clarify where these had been addressed in the report. Councillor/ 4 2020 CWPC 39 Councillor Verrecchia left the meeting following conclusion of the above item. The meeting adjourned at 3.47 p.m. and reconvened at 4.00 p.m. 80. 20/01466/FULL - SITE TO SOUTH OF TURPIE ROAD, LEVEN The Committee considered a report by the Head of Planning relating to an application for the erection of a bakery shop unit (Class 1) with ancillary drive through facility, associated car parking and landscaping. Decision The Committee agreed to approve the application subject to the five conditions and for the reasons detailed in the report. 81. 20/00163/FULL - LAND TO NORTH OF BURNBRAE HOUSE, OSBORNE DRIVE, KINCARDINE The Committee considered a report by the Head of Planning relating to an application for the erection of 3 no. dwellinghouses with associated garages, boundary fencing, formation of access, hardstanding and landscaping. Decision The Committee agreed to refuse the application for the reason set out in the report. 82. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION, BUILDING WARRANTS AND AMENDED BUILDING WARRANTS DEALT WITH UNDER DELEGATED POWERS Decision The Committee agreed to note the lists of applications. 5 CENTRAL AND WEST PLANNING COMMITTEE COMMITTEE DATE: 25/11/2020 ITEM NO: 5 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION IN PRINCIPLE REF: 19/00909/PPP SITE ADDRESS: LAND AT THISTLE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE COWDENBEATH PROPOSAL : PLANNING PERMISSION IN PRINCIPLE FOR DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND ERECTION OF DWELLINGHOUSES WITH ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT INCLUDING ACCESS, ROADS, DRAINAGE AND LANDSCAPING APPLICANT: IN-SITE PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LTD 4 BOWCLIFFE GRANGE BRAMHAM WEST YORKSHIRE WARD NO: W5R07 Cowdenbeath CASE OFFICER: Katherine Pollock DATE 07/08/2019 REGISTERED: REASONS FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE This application requires to be considered by the Committee because: The proposed development comprises more than 50 residential units on a site area greater than 2 hectares and therefore, is classified as a Major Development under The Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009. SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION The application is recommended for: Conditional approval requiring a legal agreement ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND OTHER MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS 6 Under Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the determination of the application is to be made in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 1.1 Site Description 1.1.1 The application site extends to approximately 7.6 hectares, situated on the south east side of Cowdenbeath. It comprises Thistle Industrial Estate, a partially occupied industrial estate which comprises approximately 56 office and industrial buildings plus yard space, all of which is of varying sizes, ages and quality. The site is bound by a sewerage works to the north, a football ground to the south, Seco Place, Church Street and Watson Street to the west and Lochgelly Burn to the east. The area to the west of Seco Place, Church Street and Watson Street is predominately residential. Beyond the football ground to the south is the A92, Cowdenbeath Golf Club is situated to the north of the sewerage works and there are open fields beyond the Lochgelly Burn to the east. The site is enclosed by metal mesh fencing to the north, south and east with black metal railings along the west site boundary. 1.1.2 The principal vehicular access into the site, is currently taken from Church Street to the west with a secondary access provided further north from Seco Place. There are existing footpath connections from the surrounding residential streets with core paths to the north west corner of the site. 1.1.3 Of the 56 buildings within the application site only 21 of these are currently occupied and therefore, a high proportion of the units are laying vacant.