Xi-WS-A603 1-31 (1970> U.S. Wlldl. Serv. 603 Sp)ec. Sci, Rep, Fish.

Distribution and Abundance of Fish in the Yakima River, Wash., April 1957 to May 1958



Leslie W. Scattergood, Editor

Mary S. Fukuyama, Associate Editor


John A. Gulnan

John I. Hodges Edward A. Schaefers

Harvey Hutchlngs Parker S. Trefethen

John M. Patton, Jr. Robert C. Wilson

Leslie W, Scattergood, Chairman

Special Scientific Report—Fisheries are preliminary or progress reports and reports on scientific investigations of restricted scope. Established as Special Scientific Report in 1940, nos. 1 to 67 were issued from that date to 1949, whenthenewseries. Special Scientific Report—Fisheries, with new serial numbering, was started. Special Scientific Report—Fisheries are distributed free to libraries, re- search institutions. State agencies, and scientists. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

Walter J. Hickel, Secretary

Leslie L. Glasgow, Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife, Parks, and Mariyie Resources

Charles H. Meacham, Commissioner, U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Philip M. Roedel, Director, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries

Distribution and Abundance of Fish in the Yakima River, Wash., April 1957 to May 1958 By


United States Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report-.Fisheries No. 603

Washington, B.C. June 1970



Introduction 1 Experimental procedures 2

* ^ Fish fauna .* * ' Names and numbers of families and species . . 6 Distribution and abundance of fish 6 General 7 Seasonal ^ Effect of water temperature and flow on distribu- tion of fish '^ 1'? Fish species that reside with juvenile salmon .... Summary Acknowledgments Literature cited 17 Appendix 19

Distribution and Abundance of Fish in the Yakima River, Wash.,

April 1957 to May 1958


BENJAMIN G. PATTEN, RICHARD B. THOMPSON, and WILLIAM D. GRONLUND, Fishery Biologists Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Seattle, Wash. 98102


Fish were collected from the main stem (lower 281 km.) of the river at 2-month intervals. Native fish consisted of six families, with 23 species and three hybrids; exotic fish consisted of five families with 10 species. The water temperature from the mouth of the river to 145 km. upstream was high in summer conapared with the stretch between km. 153 and 281. Eleven species were taken principally from the lower 145 km. of the river; Mother species were taken mostly from the upper area. The greatest numbers of fish were collected from the mouth to km. 64 and from km. 120 to 177. These abundances coincided with centers of abundance of the families and Catostomidae. Centrarchids were abundant below km. 97, and Cot- tidae and Salmonidae were most abundant above km. 161, The fewest fish were col- lected between km. 72 and 89, possibly because of slow current, high summer tem- peratures, and a muddy bottom. Seasonal distribution and abundance of each species are discussed. Although cyprinids and catostomids were the most abundant fish, salmon ( Oncorhynchus) and trout (genus Salmo) are the most valuable to nnan. Trout and juvenile salmon were most common fronn km. 153 to 281.

INTRODUCTION that unscreened irrigation diversions were responsible for mass destruction of the The drains an extensive area species. The number of adult salmon entering in the Pacific Northwest. Its waters are eco- the Yakima River has been steadily declining nomically innportant for electric power (hydro- in recent years as shown by counts at the electric and nuclear plants), agricultural, and Roza Dam near Yakima. Many of the young fishery uses. Many species of fish are abund- salmon are lost at dams on their seaward ant in the drainage and some species, es- migration (Schoeneman, Pressey, and Junge, pecially salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., support 1961), and an intensive fishery on adult fish important commercial and sport fisheries. in the ocean and lower Columbia River re- Little is known, however, of the interrelations duces the return. The adult fish returning to of the fish of the Columbia River system. This the Yakima River from the sea are too few to paper contributes to such knowledge by de- support the Indian fishery and to nnaintain the scribing the distribution and abundance of stock. fish in a large inland tributary, the Yakima The purpose of this paper is to contribute River. to knowledge on the disti^'ibution and abundance The Yakima River once was an important of fish in the part of the Yakima River used by nursery for fall and spring chinook salmon, salmon (lower 281 km,), on the effect of water

O. tshawytscha , and coho salmon, O. kisutch, temperature and velocity on their distribution, and is now noted for its sport fishery for and on fish that reside with juvenile salmon. rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, and mountain Such information leads to a better under stand- whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni . The historic ing of elements of the environment that affect Indian fishery for salmon was also substantial, the production of young salmon in some tribu- A decline in the nunribers of salmon returning taries of the Columbia River. This study to the Yakima River, first noted by Gilbert compliments information by Reimers and Bond and Evermann (1894), was attributed to man's (1967) on the distribution of fish in the drainage activities. Indeed, O'Malley (1928) reported of the lower Columbia River, EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES We used electrofishing gear to collect fish at each site. Collections made on a trip represent Hydrological features and fish fauna of the an instantaneous sample, and we assume that Yakima River were examined fronn April 8, catches at a site represent the species within 1957, to May 20, 1958. Seven sampling trips an 8-km. section of the river. were made at 2-month intervals to collect The "Type I electric shocker" (Patten and data at about every 8 km. along the river Gillaspie, 1966) was used on the first trip; (fig. 1). Thirty- six sampling sites were pre- the more effective "Type 11 shocker" (Dale, determined from aerial photographs, but one 1959), on other trips. We tried to sample site (km. 80) was not accessible and was not different ecological areas for representative fished. A complete trip from Easton to the populations at each site. Wading and floating mouth of the river usually took 20 days. The techniques were used. The wading method was schedule was interrupted on the first trip effective for collecting small fish that prefer (April 8 to June 20, 1957) by flooding, which shallows at the stream edge, especially in extended the time to over 2 months and pre- areas of cover. The floating method, used in vented sampling at sites at km. 105 and 281. deep or swift waters, accounted for most fish

