Awaits Pope's Meatless Friday Ruling He Called on the Fish Industry to Small Fish Markets," Charles "It's Going to Hurt a Little, but Fish for a Change of Menu," Mr
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. LMf To- ,. Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. nild M«. High tomorrirw DIAL <MS; MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1965. PAGE ONE , NO. 117 ssr ssssr 7c PER COPY Dealers, Restaurateurs Hope Public Keeps Eating Fish Awaits Pope's Meatless Friday Ruling He called on the fish industry to small fish markets," Charles "It's going to hurt a little, but fish for a change of menu," Mr. By DORIS KCLMAN . • "same detrimental effect" on the, ringing, according to a diocesan improve its marketing pro- Kurica, owner of Bayshora Fish- not too much," Charles Gaskin, Koch predicted. Monmouth County fish dealers, state's $15 million-a-year fishing spokesman. : cedures and launch an education- eries, Cliffwood, said. son of Mrs. Con Gaskin, owner Canned Fish and. sea. owners industry, and the Fishery Council The .state's edible commercial of New York and the Mid-Atlantic catch last year weighed a whop- al campaign emphasizing the low He said some small markets/ of Conover Gaskin's Sea Food Mr. Koch suggested the relaxa- •re counting on the' public's taste. Market, Ocean Ave., Long .Area, Inc.,is mapping a JUOO.QOO- ping 33,286,000 pounds, according . cost and the low cholesterol con- now competing for a one-day-a- tion of the Friday fast will cut for 'fish to keep .cash registers tent of sea food. ', week business but unable to hold Branch, said. deepest into the sales of canned jingling despite an expected pro- a-year '. campaign to ' convince (o Lester McNamark, head at Local wholesale and retail deal- a week-long supply, might be "There probably will be a drop fish. nouncement from; Pope Paul VI Americans fish is great table fare the Fish and Game Council. ers anticipate a temporary drop forced to close. in sales for a short period," Ed- "There's a lot of canned tuna 'changing .the rule for Friday any day of the'-week. • "Even a 10 per cent decrease . in sales if Catholics are permit- "People will still eat fish one ward Koch, part-owner of O. E. fish eaten on Fridays, particular- abstinence from meat. -Meanwhile, Catholics seeking in consumption would be a.sig- ted meat on Fridays. day a week," Mr. Kurica said, Peterson, Inc., Monmouth Beach, ly by children in school lunch But the N. J. Fish and'Game authoritative information have nificant decline - and the drop "It will have a big effect on "but it just won't be all the sama said. programs," he said. Council expects relaxation of the teen Keeping telephones in the might be more than that," Mr, everyone, but particularly the day." "But people will, go back to (See FISH, Page 3) rule — when it comes —to have office of the Trenton Diocese. McNamara. said. Freehold Association Votes Unanimously Teachers Reject Pay Guide FREEHOLD — In a move sur- tee to work out an alternative be- ident of newly-chartered Free "And I shall remind him that mising no one, the Freehold tween the board plan and a much hold Regional Teachers Federa in no place have members of the Teachers Association rejected more ambitious schedule asked tion, pledged support of that federation . crossed picket lines yesterday a proposed new salary by. the association. group to whatever action the bet-where formed to enforce a teach- guide offered by the Regional Details Withheld ter-established association de- ers strike.." High School Boaid of Education. Both the association and the cides upon. Mr. Mey^er said the associa- Robert Meyer, president of the administration continued to with- "As a minority organization in tion's salary committee, Bernard unit, said the plan was turned hold announcement of details of school," he sjiid, "we do not pre.Reinhardt, chairman; Frank An- down unanimously at a brief the two proposals. Mr. Meyer said tend to speak for the teachers tion, and Robert Usgrovies. meeting after school at the Free- the teachers want a guide with and therefore will not seek to take "We are gratified," said the hold High School building. fewer steps than the 27 listed now part in negotiations. president, "that even though we He said, however, that the in achieving maximum pay, plus "But I am writing to Mr. Mey-have no agreement on a guide school board lias consented to a school-supplied package of er pledging our support in what- the board is willing to continue meet tonight with the associa- fringe benefits. ever action his group determines negotiations in a sincere effort lion's salary negotiations commit- Meanwhile, Robert Smith, pres- to take. to reach an amicable solution." Joint Library Board Stalls Decision About Location MATAWAN - Planning for a She cited library employees' Division