The Marikana Massacre and Lessons for the Left
The Marikana Massacre and Lessons for the Left Mary Smith TV coverage of the Marikana massacre dozen of the dead were cap- had a sickening sense of d´ej`avu about tured in news footage shot it; uniformed men, rifles aimed, the crack at the scene. The majority of gunfire, black bodies in the dust - of those who died, according Sharpeville, Soweto, iconic images of South to surviving strikers and re- Africa under Apartheid. But this was Au- searchers, were killed beyond gust 16th 2012, not the last century; the the view of cameras at a non- killers took their orders not from the old descript collection of boulders racist Apartheid regime of Botha or de some 300 metres behind Won- Klerk, but from the state headed by the derkop. `liberators' - the African National Congress (ANC). On one of these rocks, encom- Another image of South Africa: the passed closely on all sides by long patient queues, waiting since dawn solid granite boulders, is the to vote for the first time; hope and pride letter `N', the 14th letter of and joy in the faces. That was 1994 - the alphabet. Here, N repre- the year the struggle had smashed through sents the 14th body of a strik- Apartheid and ushered in a government led ing miner to be found by a po- by the ANC, pledged to `peace, jobs, free- lice forensics team in this iso- dom'. lated place. These letters are So how could it have come to this, used by forensics to detail were to state-sponsored murder, eighteen years the corpses lay.
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