Figure 1. —Sampling sites along the main stem (lower 281 km.) of the Yakima River, by distance (km.) from the mouth of the river. over 150 mm. long. The cumulative time the throughout the year (fig. 3). The lower readings electric current passed through the water indicate higher concentrations of ions, which during sampling was used to calculate CPUE increase efficiency in electrofishing. Low (catch per unit of effort). We calculated the resistivity readings also indicate richer waters CPUE as the number of fish collected at a (McFadden and Cooper, 1962). Turbidity, which site divided by the elapsed sannpling time in was measured by a platinum wire method hundredths of an hour. (Welch, 1948), fluctuated considerably between Smaller fish, usually those less than 150 sampling trips and sites (fig. 4). We had mm. long, were preserved in the field and difficulty in seeing shocked fish when visi- examined later in the laboratory; the larger bility was less than 35 cm. specimens were processed in the field. The On some trips, conditions such as rain, data taken from each fish were species, fork snow, wind, low intensity of light, and ice also length, weight, sex, gonad development, and hampered our observations of fish. Although stomach contents. The data on each fish were these conditions may have biased our results recorded on Hollerith cards. Two species are toward smaller catches of fish, CPUE could included in each of the categories of salmon, not be accurately corrected. lamprey, and pumpkinseed. The identifications The development of fish fauna has probably were not reliable between the juveniles of been influenced by the geological history of coho salmon and chinook salmon; between west- the region. The Yakima River, in west central ern brook lamprey, Lampetra richardsoni , Washington, drains the east slope of the and Pacific lamprey, L. tridentata; and be- Cascade Mountains and empties into the Co- tween pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus , and lumbia River about 480 km. from the sea. bluegill, Iv. macrochirus . The lower Yakima River was not covered by Temperature, resistivity, and turbidity were ice during the last major glaciation during recorded at each sampling, partly to judge the Pleistocene era (Flint, 1957). The Cas- effects on the efficiency of electrofishing. cade Mountains had valley glaciers, but the Water temperatures were highest in the late Piedmont ice sheet barely reached the Co- spring, summer, and early fall and usually lumbia Plateau, well above the lower Yakima increased with distance downstream (fig. 2). River. Temperature affects electrofishing to some The geography of the watershed varies con- degree, but the effect appeared to be insig- siderably. The Yakima River flows through nificant in this study. Water resistivity read- three valleys, separated by mountainous ings progressively decreased downstream and ridges. The river flows through deep canyons did not vary greatly at a specific location between km. 250 to 233 and 217 to 177 and


» 5 150 200 FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.)

Figure 3. —Water resistivity in 1957 and 1958 at sampling sites along the Yakima River, by time of sampling.

-700 80 MAY 12 TO 20,1958


. MARCH 3 TO 21,1958 -A/^

uj 400-

JANUARY I TO 21, 1958 80-1 < 300 40

80 NOVEMBER 12 TO 22, 1957 S 40 100 150 200 FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) SEPTEMBER 18 TO OCTOBER 18, 1957

Figure 5.—Elevation above sea level of the main stem of the Yakima River from its mouth to 281 km. upstream.

JULY 15 TO AUGUST 7,1957 km. 129 to 72, 0.9 m. per kilometer; and below this, 1.0 m. per kilometer. Average monthly flows ranged from 42

APRIL 8 TO JUNE 20, 1957 c.m.s. (cubic meters per second) at Easton (km, 286) to 110 c.m.s. at Kiona (km. 43). ^V Extremes at Easton were 1 c.m.s. in October to 76 c.m.s, in May 1957 (fig. 6). Extremes O 50 100 150 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM) at Kiona were 30 c.m.s. in June 1957 to 547 c.m.s. in May 1957. The spring floods in the Figure 4. —Water turbidity in 1957 and 1958 at sampling Yakima River depend on the melting of the sites along the Yakima River, by time of sampling. winter snowfall. The 1958 spring runoff was below average because of a reduced snow- pack. through a shallow canyon between km. 77 and In some sections the river flow increases 56. Above km. 225, coniferous forests pre- with release of water from storage reservoirs; dominate; below km. 225, sagebrush and in other sections the flow declines because deciduous trees predominate along the river. of irrigation and hydroelectric diversions. The wide valleys are intensively cultivated. The Easton Reservoir at km. 2 86, the Keechelus The elevation is from 640 m. at km. 281 to Lake and Kachess Lake Reservoirs, above 96 m. at the mouth (fig. 5). Above km. 129, km. 286, and the Cle Elum Lake Reservoir the river drops 2.8 m. per kilometer; from store water during the winter and spring and 1


Kiona (KM. 43) Sunnyside Dam (KM. 147) Umtonum (KM. 193)

400 Cle Elum ( KM. 258)

Eoston ( KM. 286)


5 o 200 H!


"~ " '" '~' ^ '"' '"' "''"' " " 1 1 1 ' " i I i -"'f "I i'"^' i "T A^ May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jon Feb Mar. Apr May

Figure 6.— Monthly flow of the Yakima River at Kiona, Sunnyside Dam, Umtanum, Cle Elum.and Easton, May 1957 to May 1958.