of Local Government, costs between the two munici- new joint library here has come fusal to work in the building be- and with state library officials. palities. ' . to a halt. cause of unsafe conditions. The Representing the joint board He referred the group to Rog- The Joint Library Board of president said that minimum re- were Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Kay er H. McDonough, state li- pairs, to guarantee safety, will brarian, who, in turn, referred fWW, FOR THOSE FISH l-.Thrr*£e«tfU^j)^ busy Belford port of Raritan Bay Trustees, without a vote, de termined last night to postpone have to be made as quickly as Stringer, Donald Burry and archi- it to Mrs. Frances W. Smith, »»th» boat* of commercjal.fislisrmen i«il off fa try their luclf in their favorite gathering placet. M»ny owners are action until after Regional Board possible. tect Ernest O. Bostrum. Mr. public library services consul- •I jof th» North Jersey Commercial Fishermen's Association, which now seeks to bring a halt to the bay's of Education elections Feb. 1. The shelving of construction Skillman told them that there Is tant. ' ; When the new school board or- nothing he can do about the Not Mandatory W«tff pollution. , •' ' ; ^: ,: ;; . .'•• ' T . ' .:.,|R«jis.t«r Staff Photo by Pomlordi) plans followed -conferences in ganizes, the Library Board will Trenton Monday with George C plans, other than rule on the Mrs. Smith: said that, although seek to learn if land Is available Skillman, director of the state fairness of apportionment of (See LIBRARY, Page 3) it the Regional High School tite for a library. Mrs. Evelyn Carter, board president, nevertheless insisted that township officials should, ini State Pushes Middletown |ishermen's Unit Will Continue tiate inquiries with school offi- cials, since it is their desire to see the proposed building located at the school. The board meanwhile, de For Regional Sewer Plan termined to expedite plans to Its Fight on 'Discrimination' TRENTON -4- Officials of'the repair and re-open the main li Health Vice President Vincent wants more accurate sewage gal- state Department of Health but also voted to meet with the "These junk cars, debris arid bkry which has been closed P. Lamb, Committeeman Harold lonage figures, from the six BELFORD.— The North Jersey cil. He is one of two commercia made it clear yesterday that the lishermen serving on the 11-mari Township Committee for discus- even a sunken ship will fill up the for several weeks because of a H. Foulks and' sewer engineer towns, before Mr. Ricigliano 'Cdmraercial' Fishermen's Associa- state will do all in its power to Charles J. Kupper. completes his report on a dye tion will continue its fight against council. sion of this. only strip we.have legally left to faulty chimney. fish. We may as.well fish in New force Middletown, Atlantic High- Mr. Shaw said he is not cer- test study made of Compton's alleged discrimination with virtu- One of the association's alms Mr. Nelsoh angrily denounced a Mrs. Carter, while comment- lands, Highlands, Marlboro, Colts York," he added. ing that the chimney will be tain Middletown needs to build Creek and Sandy Hook Bay — ally the same slate of officers for i, to have a more equal reprer proposed plan of the U.S. Army Neck and Holmdel to form a re- an ocean outfall line for a six- and before the state makes a fi- sentation on the council. Mr. Richardson suggested tha replaced today, reported that the gional sewer district. Engineers to sink artificial reefs building will not be re-opened town regional system, at least nal determination on the outfall With the exception of the vice The election, in the Independent Middletown officials learned off-shore, from Sandy Hook to the Engineers use a small sec- until other repairs have been in the .initial stage. line. president, all officers are.carry- Belford firehouse last night,1 was this at a meeting with Robert 3elmar. (See FISHERMEN, Page 3) made. His opinion differed from that The state hopes to release the overs from last year. They are: unanimous for all officers. A. Shaw, assistant director of expressed a month ago by An- report next Friday. Leonard Nelson, 467 Main St., Bel- Mr. Nelson declared that a dye the department. thony J. Ricigliano, department Middletown officials suggested ford, president; John L. Deckert, test paid for by the association Picks Mazza Statement Apart The session was attended by principal engineer, who cited the that Atlantic Highlands, High- Jr.; 29 South Bay Ave., Highlands, and conducted by Dr. James Monmouth County, Planning need for such a line or for ter- lands and towns along the Nave- vice president; Martin W. Feld- Westman, a biologist of Rutgers Board Director Charles M. Pike, tiary treatment. sink River, as an alternate tu a man, Motor' Rt.