Electric Railway Journal
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A"guat 10, 1918 Men and Munitions Depend on Transportation 265 Bmpire Railroad and ita, United Rail ways, with headquarters at Portland, Ore. Mr. Witchel has been connected with the North Bank System since its organization. The properties which he Construction News will now supervise were not taken over by the government when the Spokane, I Portland & Seattle, Oregon Electric Construction News Notcs are classified Huron has been finished. The cut-off and Oregon Trunk line were federal under each heading alphabetically by States. An asterisk (.) Indicates a project not tracks will reduce by *-mile the trac ized. A. E. Lupfer, chief engineer of previously reported. tion mileage from Sandusky to Cleve the Spokane, Portland & Seattle lines land. The cost of the work is approx- under government supervision, will re imately $180,000. linquish supervision of the Spokane &; Inland Empire and United Railways Track and Roadway Seattle & Rainier Valley Railway, lines. [I-===============:!.II Seattle, Wash.-To provide a connect c:: ing link between Division A and the Southern Pacific Company, San Fran municipal elevated street railway lines, cisco, CaI.-It is reported that the Chino the city has asked the Seattle & Rainier branch of the Southern Pacific Company Valley company to relinquish its will probably be electrified and extended abandoned tracks along Washington Obituary to Corona. Street, from First Avenue South to San Francisco, CaI.-The Board of Fourth Avenue. In a letter to John Supervisors of San Francisco has in C. Higgins, attorney for the Seattle structed the Mayor to assure the Emer & Rainier line, Councilman Oliver T. Charles A. Goodnow, vice-president gency Fleet Corporation that San Fran Erickson, chairman of the utilities com of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul cisco will take over the proposed road mittee, states that "Under agreement Railroad, died at the New Washington to Hunter's Point after the war. This on common-user rights, the city could Hotel, Seattle, Wash., on July 26, fol action was taken in complying with the use the tracks, but rehabilitation of the lowing a brief illness. Mr. Goodnow desire of the federal government for line involves big expense, and there \lent to Seattle recently to confer an authoritative expression from the fore it would be better for your com with officials of the railroad company city on the subject of the electric rail pany to surrender that piece of its fran and to attend to business concerning way to the proposed ship repair plant chise to the city and donate what is the electrification of the railroad. at Hunter's Point, where 100 acres are left of the old tracks." Mr. Goodnow was born in North to be used adjacent to the dry docks. Adams, Mass., on Dec. 22, 1853. He The government is to advance the funds began his railroad career as. a tele for the construction of the road. Shop. and graph operator on the Hoosic Tunnel Detroit (Mich.) United Railway. l BUUdi=l] route and was advanced to train dis Work on the Ferndale Avenue extension patcher before leaving that road and of the Detroit United Railway is pro Pacific Electric Railway, Los An going to the West Shore as trainmaster gressing rapidly, and it is expected that geles, CaL-New quarters have been during the period of construction. He the line will be ready for operation by rented by the Pacific Electric. Railway went West in 1883 to take a position as September. The new Ferndale main in the Odd Fellows' Building at Whit train dispatcher on the Chicago, Mil line begins at the junction of Spring tier. The first floor will be remodeled waukee & St. Paul Railroad, and later wells and Ferndale Avenues, and runs into a station which will more nearly as superintendent of construction on west on Ferndale to Woodmere Ave meet the requirements of the city than I;he new lines into Dakota. He went nue, where it branches off onto a pri have the old quarters in the Mason to the Burlington in charge of construc vate right-of-way, continuing to a con Building. tion when the Chicago, Burlington & nection with Dearborn Avenue. The line Quincy line was extended to St. Paul New York. N. Y.-A trolley station then runs over Dearborn Avenue to will be established on the Queensboro and Minneapolis, returning to the Mil Fort Street connecting with the Fort waukee as superintendent, and later as Bridge at Blackwell's Island for the line at Fort Street and Dearborn Ave use of persons visiting the hospital and assistant general superintendent. Af nue. There is also a branch running ter the reorganization of the Chicago prison on the island. The cost is es north from Ferndale Avenue to the timated at $10,000 and will be paid for & Alton he was made general manager northerly end of the Ford plant. The of that company, and for a time held b)' the Department of Charities of the line intersects Baby Creek at two points City of New York. a similar position with the Chicago, and this necessitated the construction Rock Island & Pacific. Returning again of bridges. to the Milwaukee he was made as sistant to President A. J. Earling, and Public Service Railway, Newark, N. Power Houses and had charge of the building of the Gal J.-It is expected that the extension Substations latin valley road in Montana, the loca of the Public Service Railway to the tion and construction of the Milwaukee Submarine Boat Corporation plant and lines to Lewistown and Great Falls, the United States Army Quartermas Des Moines (Ia.) City Railway. Mont., and the securing of the excep ter's Depot, both at Port Newark, will This company is completing the con tionally fine terminals which the Mil be completed by Labor Day, Sept. 2. struction of a new substation building waukee has in Great Falls. For the The extension will provide facilities for at East Fourteenth Street at Des past five years he had given exclusive about 20,000 workmen. Moines Street. This is the last building attention to the electrification of the Cincinnati. Milford & Loveland Trac to be erected in the substation plans of Milwaukee. He had seen his plans tion Company, Cincinnati, Ohio.-The thfo Des Moines City Railway Company brought to successful completion on Public Utilities Commission of Ohio has in connection with its rehab~litation that portion of the road from Harlow denied the application of the Cincinnati, plans. town, Mont., to Avery, Idaho, and the Milford & Loveland Traction Company, Portsmouth, Dover & York Street results had fully justified his expecta the property of which was recently sold Railway. Dover. N. H.-W~rk has been tions. On his return to Seattle just to the bondholders' committee, to junk begun on the laying of the cable from before his death Mr. Goodnow an the road. the power plant of the Rockingham nounced that the work on the western Lake Shore Electric Railway, Cleve County Light & Power Company to end of the road was progres~ing so land, Ohio.-The Lake Shore Electric Badger's Island. This cable when com satisfactorily that electric locomotives Railway will complete its cut-off near pleted will furnish energy to operate would be running into Seattle from Huron in September. All of the work the Portsmouth, Dover & York Street Othello by July 1, 1919. except that within the corporation of Railway. Michael Sol Collection.