Table 1. — Hydrology and other characteristics of the Yakijna River at sampling sites along the main stem in 1957 and 1558 supplement the river flow for irrigation in tlie summer. During the spring and summer irri- Amount Location of Amount Water Average Bottom Average gation season, water releases maintain a of aquatic of velocity^ depth in type^ width greater than normal volume in the upper site' midstream vegeta- shade* tion* reaches, and irrigation diversions reduce the volume of flow in lower sections. Km. Irrigation and power diversions greatly reduce water volume in two sections of the Yakima River during the summer and fall. The Wapato and Sunnyside Dams at km. 150 and 146 divert about one -half of the river water into irrigation canals. The river be- tween km. 67 and km. 53 becomes low in summer and fall; the Prosser diversion ditch removes 42 c.m.s. at km. 67 for electrical power and irrigation and returns most of it at km. 53. Although the depth at these locations is adequate for the migration of fish, the reduced flow results in a temperature rise that creates a barrier to upstream migration of salmon. The Naches River is the largest tributary; it enters the Yakima River at km. 165. Like the Yakima River, the Naches River is in- fluenced by release of water from storage reservoirs and diversion of water for irriga- tion. It may contribute as much as 170 c.m.s. to the Yakima River during spi'ing flood and 57 c.m.s. during the fall. Summer and winter flows average below 28 c.m.s. Bryant and Parkhurst (1950) described in Distance upstream from the mouth of the river. detail the features of the river and the sites M - Moderate, SI - Sluggish, Sw - Swift. B - Boulders, G - Qravel, M - l«ld, H - Rubble, Sa used by salmon for spawning. Table 1 gives M - Minor, N - None. the general features at our sampling sites. N - None, P - Patchy. FISH FAUNA stream from reservoirs in the headwaters, and the white sturgeon had probably moved Included in this section are the names of upstream from the Columbia River. Sockeye the species taken in the river and data on the salmon runs in lakes of the Yakima River general and seasonal distribution and abun- drainage were destroyed by the construction dance of the species. The fish species and of dams on Lakes Keechelus, Kachess, Cle estimates of their distribution and abundance Elum, and Bumping (Naches River system) are based on a collection of 34,733 fish. The before 1911. Kokanee in the reservoirs behind abundant forms in the catches were represented these dams produce a few fish that migrate by specimens of all life stages, except for downstream presumably on their way to the the adults of salmon and Pacific lamprey. sea in the spring. The appendix presents the catch per unit of The fish fauna of the Yakima River includes effort and numbers of fish by site and date 28 native species and the following 10 exotic of sampling. species: brown trout, brook trout, carp, black bullhead, pumpkinseed, bluegill, smallmouth Names and Numbers of Families and Species bass, largemouth bass, black crappie, and yellow perch. The native species belong Thirty-three species and three hybrids were to families: Petromyzontidae, Salmonidae, collected (table 2). Species of fish previously Cyprinidae, Catostomidae, Percopsidae, and taken from the Yakima River drainage but not Cottidae. collected in this study include: shorthead From April 8, 1957, to May 20, 1958, the sculpin, tui chub, burbot, kokanee, the lacus- total number of species ranged from 11 at km. trine form of sockeye salmon, and white 72 to 20 at km. 161 and 169 (fig. 7), and the sturgeon. The burbot probably migrated down- average number per collection at the various sites Table 2. — Names of fish species and hybrids collected from the main ranged from 4.7 at km. 72 to 13.1 at stem of the Yakima River, April 1957 to May 1958 km. 217 (fig. 8); the grand average was 8.7. The Yakima River seems to have derived ^iflm^ Scientific name Family and common its fish fauna from adjacent areas of the Columbia River drainage. Fish native to the Petronyzontidae: Western brook lamprey Lampetra richardsonl Columbia River watershed but not recorded Pacific lamprey Lampetra tridentata from the Yakima River are: threespine stick- , Salmonidae: leback, Gasterosteus aculeatus "'" slimy sculpin, Coho Salman Oncorhynchus kisutch Cottus cognatus , reported by Bailey and Bond Chinook salmon 0. tshawytscha ( Mountain whitefish Prosopium williamsoni 1963); and Shoshone sculpin, Cottus greenei , Cutthroat trout Salmo clarki Wood River sculpin, Cottus leiopomus , and Rainbow trout ( steelhead) S. gairdneri

Brown trout S. trutta margined sculpin, Cottus marginatus , reported Brook trout Salve linus fontinalis by Jordan and Evermann (1898). Species com- Dolly Varden S. maljDa mon in the lower Columbia River but absent Cyprinidae: from the River are the riffle scul- Chiselncuth Acrocheilus alutaceus Yakima

Carp Cyprinus carpio pin, Cottus gulosus , and reticulate sculpin, PeajK)Uth Mylocheilus caurinus C. perplexus (Reimers and Bond, 1967). Northern squawfish Ptvchocheilus oregonensis Longnose dace flhinichthys cataractae Man's activities, whichhave produced waters Leopard dace R. falcatus warmer than previously in the summer below Speckled dace R. osculus Redside shiner Richardsonius balteatus km. 153, undoubtedly have created new eco- Chiseljnouth x northern squawfish, hybrid logical niches and destroyed others. Indeed, Speckled dace x redside shiner, hybrid. 10 exotic species have been established without CatostoMdae: great threat to the existence of native species. Bridge lip sucker Catostomus eolumbianiis Largescale sucker C. macrocheilus Mountain sucker Pantosteus platyrhynchus Distribution and Abundance of Fish Bridgelip sucker x largescale sucker, hybrid Reported in this section are data on the gen- Ictaluridae; eral and seasonal distribution and abundance Black bullhead Ictalurus me las of fish. The part on general distribution and Percopsidae; abundance contains information on the total Sand roller Fercopsis transmontana catch during the study, April 8, 1957, to Centrarchidae; 20, 1958. The part on seasonal distribution Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus May Bluegill L. macrochirus and abundance summarizes data collected Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieul each of seven sampling trips of the Largemouth bass M. salmoides during Black crappie Fomoxis nlgromaculatus study: April 8 to June 20, 1957; July 15 to September 18 to October 18, Percidae; August 7, 1957; Yellow perch Perca flavescens 1957; November 12-20, 1957; January 1-21, 12-20, Cottidae; 1958; March 3-20, 1958; and May 1958. Prickly sculpin Cottus asper Mottled sculpin C. bairdi Piute sculpin C. beldingi "Taken by senior author from Rock Island Dam Reser- Torrent sculpin C. rhotheus voir, March 8, 1963. DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) :

