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0 0 GLIDE number: N/A Activation ID: EMSR533 1 1 4 4 Int. Charter Act. ID: N/A Product N.: 01TIZIOUZOU, v1 N "

0 - ' 0 ° 7 3

N Wildfire - Situation as of 12/08/2021 " 0 ' 0 ° 7 3 Delineation - Overview map 01

Mediterran ean Sea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Balear ic 9 9 Portugal Sea Tyrrhen ian Sea

0 0 Medi terran ean Sea Italy

4 4 ^ Albo ran Sea

NORTH ATLA NTIC Tunis ia Boum erdès OCE AN

N Gu lf o f Ga bè s "

0 01 ' ! 5 Tizi ( Morocc o


° Tizi

6 Ouzou 3 02

N Ouzou " Algeria

0 Libya ' 5 5 °

6 Constantine 3 Mila

Azeffoun Bouira Mauritania ! Beni Sétif Bordj Bou Mali Ksila Niger ! Arréridj Oum el

L I e ɣ O T Bouaghi z ḥ a u

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0 Azzefoun 0 Afir Msila 40 0 0 Batna 0 0 km 8 8 0 Ait-Chaffaa 0 4 4

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' Carto g rap hic In fo rmatio n 0 5 ° 6 3 و أ ا Beni K'Sila د Full color A1, 200 dpi resolution ب ي 1:160000 ي t e k a S

Akerrou d e u O 0 3.25 6.5 13 km Bejaia Taourga Grid: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 31N map coordinate system B M a Tick marks: WGS 84 geographical coordinate system r a r ± a

0 Sidi Naamane h 0

0 e b g 0 0 g o e 0 0 a a 0 r i u N 7 e r u d 7 ag a Ait " 0 r 0 r o b 0 a e Toudja ' 4 B a 4 B i Aissa a ! 5 id Z 4 Leg en d S ! ° au e Mimoun 6

'e d Freha 3 d n e Crisis Inform ation Placenam es Transportation N a

" am ! 0 ' n a Placename Highway

5 !

4 Yakourene ° Azazga Active Flames 6 Built-U p Area Primary Road 3 Built-Up Area Secondary Road n u ! f w i Fire Fronts a Taourit Ighil Draâ s Hydrography b A Ben e Local Road S Burnt Area Coastline Khedda Oued Ghir Cart Track ! ا General Inform ation River ل ا ب Tizi Ouzou Taourirt Area of Interest Long-distance railway ل ح ! Stream ي Ighil س ر Draa-Ben-Khedda Land U se - Land Cover ! و ة Not Analysed ﺗﺎورﯾرت آﻏﯾل دا Lake Features available in the vector package ء Ig h il M ! Tala Adm inistrative boundaries

e n Adekkar z u r O o O r l Land Subject to Inundation n u Hamza

u h u g e e f F d u i h z u d a Tizi Ouzou Region ¼¼¼¼¼ s li e γ b g i d A a !

t ¼¼¼¼¼ !

A Natural Spring

l i

Tadmait W A

0 El Kseur 0 l ï Tizi-Rached

s f Ifelain Province ¼¼¼¼¼ i e 0 0

s N s " i X

0 0 ¼¼¼¼¼ A Ilmathen 0 Open Water Ta ' 0 ! 0 s O ift 0 6 6 u 4

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4 Mekla 3 4 ي A م m أ N Ait Khelili " ي F Souamaa i z

0 a د r ' o ا Ait n

و 0 a u 4 r ° Yahia Beni Aissi Ait 6 Tifra Consequences within the AOI 3 Moussa Oumalou Unit of measurement Affected Total in AOI Am izour ! Burnt area ha 46,599.6 Beni im d Active Flames No. 52 ue Zmenzer O am Fire Fronts km 33.1 m m l um o Estimated population Number of inhabitants 48,689 1.374 Mio. u S Built-up Residential Buildings ha 699.7 20,822.6 ! g ! Industrial buildings ha 0.0 285.0 Ait Zm enzer Beni-Douala Larbâa n Ath Tinedbar A n Communication buildings, stations, terminals and associated buildings ha 0.0 100.6 Irathen Transportation Highways km 0.0 249.1 im Primary Road km 93.9 1,142.8 Larbaa-Nath-Irathen Ait Aggouacha El Had Bouzeguène lm ! Secondary Road km 113.1 1,199.0 ! r Iɣ u e ẓer Sidi Aïch Local Road km 153.5 3,399.8 At Dw ala g ! ! ik Uxe A n du Sem ɛun Sem aoun ! Cart Track km 204.5 2,804.3 Souk El Y q a sif Timezrit Long-distance railways km 0.0 90.2 Khem is as ! emmam Land use Heterogeneous agricultural areas ha 1,491.3 58,002.1 Maatkas Iɣẓ S er Forests ha 33,153.8 188,050.4 suq n Uf ¼¼ ella Shrub and/or herbaceous vegetation association ha 11,474.2 147,041.5 Ig hzer n