Table 3. — Catches of fish from the main stem of the Yakima River, by species and sampling dates in 1957-58

Family and Apr. 8- July 15- Sept. 18- Nov. Jan. Mar. May Total common name June 20 Aug. 7 Oct. 18 12-22 1-21 3-20 12-20

Petrortyzontld ae W. brook lamprey \ 9 Pacific lamprey )

SaljQonidae: Salmon, coho + Chinook. Mountain whitefish Cutthroat trout Rainbow trout Brown trout Brook trout Dolly Varden

Cyprinidae: Chiselmouth Carp Peamouth N. squawfish Longnose dace Leopard dace Speckled dace Redside shiner

Castomidae: Bridge lip sucker Largescale sucker Mountain sucker

Ictaluridae: Black bullhead

Percopsidae: Sand roller

Centrarchidae Pumpkinseed + bluegill. Smallmouth bass Largemouth bass Black crappie

Percidae: Yellow perch

Cottidae: Prickly sculpin Mottled sculpin Piute sculpin Torrent sculpin


Total ..

Table 4. —Catch per unit of effort-"- of fish from the main stem of the YaMma River, by species and sampling date, 1957-58

Percent- Apr. 18- Ju:;/ 15- Sept. 18- Nov. Jan. Mar. May Common name Total age of June Aug. Oct. 18 32-22 1-21 3-20 12-20 20 7 total


Lamprey 12 30 Salmon 72 Mountain whitefish. 154 Cutthroat trout Rainbow trout 22 Brown trout Brook trout 2 Dolly varden 2 Chiselmouth 612 Carp 302 Peamouth 2 Northern squawfish. 360 Longnose dace 50 Leopard dace 32 Speckled dace 572 Redside shiner 530 Chiselmouth X northern squawfish Redside shiner X speckled dace

Bridge lip sucker. . . 262

Largescale sucker. . 4-68 Mountain sucker <4 Largescale sucker X

Bridge lip sucker. . . Black bullhead 12 Sand roller 2 Pumpkinseed and bluegill 16 Smallmouth bass 48 Largemou-th bass 26 Black crappie 166 Yellow perch 2 Prickly sculpin Mottled sculpin 54 Piute sculpin 22 Torrent sculpin. .... 304

Total 4, 110 100 APRILS TO JUNE 20, 1957

100 100 JULY 15 TO AUGUST 7, 1957

100 100 SEPTEMBER 18 TO OCTOBER 18, 1957

100 100 NOVEMBER 12 TO 22, 1957


100 JANUARY I TO 21, 1958

100 100 MARCH 3 TO 21, 1958

100 200 MAY 12 TO 20. 1958

200 -


100 150 200 250 FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.)

Figure 9. —Total catch of Cyprlnldae, Catostomldae, Cen- trarchidae, Cottidae, and Salmonldae from the main stem of the Yakima River In 1957 and 1958, by sampling site.


- 100 50 100 150 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.)

Figure 10.—CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of Pacific and western brook lamprey (combined) from the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 and 1958, by sampling site.

distribution of the fry slowly expands downstream. By the end of summer the salmon are common to kna. 153, but the greater numbers are above km. 201. An active seaward migration begins about February and is completed by June. During March to June the abun- dance of salmon is increased by the presence of two year classes. Fall Chinook salmon spawn below km. 1 53, and their progeny move toward the sea shortly after emerging from the 400

100 200


400 50 100 150 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.)

Figure 12.~CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of mountain whitefish from the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 and 1958, by sampling site.

those caught were mature, this move- ment was probably a spawning migra- tion. We suspect that the whitefish that spawned in the upper river were resi- dents of the Yakima River and that the population below km. 72 migrated into the Yakima from the Columbia River. The mountain whitefish receded from the upper Yakima by January and from the lower river before May. Collections of yearling whitefish were rare, which is perplexing when the abundance of the adults is considered.

Cutthroat trout (28)

Three were collected at km. 169 in No- vember (fig. 13, table A-4).

Rainbow trout (18)

Normal range: Km. 201 to 281 (fig. 13, table A- 5). Period of abundance: November to May. Comments: Rainbow trout are repre- sented by resident and anadromous types, Steelhead trout, the anadromous type, move out of the Yakima in the spring. Rainbow trout juveniles taken below km. 177 from March to June probably were steelhead trout smolts.

Brown trout (25 )

Brown trout, which have been introduced to provide sport fishing, were taken at km. 24 in January, knn. 217 in March, and 40, l6l, and 169 in May (fig. 13, table A. 6).

Brook trout (23)

Small numbers of brook trout were taken above km. 177 on all but the third (September- October) trip (fig. 13, table A- 7). The brook trout is com- mon in irrigation canals in the Ellens- burg area but not in the main stem of 1,400 r a bypass trap operated at the Horn Rap- ids irrigation diversion dam (km. 27).^ l,200h In the lower Columbia River, large numbers of peamouth ascend tributary- streams for short distances on spawn- I.OOOh- ing migrations in early June. The sin- gle specimen collected at km. 32 in BOOK June 1957 may have been a stray.

600h Northern squawfish (3 )

Normal range: to 64 and 1 1 3 to 400h Km. 225 (fig. 16, table A. 10). Periods of abundance: The catches of 2001 northern squawfish were greatest dur- ing May 1958 and smallest in July to October 1957.

2001 800

400f- 600

600F 400

800^ 200

1.000 ^ 3

l,200F 200

1.400^ 400 50 100 150 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) 600 Figure 14.--CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of chiselmouth from the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 and 1958, by sampling site. 800

600 50 100 150 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM) Figure 16. CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of northern 400 — squawfish from the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 and 1958, by sampling site. 200 Longnose dace (15) u Normal range: Km. 8 to 64 and 120 to 281 (fig. 17, table A- 11). 200 Periods of abundance: Longnose dace were more abundant from May to 400 October than at other times of the year. Comments: The numbers of longnose dace sharply decreased from Novem- 600 to March. The logical causes 50 100 150 200 250 281 ber more DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM) for this decrease are mortality, migra- tion, or unavailability to the sampling Figure 15.—CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of carp from gear. No reasons exist for suspecting the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 and 1958, a mass mortality or movement; the by sampling site. populations are probably essentially stable. We suggest that the preferred Peamouth (29) habitat of the longnose dace changes from a swift riffle in the summer and The Yakima River is apparently not nor- mally used by the peamouth. In June ^ Richard T. Pressey, Biologist, Wash. Dep. Fish., 1954, three peamouth were collected in Olympla, Wash. Unpublished data.

12 LONGNOSE DACE 200 1.200

1.000 -


100- 0- — 100- SPECKLED DACE 2212 600





600 50 100 150 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.)

Figure 17. —CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of longnose, leopard, and speckled dace from the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 and 1958, by sampling site. 50 100 150 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) fall to a pool in winter. In deeper pools Figure 18. —CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of redside they may not be susceptible to electro- shiner from the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 fishing. and 1958, by sampling site.

Leopard dace (19) Chiselmouth X northern squawfish, hybrid Small catches were made at km. 169 and Normal range: Km. 120 to 169 (fig. 17, below (table A- 15). This hybrid was also A- table 12). taken during other studies from an irri- gation canal that returns to the river Speckled dace (5) near km. 217 and at the Prosser bypass Normal range: Km. 24 to 80 and 113 to trap (Patten, 1960). 281 (fig. 17, table A-13). Redside shiner X speckled dace, hybrid Centers of abundance: Km. 56, 137,217, and 250. Individuals of this putative parentage were Comn-ients: Speckled dace are abundant collected at km. 153, 209, and 258 in the main Yakima River and ex- (table A-16) and were frequently taken tremely so in irrigation canals where during another study in an irrigation flows are more moderate and stable. canal that returns to the river near Forty- three percent of all speckled km. 217. dace were caught in an irrigation out- Bridgelip sucker (8) let at km. 217. Normal range: Km. 8 to 72 and 113 to Redside shiner (2) 250 (fig. 19, table A- 17). range: Km. to 32 and 113 to Normal Largescale sucker (4) 250 (fig. 18, table A- 14). Centers of abundance: Km. 120 to 177, Normal range: Km. to 250 (fig. 19, 217, 225, and 250. table A- 18). Comments: Redside shiners are abun- Period of abundance: Some indication of dant in the main Yakima River, espe- an increase in numbers in the spring. cially above km. 120, and extremely Comm^ents: In the lower Columbia River numerous in irrigation canals. during May, largescale suckers migrate

13 50 100 ISO 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.)

Figure 20.—CPUE {catch per unit of effort) of black bull- head from the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 and 1958, by sampling site.

A-22), and a few were collected during other studies in an irrigation canal that returns to the Yakima River near km. 217.

Bluegill and pumpkinseed (combined, 17) Bluegill and pumpkinseed were found below km. 217 in areas with low water velocity and at km. 8 (fig. 22, table A-23).

Smallmouth bass (14)

Normal range: Km. to 64 (fig. 23, table A- 24).

Largemouth bass (16) Normal range: Km. to 16, and 97 to 113 (fig. 23, table A-25).

Black crappie (12 )

Normal range: Km. to 48 and 89 to 113 (fig. 24, table A-26).

100: Periods of abundance: The greater 50 lOO 150 200 250 28i catches were made from January to MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) DISTANCE FROM May 1958. Comments: Black crappies were usually Figure 19.—CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of bridgeUp, in schools in areas w^ith heavy largescale, and mountain sucker from the main stem of found along the of the stream. the Yakima River in 1957 and 1958, by sampling site. cover banks

Yellow perch (26) into some tributary streams to spawn; however, spawning migrations could not Yellow i>erch were taken at km, 89 and be detected in the Yakima River. to 16 (fig. 25, table A-27).

Mountain sucker (20) Prickly sculpin (27) Small numbers of mountain sucker were Prickly sculpins were taken between taken predominantly between km. 153 km, 129 and 209 (fig. 26, table A-28). and 250 (fig. 19; table A- 19).

Largescale sucker X bridgelip sucker , Mottled sculpin (11) hybrid Normal range: Knn. 16 1 to 281 (fig. 26, Individuals suspected to be of this par- table A- 29), entage were collected at km. 32, 129, and 169 (table A- 20). Piute sculpin (13)

Black bullhead (22) Normal range: Km. 177 to 281 (fig. 26, table A- 30). of black bullhead were Small numbers Periods of abundance: The greatest taken km. and 105 (fig. 20, between catches of Piute sculpins were made A-21), usually in areas with mud table in November. bottom and low water velocity.

Sand roller (23) Torrent sculpin (7) Sand rollers were consistently taken be- Normal range: Km. 145 to 281 (fig. 26, tween km. 145 and 161 (fig. 21, table table A- 31).

14 100 ujlOO I 2 I 'lOO "lOO 50 100 150 200 250 281 50 100 150 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) Figure 25.—CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of yellow sand roller Figure 21.—CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of perch from the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 Yaldma River In 1957 and from the main stem of the and 1958, by sampUng site. 1958, by sampling site. PRICKLY SCULPIN 400 100 -



200 - 400 50 100 150 200 250 281 200 PIUTE SCULPIN DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.)