Ait-Yahia N Inland wetlands ha 0.0 193.4

¼¼ Maâqa " Ig h l z 0 e ' Other ha 477.8 20,677.4 0 ¼¼ Ou r Ig 0 a 5 m L hz 0 0 a e 3 Ait-Mahmoud r e ¼¼ jn r °

0 a n 0

n 6 e Souk 0 0 i 3 ig h g hzer 5 zer 5 N o tazda Oufella " 0 uama it 0 ! r ig 0 h 4 4 ' ze Souk El n Aït Yenni h r 5 A a ig e mr hz n A s ic e 3 y i he r i t q Map In fo rmatio n l

° f Tenine f W ad i a ḍ n Ain-El-Hammam 6

s a a 3 s A w i i f !

Y Since 9 August, several forest fires are affecting the north-east of Algeria. The most affected Aïn El areas are the regions of Tizi Ouzou and Bejaia around 100km east of the capital Algiers. Ham m am Illoula Beni-Zikki Oumalou Following media reports, several houses are destroyed and at least 42 people have been killed. Tizi N'Tleta Ouadhia iṣe Iɣ ! b z b e


Mechtrass ṛ

n e

n Ouzzelaguen The present map shows the fire delineation in the area of Tizi Ouzou (Algeria). The thematic Iɣz ! eṛ n layer has been derived from post-event satellite image using a semiautomatic approach. "Not tem ! se

g g it analysed" indicates an area that could not be analysed in any of the post-event images. The s

n Iɣ u z

ṛ ( er scale of analysis is 1:100,000. The estimated geometric accuracy (RMSE) is 25 m or better, g I Iɣ n r e ɣ ive r Ouacif ze ze tm I z r t e r R t ɣ H e f n s ɣ e n g from native positional accuracy of the background satellite image. The minimum mapping e z g Yatafene l H d i n e e I lw e n n e u a a s a l l l l r n ! n w ṛ u ṛ n a unit (MMU) is 10000 sq m. h o i Ouacif n n g e n g e ) e z A g u ɣ

I T ! G Hellouane N

Chellata " 0

Boghni ' 0

A 3 g o Ait Toudert ° G u 6

0 n 0

u 3 Relevan t date reco rds (UTC) g h i 0 Ait Bouadou ra 0 N n

0 A 0 " e sif

0 R 0 n 0

' T I iv ifr g h Event 11/08/2021 10:00 Situation as of 12/08/2021 10:40

0 e it z

4 M 4 r e er 3 c n

0 h 0 ° aab 6 4 4 Activation 11/08/2021 11:20 Map production 13/08/2021 3 Aghni-Goughrane Ait Boumehdi Iferhounene Data so urces Ig hzer El Hakem إﻏرم U ⵉⴴⵔⴰⵎ a ! Pre-event image: Sentinel-2B (2021) (acquired on 13/06/2021 at 10:40 UTC, GSD 10 m, md Ighrem ! Ta im Akbou approx. 0% cloud coverage in AoI) provided under COPERNICUS by the European Union ulm and ESA. G Beni-Mellikeche O u e d Il lo Post-event image: Sentinel-2B (2021) (acquired on 12/08/2021 at 10:40 UTC, GSD 10 m, u la approx. 10% cloud coverage in AoI) provided under COPERNICUS by the European Union El Asnam and ESA. N " 0 '


5 Base vector layers:OpenStreetMap © OpenStreetMap contributors (2021), Wikimapia.org,

e 2 r

Saharidj ° a

Aghbalou 6 GeoNames 2015, Globe Land 30 (2010), Global Administrative Areas (2012), refined by the

B 3


E producer. N

" d 0 0 0 ' e Inset maps: JRC 2013, Natural Earth 2012, GeoNames 2015.

5 0 u 0

2 O 0 0 ° 6

0 El Adjiba 0 3 3 3 Population data: GHS Population Grid © European Commission, 2019 0 0

4 4 https://ghsl.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ghs_pop2019.php Digital Elevation Model: SRTM (90 m) (NASA/USGS)

Disclaimer M'Chedallah Products elaborated in this Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping activity are realized to the best of our ability, within a very short time frame, optimising the available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original sources. No liability concerning the contents or the use thereof is assumed by the producer and by the European Union.

N Delivery formats are Layered Geospatial PDF, GeoJPEG and vector (ESRI shapefiles, " 0 '

0 Google Earth KML, GeoJSON). 2 ° 6 3

N Map produced by Telespazio Iberica released by e-GEOS (ODO). " 0 ' 0 2 ° For the latest version of this map and related products visit 6 0 0 3 0 0 https://emergency.copernicus.eu/EMSR533 0 0

0 0 [email protected] 2 2

0 0 © European Union 4 4

For full Copyright notice visit https://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/ems/cite-copernicus- ems-mapping-portal N " 0 ' 5 1 ° 6 3 N " 0 ' 5 1 ° 6 3

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