(catch per unit of effort) of blueglU Figure 22.~CPUE a. and pumpklnseed (combined) from the main stem of the o Yakima River In 1957 and 1958, by sampling site. 200 400 TORRENT SCULPIN SMALLMOUTH BASS 200


200 200 LARGEMOUTH BASS 1200 400, r 100 150 200 250 281 50 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) Figure 26.—CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of prickly, mottled, Piute, and torrent sculpln from the main stem of the Yakima River in 1957 and 1958. by sampling site. 50 100 150 200 250 281 DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) EFFECT OF WATER TEMPERATURE AND Figure 23.— CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of smallmouth ON DISTRIBUTION OF FISH and largemouth bass from the main stem of the Yakima FLOW River In 1957 and 1958, by sampling site. Many environmental factors control the dis- tribution and abundance of fish in the Yakima and velocity 400 River. Differences in temperature of the water, however, so clearly coincided with observed changes in abundance and dis- 200 tribution of some species that we believe they are dominant influences. = The volume of the Yakima River is low and the surface area relatively high in summer in diver- 200- sections below irrigation and power sions; the low volume of water is heated by air and solar radiation, especially below the 400 Sunnyside and Wapato irrigation diversions (between the sampling sites at km. 145 and 100 150 200 250 281 50 153). For example, during the sampling trip DISTANCE FROM MOUTH OF RIVER (KM.) of July 15 to August 7, 1957, the average tem- perature for the three sites above these dams Figure 24.—CPUE (catch per unit of effort) of black crap- 1957 was 15° C, and for the three sites below, ple from the main stem of the Yakima River in 20° C. The section near the dams also seemed and 1958, by sampling site.

15 . . '

to be a boundary for the distribution of lam- water temperatures or died from the effects prey, salmon, trout, and sculpin, all of which of high tennperatures. were absent in summer collections at sampling The composition of species downstream sites downstream of km. 145. Because the of the irrigation diversions differed greatly dams do not prevent downstream movements, from the composition immediately upstream these species ^vere probably blocked by high (table 5). Mosf^ chiselmouth, carp, northern squawfish, speckled dace, leopard dace, black bullhead, pumpkinseed, bluegill, smallmouth Table 5. — Catch per vmit of effort of fish bass, largemouth bass, black crappie, and taken downstream (km. 0-14-5) and upstream yellow perch were taken at stations down- (km. 153-281) of the Sunnyside and Wapato stream of the diversions; most lamprey, irrigation diversions, by species, 1957-58 salnnon, mountain whitefish, cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, red- Downstream Upstream side shiner, mountain sucker, sand roller, Species the the prickly sculpin, mottled sculpin, Piute sculpin, diversions diversions-'- and torrent sculpin were taken upstream of the diversions. The species upstream are usually CPUE CPUE indicative in Washington of cold water--with the possible exception of redside shiner--and Lamprey 18 146 Table 6. —Relative temperature (cold or warm) 108 Salmon 2,076 and velocity ( low or high) or water from Mountain whitefish. 958 2, 124- which most fish of each species were col- Cutthroat trout 6 lected in the main stem of the Yakima River Rainbow trout 22 268 in 1957 and 1958 Brown trout ID 20 Brook trout 20 Water Water Dolly Varden 2 Species temperature velocity Chiselmouth 9, 624 2, 058 Carp 2,550 16 Cold Warm Low High Peamou-th 2 Northern squawfish. 4,320 1,560 Longnose dace 346 384 Lamprey X Leopard dace 238 68 Salmon X X Speckled dace 2,084 712 Mountain whitefish. X X Redside shiner 2,098 4,090 Cutthroat trout. ... X X Rainbow trout X X Bridgelip sucker.... 1,060 954 Brown trout X X Brook Largescale sucker... 3,136 1,890 trout X Chisel mouth X Mountain sucker 34 194 Carp Northern squawfish. Black bullhead 104 Longnose dace Leopard dace Sand roller ID 44 Speckled dace Redside shiner fumpkinseed-bluegill 562 12 Bridgelip sucker. . Small mouth bass 830 Largescale sucker. . Largemouth bass 692 6 Mountain sucker. ... X Black crappie 1, 642 Black bullhead Yellow perch 28 Sand roller X Pumpkinseed- blue- Prickly sculpin 6 16 gill - Mottled sculpin 8 1,802 Small mouth bass. ... Piute sculpin 804 Largemouth bass. ... Torrent sculpin 30 2,566 Black crappie Yellow perch Hybrids ( -varioxos) ... 24 W Prickly sculpin. ... X Mottled sculpin. ... X •"• Catches in, and near, small streams at Piute sculpin X km. 217 and 250 were not similar to adjacent Torrent sculpin. ... X sampling sites, and are excluded from this table. the species downstream usually indicate warm Fish populations were sampled at 35 sites water; we, therefore, assumed that the main in the main stem (lower 2 81 km.) of the Yakima reason for the difference in composition of River at approximately 2-month intervals for species was water temperature. 13 months in 1957 and 1958. Thirty-three of Temperatures in smaller stretches of the the 37 species of fish known from the Yakima Yakima River also seem to influence the were taken in collections numbering 34,733 distribution of some fish. For example, sum- specimens. Distribution and abundance are mer temperatures were lower in the canyons given for species and family groups. Dominant from km. 177 to 201 and 233 to 250 than in the families by decreasing order of abundance valleys. Few cyprinids and catostonnids were were: Cyprinidae, Catostomidae, Salmonidae, observed in canyon areas compared with the Cottidae, and Centrarchidae. Dominant spe- sampling sites in the open valleys. cies by decreasing order of abundance were: Throughout the study, few fish were taken chiselmouth, redside shiner, northern squaw- from km. 69 to 89. Here the drop in elevation fish, largescale sucker, speckled dace, moun- (fig. 2) and the water velocity are low, and the tain whitefish, torrent sculpin, salmon (chinook bottom is mud and sand (table 1). The riffles and coho salmon combined), and carp. The dis- and rock bottoms in adjacent portions of the tribution of fish in the Yakima River appears Yakima River are lacking in this area. Al- to be affected by summer water temperatures. though six species of were conr^monly Cold-water type fish are generally above taken in warm water of low velocity (table 6), km. 153 and warm-water type fish below this the only one to frequent km. 60 to 89 con- point. The section between km, 72 and 89 of sistently was the carp. Evidently the other the Yakima River which has low velocity, high species were not adapted to the environment summer temperatures, and a mud and silt in this part of the river. bottom, has the fewest species and lowest numbers of fish. FISH SPECIES THAT RESIDE WITH The main spawning area of coho and spring JUVENILE SALMON chinook salmon is between km. 2 50 and 281. Their progeny live with 25 other species of The location of spawning grounds and be- fish for a prolonged period during presmolt havior of the juvenile salmon before and during stages, after which they pass (on their seaward seaward migration determine the area in the migration) through the Yakima River's popu- Yakima River where young salmon and asso- lations of 32 nonsalmon species. ciated fish live. These factors vary within and Fall chinook salmon en^erge from redds between the species of salmon. below km. 153 and are exposed immediately to Juvenile coho and spring chinook salmon 27 species of fish, and to greater numbers of would be strongly influenced by the other fish predatory fishes than the coho and spring above km. 153 because they live in this por- chinook salmon. The duration of this exposure tion of the Yakima River during their first is less, however, as fall chinook salmon mi- year of life. Salmon reside with 2 5 nonsalmon grate to the sea during the spring soon after species above km. 153; salmon are generally their emergence from the gravel. more abundant than the cyprinids and catostom- ids. Juvenile coho and spring chinook salmon ACKNOWLEDGMENTS are more closely associated with other salmon, trout, and sculpins. In the spring of their sec- R. E. Morgan, V. Cornier, J. Sims, and ond year of life, coho and spring chinook salmon E. Rutledge assisted in field collections and migrate to sea and must pass through dense processing of specimens. R. E. Pearson helped populations of resident fishes in the central and with the manuscript. V. E. Coleman prepared lower portions of the Yakima River (fig. 7). the figures. Fall chinook salmon spawn below km. 153, and their progeny emerge from the gravel into LITERATURE CITED an area inhabited by 27 nonsalmon species. The abundance of cyprinids, catostomids, and cen- BAILEY, REEVE M., and CARL E, BOND. trarchids is high. The duration of this associ- 1963. Four new species of freshwater scul- ation is short because of the early migration of pins, genus Cottus, from western North fall chinook salmon fry, but the exact effects of America. Univ. Mich., Occas. Pap. these fish on the salmon are unknown. Mus. Zool. (634): 27 pp. BRYANT, FLOYD C, and ZELL E. PARK- SUMMARY HURST. 1950. Survey of the Columbia River and its We studied a large tributary of the Columbia tributaries- -Part IV. Area III Washing- River to obtain information on the abundance ton streams from the Klickitat and Snake and distribution of fish that live with juvenile Rivers to Grand Coulee Dam, with notes salmon. This information is needed to under- on the Columbia and its tributarie s above stand how other species may limit the pro- Grand Coulee Dam. U.S. Fish Wildl. duction of salmon. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 37, 108 pp.

17 DALr, HARRY. McFADDEN, JAMES T., and EDWIN L. 1959. Electronic fiihing with under- COOPER. water pul«e«. Electronic* 3Z(4): 1962. An ecological comparison of six popu-

31-33. lations of brown trout ( Salmo trutta ). FLINT, RICHARD T. Trans. Amer. Fish. See. 91: Si-TT. 1957. Glacial geology and the Pleiatocene O'MALLEY, HENRY. epoch. John Wiley and Sona, Inc., N.Y., 1928. Report of the Commissioner of Fish- 589 pp. eries for the fiscal year ended June 30, rULTON, LIONARD A. 1928. Rep. U.S. Fish Comm, 1928, 1968. Spawning areaa and abundance of Pt. I: I- XXXII.

Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchua PATTEN, BENJAMIN G. tahawytacha) in the Columbia River 1960. A high incidence of the hybrid Acro- Baain. -past and present. U.S. Fish cheilus alutaceum (sic) X Ptychocheilus

Wild. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 571, oregonensis . Copeia 1960: 71-73. 26 Fp. PATTEN, BENJAMIN G., and CHARLES C. CILBIRT, CHARLES H., and BARTON W. GILLASPIE. EVERMANN. 1966. The Bureau of Connmercial Fisheries 1894. A report upon inveatigationa in the Type IV electrofishing shocker--it8 Colunnbia River basin, with descrip- characteristics and operation. U.S. tions of four new species of fish. Bull. Fish Wildl, Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. U.S. Fish Comm. 14: 169-207. 529, 15 pp. JORDAN, DAVID STARR, and BARTON WAR. REIMERS, PAUL E., and CARL E. BOND. REN EVERMANN. 1967. Distribution of fishes in tributaries 1898. The fishes of North and middle Amer- of the lower Columbia River. Copeia ica. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 47, Pt. II: 1967: 541-550. 1241-2183. SCHOENEMAN, DALE E., RICHARD T. PRES- MAJOR, RICHARD L,, and JAMES L. SEY, and CHARLES O. JUNGE, JR. MIGHE LL. 1961. Mortalities of downstream migrant 1969. Egg-to-migrant survival of spring salmon at McNary Dam. Trans. Amer.

Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchua tshawy- Fish. Soc. 90: 58-72. tscha) in the Yakima Hiver, Washington. WELCH, PAUL S. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serr., Fish. Bull. 1948. Limnological methods. Blakiston 67: 347-359. Co., Philadelphia, 381 pp.


A-1. — Numbers of Pacific and western brook lanprey (combined) caught and CPUE (catch per unit of effort), main stem of the Yakijna River, 1957-58

Distance Table A-3. --Numbers of mountain whiteflah caught and CPUE (catch per unit of effort) main stem of the Yakima River, 1957-58

Distance Table A-5. --Numbers of rainbow trout caught and CPUE (catch per unit of effort) main stem of the Xi River, 1957-58

Dlstanoe Table A-8.--Nunibere of chlselmoath caught and CPITE (catch per unit of effort), main stem of the Yaldina River, 1957-58

Distance Table A-10. --Numbers of northern squawflsh caught and CPUE ( calch per unit of effort), aaln rtao of tha Taklna River, 1957-58

Distance Table A-12. —Numbers of leopard dace caught and CPUE (catch per unit of effort), main stem of the Yakima River, 1957-58

Distance Table A- 14 Numbers of redelde ahlner caught and CPUE (oatoh per unit of effort), main stem of the Yakima River, 1957-58

Distance Table A- 17. --Numbers of brldgelip sucker caught and GPUE (catch per unit of effort), main stem of the Yakima Ittver, 1957-58

Distance Table Table A-22. —Numbers of sand roller caught and CPUE (catch per unit of effort), main stem of the Y»lr1ma River, 1957-58

Distance upstream from river mouth Table A-25 . —Jtuinbers of largemouth bass caught and CPUE (catch per unit of effort), main stem of the Yakima River, 1957-58

Distance Table A-27. — Numbers of yellow perch caught and CPUE (catch per unit of effort), main stem of the Yakima River, 1957-58

Distance Table A-30. —Numbers of Piute sculpin caught and CPUE (catch per unit of effort), main stem of the Yaidjoa River, 1957-58



Numbe r

557 CHARNELL, ROBERT L., DAVID W. K. AU, and GUNTER R. SECKEL. The trade wind zone oceanography pilot study. Part VI: Townsend Cronnwell cruises 16, 17, and 21. May and June 1965 and January 1966. June 1967, iv + 59 pp. 558 BERRY, FREDERICK H., and SHELBY DRUMMOND. Geographical index to collecting

stations of the exploratory fishing vessels Oregon , Silver Bay, Combat , and Pelican , 1950-65. October 1967, iii + 25 pp. 559 ZIMMERMAN, JEROME W. Water quality of streams tributary to Lakes Superior and Michigan. January 1968, iii + 41 pp. 560 BARR, LOUIS, and ROLAND McBRIDE. Surface-to-bottom pot fishing for Pandalis shrimp. December 1967, iii + 7 pp. 561 SALOMAN, CARL H. Diel and seasonal occurrence of pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad, in two divergent habitats of Tampa Bay, Florida. January 1968, iii + 6 pp. 562 SHERMAN, KENNETH. Seasonal and areal distribution of zooplankton incoastal waters of the Gulf of Maine, 1965 and 1966. March 1968, iii + 11 pp. 563 SINDERMANN, CARL J. Bibliography of oyster parasites and diseases. April 1968, i + 13 pp. 564 HOLMES, ROBERT W. Description and evaluation of methods for determining incident solar radiation, submarine daylight, chlorophyll A., and primary production used by Scripps tuna oceanography research program in the eastern tropical Pacific. Decem- ber 1968, iii+ 31 pp. 565 NICHOLS, PAUL R. Passage conditions and counts of fish at the Snake Island fishway. Little Falls Dam, Potomac River, Md., 1960-63. February 1968, iii + 14 pp. 566 SMITH, JIM ROSS, JOHN R. PUGH, and GERALD E. MONAN. Horizontal and vertical distribution of juvenile salmonids in Upper MayfieldReservoir, Washington. April 1968, iii + 11 pp. 567 WEBSTER, J. R., and W. N. SHAW. Setting and first season survival of the American

oyster, Crassostrea virginica , near Oxford, Maryland, 1961-62. July 1968, iii + 6 pp. 568 WISE, JOHN P. The Japanese Atlantic longline fishery, 1964, and the status of the yellowfin tuna stocks. August 1968, i + 5 pp. 569 SINDERMANN, CARL J. Oyster mortalities, with particular reference to Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic coast of North America. July 1968, iii + 10 pp. 570 ANDERSON, WILLIAM W. Fishes taken during shrimp trawling along the south Atlantic coast of the United States, 1931-35. July 1968. iv + 60 pp.

571 FULTON, LEONARD A. Spawning areas and abundance of chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River Basin--past and present. October 1968, iii + 26 pp. 572 TORBLAA, RICHARD L. Effects of lamprey larvicides on invertebrates in streams. August 1968. iii + 13 pp. 573 GRIFFITHS, RAYMOND C. Physical, chemical, and biological oceanography of the en- trance to the Gulf of California, spring of 1960. December 1968, iii + 47 pp. 574 BROCK, VERNON E., and RICHARD N. UCHIDA. Some operational aspects of the Ha-

waiian live-bait fishery for skipjack tuna ( Katsuwonus pelamis ). September 1968, iii + 9 pp. 575 JORGENSON, SHERRELL C, and GRANT L. MILLER. Length relations of some ma- rine fishes from coastal Georgia. November 1968, iii + 16 pp. 576 McLAIN, DOUGLAS R. Oceanographic surveys of Traitors Cove, Revillagigedo Island, Alaska. December 1968, iii + 15 pp. 577 ROWLAND, RICHARD G. Relation of scale characteristics to river of origin in four

stocks of Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Alaska. January 1969, iii + 5 pp.

As long as available, copies may be obtained by laboratories, libraries and individual scientists without charge by writing to: Division of Publications, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, 1801 N. Moore St., Arlington, Va. 22209.


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